Work Experience: Personal

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A person who adapts seamlessly to contantly evolving accounting process and technology. Expert
about budget forecasting, cash management reporting, asset management, account receivable
analizing. Specialize in finance treasury , budgeting and account receivable. Have a project about “
Cash Flow by system via SAP and Astranet, Vendor Management System”

Debbie Yanti Feb 2010 - Aug 2018 Treasury Analyst
PT Astra International Tbk - HSO, Jakarta
51, Jembatan Lama street RT 1. To review and monitor cash flow on a constant basis and assess the
005/RW 007 various payment activities and methods; maintaining a day to day control
13570 Jakarta Timur over treasury transactions and authorization of bank payments
Phone number 2. Ensure the efficient management of company’s bank accounts
+6281211099087 3. Check and verify cash transactions; and also investigate and propose
Email possible resolution for any discrepancies 4. Reconcile and process transactions that are complex in nature, and
reconciling of bank statements against the GL, and clearing accounts
INTERESTS assigned
5. Manage cash flow, financial, billing, AR/AP, Petty Cash, and related
Reads book, travelling

Sep 2018 General Affair Analyst
PT Astra International Tbk, Jakarta
1. Administers and monitors service contracts to ensure work is properly
performed and processes claims for payment
2. Manage the vendors for contracted work such as security, gardening &
cleaning services, pest control, drinking water and office machinery.
Recommend options for improvement, value‑add and cost savings.
3. Provide daily support services for various departments of the company
such as lunch box/catering, mailing support, car pooling,etc.
4. Create, control, review, verivy the budgeting and cost realization in
purchasing activities and analysis as in line with budget policy in order to
have an effective budget cost control.
5. Asset management.


Sep 2013 - Mar 2015 Bachelor of Accountancy

Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta

Jul 2006 - Aug 2009 Diploma of Accountancy

Politeknik Negeri Jakarta (UI), Depok



Ms. Office

Project : Automatic payment via bank transfer (connecting SAP with E‑Banking)
Project: Cash Flow Program (request cash flow via portal)


Jun 2008 - Sep 2008 MYOB

IPTEC Trimitsa

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