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Strategies of SHS Student-Entrepreneurs of

Gilboy, Elaine Mae G., Legaspi, Kei Aren A., Lopez-Dee, Kurt Denzel B., Francisco,
Mark Rouen G., Faustino, Vanessa Rose D., Mendoza, Katrina Nicole
Accountancy, Business and Management Strand
Senior High School Department


Introduction- The purpose of this study is to give new strategies and ideas from the

strategies used by the SHS student-entrepreneurs of UPHSD to incoming or existing

student-entrepreneurs and to anyone who are planning or already has a business

venture. Previous researches addressed the influence of universities, impact of

entrepreneurship courses and training, and the issues affecting the student-

entrepreneurs’ strategy. Despite these efforts, the extant literature lacks of information

about the strategies student-entrepreneurs are using, did not address the suggestions or

recommendations to overcome the issues affecting the student-entrepreneurs strategy

and there are very few studies found in Philippines about the strategies of student-


Methodology- The study was conducted in the University of Perpetual Help System

Dalta-Molino, there are currently thousands of students studying in the chosen research

site so the chances of finding specific respondents is good enough to provide needed

information for the study. Descriptive type is the research design because it is useful when

not much is known yet about the topic or problem and the research instrument is a

Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 1

researcher-made questionnaire. The participants purposively chosen are fifty-one senior

high school student-entrepreneurs of University of Perpetual Help System Dalta-Molino.

Survey was the data gathering procedure that the researchers used in their study. The

data was analyzed using the pie chart and descriptive statistics to provide simple

summaries about the data. It also enables the data to be presented in a more meaningful

way, which allows simpler interpretation of the data.

Findings – The outcome of the study shows in the background information that most of

the student-entrepreneurs that answered our questionnaires are very independent in their

business. It also shows that student-entrepreneurs mostly use online platform in using

their strategies. The last part also shows that student-entrepreneurs got their challenges

with using their strategies in their personal lives and use of marketing the most and

challenges in their academics and financial lesser based on the results of their


Recommendation – This study could be recommended to the future researchers for

looking for strategies or ways to succeed in the business industry, involving student-

entrepreneurs or small businesses. Results of the study could lead to recognize the

significance of student-entrepreneurs in the country. Therefore, this research will help

student-entrepreneurs to analyze different strategies and be able to grow into a larger

business that will help the country’s economy and for future researcher’s studies.

Keywords: Student-Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Strategies, Senior High School

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Background of the Study

Today, many universities are engaged in providing entrepreneurial education,

encouraging entrepreneurship and contributing to economic and social welfare (Ahmed

et al., 2017; Budyldina, 2018). As a result, it is now very common finding a student-

entrepreneur. “Entrepreneurship is first and foremost a mindset” (OECD, 2008, p.75) and

“learning methods based in the flow of experiences, experiments, ideas and realization

are central to the pedagogy of entrepreneurship” (OECD, 2008, p.13).

This holistic approach –that we call “entrepreneurial push strategy”–is translated into

specific actions, such as entrepreneurship courses, opportunities to incubate new

ventures, entrepreneurial challenges, business plan competitions, interaction with

entrepreneurs that play role models and awards to innovative business ideas (Duval

Couetil, 2013). An “entrepreneurial push strategy” is the sum of entrepreneurship courses

and the whole set of activities a university promotes to foster students’ entrepreneurship


In addition, Dodgson and Gann (2020) said that universities play a crucial role in

underpinning innovation and entrepreneurial activities. They provide the conditions,

facilities and talent that foster the emergence of breakthrough ideas. Many have systems

in place to support the development of new ideas so that they have practical use like the

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta.

Entrepreneurship, as one of driving forces, is very important for economic growth and

development (Baumol et al. 2007, P133). Drucker and Coulson-Thomas (2005) point out

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that “the drivers of growth in modern economics are not large industrial companies, but

rather, new and small business”, these new and small businesses refers to the

entrepreneurial ventures as such student-entrepreneurs.

With that said, these new or existing student-entrepreneurs might be using an effective

entrepreneurial strategy that they discover themselves that many people did not think of.

Student-entrepreneurs might be using some entrepreneurial strategy such as spotting a

new trend and pounce, creating budgets, earn critical life skills such as problem-solving,

brainstorming ideas, taking risks, facing failure and getting up again, setting goals,

working together, feeling comfortable to work individually or more strategies that they

found effective themselves from their own experience or just their own.

Therefore, this study aims to give new strategies and ideas from the strategies used by

the SHS student-entrepreneurs of UPHSD to incoming or existing student-entrepreneurs

and to anyone who are planning to start their business venture or already have an existing

business venture.

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Review of Related Literature

A. Influence of Universities to Student-entrepreneurs Strategies

In the last decades, the role of universities is no longer only production and

dissemination of knowledge but also stimulation of entrepreneurial behaviors and

promotion of new businesses’ creation (Bergmann et al., 2016). Increasingly, universities

have taken an active role as agents of economic development (Guerrero et al., 2017),

characterizing themselves as “entrepreneurial universities” (Etzkowitz et al., 2008).

Indeed, entrepreneurial universities are always associated with academic

entrepreneurship and the creation of technology-based companies” (Mascarenhas et al.,

2017, p. 330).

The concept of entrepreneurial university assumes diverse perspectives, but there is

consensus on the importance of supporting the education of entrepreneurs and an

environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship (Bergmann et al., 2016).

Among the actions and support mechanisms that we have named “entrepreneurial push

strategy,” the literature highlights entrepreneurship courses (Bergmann et al., 2016;

Duval-Couetil, 2013; Pfeifer et al., 2016), executive education facilities (Looi and Khoo-

Lattimore, 2015) as business incubators, technology parks, startup accelerators

(Guerrero et al., 2017) or even an atmosphere of business support (Bergmann et al.,

2016), networking with executives and bankers and social support. It also includes the

use of case studies, creativity-enhancing assignments and workshops, project-based

learning, guest speakers and field trips (Shahid et al., 2017). Therefore, a university that

adopts an “entrepreneurial push strategy” attempts to provide several of the above

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mentioned programs with the aim of helping the development of student-entrepreneurs.

This is a more holistic approach to foster entrepreneurship than simple offering

entrepreneurship education.

B. Impact of Entrepreneurship Courses and Training on the Strategies of Student-


Entrepreneurship education has a vital role in guiding all learners to become more

entrepreneurial-minded (Hegarty, 2006). In the Philippines, the CHED sees

entrepreneurship education as a means to create employers not employees after

obtaining college diploma. It has envisioned that graduates will be trained and developed

with all the necessary values and skills to take risks in venturing into business. However,

the road to the delivery of entrepreneurship education by HEIs has been fraught with

many challenges and even competing ideologies and pedagogies. Its effectiveness in

producing “entrepreneurs” remains to be empirically proven and felt in the coming years

(de Ocampo, Bagano & Tan, 2012).

The impact of entrepreneurship courses and training on the strategies of student-

entrepreneurs shows controversial evidence. For instance, Kassean et al. (2015, p. 697)

found that “courses designed to encourage students into entrepreneurship through

utilizing various traditional pedagogical tools may not be fully accomplishing the desired

goal of enhancing students’ motivational processes related to entrepreneurship.” Lyons

and Zhang (2018) identified that students who attended technological entrepreneurship

courses have a higher probability of undertaking entrepreneurial activity, but this intention

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varies by individual. In general, students with previous experience in entrepreneurship

and business are more likely to have a weak influence from the entrepreneurship course.

These programs tend to be more effective for individuals who have had limited access to

technological entrepreneurship opportunities. Thus, it is necessary to know whenever and

whoever may take advantage of entrepreneurial actions (Lyons and Zhang, 2018).

In the Philippines, around 45 percent of those engaged in early stage entrepreneurship

belong to the group of 18-34 years old, with high school graduates dominating the start-

up phase (Reyes, 2015). In addition, various well-known and successful business

establishments in the country are owned by individuals who started their business when

they were in their early 20’s, with some starting at the age of 17, without necessarily

having specific entrepreneurial backgrounds (Concepcion, 2011).Correspondingly,

Malolos (2017) states that not all successful entrepreneurs have entrepreneurship or

business degrees. Oftentimes, these individuals have inherent entrepreneurial skills,

which they hone overtime to propel their business to success. Factors such as leadership

skills, creativity and problem-solving skills contribute effectively to students’

entrepreneurial capabilities (Ramos, 2014).

C. Issues affecting Student-entrepreneurs Strategy

According to Sugiarto (2014), some of the challenges faced by students are similar to

those faced by entrepreneurs in general, and could be classified under financial,

managerial, marketing, production, and technological. This argument mirrors findings

from other literature (Fatoki & Garve 2010, Fatoki 2014) indicating that access to finance,

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poor networking, lack of business management skills, and labor costs are key challenges

faced by students in their entrepreneurial engagements.

Regarding strategies employed in balancing student entrepreneurial activities and

schoolwork, Ndirangu & Bosire (2004) reported that student entrepreneurs in their sample

varied opening times based on free hours and their understanding of when business

boomed (e.g. opening for longer hours at the beginning of the semester when they

perceived students had more money). Student entrepreneurs compensated for missed

lectures by copying notes from colleagues and studied into the night (Ndirangu & Bosire

2004). For those who opened all day, strategies employed included engaging others such

as friends, family, business partners, and employees to assist with running the business

(Ndirangu & Bosire 2004).

For entrepreneurs working in groups, such as student entrepreneurial leaders, empirical

work conducted by Bagheri & Pihie (2011) suggest that additional setbacks such as

cultural diversity, low confidence in themselves, and poor commitment of group members

exist. Nevertheless, it can be argued that irrespective of the route used by student

entrepreneurs, the challenge of balancing entrepreneurship and schoolwork (Ndirangu &

Bosire 2004) applies, and this is a feature that is unique to them.

Synthesis and Research Gap

The above collection of both foreign and local studies provides information to the

proponents that their proposed study has similarities with other system, which is widely

used. As stated in the first topic of the related literature, which is the Influence of

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Universities to Student-entrepreneurs Strategies, shows that the role of universities,

which is dissemination of knowledge, is very important to the student-entrepreneurs.

Universities provides education facilities, technologies, workshops and many more

influences the student-entrepreneurs strategy because they gain new ideas and

knowledge. Entrepreneurial push strategy is one of those strategies universities are

teaching the student-entrepreneurs that attempts to provide several programs with the

aim of helping the development of student-entrepreneurs.

In the second topic of the related literature, which is the Impact of Entrepreneurship

Courses and Training on the Strategies of Student-entrepreneurs states that

entrepreneurship, education has a vital role in guiding all learners to become more

entrepreneurial-minded that would greatly help them in their business venture, as also to

their ideas and strategies.

The last topic of the related literature which is the Issues affecting Student-

entrepreneurs Strategy shows that there are many factors affecting the student-

entrepreneurs strategies such as the finance, poor networking, lack of business

management skills and the struggles due to balancing of school works and

entrepreneurial activities. The collection of the studies above are related in the area of

the Strategies of SHS Student-Entrepreneurs of UPHSD-Molino.

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Research Gap

 Lack of information about the strategies student-entrepreneurs are using.

 Previous researches did not address the suggestions or recommendations to

overcome the issues affecting the student-entrepreneurs strategy.

 Very few studies found in Philippines about the strategies of student-entrepreneurs.

Research Objectives

1. To know what are the strategies being used by the student-entrepreneurs.

2. To know the challenges student-entrepreneurs are encountering using their


Theoretical Framework

This section of the paper was based on Chamberlains Theory of Strategy (Chandler,

Alfred 2010) supported by Jeffrey P. (2010). It is divided into 4 factors, first is what

strategy is going to use, it is not possible to begin and analyze and compare strategies if

we cannot clearly describe and categorize (Chamberlain, 2010). Second is the forces

that shapes the strategy, the strategy in essence is the result of the interaction of

various forces inside and around the face, with the strategy of cognitive bias (Eunuchs,

2010). Third is processes that shape the strategy, the first two factors define the

different processes that can be involved in strategy formation (Chandler, 2010). Fourth

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is the mechanism by which strategy can take effect. The chosen theory conveys that

there are four factors affecting the strategy of a person that would also apply to the

strategy of a student-entrepreneur. The theory supports the study through showing how

a person or a student-entrepreneur thinks of their strategy.

Conceptual Framework

Student Business

Knowing what Challenges

strategies to be used encountering using
the strategies

Positive Negative
outcome outcome

Performance of
the business

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework about the outcome of the strategies being used and challenges being

encountered by the student-entrepreneurs.

Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 11

The conceptual framework is based on what student owners should take into

consideration when making strategies. There will be two outcomes, the positive and

negative outcome and whatever the outcome is, it will affect the performance of the


Significance of the Study

Results of the study could lead to recognize the significance of student-entrepreneurs in

the country. Student-entrepreneurs create meaningful jobs with greater job satisfaction

than positions with larger, traditional companies. They foster local economies, keeping

money close to home and supporting neighborhoods and communities. With the help of

the study, student-entrepreneurs can analyze the strategies that can be effective to

them. A business strategy creates a vision and direction for the whole organization. It is

important that all people within the business have clear goals and are following the

direction, or mission of the organization. Future researchers can use the study for

looking for strategies or ways to succeed in the business industry, involving student-

entrepreneurs or small businesses. Therefore, this research will help student-

entrepreneurs to analyze different strategies and be able to grow into a larger business

that will help the country’s economy and for future researcher’s studies.

Scope and Limitations

The study covers the senior high school student-entrepreneurs of University of

Perpetual Help System Dalta for the year 2020-2021.

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Research Design

Descriptive type in quantitative research used in the research design because it is an

appropriate choice and useful when not much is known yet about the topic or problem

like the topic of the study about the strategies student-entrepreneurs are using.

Research Site

The study was conducted in University of Perpetual Help System Dalta-Molino. The

researchers already know some SHS student-entrepreneurs that become their

respondents in the chosen research site and it is very accessible to the researchers. In

addition, there are currently thousands of students studying in the chosen research site

so the chances of finding specific respondents is good enough to provide needed

information for the study.

Respondents of the Study

The participants purposively chosen are senior high school student-entrepreneurs of

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta-Molino. All track and strands with student-

entrepreneurs was asked to be part of the study. The researchers had 51 student

entrepreneurs as their participants thereof through the means of purposive sampling, as

they are chosen through a specific characteristic required for the study, which is the

participant, must be a student-entrepreneur. These chosen student-entrepreneurs

provided an inclusive set of participants that greatly helped in giving the information

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needed for the research questions and surveys as they have rich experiences within the

chosen topic.

Data Gathering Procedure

Survey was the data gathering procedure that the researchers used in their study. The

researchers sent a google form link to the selected participants through Facebook

messenger that lead them to the questionnaires.

Data Analysis

The data was analyzed using the pie chart and descriptive statistics. Pie charts was

used because it is best when trying to compare parts of a whole and to present the data

in a more simpler way. Descriptive statistics was also used for the data analysis to

provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures. It also enables the

data to be presented in a more meaningful way, which allows simpler interpretation of

the data.

Research Instrument

The research instrument is a researcher-made questionnaire. The first part is the

personal information and background information part where there will be six questions

that is answered accordingly by the given instruction on the background information

part. The second part is for the first objective which is to know what are the strategies

being used by the student-entrepreneurs that consist of three questions that will be

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answered accordingly by the given question and instruction. The third part is for the

second objective which is a classified psychometric test in line within the respondents

challenges they are encountering using their strategies, it will be answered using the

four-point Frequency Likert Scale, Always (1), Often (2), Sometimes (3) and Never (4).

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This chapter would show the results of the following objectives: aims to know what are

the strategies being used by the student-entrepreneurs and to know what are the

challenges student-entrepreneurs are encountering using their strategies. The results

obtained from the questionnaires will be used, and the findings will be presented in

tables form in the sequence of analysis type in reliability and descriptive analysis of

variables being studied, pie chart and graphs to be able to present the summary of the

data in a simpler way.

PART I. Background Information

Figure 1

1. What made you start being a student- The first figure shows that
4% out of 51 respondents,
58.80% of SHS student-

entrepreneurs of UPHSD

Molino, start being student-

Myself entrepreneur by himself or
School Related (Performance Task)
herself. While 41.20%

became student-entrepreneur because of their family, followed by 19.60% because of

influencers, 4% by the entrepreneurship subject and 4% by the school related activities

or performance task. Overall, the majority started being a student-entrepreneur by himself

or herself.

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Figure 2

2. What service(s) or product(s) do you Second figure shows that 29%

of SHS student-entrepreneurs

of UPHSD Molino offers fashion

items or product/s, followed by
29% 19.60%
beauty products with a percent
of 23.50%, 19.60% offers crafts,

Beauty Products Crafts Accessories

15.70% offers accessories,
Fashion Boutique Others
while the 15.20% of the student-

entrepreneurs offer other services or product/s. The result shows that student-

entrepreneurs offers fashion items or product/s the most.

Figure 3
Third figure shows that 74.50%
3.How did you get your idea or
concept for the business? of students got their ideas for

their business through online

31.40% platform, followed by 35.30%

students that got their idea

through the social media

influencers and 31.40% got their

Online Influencers Myself

idea or concept by their own.

Overall, student-entrepreneurs got their idea or concept for their business through

online platforms.

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Figure 4
Fourth figure shows that
4.Did you start your business before or
during this pandemic? 82.40% SHS student-

entrepreneurs of UPHSD
During 25.50% Molino start their business

before pandemic while

25.50% of SHS student-

entrepreneurs started during

0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00% 100.00%
this pandemic. Majority of the

student-entrepreneurs started before the pandemic.

Figure 5
Figure 5 shows that
5. Aside from school, do you have someone
guiding you in your business? Yes or No? 70.60% of SHS student-

entrepreneurs of UPHSD

Yes 29.40% Molino does not have

someone guiding them in

their business beside

No 70.60%
from school. While

0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 29.40%, have someone

who is guiding them in their business. This shows that majority of the student-

entrepreneurs does not have anyone who is guiding them in their business.

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Objective A. To know what are the strategies being used by the student-
Figure 1
In this figure, it shows that posting
1. Which strategies are you currently
using for your business?. updates on social media

Giving promos platforms is the most currently

Brand Ambassadors/Social Media
Influencers used strategy of SHS student-
Giving flyers, business card, and
brochures entrepreneurs of UPHSD Molino
Paying for advertisement on Social
Media Platforms in their business with an average
Posting updates on Social Media
Posting updates on Social Media
of 92.7% and the strategies that
are not commonly used are giving

flyers, business card, brochures, giving promos, and paying for advertisement with the

total average of 7.3%.

Figure 2

2. How often do you post about Figure 2 shows that 70.60% of

your business in social media in a
month? SHS student-entrepreneurs of

UPHSD Molino post less than 10

times about their business in social

More than 30 times.
20-30 times. media in a month, followed by 10-
10-20 times. 25.50%
20 times a month with an average
Less than 10 times. 70.60%

of 25.50%, 20-30 times a month

with 3.9% and more than 30 times in a month with an average of 2%. Overall, most

Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 19

student-entrepreneurs post about their business in social media in a month less than 10


Figure 3

3. Where did you get your idea on your Figure 3 shows that 72.50% get
strategies? their strategies through online,

followed by 37.3% which is by

Friends themselves, influencers with an

Myself 37.3% average of 33.30%, Family with
23.5% and lastly friends which is
Influencers 33.30%
2%. Therefore, student-
Online 72.50%
entrepreneurs get their

strategies most through online platforms.


Objective B. To know the challenges student-entrepreneurs are encountering

using their strategies.

Table 1
Challenges of student-entrepreneurs in Personal, Academics, Financial, and Marketing using
their strategy.


1 0.50-1.49 ALWAYS
2 1.50-2.49 OFTEN
3 2.50-3.49 SOMETIMES
4 3.50-4.00 NEVER

Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 20

1. Personal
a) I am facing age 2.49 OFTEN
b) I am dealing with stress 2 OFTEN
and self-doubt. .

c) I struggle in handling 2.31 OFTEN

personalities of different
d) I am struggling with 2.22 OFTEN
decision-making in terms
of my business strategy.
(ex: what strategy to use)

e) I am having a hard time 2.97 SOMETIMES

spending time with my
friends and family.

f) I lack time for myself 2.49 OFTEN

2. Academics
a) I am struggling balancing 2.57 SOMETIMES
school works.

b) I am having a hard time 2.55 SOMETIMES

staying focused on my
academic goals.
c) I lack time to study. 2.5 SOMETIMES
3. Financial
a) I am having a hard time 2.53 SOMETIMES
getting funds
b) I struggle in budgeting. 2.57 SOMETIMES

c) The profit I have been 2.60 SOMETIMES

receiving is not fulfilling.


Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 21

4. Marketing
a) I am struggling to do 2.57 SOMETIMES
using my strategy.
b) It is hard to find regular 2.49 OFTEN
customers with my
c) There are many 2.12 OFTEN
competitors with my

The table shows the challenges that student-entrepreneurs are encountering using their

strategies when it comes to personal, academics, financial, and marketing. The student-

entrepreneurs are encountering challenges sometimes with the total average of 2.41

when it comes to personal; the highest average of challenges encountered is 2.97 when

it comes to having a hard time spending time with their friends and family. Followed by

facing age stereotypes and lack of time for themselves with the average of 2.49.

Next is the struggle in handling personalities of different people with 2.31 average.

Struggling with decision-making in terms of their business strategy with 2.22 average and

dealing with stress and self-doubt with 2 as the average, while the student-entrepreneurs

are encountering challenges sometimes with the total average of 2.54 when it comes to

academics, the highest average is 2.57 when it comes to struggling balancing school


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Followed by having, a hard time staying focused on their academic goals with 2.55

average; the lowest average is 2.5 average when it comes to lack time to study.

The next table is the financial, which is the profit that they have been receiving, is not

fulfilling, struggling in budgeting and having a hard time getting funds with the average

of 2.57, which is sometimes.

The last table is the marketing and student-entrepreneurs are encountering challenges

sometimes with the total average of 2.57, the highest average is 2.57 when it comes to

struggling to do marketing/advertising using their strategy. Followed by hard to find

regular customers with their strategy with 2.49 average; the lowest average is 2.12

average when it comes to there are many competitors with their strategy. The total

average for marketing is 2.39, which is often.

Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 23


The outcome of the study shows that student-entrepreneurs of UPHSD Molino mostly

started their business by just themselves and most of the student-entrepreneurs are

offering fashion product/s in their business. They also got the idea or concept of their

business through the different online platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. In

addition, most of them also started their business before pandemic and that they have no

one guiding them in their business. From that, it shows in the background information that

most of the student-entrepreneurs that answered our questionnaires are very

independent in their business. The outcome of the study also shows that student-

entrepreneurs mostly use online platform in using their strategies such as posting updates

on their social media account with their business or product/s that they are selling. The

outcome of the study in the last part also shows that student-entrepreneurs got their

challenges with using their strategies in their personal lives and use of marketing the most

and challenges in their academics and financial lesser based on the results of their

questionnaire. Therefore, this study shows the strategies and ideas used by the SHS

student-entrepreneurs of UPHSD that might help incoming or existing student-

entrepreneurs and to anyone who are planning to start their business venture or already

have an existing business venture in thinking for their strategy.

This study could be recommended to the future researchers for looking for strategies or

ways to succeed in the business industry, involving student-entrepreneurs or small

businesses. Student-entrepreneurs create meaningful jobs with greater job satisfaction

Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 24

than positions with larger, traditional companies. They foster local economies, keeping

money close to home and supporting neighborhoods and communities. With the help of

the study, student-entrepreneurs can analyze the strategies that can be effective to them.

Results of the study could lead to recognize the significance of student-entrepreneurs in

the country. Therefore, this research will help student-entrepreneurs to analyze different

strategies and be able to grow into a larger business that will help the country’s economy

and for future researcher’s studies.

Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 25


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Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 27


Appendix A: Research Instrument

Dear Respondents:

This survey is intended to find out your views about the strategies being used by SHS student-
entrepreneurs of UPHSD Molino. This is part of our performance task in Inquiries, Investigation,
and Immersion a subject of grade 12 students. Bearing this in mind, we respectfully request your
participation by filling out this survey. The first part aims to elicit information on your personal
and background information. While the second and third part requires your insights on the
challenges and strategies being used by student-entrepreneurs. By signing your name on the
conforme below, this would mean that you consent to responding to this survey. We assure you
that the information disclosed here shall not be used for any other purposes except for the ones
mentioned above.


Names of members
Gilboy, Elaine Mae G.
Legaspi, Kei Aren A.
Francisco, Mark Rouen G.
Lopez-Dee, Kurt Denzel B.
Mendoza, Katrina Nicole
Faustino, Vanessa Rose D.

Part I.

A. Personal Information/ Conforme

Name (Optional):

My signature would mean that I have understood the aims of this survey and I allow the researchers
to use my responses as part of the investigation. Likewise, I consent to the use of my responses
solely for research purposes and shall be assured that my identity shall not be disclosed.


Signature of Respondent

Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 28

B. Background Information

DIRECTIONS: This section attempts to know the background information of the student-
entrepreneur or the respondents. To help us collect better data for the study, please answer the
following questions with accuracy and honesty. Check the box that corresponds to your answer.
Thank you very much.

1. What made you start being a student-entrepreneur?




Others (please specify):


2. What service(s) or product(s) do you offer?

Beauty Products



Fashion Boutique

Others (please specify):


3. How did you get your idea or concept for the business?




Others (please specify):


Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 29

4. Did you start your business before or during this pandemic?



5. Aside from school, do you have someone guiding you in your business? Yes or No?
Yes No

If YES, please specify who is guiding you in your business and how.


DIRECTIONS: This section attempts to know the things that student-entrepreneurs are
currently using as their business strategy. For questions 1 to 3, check the box that corresponds to
your answer. Please accomplish this survey honestly.
1. Which strategies are you currently using for your business?

Posting updates on Social Media Giving flyers, business card,

Platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, and brochures
Using automated replies system. Brand Ambassadors/Social
Media Influencers
Paying for advertisement on Social Giving promos
Media Platforms (e.g. Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube)

Others (please specify):


2. How often do you post about your business in social media in a month?

Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 30

Less than 10 times.
10-20 times.
20-30 times.
More than 30 times.

3. Where did you get your idea on your strategies?


Others (please specify):


DIRECTION: This section attempts to know the challenges that student-entrepreneurs are
encountering using their strategies. Check the box that corresponds to your answer. This is a 10-
item psychometric test. Please accomplish this survey honestly.

1 2 3 4
CHALLENGES Always Often Sometimes Never
1. I am facing age stereotypes.
2. I am dealing with stress and
3. I struggle in handling
personalities of different
4. I am struggling with decision-
making in terms of my
business strategy. (ex: what
strategy to use)
5. I am having a hard time
spending time with my friends

Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 31

and family.
6. I lack time for myself.
1. I am struggling balancing
school works.
2. I am having a hard time staying
focused on my academic goals.
3. I lack time to study.
1. I am having a hard time getting
2. I struggle in budgeting.
3. The profit I have been receiving
is not fulfilling.
1. I am struggling to do
marketing/advertising using my
2. It is hard to find regular
customers with my strategy.
3. There are many competitors
with my strategy.

Appendix B: Proofs of Instrument

Appendix C: Tables and Graphs

Table 1 - Challenges of student-entrepreneurs in Personal, Academics, Financial,

and Marketing using their strategies.

Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 32


TOPIC: Writing of Final Research Paper

Goal: To write a research paper which includes a comprehensive introduction and
Role: Students will be the researchers of their chosen field of specialization.
Audience: Teacher will serve as the audience for these researchers.
Situation: Writing of Research Proposal
Product, Performance, or Purpose: Research Paper

STANDARDS 3 2 1 Rating Weight Score

Introduction Well formulated Fairly well formulated Lacks a proper
introduction based on introduction that has introduction. There
facts that are supported some evidence to is no substantive
with 5 or more strong support the topic but evidence to support
sources of evidence the evidence is a mixture the topic.
specific to the topic. of strong and weak
Review of the Comprehensive review Comprehensive review Superficial review
Literature of the literature using of the literature using of the literature
quality evidence and quality evidence but that is poorly
specifically analyzes does not adequately organized and
the research conducted analyze the research lacks credibility x3
by describing the findings; simply based on the level
individual studies and reports on the of evidence and
findings that support literature. A minimum resources
the thesis and focused of 8 quality references presented. Less
problem. A minimum of included. than 5 references
10 quality references included.
Methodology Clear explanation of A good explanation of Little if any
the choice of the choice of explanation
methodology and its methodology and its provided for the
links to the inquiry / links to the inquiry / choice of
research question; research question is methodology and
Full description and provided; A good few links made to X3
explanation of description and the inquiry /
participants; Type of explanation of research
measurement is clearly participants; Type of question; Little if
identified; quality measurement is any description
approach is clearly identified; quality and explanation
explained as it relates approach is explained of participants;
to quantitative as it relates to Little if any
research quantitative research information on
Type of
measurement is
identified; little if
any mention of a
quality approach
is explained as it
relates to

Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 33

Results and The findings lead to Findings lead to This part of the x3
Discussion the conclusions in a conclusions in a logical paper is weakly
logical manner. manner, however, some developed and
evidence given to includes a few
support the conclusions misunderstandings
is weak. of the issues.
Conclusion and Strong evidence is Most of the main issues Made x3
Recommendation given to support the are addressed by the recommendations,
conclusions. The main recommendations. The but did not provide
issues are addressed information presented any supporting
by the in the paper supports information.
recommendations. the recommendations.

Comprehensive The paper was written The paper is well The paper was
comprehensively. All written but few parts poorly written.
parts were explained are not well elaborated. X3
and elaborated well.

In text citation and More than 5 current 5 current sources, cites Fewer than 5 current
Reference sources, of which 3 are most data obtained sources, of fewer
peer reviewed journals from other sources. APA than 2 or 5 are peer
or scholarly books. citation style is used in reviewed journals or
Cites all data obtained both text and reference scholarly books. x3
from other sources. . Does not cite
APA citation style is sources.
used in both text and

Mechanics Information is very Information is Information is not

organized. No organized. Almost no organized and there
grammatical, spelling, grammatical, spelling, is unacceptable
or punctuation errors or punctuation errors. number of grammar, x3
spelling, and
punctuation errors.

Collaboration with Always listen to, Almost always listen to, Often listens to,
Peers shares with, and shares with, and shares with, and
supports the efforts of supports the efforts of supports the efforts
others in the group. others in the group. of others in the x2
Helps the leader to Tries to keep people group but sometimes
keep people working working together. is not a good team
together member

Time Frame Submission - Total


Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 34

Group #: 1

Names of Members:

Role Score
Assistant Leader- LEGASPI, KEI AREN K. 10

Research Paper | Accountancy and Business Management 35

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