Prepositions 2 The Boss Disagreed - Me. 3. There Is A House in The Middle - The Forest

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Prepositions 2

1. to come ____ work (la) 1. Do you believe ___ God?

2. to come ____ work (de la) 2. The boss disagreed _____ me.
3. _____ work (înainte) 3. There is a house in the middle ____ the forest.
4. _____ work (dupa) 4. My parents are ____holiday in Spain.
5. to work ____ the computer 5. She sold her pictures _________ 500 dollars.
6. to go ____ skiing
6. Fight ____ me! the brave man cried.
7. to go ____ upstairs
8. to go ____ home 7. Why are you ____ late ______ classes?
9. to go ____ bed 8. Will you marry _____ me? he whispered gently.
10. to be ____ school 9. Look at the headings ____ the top ____ the page.
11. to be ____ class 10. There is a picture ____ me and my brother ___ the table.
12. to be ____ holiday 11. I don’t believe _____ you.
13. to be ____ late ____ work 12. Could you please help me ______ this exercise?
14. to play ____ the guitar
13. Finally he married _____ Lisa.
15. to play ____ tennis
16. to fight ____ sb 14. There is something _____ the radiator and the wall.
17. to marry ___ sb 15. Where is Kate? She is _____ the shadow _____ the tree.
18. to be married ____ sb 16. Does he agree ______the price?
19. to help sb _______ sth 17. Don’t worry _____ me. I’ll come ____ work when I finish.
20. to be afraid _____ 18. There is a chair next _____ the bed.
21. ___ 6 ___ 7 (de la.. pâna la..) 19. She stopped in front ____ the building and started to play ____the violin.
22. _____last week
20. Go ___ upstairs and don’t be afraid ______ the darkness.
23. next ___ the bed
24. near ____ the bed 21. _____last week we worked ______6 a.m ______6 p.m.
25. in front ____ the house 22. It’s strange but she is married ______ a millionaire.
26. in the middle ___ the room 23. My husband is _____ holiday _______ 2 weeks.
27. at the top ___ the page 24. Let’s go ______ skating ________ school!
28. ____ the table (pe) 25. Can you play ______ badminton? Play _____ me!
29. ____ the table (sub) 26. I saw Jerry ____ tv yesterday.
30. ____the chair and the table (între) 27. I worked ______ the computer the day _____ yesterday.
31. _______ the wardrobe (dupa) 28. He parked ______ the school.
32. _____ 3 hours (timp de) 29. Today is the 17th ____September.
33. to sell sth _____ 100 dollars (la 30. There are many stories _____monsters.
preţul de) 31. She goes ____the cinema every month.
34. _____ tv (the radio) 32. Mike has got a newspaper _____his hand.
35. to agree ______
34. His brother spoke _______ me _____ the phone.
36. to believe ______ sb
37. to believe ______ (God) 35. ____ summer we spent our time _____ the seaside.
38. to be worried ______ sth 36. We went ____ shopping _____ Sunday.
39. _______ last week (year, month) 37. They went _____ their grannies _____ train and arrived _____ their house
____ the evening.
Translate paying attention to the use of prepositions:
1. Sa mergem la cumparaturi! 14. Soldatul a luptat cu dragonul si l-a omorit.
2. El a coborit la parter si a mers la bucatarie. 15. In mijlocul odaii se afla o masa rotunda.
3. Ajuta-ma la acest exercitiu. 16. In partea de sus a paginii se afla o imagine.
4. Ma tem de serpi. 17. M-am uitat peste tot: pe masa, sub masa, intre pat si fotoliu,
5. Saptamana trecuta ea a lucrat de la 6 dimineata dupa garderoba. Dar n-am gasit bijuteria.
pana la 8 seara. 18. Casatoreste-te cu mine!
6. In fata casei se afla un nuc batran. 19. El este casatorit cu fiica domnului Brown.
7. Cand vii de la lucru? 20. Linga pat se afla un taburet.
8. Inainte de lectii noi facem exercitii fizice. 21. Noaptea trecuta a fost o emisiune interesanta la televizor.
9. Am lucrat la calculator ieri. 22. Am auzit stiri bune la radiou.
10. Sunt in clasa la scoala. 23. Esti de accord cu mine?
11. Ei sunt in vacanta. 24. El nu este de accord cu aceasta decizie.
12. Ieri am intarziat la lucru. 25. El crede in spirite?
13. Sa jucam basketball! 26. Nu-l crede.

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