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10/10/2021, 23:46 Into Cambodia - The Khmer Rouge

Into Cambodia - The Khmer Rouge

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2. What information does Source 5: Death of a Nation provide about the Khmer

3. What Information does Source 6: Pol Pot Provide about the Khmer Rouge?

4. What information does source 7: Sokhum Chum provide about the Khmer Rouge? 1/4
10/10/2021, 23:46 Into Cambodia - The Khmer Rouge

5. What information does Source 8: Survivor of Cambodia provide about the Khmer

6. How did the Vietnam War lead to the Khmer Rouge?

7. How and when did the Khmer Rouge start?

8. What was the Khmer Rouge trying to achieve in Cambodia? How did they achieve
it? 2/4
10/10/2021, 23:46 Into Cambodia - The Khmer Rouge

9. According to the sources provided, what was life like in the Khmer Rouge Labour

10. What were some of the reasons that you could be arrested or killed for in the
Khmer Rouge?

11. Why does source 5 describe the trauma of the Khmer Rouge as 'unfinished?'

12. How did the Khmer Rouge end?

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