Work, Energy & Power

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Work, Energy & Power

Sec 3 Exp/NA

Specific Instructional
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

– Show understanding of the Physics concept of Work

– Correctly identify Work from given situations

– Recall and show understanding of the formula to

calculate work done

– Solve related problems involving work

• What does WORK mean to you?
• Are you doing WORK when…
– Lifting weights?
– Walking with a big bag of grocery in your
– Completing your homework assignment?
– Writing an essay?

Physics concept of WORK
• WORK is done only when a constant
force applied on an object, causes the
object to move in the same direction as
the force applied.

Physics concept of WORK
• What IS considered as work done in

– You push a heavy shopping trolley for 10 m

– You lift your school bags upwards by 1 m

Physics concept of WORK
• What is NOT considered as work done:

– You push against a wall

– Jumping continuously on the same spot

– Holding a chair and walking around the


Physics concept of WORK
WORK can be calculated by:

Work done = Constant x Distance moved

force (N) in the direction
of force (m)
W =F x s
Units: [J] [N] [m]

SI Unit for Work is JOULE (J)

More Examples of WORK
• You are helping to push your mother’s heavy
shopping cart with a force of 50 N for 200 m.
What is amount of work done?

Work done, W= F x s
= 50 x 200
= 10,000 J
10 kJ (kilo-Joules)
More Examples of WORK:
• Jack put on his bag-pack of weight 120 N. He
then starts running on level ground for 100 m
before he started to climb up a ladder up a
height of 10 m. How much work was done?
From Physics point of view, no work is done on pack at
level ground. Reason: Lift is perpendicular to movement.
Work is done on pack only when Jack climbs up the ladder.

Work done, W = F x s
= 120 x 10
= 1200 J or 1.2 kJ
Specific Instructional
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

– Show understanding of the Physics concept of Kinetic

Energy (KE)

– Recall and show understanding of the formula

– Distinguish situations involving KE

– Solve related problems involving KE

Energy – Quick Re-cap
• Energy is the capacity to do work
• SI Unit: Joule (J)
• Many forms
• Common ones:
– Kinetic
– Potential
– Electric
– Chemical
– Solar
– Nuclear 11
Kinetic Energy (KE)
• A form of energy that a body in motion
• A body a rest, will it possess any KE?
• Examples:
– Bullet shot out from pistol
– Helicopter flying at 120km/h

Kinetic Energy (KE)
• The amount of KE of a moving body
depends on:
– Mass of body (kg)
– Velocity (ms-1)

• When either mass or velocity of moving

body is increased, KE will also increase.

Kinetic Energy (KE)
• Formula:

Kinetic Energy = 1 x Mass x (Velocity)2

KE = 2
x m x v2

Units: [J] [kg] [ms-1]2

• SI Unit: Joule [ J ] … same as Work Done

Kinetic Energy (KE)

KE = ½  m  v2
Velocity, V

Mass = m kg

Examples of KE
• Find the KE of an empty van of mass 1000kg moving at 2m/s.
KE of van at 2m/s = ½ x 1000 x (2)2
= 2000 J = 2 kJ

• Find the KE of van when it is loaded with goods to give a total

mass of 2000kg, and moving at 2m/s.
KE of van at 2m/s = ½ x 2000 x (2)2
= 4000 J = 4 kJ

• Find KE of unloaded van when it speeds up to 4m/s.

KE of van at 2m/s = ½ x 1000 x (4)2
= 8000 J = 8 kJ
Kinetic Energy (KE)
• Formula: KE = ½ mv2
• From the formula, what can you infer
about the change in KE when…

– Mass doubles KE doubles

– Velocity doubles KE increases by FOUR times

Examples of KE
• A motorcycle accelerates at 2m/s2 from rest for
5s. Find the KE of motorcycle after 5s. Mass of
motorcycle is 200 kg.
Velocity of motorcycle after 5s, a = (v-u)
v = 2(5) + 0 = 10m/s

KE of motorcycle at 10m/s = ½ x 200 x (10)2

= 10,000 J = 10 kJ

Specific Instructional
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

– Show understanding of the Physics concept of

Gravitational Potential Energy

– Recall and understand the formula

– Distinguish situations involving GPE

– Solve related problems involving GPE

Potential Energy
• Potential energy is the energy possessed
by an object as a result of its POSITION or

• Two common kinds:

– Gravitational PE
– Elastic PE (not in syllabus)

Elastic PE
• Energy that can be possessed by an
object due to its CONDITION. Examples:

• “Slinky” … when stretched or compressed

• Spring … when stretched or compressed
• Rubber band … when stretched
• Balloon with air … when compressed

Gravitational PE
• Energy that can be possessed by an object
due to its POSITION.

• In Physics, ground level is normally assumed to be at ZERO

• Any object that is at ground level has ZERO GPE.
• If object is lifted a certain height above ground, its GPE has

Gravitational PE
• Examples:

– When a chair lifted from ground a distance of

– You sitting on the 3rd storey of this building

Gravitational PE
• Can be calculated with:
GPE = mass  gravitational  height above
acceleration ground level
= m  g  h Object on top of
g building, of mass, m
Units: earth
Distance from
[J] [kg] [m/s ]
[m] ground, h

SI Units of GPE : Joule [J]

Example of GPE
• You lifted your bags to the top of your table.
What can you say about the GPE of your bag?
– Zero, increase, decrease

• Lift the same bag on the Moon. What happens to

– Zero, increase, decrease

• Will the GPE be the same on Earth and Moon?

– Same, less on Moon, more on Moon?
Examples of GPE
• You lifted a set of books of mass 3kg, for 2m. What
is the GPE gained by the books? Take g=10m/s2.
GPE = mgh
= 3  10  2
= 60 J
• Find the work done by you to lift the books.
Work done, W = F  d (F = weight of books)
= (m  g)  d
= 3 x 10 x 2
= 60 J (Note: same as GPE)
Conservation & Conversion
of Energy

Specific Instructional
At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to:

– Show understanding of conservation &

conversion of energy

– Correctly distinguish situation involving energy

conservation & conversion

– Solve related problems

S pe c ific Ins truc tio nal Obje c tive s

At the e nd o f the le s s o n, s tude nts s ho uld

be able to :

– S ho w unde rs tanding o f c o ns e rvatio n &

c o nve rs io n o f e ne rg y

– Co rre c tly dis ting uis h s ituatio n invo lving

e ne rg y c o ns e rvatio n & c o nve rs io n

– S o lve re late d pro ble ms

Conservation of Energy
• Energy of an object can be thought of as
the sands in an hourglass!

• Energy always remain same or fixed in


• But this sand can change position, from the top to bottom and
Likewise energy can change in
bottom to top!
form eg. From KE  PE 30
Conservation of Energy
• Note that energy CANNOT be created nor

• S o what do e s this me an whe n vie we d

in c o nte xt o f the Earth?

Co nse rvat io n o f Ene rgy

• Conversion of energy is the term used

to denote change in energy from one
form to another.
• Eg.
– Burning candle: Chemical  Heat, Light
– Fuel: Chemical  Heat  KE  Electricity
– Nuclear explosion: Nuclear  Heat, light
– Spring: Elastic PE  KE

Co nve rs io n o f Ene rg y
• For O-Levels, we are only concerned with:

• KE  GPE

• And such situations are only found

when a moving object is at the same
time undergoing changes in height
Co nve rs io n o f Ene rg y
• Eg. o f KE  PE

• Ro lle r- co ast e r

• Falling o bje ct

Fre e Falling o bje ct mo de l

• An object in free fall means the object is

falling freely, under the influence of gravity

When the object is at the highest position, the

GPE is at maximum and KE is zero.
When the object is falling, the GPE decreases
as it loses height, and the KE increases
At the lowest position, the KE is at maximum
and GPE is zero.

Eg. of Conservation of Energy
• A fresh durian of mass 5 kg is found growing at the end of a tree
branch 20 m above ground. When ripe, the durian will by itself
drops to the ground below. Let gravity = 10m/s2.
• Find the energy of the fresh durian? What form is it?

– GPE. GPE = mgh = 5 x 10 x 20 = 1000J

• Find the GPE and KE of the durian when it is 5m above ground.

Sum up both the GPE and KE and compare the value with
above. What can you infer from the results?

– GPE = 5 x 10 x 5 = 250J. s = ½ vt, v = gt

s = ½ gt2, t = sqrt 3
– KE = ½ mv2 = ½ (5)(10sqrt3)2 = 750J v = 10(sqrt 3)
– Sum of energies = 250 + 750 = 1000J 36
– Same as above => energy is conserved.
Eg. of Conversion of Energy
• A car of 800 kg is moving at an average speed of 5 m/s.
The traffic light changed to red and so the driver stepped
on the brakes to bring the car to a quick, sudden and
screeching halt.
• Find energy of moving car and what form of energy is
– KE. KE = ½ mv2 = ½ x 800 x 52 = 10,000 J.

• What energy does the car possesses when it stops?

– None.

• What happened to the original energy of the moving car?

– KE has changed to Sound and Heat Energy.

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