Module 1 - Computer Concepts

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Introduction to Computing Cavite State University Bacoor Campus

Module 1: Computer Basics

History of Computer

The abacus (plural abaci or abacuses), also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool that was in
use in the ancient Near East, Europe, China, and Russia, centuries before the adoption of the
written Arabic numeral system.
Abacus essentially consists of a number of rows of movable beads or other objects, which represent
digits. One of two numbers is set up, and the beads are manipulated to implement an operation involving
a second number (e.g., addition), or rarely a square or cubic root.
An abacus is a calculating tool which is consists of beads affix on rods within a rectangular frame. Each
bead represents a quantity and can be manipulated to perform arithmetic operations.
Charles Babbage

Born on December 26, 1791, A mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer,
Babbage originated the concept of a digital programmable computer.
Considered by some to be "father of the computer”, Babbage is credited with inventing the
first mechanical computer that eventually led to more complex electronic designs, though all the
essential ideas of modern computers are to be found in Babbage's Analytical Engine in 1837. His varied
work in other fields has led him to be described as "pre-eminent" among the many polymaths of his
Prepared by:
Steffanie M. Bato, MIT
Introduction to Computing Cavite State University Bacoor Campus

The First Generation

First generation of computers was designed for a specific task that’s why a complex form of
human0machine communication commonly known as machine language was used. Machine language
involved the manipulation of bits (1’s or 0’s) to tell the computer to operate.
ENIAC(Electroni Numerical Integrator and computer)

First electronic general-purpose digital computer. It was Turing-complete, and able to solve "a large
class of numerical problems" through reprogramming.

ENIAC was completed in 1945 and first put to work for practical purposes on December 10, 1945.
ENIAC was formally dedicated at the University of Pennsylvania on February 15, 1946 and was
heralded as a "Giant Brain" by the press. [11] It had a speed on the order of one thousand times faster
than that of electro-mechanical machines; this computational power, coupled with general-purpose
programmability, excited scientists and industrialists alike.
The Second Generation

Focused on the development of the “transistor”. The major difference and advancement of the
transistor from hot vacuum is its smaller size and increased reliability. With this, it resulted to smaller
and smaller computers, which were faster and more energy efficient than their predecessors.
Moreover, it has used a more specialized language with easier abbreviated programming codes
called “assembly language”. Assembly language essentially replaced the c omplicated and difficult
binary code of machine language.

A transistor is a device that regulates current or voltage flow and acts as a switch or gate for
electronic signals. Transistors consist of three layers of a semiconductor material, each capable of
carrying a current.

Prepared by:
Steffanie M. Bato, MIT
Introduction to Computing Cavite State University Bacoor Campus

Third Generation
The third generation is all about “Integration”. It is a process in which numerous electronic
components are bought together to compose a system unit (An integrated circuit) that combines them
in a dynamic, coordinated manner. The first integrated circuit (IC) was invented independently by Jack
Kilby and Robert Noyce.

An integrated circuit, or IC, is small chip that can function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer,
microprocessor, or even computer memory. An IC is a small wafer, usually made of silicon, that can
hold anywhere from hundreds to millions of transistors, resistors, and capacitors.
Fourth Generation

The Fourth Generation is the development of user-friendly software packages that offered non-technical users
many of the advantages of computer applications. It is characterized by the application of advanced
engineering techniques that allow for very-large-scale-integration (VLSI), and ultra-largescale-integration
(ULSI), which allow for the placement of millions of electronic components in a single chip. With this, the
power of computers increased from 50 operations per second for a high-end machine in 1955, to 250
operations per second in 1977, to millions of operations per second today

Prepared by:
Steffanie M. Bato, MIT
Introduction to Computing Cavite State University Bacoor Campus

The Fifth Generation

The fifth generation of computers can understand human speech, and can be recognize patterns like
faces and other complex images. The terms broadly used include artificial intelligence, expert
systems, and natural language processing. However, this generations have not come to its full
realization because there’s still no computer that can be fully compared to human capabilities

 Artificial Intelligence
 Expert Systems
 Natural language processing

Computer Applications
Business Applications – are used to store information provide easy interface with customer, and
facilitate processing and presentation of data. Businesses use computers in various purposes such as
storing information in databases, providing an easy interface with customer, cut ting costs, and
facilitating the processing and presentation of data.
Mathematics and science – Watson and Crick’s discovery of the structure of the DNA. Computers
have also taken part on the advancement of various fields of scientific and mathematical endeavors.
Moreover, computer systems played a major role in new headways and discoveries in virtually every
science in the modern age.
Engineering – the field of engineering gave us amazing devices, particularly in the area of computer
engineering wherein the degrees of miniaturization and integration have multiplied simultaneously.
Today, processor is created with circuit pathways that are less than ten microns wide. In aeronautical
engineering, the design and manufacturing of spacecrafts, satellites, space stations, and the
equipment used by astronauts in space.

Medicine – A good example of advancement in health care is the artificial hearts designed and
manufactured using computer-aided and computer-guided systems. Many of those who have heart
problems can be offered with this technology. The formulation of drugs heavily uses computer-
rendered simulation of chemical structures and reactions. Their role is to help in speeding up the
design of drugs to fight for various diseases such as cancer. Other researches in medicine that has
used computer system include the design of other programs like the liver, kidney, and limbs.

Education - In the area of education, computers have been and are still indispensable. It has allowed
us to create presentation materials and documents easily. In addition, research became easier with
the emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Along with businesses, education has also
gone online. Earning a degree or other academic designation with the use of distance learning
through videoconferencing is now emerging. This allows us to apply for and obtain an academic
degree in a foreign university and the like. Some of the accreditation exams are also given online like
the certification of Sun Microsystems for their solutions technologies like Java.
Entertainment - Computer systems played a major role for the entertainment industry. The use of
computers in the entertainment industry has revolutionized from music to visual arts to interactive
games and virtual simulations. The audio files use rich compression technologies which has the most
popular format – MPEG Layer 3, or MP3. With this, audio files now have sizes that are tenth of their
previous, more conventional versions allowing a single CD to contain more than a hundred songs and
conveniently store songs in a computer.

A computer is a device that accepts input, processes data, stores data and produces output according
to a series of stored instructions. It is a powerful electronic device that performs the instructions in a

Information Processing Cycle

Prepared by:
Steffanie M. Bato, MIT
Introduction to Computing Cavite State University Bacoor Campus

 Accepts data – input

 Processes data – Processing
 Product output – Output
 Stores results – Storage
With this, four functions of the computer were identified. These functions are collectively called the
Information Processing Cycle: accepts data – input, processes data – processing, produces output –
output and stores results – storage.

Basic Terms
 Hardware - These are the physical parts of a computer.
 Software - These are the instructions or programs that commands the computer what to do.
 Data - Individual facts such as name, price, and quantity ordered.
 Information - These are data that were transformed into a useful form like a complete mailing
 Default – Original Settings

Types of Computer
Workstations - are personal computers intended for business or professional use which are faster
and more capable than personal computers. Applications used in workstations are designed for
engineering companies, architects, graphic designers, and any organization, department, or individual
that requires a faster microprocessor, and a large amount of random-access memory.

Palmtop/Handheld - These are small types of personal computers which are very easy to carry
anywhere. Palmtops are mobile computers that fit enough in a user’s hand. These are intended as
personal organizers, having an address book, an appointment calendar, an internet access capability
and a calculator. A handheld computer is a Microsoft term for a computer built around a form factor
which is smaller than any standard notebook PC or laptop.

Prepared by:
Steffanie M. Bato, MIT
Introduction to Computing Cavite State University Bacoor Campus

Table PC - A tablet pc is a computer in a notebook or a slate form that accepts input through the use
of digitizing tablet technology or a touch screen. This type of computer can be operated by a user with
the use of a stylus instead of a keyboard and a mouse.

Mainframe - e is an industry term for large computers that are typically used for commercial
applications of business and large-scale computing purposes. They are generally associated with
centralized rather than distributed computing. They also centrally process all data input by several
hundred users.

Prepared by:
Steffanie M. Bato, MIT

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