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Dorothy Joy B.


EDUC9-Field Study 1 Tth: 7:30-9:00


I can still remember, when I was a kid, I used to drag a chair and stand on it to make it as
my own stage or spot in front of my brother and childhood friends. And there, with a stick and a
chalk on my hand, I started to draw shapes, letters, and numbers on the wall and act like a
teacher in front of them. The memory still is vivid, that from the start, I really wanted a job that
teaches kids or learners, and then they listen or interact. I love how I sway my stick to the figures
and ask them about a certain thing and then they immediately answer. By then I know that I also
like to see people or children understand what I am talking about. I love seeing people learn.

And so, as I grow, I became a pupil, a student, and a tertiary learner. I encountered
different educators and facilitators. Some have inspired me, some also had questioned my
dream—which is going to be a teacher—because as I looked at them, I somehow read or
understand that the job I am referring to is not easy. I learned that teaching is not just about
talking in front and giving quizzes to the learners. It does not talk about just standing in front of
an audience and talk want you want to talk but rather, engaging, encouraging, inspiring people
with a heart. With that experience, I have grown to learn that teaching is a big effort for
sacrificing, for self-investing, for making time and hard work for a better development.

I have come to a realization that, in the future, I just have to have my own love of
learning that inspires learners with my desire for teaching and for the course material. I should
strive in order for the students to have the highest quality of education possible —a kind of
educator that has no fear of learning new systems or advances into lessons, and consistently is,
by all accounts, the person who will share ideas or what has been learned, to people. I should be
flexible enough, and is always ready to shift gears for the sake of the learners. Perhaps, being
resourceful enough to find new ways when, for instance, the instructional material is not

It is best that in the future, as a teacher, I should also be respectful enough in all aspects,
and that all opinions and feelings of people should be valued in order to gain mutual respect and
strong relationship with colleagues, learners, parents and the community.

I would be the kind of teacher that is open, warm and accessible to everyone. And it is
my duty to make the learners have the fair and equal opportunity to show what they are capable,
with great consideration or a heart and with professionalism being carried at all times.

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