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Name: Dionisio, Veniece An

Section: 1 Psych-2
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Drug Type Example Effects
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There is no safe level of drug

use. Use of any drug always
Stimulants carries some risk. It’s important
to be careful when taking any
type of drug.
Stimulants affect everyone
differently, based on:
 size, weight and
 whether the person is
used to taking it
 whether other drugs
are taken around the
same time
 the amount taken
 the strength of the
drug (varies from
batch to batch with
illegally produced
Continued use or abuse of
opioids can result in physical
Opioids dependence and addiction. T he
body adapts to the presence of
the drug and withdrawal
symptoms occur if use is
reduced or stopped. T hese
include restlessness, muscle and
bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea,
vomiting, and cold flashes with
goose bumps (“cold turkey”).
T olerance can also occur,
meaning that long-term users
must increase their doses to
achieve the same high.

When depressants are

used, effects often include
Depressants ataxia, anxiolysis, pain relief,
sedation or somnolence, and
cognitive/memory impairment,
as well as in some instances
euphoria, dissociation, muscle
relaxation, lowered blood
pressure or heart rate,
respiratory depression, and
anticonvulsant effects.
T he effects of hallucinogens can
last several hours and vary
Hallucinogens considerably, depending on the
specific type of hallucinogen.
Some of the typical effects of
hallucinogens are:

 feelings of euphoria;
 blurred vision;
 sense of relaxation and well-
 hallucinations and distorted
perception, including visual,
auditory, body, time and space;
 disorganised thoughts,
confusion and difficulty
concentrating, thinking or
maintaining attention;
 anxiety, agitation, paranoia and
feelings of panic;
 dizziness;
 blurred vision;
 loss of coordination;
 increased breathing rate.
Sedatives Sedatives can have both short-

and long-term side effects

Some of the immediate side

effects you might notice


 sleepiness

 dizziness

 blurred vision

 not being able to see

depth or distance as

well as usual

(impaired perception)

 slower reaction time

to things around you

(impaired reflexes)

 slower breathing

Long-term sedative use can lead

to the following side effects:

 frequently forgetting

or losing your

memory (amnesia)

 symptoms

of depression, such as

fatigue, feelings of

hopelessness, or

suicidal thoughts

 mental health

conditions, such

as anxiety

Psychoactive Drugs drugs are chemicals that change
our state of consciousness. T hey
work by influencing
neurotransmitters in the CNS.
Using psychoactive drugs may
create tolerance and, when they
are no longer used, withdrawal.
Addiction may result from
tolerance and the difficulty of
Most inhalants act directly on
the nervous system to produce
Solvents/Inhalants mind-altering effects. Within
seconds, the user experiences
intoxication and other effects
similar to those from alcohol.
T here are a variety of effects
that may be experienced during
or shortly after use, including:

 Slurred speech
 Drunk, dizzy or dazed
 Inability to coordinate
 Hallucinations and
 Hostility
 Apathy
 Impaired judgment
 Unconsciousness
 Severe headaches

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