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Business Value Calculator

A personalized repo for

<B>Company</B> <I>Name</I>

Estimated results are based off the model from The Total Economic Impact™ Of Google Workspace, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting, January 2019.
Google Workspace + Company Name

Here's how Company Name could unlock $1,252,498 in added value.

See how each bene t impacts your estimated 17% return on investment. CASH FLOW BY GOOGLE WORKSPACE BENEFIT YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 TOTAL

Profits from Revenue Growth $258 $276 $295 $829

Pro t Growth
Employee Efficiency $205,246 $257,849 $311,483 $774,578

Risk Mitigation $44,944 $45,393 $45,847 $136,184

Employee E ciency
61.8% IT Cost Savings $113,500 $113,635 $113,771 $340,906
Your estimated value
contributions over 3-years with
Risk Mitigation
10.9% Subscription Cost $19,900 $20,099 $20,300 $60,299

Implementation and Support Costs $304,187 $251,280 $251,280 $806,747

IT Cost Savings
27.2% TOTAL FINANCIAL IMPACT OF GOOGLE WORKSPACE $39,861 $145,774 $199,817 $385,453


Total Investment $867,046 $867,046

could pay for
itself in just

2.2 years
Gross Returns 10% $363,948 $417,153 $471,397 $1,252,498

Cumulative Cash Flow $867,046 $-503,098 $-85,945 $385,453 $385,453

Your potential results of transitioning to Google Workspace are based on the information you provided through this tool, and estimated in USD based on the model from The Total Economic Impact™ Of Google Workspace, a commissioned
study conducted by Forrester Consulting, January 2019.
The benefits and costs outlined in this study are based on interviews with Google Workspace customers in 2018 when the solution was formerly known as G Suite, using a subscription price of $10 USD per user per month to calculate the
return on investment. Since Google Workspace’s release in October 2020 pricing guidelines and features may have changed so please reach out to your Google Representative for updated licensing information.
The results you receive are not an offer, guarantee, or a price quote from Google. 02
Google Workspace + Company Name

Company Name's key drivers of growth over 3 years.

Revenue Growth Employee E ciency

$4,147 $829 21,694 hours $759,289

Potential revenue increase Potential pro t increase Estimated productivity Estimated value of increased
a ributable to Google a ributable to Google increase with Google employee productivity
Workspace Workspace Workspace
*Only your estimated profit growth is factored into your total economic benefits and ROI results.

Risk Mitigation IT Cost Savings

29,990+ $119,992 $40,906 $300,000

More spam, phishing, Approximate savings in Possible savings from Saved in server hardware and
malware emails ltered security remediation e o s reduced so ware licenses maintenance costs
with Gmail with Google Workspace

Results are estimated in USD and are based off the model from The Total Economic Impact™ Of Google Workspace, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting, January 2019. 03
Google Workspace + Company Name

How we calculated your estimated results.

The Google Workspace Business Value Calculator uses Forrester Consulting’s model from the commissioned 2019 Total Economic Impact™ Of Google
Workspace study. The information you gave us, along with Forrester’s estimates, were used to calculate your potential results.

Ready to dig deeper? Contact a Google Workspace specialist to chat about your results.


Percent Highly Collaborative Workers** 100%

Number of Employees 100
Percent Less Collaborative Workers** 0%

Number of Servers 100

Average Highly Collaborative Worker Hourly Salary** $35

Annual Revenue $50,000 Average Less Collaborative Worker Hourly Salary** $20

Average IT Administrator Hourly Salary** $58

Profit Margin 20%

Amortized Annual Capital and Maintenance Cost Per Server† $2,000

Annual Employee Growth 1%

Total Malicious Emails Received Per Month‡ 2,750

Annual Profit Growth 7% Number of Records at Risk for Large Data Breach†† 500

* Forrester Consulting's composite organization used to estimate these results, is a global enterprise with 20k ‡ Estimates based on Forrester composite organization: 27.5 spam, malware and phishing emails per
employees and $3B USD in annual revenue. employee/monthlegacy solution filtered at 90%, 10% click-through rate for malicious emails not filtered with a
** Percentage of highly collaborative and less collaborative workers, along with average salary is based on remediation cost of $400 USD/instance.
Forrester model. †† Estimates based on Forrester composite organization: 5 records per employee at risk of large data breach at a
† Estimates based on Forrester composite organization: 20% reduction in servers at an amortized annual capital cost of $150/record with a 15% likelihood of a data breach (50% attributed to legacy email and collaboration suite,
and maintenance cost per server of $2000 USD, reduction in corporate travel of $56.25/employee and avoided 50% attributed to the rest of IT environment). 04
legacy software licenses valued at $135/employee.
Business Value Calculator

Ready to take the next step?

Try Google Workspace for free or get in touch with our specialists to discuss your results and learn more.

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