Payload-Lifting Ornithopter Contest!: The Ornithopter Society Newsletter

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© 2016

Payload-Lifting Ornithopter Contest!

at all times during the contest A) A simplified plan drawing or
flight. Neither the weight of any diagram of the flying model
fuels, human pilots, avionic or or aircraft, to include overall
robotic apparatus, nor any other airframe dimensions and ma-
functional items or material will terials, plus some general
be considered as acceptable pay- description of powerplant and
load in this connection; pets or operation.
animals are prohibited onboard. B) An electronic motion picture
5) Contest flights must be made or video recording of the en-
outdoors under safe conditions. tire contest flight, from liftoff
The aircraft must rise from level to landing.
ground under its own propulsive C) Current contact information
action and remain airborne for no for two witnesses to the con-
less than three minutes from lift- test flight in addition to the
off and thence complete a land- contestant who will confirm
ing with both aircraft and all compliance with all contest
Begins: March 1, 2016 onboard payload intact. stipulations regarding design,
Contest Director: Patrick Deshaye 6) No restrictions apply with regard duration of flight, payload
to the overall size, power weight, etc.
PURPOSE sources, fuels, structural materi-
als, airframe design, etc. save PRIZES
To promote the development of sub- those stipulated above, but the
stantial, practical and useful flap- contest flight may not be assisted
A prize purse has been established
ping-wing aircraft. by any extraneous device or sub-
with a US$500.00 contribution from
terfuge. Determination of accept-
the contest director. Additional con-
RULE ability for entries in any doubtful
tributions to the contest prize purse
or ambiguous situations is left
are welcome. A bronze trophy com-
solely to the discretion of the
1) More than 2/3 of any and all hor- memorating the contest will also be
contest director.
izontal surface areas (including provided to the winner.
any required for stability and
control) must be devoted to the ENTRIES SUBMISSIONS and
2) The flapping motion of the wings 1) There is no entry fee, nor any
must simulate that of some flying restriction on who may enter this
creature, such as a bird, bat or contest. Entries must be submit-
insect. No more than four such ted to the contest director via
flapping wings are permitted in email at the address provided
the airframe design. below.
3) No sources of propulsion other 2) Entries may be submitted at any
than the powered flapping surfac- time after the date of this an-
es themselves are allowed on the nouncement. There is no dead-
aircraft in flight or at launch. line. The winner will be deter-
4) A removable, inert payload in the mined by the earliest entry to
form of a 16 lb. bowling ball satisfy the rule as determined by
must be included on the aircraft the contest director.
3) Entries must include:
PAGE 2 Flapping Wings

from Air Hogs, $49.99

Product Review by Don Cook

T he FireWing from Air Hogs is a

cool little toy. It provides a
quick and easy leap from rubber
bands to RC, right out of the box.
And it's impressive! [The FireWing
is based very closely on the Avitron,
a similar but pricier model that was
designed by the grandson of Tim
Bird inventor Guy de Ruymbeke.]

First the good stuff: The bird and the

controller work great. The cost is
less than 50 bucks. Easy to fly, and a
lot of fun. With only speed and di-
rection control, it is very simple to
operate. And, on a grass field it
crashed without damage.

Operation is mostly simple. The

controller takes four AA batteries,
and the bird hooks up to the control-
ler to charge its internal lithium-
polymer cell. The charging instruc-
tions are clear. However, the plug the instructions. It took about four ravel the button, the temporary wire,
and socket didn't quite line up, and pieces on the right wing tip to the bird, and the box. Be very care-
so had to be encouraged a bit. achieve straight flight. You'll soon ful and go slow when you undo the
learn that the launch speed has to be packaging. Once you extricate the
The FireWing comes with a two- nearly equal to cruise speed. The bird and the controller, you can dis-
channel, 2.4 GHz radio system. bird doesn't have the strength to pose of the box, the button, and the
Press the throttle lever forward to quickly gain speed from a slow temporary wire. Also be wary of the
make it go. Like-wise, move the launch. Once at flight speed, the tape stickers in the box. They'll grab
steering lever side to side for steer- throttle can be adjusted. anything, including the bird's deli-
ing. The direction lever pressed to cate wings. After that, everything
the left causes extra tension on the Landing was as simple as releasing else went fine. But they do have a
right wing membrane, which results the spring loaded “go” lever, but hotline if you have trouble.
in a left turn. And vice-versa. slow flapping approaches are pretti-
er. After about 6 learning trials and So, here's a chance to take a break
Your choice of venue will determine 10 real flights the last one ended from your rubber band models, and
the bird's tail setting: up for slow abruptly and the bird fell to the experience RC, cheap and simple.
indoors, down for fast outdoors. ground. The charge was spent. But You'll like it!
crashing on the outfield grass from
The drive mechanism is not entirely an altitude of about 25 feet was no Specifications:
visible, but it appears to be a plastic problem. The foam body protects Wingspan: 13 inches (33 cm)
crank sliding in a slot that translates the delicate mechanism inside. The Weight: 1/3 ounce (8.8 grams)
into an up and down motion. This FireWing does come with an extra
slider is connected only to the left set of wings in case you need it.
wing. The right wing is geared in I wouldn’t be able to say this model
unison to the left. The wings consist can fly, right out of the box. In fact,
of a plastic membrane glued onto the box itself was a problem. Since
solid carbon spars. The flapping Air Hogs has provided an in-store
amplitude is about 60 degrees. demo, the ornithopter is already
wired to a pushbutton on the outside
At first, the bird took a dive to the of the box. You must carefully un-
left, so trim weights (were added per
Spring 2016 PAGE 3

by Nathan Chronister

S ome readers have asked me to

talk about the tensioned wing
system I have been using on some of
my ornithopters. This is a simple
but unique innovation that I started
working with several years ago.

Back in 2008, I built a life-size, but

very light weight, RC eagle that was
requested by a client for an indoor
flying demonstration. Originally I Modified Park Hawk with tensioning comb and kevlar lines.
used some bracing wires on that
model, because of its extreme light
weight. It had a multitude of thin
kevlar lines to stiffen all parts of the
structure. That model never flew.
However, I wondered if the wing
tensioning cord, in particular, might
have broader application.

My next experiment was to add

bracing wires to an already proven
design. I had a Kinkade Park Hawk
at the time. I modified it by fas-
tening a comb-like tensioning device
onto the head. I removed the carbon
wing braces from their sleeves. I
tied a 100 lb kevlar cord, left over
from my rocketry experiments, onto
the wings and then hooked it onto Crossbow achieves efficiency with cord-tensioned wings and sailplane-like body.
the comb, drawing it tight. When I
flew the model, it went right up into ner of the wing. This gives the wing pensated. More tension is good for
a stupendous climb, performing visi- a nice, cambered airfoil shape. The high speed flight.
bly better than the original wing. bracing rod used by Spencer and
Kinkade tended to interfere with that The cord-tensioned wing became the
The cord basically replaces the car- cross section. The cord-tensioned basis for the new Crossbow RC or-
bon bracing rods. It does the same wing has a better cross-section and nithopter kit, available from Bird-
job of keeping the wing membrane more efficient flight., and I also use it in some of
tight so it isn’t too floppy. Despite The tensioning cord is also lighter my servo-powered, robotic ornithop-
this similarity, the cord-tensioned than the carbon rods, and it allows ters. In newer models, I replaced the
wing has major advantages. the wing tension to be adjusted. showy rooster comb with a more
Less tension is good for slow flight. easily concealed tensioning device.
Most importantly, the cord doesn’t However it comes with a pitch- There are many ways to adjust the
interfere with the aerodynamics of down tendency that must be com- tension on the cord.
the wing. As Patrick Deshaye point-
ed out in his first edition of the Or-
nithopter Design Manual, the mem-
brane wing should be allowed to
conform to the surface of a cone.
Any battens on the wing should ra-
diate outward from the apex of that
cone, which is the front, inside cor-
PAGE 4 Flapping Wings

New Research Grants Program Example Projects

he Ornithopter Society is
back. One of our goals in It might cost only a few hundred
restarting this organization dollars for materials, to do some
was to offer more solid benefits for really significant new work that we
members — instead of just a news- can all benefit from. The modest
letter. The new Research Grants costs can easily be covered by mem-
Program of the Ornithopter Society bership dues, and other contribu-
does just that. The society will now tions. If you have extra items that
offer small grant awards to facilitate you would like to donate, such as Francis Reynolds envisioned an effi-
projects in key areas of flapping RC gear, motors, or building materi- cient, airfoiled wing that could actively
flight research. This will benefit the als, let me know what you have. twist to provide the correct angle of
award recipients, and it will also Once you are matched with a grant attack for the upstroke and downstroke.
benefit every member of the society, recipient, you will be able to send What's more, the amount of twist could
because it will help provide us with the items to that person directly. be adjusted for steering and different
key information that we can all use flight speeds. Reynolds’ half-built orni-
to build better ornithopters. There will be some requirements for
grant recipients. They will need to
The newsletter itself may seem join the Ornithopter Society. They
anachronistic. When Patrick first will also be required to write a full
started it, there was no other way to report on the sponsored research,
find out what was going on in the which will be published in Flapping
world of ornithopters. Now, we can Wings, ensuring that all society
easily stay current using the inter- members can benefit from the pro-
net.The society though has a bigger ject. There will also be an applica-
role. The internet provides a lot of tion form that will help ensure the
information, but the quality and ac- applicant is competent to complete thopter is in my basement. Let’s see this
curacy vary. Making sense of it all is the project and has a worthwhile amazing project brought to completion.
a big job. The Ornithopter Society proposal from which others can ben- Flapping Rate Measurement: Develop a
uniquely can provide a single re- efit. We will not fund any student smartphone app that uses the phone
camera to measure the flapping rate of
source that provides an accurate and who simply wants to build an orni-
comprehensive introduction to orni- thopter. Although I expect students
thopters, both for the general public will benefit from this program, I do
and those wishing to build ornithop- not want to limit it to just students at
ters. We also have the role of docu- this time. Hobbyists or individuals
menting the history of ornithopters can also apply.
and making this information availa-
ble for all who wish to know. I am volunteering my time to pro-
vide technical assistance to ensure
One aspect of the grant program is the success of these projects. Cur- Published by:
that it will help university students rently I don’t have anyone to help The Ornithopter Society
who want to get involved with orni- decide which projects should be 118 Callodine Avenue
Buffalo NY 14226
thopters. For example, I have been funded. If you would like to get in-
in contact with many students in volved in either of these roles, Please Join Us:
India who would like to complete an please let me know. Your donations help pay for student
ornithopter research project in ful- research grants, competitions, and our
fillment of their graduation require- Nathan Chronister education effort through the newsletter
ments, but they don’t have what and website. To join the Ornithopter
they need to get started. They might Society, send a check or money order
not have the financial resources to payable to the Ornithopter Society, or
buy the needed equipment. They sign up online at
might not have access to proper ma- Thank you for your support.
terials, or they might not have
enough guidance. The Ornithopter Suggested Donations:
Student: $12.95
Society can make it possible for
Hobbyist: $24.95
these enthusiastic individuals to get Professional: $49.95
a project underway.

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