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Accepted Manuscript

Title: Analytical Study of Mutual Inductance of Hexagonal

and Octagonal Spiral Planer Coils

Author: Hadi Tavakkoli Ebrahim Abbaspour-Sani Amin

Khalilzadegan Ghader Rezazadeh Abdollah Khoei

PII: S0924-4247(16)30210-2
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.sna.2016.04.065
Reference: SNA 9649

To appear in: Sensors and Actuators A

Received date: 17-10-2015

Revised date: 16-3-2016
Accepted date: 28-4-2016

Please cite this article as: Hadi Tavakkoli, Ebrahim Abbaspour-Sani, Amin
Khalilzadegan, Ghader Rezazadeh, Abdollah Khoei, Analytical Study of Mutual
Inductance of Hexagonal and Octagonal Spiral Planer Coils, Sensors and Actuators: A
Physical http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2016.04.065

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Sensors and
Actuators A:

Sensors and Actuators A: Physical

Analytical Study of Mutual Inductance of Hexagonal and Octagonal

Spiral Planer Coils

Hadi Tavakkolia, Ebrahim Abbaspour-Sania,*, Amin Khalilzadegana,

Ghader Rezazadehb, Abdollah Khoeia
Microelectronics Research Laboratory, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Department of mechanical Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran


This paper presents a closed form formula for the mutual inductance of coaxial hexagonal and octagonal planar spiral coils. For
analysis, spiral coils are assumed to be composed of concentric filaments and Biot–Savart law has been utilized to scrutinize
the mutual inductance between two filaments. Two planar spiral coils of seven turns is simulated in Ansys Maxwell software
and fabricated on FR4 substrate to demonstrate the validity of the proposed formulas. Calculation results also have been
confirmed by Grover formula for the mutual inductance of two identical hexagonal and octagonal filaments. The measurement
and simulation results are in very good agreement with calculation that indicates the feasibility of theoretical formulas.

Keywords: Biot–Savart law; Hexagonal filament; Octagonal filament; Mutual inductance; Planar spiral coils.

1. Introduction

Planer spiral inductors have been widely used in wireless power [1-3] and data [4-5] transmission, energy harvesters
[6], sensors including wireless pressure [7-8], non-contact strain [9], crack detection [10], proximity [11], bio sensors
[12-13], and actuators [14-16]. Mutual inductance of planer inductors is a fundamental parameter in design of
electromagnetic sensors such as accelerometers [17], metal detectors [18] and wireless power and data transmitter
efficiency [19]. Consequently, calculation of mutual inductance is very important in design procedure. In spite of
the availability of powerful (3-D) finite-element simulators such as Ansys Maxwell and ADS to obtain accurate
numerical values for self and mutual inductance, developing a close form formula for M as a function of inductor’s
geometry before actual fabrication, gives intuitive insights to researchers in order to expedite the design flow toward

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: E.abbaspour@urmia.ac.ir (E. Abbaspour-Sani)
E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000

the optimized conditions.

One of the well-known methods for analyzing the self and mutual inductance of a planer coils is interrogated by
Greenhouse [20]. He posed that the total self-inductance is sum of inductance of any two parallel wire segments with
positive or negative sign in accordance with current directions in corresponding segments with respect to each other.
As a side effect, Greenhouse algorithm is very cumbersome and time intensive for coils with many parallel wires and
turns and also it is not applicable to the wire segments that are inclined at an angle.
Based on principle definition of mutual inductance, Neumann’s formula is another method to explore the mutual
inductance between two filaments as following [21]:

0 dl.dl 
M  (1)
4 r
Where dl and dl´ are differential length elements of filaments, and r is the distance between them. The exact integral
is resolved according to the shape and geometry of the filaments. In [22] analytic-numerical expressions for the
calculation of the mutual inductance of two axisymetric circular coils with rectangular cross section in air are
examined based on the Neumann’s formula. M. Soma et.al [23] studied the effect of the coil sizes and misalignment
parameters on the mutual inductance of two circular filaments by employing the Neumann’s formula. Although this
formula is applicable to compute the mutual inductance of planar spiral coils in any shapes, it can only be solved
analytically for relatively simple shapes due to the complexity of this method and in most cases the result is obtained
by numerical integration [24]. In polygonal cases, Eq. 1 has to be solved for every sides of the shape, separately. For
instance, eight double integrals have to be solved to attain the mutual inductance of two octagonal filaments, despite
symmetry consideration.
Beside the aforementioned techniques, using Biot–Savart law [25] is another approach to probe the mutual
inductance. Since less computational effort is required by employing this method for hexagonal and octagonal coils,
it has been utilized to dig mutual inductance in this survey, which will be explicated in more detail in section 2.
Although self and mutual inductance of the circular [26-27], rectangular coils [28-30] and self-inductance of
hexagonal and octagonal coils [31] have been well studied, but to the author’s best knowledge the mutual inductance
of multi turn hexagonal and octagonal planar spiral inductors have not been studied analytically yet. In the design
procedure, quality factor and coupling coefficient play a pivotal role. Octagonal and hexagonal coils offer better
performance in terms of quality factor with respect to the rectangular one owing to their shorter trace length [32].
Therefore, deriving a close-form formula for the mutual inductance of hexagonal and octagonal coils is the main
motivation of this work. By introducing this new formula, geometric and layout analytical optimization could be
accomplished not only in the area of such sensors but also in wireless power transmission for implantable bio-sensors.
In order to simplify calculation procedure, the multi-turn coil is considered by a set of concentric single-turn
filamentary coils, connected in series.
The rest of paper is organized as follows. In section 3 and 4, calculation of mutual inductance for hexagonal and
octagonal coils is described in great detail based on Biot–Savart law, respectively. Measurement results and
verifications are presented in Section 5 to validate the proposed analytical expressions. Finally, concluding remarks
are provided in Section 6.

2. Mutual inductance calculation of two coaxial planar hexagonal coils

Mutual inductance (M) of inductively coupled filaments shown in Fig. 1 is given by [33]:

M (2)
Where ɸ is the magnetic flux through secondary filament due to the current of primary coil. The corresponding
magnetic flux ɸ results from surface integral:
ɸ = ∫ ⃗. ⃗
E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000

Where B⃗ is the magnetic flux density of primary coil, ds⃗ is the normal vector to area of the secondary coil
and dot means inner product. As can be seen from Fig. 1, just the magnetic component (z-axis direction) which
is along the normal vector of the secondary filament plane contributes in Eq. 3.
It is obvious that the mutual inductance depends only on the geometry of the coils, and not to the currents flow, so I
could be assumed to be unit in Eq. 2 for simplicity. Also, effect of frequency could be ignored, since in this work
maximum coil length (L) being investigated is electrically small with respect to the wavelength (λ) (i.e. L≪λ) [34]. Thus,
mutual inductance would be found directly through Eq. 3.
In order to study the mutual inductance of multi-turn coils by Eq.3, the coil is approximated by set of concentric
single-turn coils as shown in Fig. 2(b). To the author’s best knowledge, this issue has been introduced in [35] for the
first time and has been widely exploited many researchers such as [36 - 38] up to now. Furthermore, each coil can be
assumed as a filamentary coil as depicted in Fig. 2(c). Actual dimensions of coils can be taken into account using
mesh matrix method [39].

ds  B

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 1: Two inductively coupled loops. Fig. 2: Multi-turn planer coils simplification (a) Multi-turn spiral coil. (b) Set of
single-turn coils. (c) Set of single-turn filaments.

Now by denoting NP and NS to the number of primary and secondary coil’s turns, respectively, the total mutual
inductance of multi-turn inductors (M) is given by:

= (4)

Where Mij is the mutual inductance between two single turn filaments. Calculation of the Mij for both of hexagonal
and octagonal will be scrutinized in Section 3 & 4.
Supposing the turns of hexagonal filaments are numbered incrementally from outside to inside, the side length of
i-th hexagonal filaments is given by:

= − ( − 1)( + ), (5)
= 1, 2, … ,

Where w is track width, s is spacing between turns, lh1 and lhi denote the outmost and i-th turn side length, respectively.
In this formulas, the center of the filaments are placed at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system as shown in Fig. 2.
E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000

In a similar manner, the equivalent expression for side lengths of octagonal filaments can be interpreted as:

= − 2 √2 − 1 ( − 1)( + ), = 1, 2, … , (6)

2.1. Magnetic Flux Density around the Finite Length Wire

In order to compute mutual inductance between two single turn filaments, the impact of each side of primary coil
on the area of secondary filament has to be considered. It is obvious that each side of hexagonal and octagonal
filaments is finite length wire and their magnetic flux density (B) at any arbitrary point in space (x,y,z) can be expressed
using Biot–Savart law. The z-axis direction component of magnetic flux density generated by a finite length wire
place between (a, b, 0) & (-a, b, 0) points, is in the form of:
µ − + −
( , , 0) = × ( + ) (7)
4 ( − ) + ( + ) +( − ) + ( − ) +( − ) +

Where μ0 is the permeability of the free space and I is the arising current in the wire that is considered to
be unit as cited before.

3. Mutual Inductance of Two Hexagonal Filaments

The main objective of this section is the determination of mutual inductance of two hexagonal filaments as
illustrated in Fig. 3. For this purpose, impact of all individual sides of primary filament has to be considered on the
area of the secondary filament. Therefore, the total magnetic flux link with secondary filament is the sum of the
magnetic fluxes due to all sides of the primary filament .Owing to symmetry of the hexagonal shape, magnetic flux
of the all six sides are identical i.e. ΦAB−ij = ΦBC−ij = ΦCD−ij = ΦDE−ij = ΦEF−ij = ΦFA−ij. Hence, the total magnetic flux
passing through the secondary filament (ɸij) would be 6ɸAB-ij.
Among six side of the primary filament, AB segment is chosen to assay. In doing so, area of secondary filament has
to be apportioned into five areas as shown in Fig. 4 and thereafter Eq. 3 has to be solved for each area individually.

 1 3  1 3 
Bh2    lh 2 , lh2 , zh 2  Ah 2   lh 2 , lh 2 , zh 2 
 2 2  2 2 
Ch 2
Bh2 lh2
Eh2 x y  lh 2
Ah2 3
   
  Ch2    lh 2 , 0 , zh 2  Fh 2   lh 2 , 0 , z h 2 
C h 1    lh 1 , 0 , 0     
 1 3   
Dh1    lh1 , - lh1 , 0  1 3 
 2 2  Bh1    lh1 , lh1 , 0 
 2 2 

I 3
x y  lh 2
1 3 
1 3  Ah 1   lh 1 , lh 1 , 0 
Eh1   lh1 , - lh 1 , 0  2 2 
2 2   
Fh 1   l h 1 , 0 , 0 
   1 3  1 3 
Dh2   lh2 , - lh2 , zh2  Eh 2   lh2 , - lh 2 , zh 2 
 2 2  2 2 

Fig. 3: Two single turn hexagonal filament. Fig. 4: Subdividing the secondary hexagonal filament to five areas (top
E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000

3.1. Magnetic Flux on Area 1:

The resultant magnetic flux of AB-segment on area 1 is given by double integral as following:
√ √

ɸ =∫ ∫ ( , , 0) (8)

Where is obtained from Eq. 7. By solving the first integral with respect to x, the Eq. 8 is rewritten as:

ɸ = ( − − + ) (9)


√ √3
2 − √3 √3
= × − + + − + (10)
√3 2 3 2
2 − +

√ √3
− √3 √3
= 2 × + − + − + (11)
√3 2 3 2
2 − +

√ √3
− + √3
= 2 × + − +
2 2 (12)
2 − +

√ √3
2 − − √3
= × + − + (13)
√3 2 2
− +

By substituting l − y = y and after some manipulations the result of I to I are as follows:

4 2√3
= , , , + , (14)
3 3 √
( )

4 2√3
= , ,− ( − ), ( − ) + , (15)
3 3 √
( )

+ (16)
= , ,
2 √
( )
E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000

= , , (17)
2 √
( )

Where F1 & F2 are defined in Eq.18 and Eq.19, respectively. The step by step solution of integrals of Eq.18 is discussed
with details in appendix A.

( , , , , )= + +
√ +
= × + (18)
(2ηδ + bx + 2c) + (2βδ + 2axz + bz)
βδ + 2axz + bz b
× tan + tan +δ+ Ln 2√aδ + 2ax + b + K
ηδ + bx + 2c 2√a

= ( − ) +( ) cos tan ,

= ( − ) +( ) sin tan and

= + +

( , , )= + + = + + − . arctanh + (19)
+ √ + +

3.2. Magnetic Flux on Area 2:

The resultant magnetic flux of AB segment on area 2 is calculated in the same manner with adjusted boundary
conditions of the integrals of area 1:

ɸ =∫√ ∫ ( , , 0) (20)

Again, by integrating with respect to x, the Eq. 20 can be rearranged as:

µ ′ ′
ɸ = ( − − ′ + ′ ) (21)

With the same manner that has been employed before, I′ to I′ are addressed as follows:

( )
4 2√3
′ = , ,− ( + ), ( + ) + , (22)
3 3 √

( )
4 2√3
′ = , ,− , + , (23)
3 3 √
E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000

( )
′ = , , (24)
2 √

( )

′ = , , (25)
2 √

3.3. Magnetic Flux on Area 3:

As illustrated in Fig. 4, area 3 is in shape of rectangular. The magnetic flux of this area is acquired by closed formula
that is pointed out in [40].

ɸ = ( , , 0)
√ 2 2
√ √
( ) ( )
µ + −
= , , − , ,
2 2 √
( ) 2 √
( )

As a result of symmetry in Fig. 4, magnetic flux on areas 5 and 4 are equal to ɸ and ɸ ,
respectively. Consequently, the total magnetic flux due to AB segment on the secondary coil is:

ɸ =2 ɸ +ɸ +ɸ (27)

As mentioned earlier, the mutual inductance between two hexagonal filaments would be = ɸ = 6ɸ . So, the
mutual inductance of the two multi-turn planar spiral hexagonal coils is given by:

=6 ɸ

4. Mutual inductance calculation of two coaxial planar octagonal coils

This section is dedicated to the study of mutual inductance of two octagonal coaxial planar spiral filaments.
Analogous to hexagonal filaments, again for the sake of symmetry, it is sufficient to scrutinize the Eq.3 for one
side of octagonal filament (e.g. AB-side) as depicted in Fig. 5.
Area of the secondary filament is sub-divided into seven portions as illustrated in Fig. 6. It is apparent that the
magnetic flux produced by AB side on the areas 1, 2 and 3 are the same as areas 7, 6 and 5, respectively. Hence
the calculation effort is reduced to 4 areas, namely area1, area2, area3 and area4. The magnetic flux of each area is
given by double integrals with distinct boundary conditions:
E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000

Eo2 Co2
lo2 Bo2
Go2 Ao2

Co1  1
Bo 2    lo 2 ,
1 2  
lo 2 , z o 2 

 2 2 
Fo1 lo1
Ao 2   l o 2 ,
1 2  
l o 2 , z o 2 

2 2 

Fig. 5: Two single turn octagonal filaments

 1
Bo 2    l o 2 ,

1 2  
l o 2 , zo 2 
Ao 2   l o 2 ,

1 2  
lo 2 , z o 2 
 2 2  2 2 
   

lo2 x  y
2  2  l

 1 2
C o 2   
1  
lo 2 , lo 2 , z o 2  
 1 2 1  
2 2 Ho2   lo 2 , lo 2 , z o 2 
   2 2 
 

Do 2   

 1 2 
1 
l o2 , lo 2 , zo 2  Go 2  

 1 2 1  
l o 2 , lo 2 , zo 2 
 2 2   2 2 
   

x y
2  2  l o2

 1
Eo2    l o2 , -

1 2  
l o 2 , z o2  Fo 2
  l o 2 , -

1 2  
l o 2 , z o 2 
 2 2  2 2 

Fig. 6: Subdividing the secondary octagonal filament to seven areas (top view).

( √ ) ( √ )
( √ )
ɸ =∫ ∫ ( , , 0)

µ 2 + √2 √2
= , 2, 2 + √2 − √2 ,( − ) + ,
4 2 2 √
( )

√ (29)
2 + √2
− , 2, −(2 + √2)( − ), (( )( − )) + ,
2 √
( )

√ √
1 1
− , ( + ), + , ( − ),
2 √
( ) 2 √
( )
E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000

( √ )
( √ )
ɸ =∫ ∫ ( , , 0) =
√ √
µ 1 (1 + √2) 1
= , + ), − , ( + ),
4 2 2 √ 2 √

1 (1 + √2)
− , − ,
2 2 √

+ , ( − ),
2 √

( √ )
( √ )
ɸ =∫( √ )
∫ ( , , 0)

( )
µ 2 + √2
= , 2, −(2 + √2)( + ), ( ( + )) + ,
4 2 √

( ) (31)
√2 (1 + √2)
− , 2, −(√2 + (1 + √2) ), ( + ) + ,
2 2 √

√ √
( ) ( )
1 1
− , ( + ), + , ( − ),
2 √ 2 √

( √ )
1 (1 + √2)
ɸ = ( , , 0)
( √ ) 2 2
√ √
( ) ( )
µ 1 1
= , ( + ), − , ( + ),
2 2 √
( ) 2 √
( )

The magnetic flux linked by AB segment on the secondary filament is:

ɸ =2 ɸ +ɸ +ɸ +ɸ (33)

And therefore mutual inductance between two multi-turn octagonal inductors is:

=8 ɸ (34)

According to Eq. 33, the computational effort of eight double integral by Neumann’s formula is diminished to four
double integral.
E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000

5. Verification

With the aim of verifying the feasibility of the analytical formula that is asserted in this paper, mutual inductances
of hexagonal and octagonal coils are acquired by Grover formula [41], Ansys Maxwell software and experimental
setup. For the sake of brevity, only series expansion of Grover’s formula for hexagonal and octagonal shapes is
given in Eq. 35 and 36, respectively.

= 0.012 × × − 0.151524 + 0.3954 + 0.11603( ) − 0.05167( ) + ⋯ μH (35)

= 0.016 × × + 0.211976 + 0.214602 + 0.105167( ) − 0.026487( ) + ⋯ μH (36)

Where s and d denote the side length and distance between filaments in centimeter, respectively. It is
worthy to note that, these formulas are just applicable to the cases that two filament are identical and
therefore could not be employed to compute the mutual inductance between two multi turn coils. Beside
two identical coils, the proposed formula is applicable between two non-identical spiral planar concentric
hexagonal or octagonal coils.

Fig. 7 illustrates the mutual inductance of two identical single turn hexagonal and octagonal filaments with
side length of 10 cm for different distances, which is calculated using Grover and proposed formulas.

E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000

Fig. 7. Mutual inductance between two single turn (a) Hexagonal, (b) Octagonal filaments for different distances.

As it is obvious, the results of Eq. 27 & 33 are in great agreement with Grover formula. Although the methods that
has been used to study the mutual inductance in this work and Grover formula are totally different, but both of them
are obtained analytically and so, identical result was expected.
To validate the proposed formula experimentally, two hexagonal and octagonal coils with seven turns, 0.25 cm track
width, 0.025 cm track spacing, 35µm track thickness and outmost diameter of 6.75 cm are fabricated on 1.6mm
thickness FR4 substrate.
Two experiments are needed to acquire the mutual inductance between two coils. In measurement procedure, two
inductors are connected in series, once in the in-phase form and next in the out-phase configuration. By this way,
measured inductances would be L1=LP+LS+2M for in-phase and L2=LP+LS-2M for out-phase configurations. Where
LP and LS are the self-inductance of the primary and secondary’s coils, respectively. Hence, M would be obtained by
M = (L1 − L2)/4 [42].
LG network analyzer SA-970 and ARMA function generator SF-303D are used to measure the inductance as shown
in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8. Experiment setup for measuring the mutual inductance.

Equivalent circuit of experimental setup is depicted in Fig. 9.

E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000

Fig. 9. Equivalent circuit of measurement setup

Where Rg is output resistance of the function generator which is equal to 50 Ω, Rs and Ls are resistance and inductance
of fabricated sample, respectively. Simply Ls is given by:

1 + −
= × (37)

Where f is the frequency at which measurement is carried out (300 kHz). Beside measurement, Ansys Maxwell simulator
is also employed to validate the accuracy of proposed formulas. 3-D model of Hexagonal and octagonal fabricated samples
in Ansys Maxwell is displayed in Fig. 10(a) & (b), respectively.
Calculation, simulation and measurement results are illustrated in Fig. 11 for fabricated hexagonal and
octagonal coils. This figure affirms the validity of the presented formulas. The little discrepancy between
results may be attributed to imperfections in measurement setup, approximation of spiral coils into
concentric single turn filaments and parasitic inductances due to connectors. Maximum discrepancies
between results for octagonal and hexagonal are 10.1 and 9.6 percent, respectively. As the distance
between the primary and secondary coils become very small with respect to their dimensions, the
measurement results deviate from the calculation as depicted in Fig. 11.

(a) (b)
Fig. 10. 3-D model of fabricated (a) Hexagonal (b) Octagonal samples in Ansys Maxwell.
E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000


Fig. 11. Comparison between measurement, simulation and calculation (a) Hexagonal (b) Octagonal coils.

This issue is due to the singularity that exists in the proposed formula when two coils coincide (z=0).
Hereon, mutual inductance has to be achieved by using 3D EM simulators or approximated by self-
inductance [43].

In establishing the initial expression for hexagonal and octagonal coils, the influence of the track width
and thickness has been overlooked. Using mesh matrix method is a frequent approach to investigate the
effect of track width and thickness. Supposing the distribution of current is uniform across the conductor,
the cross section of primary and secondary coils is divided into meshes of filaments. Mutual inductance
between two single turn coils considering their actual dimensions is average sum of mutual inductance of
filamentary pairs [44]. Whatever track width and thickness are small compared to the dimension and
distance of the coils, the impact of track dimension is negligible as described in [45].
E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000

6. Conclusion

This paper intended to address a simple procedure to drive an analytical closed form formula for
hexagonal and octagonal planer spiral coils on basis of Biot–Savart law which demands less computational
effort rather than Neumann’s method. The required time and effort to extract mutual inductance is
noticeably declined with respect to trial-and-error FEA simulation methods. Unlike the reported formula
by Grover, this work is applicable not only to the identical single turn primary and secondary filaments,
but also to multi turn planar spiral filaments. To make a fair verification, validity of the presented
expression has been examined by measurement, Grover formula and Ansys Maxwell simulator. A well
agreement between all results indicated the feasibility of the proposed formula.

Appendix A: Step by step solution of Eq. 18

The first step is to break down the Eq.18 into two simpler integrals:

√ + + 1 √ + + 1 √ + +
= ( ) + (38)
+ 2 + 2 −

Where the term i denotes to unit imaginary number. By introducing iz = α and x+ α = u, the first integral
of Eq. 38 could be rewritten as following:

√ + + √ + +
= (39)

WhereA = a, B = −2az + b, C = az − bz + c. Decomposing Eq. 39 into three individual integrals gives:

√ + + 2 +
= + + (40)
2√ + + 2√ + + √ + +

The result of each integral of Eq.40 is as following:

2 +
= + + (41)
2√ + +

= (2√ + + +2 + ) (42)
2√ + + 2√

2√ √ + + + +2
= −√ ( ) (43)
√ + +

After some manipulations, the Eq.38 comes in the form of:

√ + + (44)
1 2√− + + √ + + + (2 + ) + +2
= (− − + + ( )
2 −
E. Abbaspour-Sani et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 00 (2016) 000–000

2√− − + √ + + + (−2 + ) − +2
− − − +
+2 + + + (2√ + + +2 + ))

Since the left side of Eq. 44 is a real integral, the right side of it is expected to be real subsequently. In
order to prove this claim it is adequate to separate the real and imaginary part. Consequently, the final
solution of Eq. 44 is:

√ + +
√ +
= ×
2 √ + + + +2 + 2 √ + + +2 +
√ + + +2 +
+ × tan + tan + ax + bx + c
√ + + + +2
+ Ln(2√a ax + bx + c + 2ax + b)

Where β = (c − az ) + (bz) sin and η = (c − az ) + (bz) cos

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