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As the Operations manager of Lazada,my job is to manage overall operations

and is responsible for the effective and successful management of labor,
productivity, qual ty control, and safety measures as established and set for
the Operations Department. Serve as a company representative on regulatory
issues. Enhance the operational procedure, systems, and principles in the areas
of information flow and management, business process, enhanced
management reporting, and look for opportunities to expand systems. Carry
out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with company's pol cies and
applicable laws. Operations manager duties and responsibilities may include
interviewing, selection, and hiring; training new and existing employees;
planning, assigning, and directing worl<; authoring and discussing with
employees performance appraisals; addressing employee performance and
corrective action plan; employee motivation and rewards. Organizing the
budget of the company in collaboration with the director. The problem in the
case is because of the operation manager have not done the allocated job
properly.It causes reputation of a company. Because of the poor management it
affected the customer service.

1) customer Response times are too long
When the wortd moves at break-neck speed, why should, the customer be kept
on hold, waiting for the agent to respond? Customers today expect communication
with service departments to be instant. In fact, they want immediate resolution
of their concerns too.This is indisputably, the first in the long list of the common
problem with customer service that needs to be addressed by businesses.
2) Customer reps do not listen carefully to what the client needs
Customer service problem-solving starts by diving due importance to listening.
This is often overtooked , which may result in catching the customer service
agent off guard with questions to which you may not have the appropriate
answer. As in the position of operations manager I know that the reps may not
want to be in a position where they have to listen to customers complaining.
Unless you give your full attention to what the customers is saying, it will be
difficult to understand what they need or how to service their problem.
3) When cannot offer a solution to the customer
There will be times when you may not have an instant solution for the customer.
Tell ng that to the customer can be slightly tricky, especially if you notice that the
customer is already annoyed. But dealing with an angry customer is part of the
job description, and there is really no way of escaping it. Customer service reps are
only human and may not be able to offer a resolution of customer queries on the
first contact. When customers have to chat or call the service department multiple
times, it can be a hassle for them.

mer service agent has been simplified to a large extent, most of the customers find it really annoying to have a real human being dealing with their

ly make a promise to deliver it within stipulated period. In many instances,It has been observed that service reps are repeatedly nissing to live up to

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