Bio Unit 3 Notes

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Unit 3 Notes

1. single-celled
2. 2 Kingdoms
a. structure
1. Archaebacteria
a. “exremo-philes”
2. Eubacteria
a. more moderate environments
3. small!
a. 1 micrometer in diameter
4. Prokaryotes
a. without a nucleus
b. without most organelles
c. No membrane-bound organelles
5. Oxygen
a. Some live with oxygen
1. aerobic
b. some live in the absence of oxygen
1. anaerobic
6. Energy Requirements
a. EAT macromolecules
1. heterotroph
a. wor- root
1. other, different to feed
b. use sunlight to photosynthesize
1. autotroph
a. word-root
1. self to feed
c. use chemicals as their energy source
1. chemoautotroph
• Bacteria which most commonly photosynthesize
1. phytoplanktin
a. word-root
1. plant planktin

A. Structure
1. shapes
a. rod
1. bacillus
b. sphere
1. coccus
c. spiral
1. spirillum
2. E. coli
a. single
1. pilus
b. plural
1. pili

Cell wall

Cell membrane



3. Endospore
a. tough outer covering to protect bacteria in poor
B. Reproduction
1. Binary Fission
a. word-root
1. “two-splitting”
a. Dividing into two
b. asexual

DNA is replicating

DNA splits into 2 cells

-grow -grow The 2 daughter cells are EXACT copies

2. Conditions needed for growth

a. Food
1. organic food
a. molecules from a loving thing
2. chemicals
b. Air
1. the presence of air
a. for aerobic bacteria
2. the lack of air
a. for anaerobic bacteria
3. obligatory
4. facultative
c. Moisture
d. appropriate temperature
e. appropriate pH
1. varies between different species of bacteria
f. prefer dark
• under optimal conditions, binary fission can happen ever 20

3. Conjugation
a. sexual reproduction in bacteria
C. Antibiotic
1. substance obtained from bacteria or fungi that is used as a drug to
kill other bacteria
a. Three categories of antibiotics
1. Prevents cell wall formation
2. Breaks up cell membranes
3. Disrupts chemical processes
a. usually involving their ribosomes
1. disrupts protein formation
D. Benefits
1. varies with different bacteria
a. make vitamin K in our intestines
b. make drugs for us in a lab
c. clean up oil spills
d. make food for us!
1. cheese
2. yogurt
3. beer
4. etc.
e. produce oxygen as a waste process during photosynthesis
1. 70% of our O2 comes from phytoplankton in the
a. phytoplankton – cyanobacteria
f. Decomposers
1. Break down dead stuff
E. Harmful Bacteria
1. Plague
a. normally carried by fleas
2. cholera
a. transmitted by dirty drinking water
1. modern sewage systems have helped immensely

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