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I used my time to review

I used my time to I used my time to redo

Had a quiz in I used today's the past lessons in AP and
8:00-10:00 do the PETA in some PETA and have an continued doing my PETA in
Computer. time in PETA advance reading
Filipino Music and Filipino

Met with our ESP I used my time to redo I used my time to review
Had a lesson in I used today's the past lessons in AP and
10:20-12:20 Teacher and have a some PETA and have an
English time in PETA continued doing my PETA in
discussion advance reading Music and Filipino

I used my time to redo I used my time to review

Used my time I used today's Watched the movie the past lessons in AP and
1:40-4:10 that sir Axle gave us
some PETA and have an continued doing my PETA in
to review time in PETA advance reading Music and Filipino

I should enhance managing my time to all my activities and a spare prepaid

load just in case our Internet Connection will not function so that I will not have any
late submissions.

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