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- This refers to an association or group of individuals with a common goal and functions into a productive
relationship. It is also defined as the consciously coordinated social entity, with a relatively identifiable boundary,
that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve goal or sets of goals and objectives.

- It is the act of managing and organizing all levels of an organization which includes the establishment of the
organization’s goals and objectives.

- Refers to the cooperative human efforts to achieve the purposes of Criminal Justice System. It is also refers to the
study of processes and conditions of law enforcement as the pillar of the Criminal Justice System.

- A group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the achievement of goals and
objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and property, enforcement of the
laws and the prevention of crimes.

- Is a generic term, which covers the end-result of law enforcement, crime prevention and control, maintenance of
peace and order, fire safety protection and jail management and penology.
- Includes all the many elements that enable residents of a community to enjoy its street, sidewalks,
parks, and other public places as well as sense of security in their homes, schools, and workplace. It stretches
from protection of children to concern for the elderly, from security to neighborhood watch. It includes working with
at-risk youth and educating homeowners against fraud. It ranges from preventing youth from involvement with
crime, eliminating fire hazards, protection from hazardous materials, calamities whether natural or manmade to
helping inmate’s renter the community productivity.


- Are body of principles officially accepted and taught about as the best way of conducting public safety functions
namely, law enforcement, crime prevention and control, maintenance of peace and order, fire safety protection, jail
management and penology and social defense in general.

ETHICAL DOCTRINES - are those which define the fundamental principles governing the rules of conduct, attitude,
behavior and ethical norm of the PNP.

Sec.2 Par 2 of R.A. 6975 the police shall be organized trained and equipped primarily for the performance of
police functions.

It’s national in scope and civilian and character shall be paramount. No element of the police shall be military nor
shall any position thereof be occupied by active members of the AFP.

CIVIL - observing the social properties; decently polite; not rod of or pertaining to civil or everybody life; distinguished from
ecclesiastical, naval, military. Pertaining to citizens or to the state or to relation between citizens as regulated by law.

CIVILIAN- one who follows the pursuits of the civil life, one learned in the roman or civil law.

MILITARY - pertaining to armed forces or to war forces or to warfare, martial or warlike. Done or carried on by force or
arms by a body of armed men or soldiers.

MILITARISM- a system emphasizing and aggrandizing the military spirit and the need for constant preparation for war.


- body of civil officers, especially in a city, organized under authority to maintain order and enforced the law. The
whole system of internal regulations of the state or the local government of a city or town; maintain and enforce law
and order, prevents, detects or deals with crime.
- the agency of the community or government that is responsible for enforcing the law, maintaining public order, and
preventing and detecting crime.


 The word “POLICE” originated from the Greek word “POLITEIA” meaning government of a city. It applied to the
civil officers and not necessarily policeman.
 The Roman changed the word slightly to “POLITIA” meaning a condition of a state, government or administration.
 The French changed the word to “POLICE” and applied it to person who actually enforces the law. Thereafter, the
English and Americans borrowed the word intact from the French and used it to describe a LAW ENFORCER.

POLICE POWER- the broad authority of the state to limits private rights to the extent necessary to promote peace, good,
order, morals, health and safety of the general community.


Military is a mission- oriented while the police is service-oriented

A soldier is duty bound upon the order of his superior and think of accomplishing the mission; while the policeman
considers the community and populace. The military is operated by team or unit, while the police doctrines is
executed even with only one policeman as patrolman, investigator or prosecution witness.


Doctrine that which is taught or set for acceptance or that which is held to be true by any person, sect, school,
especially in religion, or tenet or body of tenets.

PNP Doctrine is an authoritative statement of principles prescribing proper acquisition, used and employment of PNP
human and material resource to achieve plan and objectives. This is largely based on knowledge gained through time
honored police experiences, studies, analysis and tests.



 Fundamental Doctrines - are the basic principles in planning, organization and management of the PNP in
support of the overall pursuits of the PNP vision, mission, and strategic action and for the attainment of the
national objectives.

 Operational Doctrines- the principles and rules governing the principle and rules governing the planning,
organization, direction and employment PNP forces in the accomplishment of basic security operational
mission in the maintenance of peace and order, crime prevention and suppression, internal security and
public safety operation.

 Functional Doctrines- are the principle and guidance for the specialized activities of the police in the fields of
personnel, intelligence, training, logistics, planning, comptrollership, civil military operations, material
development and other administrative and technical services.


 Complimentary Doctrines are doctrines formulated jointly by two or more and peace and order. This
essentially involves the participation of the PNP, BJMP, BFP, PPSC, NBI and other enforcement agencies


- Police doctrines are principally based on the vision and mission of the police organization.


1. Doctrine of Command Responsibility - a superior may be held criminally responsible for a crime committed
by his subordinates if it is proven that despite his awareness of the crimes of subordinates, he fails to fulfil his
duties to prevent and punish these crimes.
2. Doctrine of Maximum Tolerance - means the highest degree of restraint that the military, police and other
peace keeping authorities shall observe during a public assembly or in the dispersal of the same.
3. Doctrine of Public Accountability – Public office is a public trust. Public officers and employees must, at all
times, be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency.
4. Doctrine of Transparency – requires that the decisions and actions of those in government are open to
public scrutiny and the public has a right to access government information.
5. Doctrine of Poisonous Tree – prevents the prosecution from admitting certain evidence into a criminal case
after it has been tainted by a primary illegality. This doctrine is meant to remove illegally-acquired evidence
from negatively impacting a criminal defendant.


- An accepted or professed rule of action or conduct.

- A fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived.


 The concept of professional policing was taken up by Robert Peel when he became Home Secretary in 1822.
 Peel's Metropolitan Police Act 1829 established a full-time, professional and centrally-organized police force for
the Greater London area, known as the Metropolitan Police.
 The Peelian principles describe the philosophy that Sir Robert Peel developed to define an ethical police force.
The principles traditionally ascribed to Peel state that:
o Whether the police are effective is not measured on the number of arrests, but on the lack of crime.
o Above all else, an effective authority figure knows trust and accountability are paramount. Hence, Peel's
most often quoted principle that "The police are the public and the public are the police."
 The Metropolitan Police officers were often referred to as ´Bobbies´ after Sir Robert (Bobby) Peel, and are
regarded as the first modern police force`.


1. “Prevention of Crime is the Basic Mission of the Police”.

2. “Police Must Have the Full Respect of the Citizenry”.
3. “A Citizen’s Respect for Law develops his respect for the Police”.
4. “Cooperation for the Public Decrease as the Use of Force Increases”.
5. “Police Must Render Impartial Enforcement of the Law”
6. “Physical Force is Used Only as a Last Resort”
7. “The Police are the Public and the Public are the Police”
8. “The Police Represents the Law”
9. The Absence of Crime and Disorder is the Test of Police Efficiency”


- To assign to civilians or place under civilian direction or control.

- To make less military in form or character.


 Sec. VI. Art XVI of the Philippine Constitution- the state shall establish a single police force, which is national in
scope and civilian character.
 Military transcends external boundary to protect the national security and territorial integrity of the state while the
police evolve within the internal limits in protection of the internal security and national sovereignty.
 Military is combatant and pursues the doctrine of attack, search and using the principle of find, fix and finish; while
the police follow the doctrine of law enforcement such as public safety, crime prevention and peace and order
using the principles of life and property preservation.
 Military deals with the use of firearm and armaments as the principal weapon; while the police deal with the
knowledge of law as the principal weapon where the use of firearm is possible only as the last resource (Rules of
 Military treats on the national power of the state; while the police deal with the police power of the state.
 A soldier cannot be easily become a law enforcer because the knowledge of the law requires study and
research. But a policeman can automatically become a soldier at any time because the use of firearm can be
easily learned and practice.
 The military deals on rigid reaction, while police deal on pro-action
 Under the time-honored principle “Prevention is better than Cure” foremost, the police is guided by the Doctrine of
Regularity and principle that law enforcement has no boundary.

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