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Wear the band. Be TRUE to yourself.


Your DEDICATION going into the third week is extremely important. We are
still in the detox portion of TRUTH DIET. Stick to the plan and you will see the
light at the end of the tunnel as things ease up. Wear the blue band and stay
dedicated to your health while achieving your best body ever!

AFFIRMATION: I am totally dedicated to my health and wellbeing.

The ideas, suggestions and nutritional information written by Gregg Avedon are provided as general educational information
only and should not be construed as medical advice or care. Avedon’s nutritional experience for the Truth Diet plan is
provided as a sample guideline only. All matters regarding your health require supervision by a personal physician or other
appropriate health professional familiar with your current health status. Always consult your qualified personal health care
provider before making any dietary or exercise changes. Gregg Avedon and/or Gregg Avedon Enterprises, Inc. disclaims any
liability or warranties of any kind arising directly or indirectly from use of this material. If any medical problems develop,
always consult your qualified personal health care provider. Only your physician can provide you medical advice.

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of
Gregg Avedon Enterprises, Inc.

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc.

All Rights Reserved
In the past week you should have experienced moments of tiredness, hunger and feeling
run down at times. This is obviously natural since we’ve pulled back the calories
Now at this point you should be experiencing better energy, clarity and productivity. You
should have lost between 3 and 8 pounds of bodyweight, reduced that bloat feeling, and
feel lighter on your feet.
At this point we will begin to introduce food back into your world and ramp up the
calories once again. With your improved digestion, we want to do this slowly.

Get sleep! Try to get at least 7 hours every night.

Meditate/Center yourself: sit quietly, palms up and on knees, breathe slowly and deeply
from your diaphragm. Quiet your mind by concentrating on your breath. Do this once or
twice a day for 5-10 minutes every day. I’ve implemented meditation breaks into the
daily nutrition charts next to the ⌘ symbol to help remind you.

Avoid overeating and eating too fast, not chewing properly, and drinking during the meal
(affects HCI effectiveness/digestion in stomach).

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved

We will continue to eliminate the sugar and processed foods (including bars), dairy
(except for kefir), limit gluten foods, cut out soy, limit nuts (except what is on the plan),
and grains (aside from oats in the morning shake).

We will begin to introduce foods like coffee and animal products (eggs, chicken, and
turkey) back into the diet as we transition into the second half of the TRUTH Livestyle
(weeks 4-6).
SHOPPING LIST (you should already have most of these items)
Note: for brand suggestions see the FAQ section of the TRUTH DIET website
Protein powder (plant based)
Multivitamin/mineral (1 daily)
Fish oil supplement (as directed on bottle)
Greens powder (1-2 servings daily)
Probiotic (1-2 times daily)
Digestive enzymes (with breakfast, lunch and dinner as needed)
Psyllium husk powder
Milled Flax Seeds (including flax seed blends with chia, maca, and cacao for example)
Lecithin granules (add 1 tbsp in your protein shakes daily)
Oats (get organic gluten free if possible)
Kefir 32oz
Vegetable broth Low Sodium
Beans No Salt Added
Unsalted Raw Almonds
Apples organic
Veggies assorted (broccoli, asparagus, onions, squash, zucchini, carrots, beets, etc.)
Leafy greens (like spinach, kale for your protein shakes or fresh pressed veggie juice)

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved

Lemons (get whole lemons and squeeze them for your water)
Bottled Fresh Pressed Veggie Juices
Oregano (dried)
Parsley (dried)
Olive oil
Guidelines: drinks must be under 12g carbs per serving
Bottled veggie drinks (assorted; must meet guidelines stated above)
Kevita Sparkling Probiotic Drinks (Try: Mojita, Lemon Cayenne and Kale Lemon)
Fresh pressed veggie juice (no fruits added)
Teeccino chicory tea (assorted flavors)
Detox tea (which will have both liver and kidney support)
Protein Powder (plant based) mixed with water only, Greens (1-2 servings daily), probiotic (1-2 times daily), digestive enzymes
(with breakfast/lunch/dinner meals), multivitamin/mineral, fish oil, and bentonite (before bed).
Flax and/or chia seeds (1-2 tbsp daily), herbal tea (1-2 cups daily).
Drink 6-8 bottles of water daily.
Add fresh squeezed lemon juice into your water as desired.
You can include bottled veggie drinks and/or Kevita Sparkling Probiotic drinks (see guidelines).
Water 12-16 oz.
*You can integrate coffee back into your diet (optional).
Coffee, Herbal Tea or Teeccino 1-2 cups You can sweeten with stevia and add cream.
⌘ MEDITATION BREAK: take 5-10 minutes, sit quietly, breathe deeply and concentrate on your breath
w/oats (2 tbsp), milled flax (1 tbsp), lecithin
Protein shake (plant based) mixed w/water 2 scoops
(1 tbsp), psyllium husk (1 tsp)

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved

Powdered Greens drink 16 oz. Mixed in water only
Apple (1 organic) 1
Almonds (unsalted raw organic) 8
Vegetable broth with fresh veggies added. 1-2 bowls *See Lifestyle Veggie Soup recipe
⌘ MEDITATION BREAK: take 5-10 minutes, sit quietly, breathe deeply and concentrate on your breath
Fresh Pressed Veggie Juice 12-16 oz. Sip slowly
Vegetable broth with ½ can of Beans 1 bowl Beans: fresh soaked or canned no salt added
Veggies (steamed or baked) 2 cups Pinch of fresh sea salt for added minerals.
*Instead of having them separately, you can add the veggies to the broth (see Lifestyle Veggie Soup recipe).
Kefir (organic plain) 8 oz. You can add stevia to sweeten.
Herbal detox tea 1-2 cups

*Bentonite mixed in water 1 teaspoon Let stand 30 min. before drinking.

Protein Powder (plant based) mixed with water only, Greens (1-2 servings daily), probiotic (1-2 times daily), digestive enzymes
(with breakfast/lunch/dinner meals), multivitamin/mineral, fish oil, and bentonite (before bed).
Flax and/or chia seeds (1-2 tbsp daily), herbal tea (1-2 cups daily).
Drink 6-8 bottles of water daily.
Add fresh squeezed lemon juice into your water as desired.
You can include bottled veggie drinks and/or Kevita Sparkling Probiotic drinks (see guidelines).
Water 12-16 oz.
*You can integrate coffee back into your diet (optional).
Coffee, Herbal Tea or Teeccino 1-2 cups You can sweeten with stevia and add cream.
⌘ MEDITATION BREAK: take 5-10 minutes, sit quietly, breathe deeply and concentrate on your breath
w/oats (2 tbsp), milled flax (1 tbsp), lecithin
Protein shake (plant based) mixed w/water 2 scoops
(1 tbsp), psyllium husk (1 tsp)

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved

Powdered Greens drink 16 oz. Mixed in water only
Apple (1 organic) 1
Almonds (unsalted raw organic) 8
w/milled flax (1 tbsp), lecithin (1 tbsp),
Protein shake (plant based) mixed w/water 2 scoops
psyllium husk (1 tsp)
Veggies (steamed or baked) 2 cups
⌘ MEDITATION BREAK: take 5-10 minutes, sit quietly, breathe deeply and concentrate on your breath
Fresh Pressed Veggie Juice 12-16 oz. Sip slowly
Veggies (steamed or baked) 2 cups Pinch of fresh sea salt for added minerals.
w/sweet peppers, celery, cucumber, oil, apple
Mixed Salad 1 bowl
cider vinegar (no balsamic yet)
Kefir (organic plain) 8 oz. You can add stevia to sweeten.
Herbal tea (can be detox) 1-2 cups

*Bentonite mixed in water 1 teaspoon Let stand 30 min. before drinking.

Wednesday – Sunday

Chicken (hormone free)
Tofu extra firm (this is optional)
Eggs (cage free if possible)
Hard boiled eggs in the bag (these are pre-hard cooked eggs to make it easy)
Deli sliced turkey (make sure it’s “no salt” and not just “low sodium”)
Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt containers
Almond Milk Unsweetened Vanilla
Ezekiel Low Sodium bread
Lettuce (and whatever veggies you want to add into salad: cucumbers, sweet bell
peppers, celery, tomatoes, etc.)
Honey mustard
No Sugar Added frozen fruit pops


Teeccino chicory tea

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved

Herbal Teas
Plant based protein powder
Psyllium husk powder
Oats (get organic gluten free if possible)
Kefir 32oz
Greens powder
Vegetable broth Low Sodium
Unsalted Raw Almonds
Apples organic
Veggies assorted (broccoli, asparagus, onions, squash, zucchini, carrots, beets, etc.)
Leafy greens (like spinach, kale for your protein shakes or fresh pressed veggie juice)
Lemons (get whole lemons and squeeze them for your water)
Bottled Fresh Pressed Veggie Juices
Milled Flax Seeds (including flax seed blends with chia, maca, and cacao for example)
Olive oil
Protein Powder (plant based) mixed with water only, Greens (1-2 servings daily), probiotic (1-2 times daily), digestive enzymes
(with breakfast/lunch/dinner meals), multivitamin/mineral, fish oil, and bentonite (before bed).
Flax and/or chia seeds (1-2 tbsp daily), herbal tea (1-2 cups daily).
Drink 6-8 bottles of water daily.
Optional: Add fresh squeezed lemon juice into your water as desired.
You can include bottled veggie drinks and/or Kevita Sparkling Probiotic drinks (see guidelines).
Water 12-16 oz.
Coffee, Herbal Tea or Teeccino 1-2 cups You can sweeten with stevia and add cream.
⌘ MEDITATION BREAK: take 5-10 minutes, sit quietly, breathe deeply and concentrate on your breath
w/oats (2 tbsp), milled flax (1 tbsp), lecithin
Protein shake (plant based) mixed w/water 2 scoops
(1 tbsp), psyllium husk (1 tsp)
SNACK Pick 1
Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt 1 container Add a packet of stevia to sweeten

Almonds (unsalted raw organic) 6

Powdered Greens drink 16 oz. Mixed in water only

□ Apple (1 organic) 1
Almonds (unsalted raw organic) 12
LUNCH Pick 1
Big mixed salad with 2 whole eggs and
□ Apple Cider Vinegar and a little Olive Oil.

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved

veggies (no cheese, bacon or croutons)

w/milled flax (1 tbsp), lecithin (1 tbsp),

Protein shake (plant based) w/water 2 scoops
□ psyllium husk (1 tsp)
Apple (1 organic) 1
⌘ MEDITATION BREAK: take 5-10 minutes, sit quietly, breathe deeply and concentrate on your breath
□ Fresh Pressed Veggie Juice 12-16 oz. Sip slowly

Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt (*only have

□ 1 container Add a packet of stevia to sweeten
if you didn’t have for the earlier snack)
Vegetable broth 1-2 bowls
Veggies (steamed or baked) 2 cups Pinch of fresh sea salt for added minerals.
*Instead of having them separately, you can add the veggies to the broth (see Lifestyle Veggie Soup recipe).
Kefir (organic plain) 8 oz. You can add stevia to sweeten.
Herbal tea 1-2 cups

*Bentonite mixed in water 1 teaspoon Let stand 30 min. before drinking.

Protein Powder (plant based) mixed with ½ uns almond milk, ½ water (or all water), Greens (1-2 servings daily), probiotic (1-2
times daily), digestive enzymes (with breakfast/lunch/dinner meals), multivitamin/mineral, fish oil, and bentonite (before bed).
Flax and/or chia seeds (1-2 tbsp daily), herbal tea (1-2 cups daily).
Drink 6-8 bottles of water daily.
Optional: Add fresh squeezed lemon juice into your water as desired.
You can include bottled veggie drinks and/or Kevita Sparkling Probiotic drinks (see guidelines).
Water 12-16 oz.
Coffee, Herbal Tea or Teeccino 1-2 cups You can sweeten with stevia and add cream.
⌘ MEDITATION BREAK: take 5-10 minutes, sit quietly, breathe deeply and concentrate on your breath
Protein shake (plant based) with ½ w/oats (2 tbsp), milled flax (1 tbsp), lecithin
□ 2 scoops
almond milk, ½ water (or all water). (1 tbsp), psyllium husk (1 tsp)

4-8 eggs (1-2 yolks) made as you like 4-8 eggs Option: add spinach, peppers and/or onions.

1 slice of Low Sodium Ezekiel Toast 1 No butter
SNACK Pick 1
Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt 1 container Add a packet of stevia to sweeten

Almonds (unsalted raw organic) 6

Powdered Greens drink 16 oz. Mixed in water only

Apple (1 organic) 1
LUNCH Pick 1
□ Big Salad (see Clean Cuisine recipe) For dressing (see Clean Leaf Dressing recipe)

Turkey deli sliced sandwich on Ezekiel *The turkey should be NO SALT ADDED

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved

*Low calorie option: omit the Ezekiel, have rolled turkey slices w/honey mustard and a side of baby carrots.
□ Fresh Pressed Veggie Juice 12-16 oz. Sip slowly

□ Apple (1 organic) 1

Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt (*only have

□ 1 container Add a packet of stevia to sweeten
if you didn’t have for the earlier snack)
Veggie broth w/Chicken or Tofu added 1-2 bowls *the Chicken and Tofu are optional
□ Veggies (steamed or baked) 2 cups Pinch of fresh sea salt for added minerals.
*Instead of having them separately, you can add the veggies to the broth (see Lifestyle Veggie Soup recipe).

□ Big Salad (see Clean Cuisine recipe) For dressing (see Clean Leaf Dressing recipe)
No Sugar Added frozen fruit pops 1-2
Herbal tea 1-2 cups

*Bentonite mixed in water 1 teaspoon Let stand 30 min. before drinking.


Congratulations for your dedication and consistency doing the TRUTH DIET Plan for 21
days! You should be very proud of yourself.

You have earned a FREE MEAL for your Sunday dinner (Note: A free meal does NOT
mean a free day!). For this one meal you can have anything that you’ve been craving for.
It’s up to you. This will be the one and ONLY time that the TRUTH DIET plan will give
you the freedom to have a FREE MEAL until the completion of week 6.

But wait—before you get too carried away, keep in mind that you are 21 days invested in
detoxifying your body, resetting your metabolism, and maintaining clean nutrition.
You’re in a very good place right now, so I suggest that you don’t go too far off the
wagon here.

The key is not to allow this free meal to derail you from the TRUTH DIET Plan. Believe
me—the hardest part is behind you and the rest of the program is actually smooth sailing.
We will start right back up tomorrow (Monday) morning and continue for the duration of
the program, which is 3 more weeks before shifting over to TRUTH DIET Mastery.

Copyright © 2015 Gregg Avedon Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved

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