Bahasa Inggris Terapan: Tugas

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Siti Humaira Panigoro (471421046)


TAHUN 2021
You Must To :

1. Browse the example of job application letter.

2. Browse the job vacancy advertisement (each of U must have different job vacancy
3. Make a job application letter based on number 2 by paying attention the example no
1. Example
Tuesday, January 29, 2021
Dear Human Resources of [Nama perusahaan],

My name is [Nama lengkap]. As a recently graduated [Jurusan] major of the [Nama

perguruan tinggi], I am thrilled at the opportunity to work as [Jabatan] in [Nama perusahaan].
I have a strong passion for [Jabatan], and with my variety of experiences and education, I am
confident that working in the [Sektor pekerjaan] field will give me not only the chance to
share my knowledge with others but also the opportunity to learn from the practical
experience and its surroundings.
During my college years, I was active in [Nama organisasi]. I have gained a wide range of
experiences such as [Tanggung jawab selama organisasi]. These experiences have shaped me
into a hard worker who can get along with others.
I was also active in volunteer work such as [Pekerjaan volunteer dan tanggung jawab]. I
believe my experiences make me an excellent candidate for your company. I am proficient in
[Keahlian] and thrive to achieve the best.
The enclosed resume includes more information about my education and work experiences.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at [Nomor telepon] and [Email] if you have any further
I am thrilled at the possibility and would love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss
the value I can bring to your company. Thank you for your time and I look forward to
speaking with you soon.
Best regards

[Nama lengkap]
2. Job vacancy advertisement
Tuesday, January 29, 2021
Dear Human Resources of J Resources

My name is Siti Humaira Panigoro. As a recently graduated Geology Engineering major of

the Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, I am thrilled at the opportunity to work as Geologist in J
Resources. I have a strong passion for Geologist, and with my variety of experiences and
education, I am confident that working in the mining field will give me not only the chance to
share my knowledge with others but also the opportunity to learn from the practical
experience and its surroundings.
During my college years, I was active in HMTG. I have gained a wide range of experiences
such as secretary. These experiences have shaped me into a hard worker who can get along
with others.
I was also active in volunteer work such as Indonesian Green Youth Coalition, I believe my
experiences make me an excellent candidate for your company. I am proficient in Good
leadership skills, Ability to work under pressure, Creative and innovative, Team work ability,
Ability to use computer, Foreign language skillsand thrive to achieve the best.
The enclosed resume includes more information about my education and work experiences.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at 085393586651 and
if you have any further questions.
I am thrilled at the possibility and would love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss
the value I can bring to your company. Thank you for your time and I look forward to
speaking with you soon.
Best regards

Siti Humaira Panigoro

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