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Fax : 01475-242158 Ph, : 01475-242018, 242067, 242071, 242128 FORM NO. CoM 45(Rev. 2) TIN No, - 08242901157 NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. (A Government of India Enterprises } RAWATBHATA RAJASTHAN SITE (Contracts & Materiel Management Group ) Plan site ry P.O. Anushoiti-323203 | Purchase Order Via : Kote (Rajesthan) : (PO Computer No, 36814) Purchase Order No. CMM/Station/Unit-5&6/ELE1/65198/P0- 3|4OS pate 16] state To, M/S Larsen & Toubro Limited ea Electrical & Automation Projects, Electrical Systems & Equipments, 32,Shivaji Mara, Near Moti Nager, ‘New Delhi-110015 PHONE NO.: 09971882672 E-Mall: anirudh jain@intebg.com Bank Name :State bank of india Bank Account No:10725730100 IFSC Code:SBINO001 108 REFERENCE : Your Offer no. ESE/DAO/NPCIL/LT/Spares/04 /dtd.01/11/2015/Through e-portat of NPCHL. and E-mail dtd. a5fo4]U, J2Jo5fle A~ Dear Sits, ‘Your offer contained in the tender No.CMM/MMM/Stations/ELE1/65198 dated : Due date : 06/11/2015 to supply the undermentioned stores accepted for and on behalf of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Les, subject to the conslons ‘of all contracts and special conditions of contract governing the supply of Plant & Machinery Included in the pamphlet tied “General conditions of all contracts and special conditions of contract governing supplies of Plant & Machinery applicable to comtrects as per GCC / Supply-1 / Rev-2 placed by the NPCIL material management ming subject to the terms and conctoons Contained in this Purchase Order and tothe extent of the quanity and atthe price specified below : 5 Description Qy. [Unt] Une Rate | Valo No. dings.) | (nas) 1 [UBT make Terminal shroud Kit for FN 100 50.00 | set | 90.00 2 [La make Terminal shroud kt for FN 200 7100.00 | set | 150.00 3 [Terminal shroud kit for LAT make FN 315 20.00 | set [160.00 4 [Handle Assembly -A for FN-32/63 make LAT 250.00 | set | 200.00 | 'S_ [Handle Assembly “A for FN-100/125/160 make LRT 150.00 | set | 430.00] 6 |Handie Assembly -A for FN-200/250, make L&T 50.00 | set, 430.00 | [7 [Handle Assembly -A for FN-315/400/630/800, rake L&T 30.00 | set | 480.00] ' interphase barrier Kit for FN 200, make LAT 100.00 | set | 140.00 | 9 [intorphase barrier Kit for FN 215, make LAT 50.00 | set | 150.00) 10 [Shaft extention kit for FN 100/125/160 —}100.00 [set | 120.00 11 [Shaft extention kit for FW 315/400/630/800, moke L&T 20.00 | set | 140.00] 12 [Castell Type lock for FI 630 "D* type, make LAT 2.00 | nos. | 1130.00 $3 Fan mguming Ao aux ins ck (NO INE) cone HO HHE, 20.00 [vos | 320.00 Imake Lt 14 [Side mounting Add on aux. contact block fir nt (INO + INC ) for contactor 30.00 [nos] 340.00; —*| IMNX 45-80, make LAT Total Basic PO Value : 608510] (All taxes / duties / freight / levies / P8F charges extra as per commercial terms and conditions) 23 MORE ITEM DETAILS ARE ENCLOSED IN ANNEXURE Please forward information as per enclosed format (RTGS) alongwith your bill NOTE : (1) Commercial terms and conditions as per annexure-I attached. (2) Materials test certincate must accompany supply. Prices: EX works New Delhi Delivery Period: Within 180 days from the date of issue of this order but not stan 2] Hh] 264 b Place of Delivery : Kota "Generat conditions of all contracts and special conditions of contracts governing the supply of Plant & machinery applicable to contracts placed by the material management wing. (Under Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd." and this Purchase Order shall be the repository of the contract. Pease acknowledge receipt Immecitey nthe form sent herent, Yours oan Come sevasran S516 ‘Manager (C) For and on behalf of Nuclear Power Corporetion of India Ltd (PO COMPUTER ANNEXURE — =] Bascipa [=P eee [so Hd Gifs) _| (in Re [-15 |Side oun Add on aun. contact ioc geasnd Nghe (ING © INE) forcontactor | — 30.00) nos. Te {7° Ie 35-80, snake ts at 76 [Side maynting Add on aux contact block frat left (INO + INC ) for contactor HBX | 30.00) nos, pees |45-80, make LAT ze T7 [Side mounting Add on bun: contba bik second IGR(ENG ¥ INC Yor antadar | 30.00) nos. | 340.00 - en 25-80, make L&T TE [Side mounting Add on Sux Contack Dock FraC gh (INO > INC ) for Contactor | 20.00) nos.] 390.00 a HN 95-650, make LAT 35" ]Side mounting Add on ain. contac Biotk sacond right (INO + INC) Tor contacter | 20.00Phes. | 360.00 7 Iwnx 95-650, ako (AT 35 [Side mourisng Add on atx. contact block frstleR (INO ¥ INC ) for contactor PAX | —20.00[ nes, [350.00 | Jostes0, make Lar BF [Bde reunting A on Bix, COnacE ak Second GR CINO ¥ INE or contact [20007 Hos [$50.05 [nx 95:650, male Lat Ze [Mechanica intertock kk for MNX 5-40, make LAT Ts0[ set [300.68 22 [Mechanical ncerock kt for MNX 45-80, make LAT 30.00) set [390.00 24 [Mechanical inceriock Ki for HNX 95-140, make LAT 10.00) ser | 2040.00 25 [Push button extention unt for MN 2 overload Relay, make LAT 300.00) nes. | 90.00, [25 [wa relay reset corc-400 mun, make LA 300.001 nes. | 420.00 27 IMN2 relay reset cord-S50 mmm, make LST 30.00) nos. | 450.00 28 [MN2 relay reset cord-900 mm, make L&T 30.001 nos 490.00 23 let for mounting MN 5 relay on MINX 95/30/10 contac, make L&T 35.001 set | 370.00 30" [Sare Cont Kk for 415V AC contsctor NNX 70, LET make 20.001 set | 3030.00 St [LRT makeTerminel shroud wt for FN 63 3s0,0o|_set"| 70.00, 32 [bat make Terminal shroud it for FH 125 50.00) get | 90.00 32 [LAT rake Terminal sivoud ek for FN 160, 70.00) set | 90.00 34 [Terminal shroud ki for LAT make FN 400. 50.00) set [160.00 35 UAT make Terminal shroud Kt for FN 25 10.00) set [150.00 [Se [Interphase berrer Kit for FN 400, make LT 50.00) set [150.00 37 lincerpnase barrier Kit for FN 650, moke LAT S.00| set | 160.00 As (tk Srivastave ) Manager (C) | (in Re mies snp. PO ito. - S814 aNEKUREL Rajasthan Rawatbhata Site ¢ (Contract and Material Management) ARNEXURE TO PURCHASE ORDER NO. g1yoR, ste vain COMMERCIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 16037 Late 1: EXCISE DUTY # EXTRA @ 12.5056 Excise duty wil nomever be ralmbursed against submission of or Geivery crallan duly sanad by the owner of his authorised signatry.7me Supplier ‘tangmien ener bil/avoice. Homaver the rate on tre date of suaaiy will be applicable for supply before velvery 2, CENTRAL SALES TAX : EXTRA @ 2.00 % Against Form-C to be provided by our paying sumnonty.(A Sectaration as Der AppenSit-B ena be Submitted by you afongsath your i) awever the rats on the date ¥ supply wil be apaicabia for Suppsy aatore cuvery period -ACKAGING & FORWARDING 2 02% op bos valu oF P.O. 4, PREIGHT + EXTRA at acxual duly supportes wien oocumenrary evioence but not more tian 6.00 Ms Freight may De prepa! and ciamed In ‘your bie 5, PAYMENT: Hq £2) cal payenent willbe rage within 30 days from tia date of racalnt,ipaction and fina) acceptance of at ®) jifa-for~buver copy of Invbis-cam= so fo submit 2 cecoration £2 per ApDENGDA % sour ste, Flowing documents are to be submited in chree se w Menage Aishak, Via = KOTA (Raj); (2) Your Bib in enpiate. (2) Orainal for buyer copy of involcs-curm-delvery chalian in support of Excise Duty. (5) Costiones copy of FA RSVPWS or Ragistaras Pos parcel uly andarseé in favour of consignee, (4) Acopy of leter sddrassed to Insurance Co. (3) Appendi-F, Appendixes New ondis PeGuymte Co-urd. Manvel 66. TRANSIT INSURANCE : Despolch detas may be nated t M/s eee en222.22043200) for Insurance oF He consignment on our banal? at par Annexure iC 7. ROAD PERMIT : Requirement for road permit may be communicacsé trough emai to our emell i risatlon@apcice.in slong wit {allowing information 1 Purchase ora refarence. {i Tavoies / Dalvery Chalan number and date. Fi, Matera! Aref ception, Iv Valos of Goods. Read Permit in POF former wii be sent back an requesting =-Mat 1D. No other mode of raquast for road Perm will Be entertained by the purchaser ‘8, GUARANTEE: Fan), Maroger(¥)-C80M, Mariager(C)-C8t, Rajasthan Rawatrate Ste, (4) The stores supplied under the contract shal be guaranteed for period of 18 months from te date of eseipt of eme at purchasers ake ‘br 12 mantns from tie date of acceptance st purcnaser’s site which ever ocours rst. (Gy Matetais guarantee corofcate ust accompany SuDBy. - LIQUIDATED DAMAGES : In case af any dclay in sugaiy beyond the accanted delivery period Hquidates damages @ 1% per week or part thereat sunbece to maximum af 5% of Dane 9.0, value for te Snloyad/undelversd portion of mater! wil be wecoveres from Your bis, "ine Dalvery place ‘or LO purpose ve the place spend I the PRICE CLAUSE not on tae PLACE OF DELIVERY CLAUSE, 110. CONSIGNEE : Manager (Materisls)-CANM , an Rewatbhato site, Anushokti, Vie - KOTA (233) Phone No. 01475-24202, 242088. Which is about 80 Kms. away from Kota {LL MODE OF DISPATCH : By Road Transport through M/s Jaipur Golden / Economic TCI or ary Reputed / Bark approved Transporter (N.8 PIB LR GR Etc. So be obtained only inthe name of consignee and not en sel). 122, PAYING AUTHORITY : The Manager (F&A), Rajasthan Rawatbhata Ske, Anusrakt Via - KOFA (Ra}.) Prone Wo. O1875-242188 13, ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER + If nothing to the contrary Is heard From you within tan days from the Gate of this ardar it wil be pramomed that toys order nas been accented by you. 114, PACKING : All ims sould be propery packed to avoid breakage and plifrape in trans. AN packages must be marked Statons 115, REJECTIONS : Items which do not conform to specication Ind ven in thls order or are of sub-standard qubity or damged ez. wil not DE fSoneptable to us, auch undsoapenbe Rams will be ied ay you Bt your Own cast anc not tad, the Corparotin yr nt be lab for a 16, JURISDICTION : Chitorgerh (Rejastian) wif be the jursdction for al legal matzers arising from this Purchase Comract, 17, GENERAL NOTE: (2) Purcnaze Grder : - Please quote our Purcnase Ore" No. and aate in your Invoice / Challan aad all etree correspondance. (©) Excess Quansty : « Any materals supplied in excess of the quantity specined inthis order wi De rejeciad and yaus have 29 collect them from the eansignee at your cost TLL (mesivactave) tenner (e) or and on Beha of mueay Powe Corporation of gia Ld Poe 34% 16 los} rot 4 ANNEX Ios APPENDAX-A ‘Tne supplier/contractor while submitting theif bill to the Paying Authority sball furnish the lowing certificates: Certified that : 1. Excise Dutye! The amount of Rs.... ... claimed as Excise Duty in this bill ‘has been paid to the Excise Authorifies in respect of stores covered by the bill. ‘No refund of Excise Duty for the gods covered under the bill/bilis has/ have been recived. from the’ Central Excise Authorifies nor our appeal for refund of Excise Duty for the goods covered under the bills are pending with the Contral Excise Authorities. 4, Inthe event of any refund of Excife Duty being received, we undertake to promptly refind the same to NPCIL. In addition, we also authorise the paying authority in NPCIL to recover'such amount fiom our butstandiig bills against the present or future contracts. APPENDIX-B Certificate to be furnished by the Contractor along with the invoice/bills when sdles/VAT/Central Sales Tax as extra is claimed. Certified that : 1. Goods and packing charges on whictr sales tax (central or state) claimed are not exempted from payment of Sales Tax (central or State) under the provisions of Sales Tax Act or Rules. ‘We, as a registered dealer, are being assessed to Sales Tax. Inthe event of our getting refuund in whole or part of Saies Tax already paid from Sales Tax ‘Authorities, we shall promptly pass on the same to the Purchaser, Ta addition we also authorise the payment’ authority in NPCIL to recover such amount from oiir' “Outstanding Dills against the present or future contracts. 4.» We ate registered a3 dealers in the state of, ..and our local/Centeal . Sales Tax Registration No. is Stamp and Signature of the Supplier cater cee orehtert site item fafes A NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED. Oy (are sa 1 IH) (A Covenmont of nia Entorp] RERTMIET ORBIT BIRT Rawatbhata Rajasthan Site Soe ‘er iH FEM Contracts & Material Management Sree aio, We BIT (TTL) PO: Anushakti-323303 Via: Kota (Ra) ANNEXURE-ITO PO NO. _S3\MS %& pate: | \9N1 206 INSURANCE COVER Despatch of the consignment’s against this Purchase order is covered by Marine Open Poliey (Inland) No. 13040021 160200000002 vali from 0000 Hrs. of 12/5/2016 to 2400 Hrs. 11/5/2017. Therefore immediately after ispatch of the ites please furnish the following details to underwriter viz, Mjs. The New India Assurance Co. Ltd, Mumbai {kind Attn. Mrs. Nirmala Shetty-Divisional Manager/Mr. Puneet Gupta~Administrative Officer } D.O. 130400, FIRST FLOOR, COMMERCE CENTRE, TARDEO, MUMBAI - 400034 Tele, : (022) 23515176/23513555/23520556/23510386/23515133 FAX No, (022) 23516684 E-Mail: ninmala.shettv@nevsindi.co in, puneet,cupta@newindi.co a FORMAT 1 | Marine Open Policy (inland) No. 13040021160200000002 valid from 0000] i __| Fits. of 12/5/2016 to 2400 Hrs. 11/5/2017. 2 Name and address of Consignee Manager (Materials) ‘NPCIL, Rawatbhata Rajasthan Site PO : Anushakti, Via. Kota (Rajasthan), He PIN 323 303 GRNo. & Dt. PONo. & Dt. a | “Transporter a Cat. No. Trem Description Value of Materials (invoice Value) ce From. aaa To NPCIL, Rawatbhata Rajasthan Site PO : Anushakti, Via. Kota (Rajasthan), (0__| Mode of packing /No. of packages Xerox copy of invoice & GR/RRUPWE must be sent to the underwriters slongwith the above details. In ease of failure to intimate the above details to our underwriter in time, the supplier shall be held responsible for all the transit risk ofthe consignment AM (Cy/DM(CYMGR (C)/SM(C&MMY/AGM(C&MM) For and on behalf of NPCIL, (The Purchaser)

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