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Grammar Rules Quiz 

1. The first letter of the first word in a sentence should be

 a large letter   a capital letter

2. The order of a basic positive sentence is

 Subject-Verb-Object   Verb-Object-Subject

3. Every sentence must have a subject and

 a verb   an object

4. A plural subject needs

 a singular verb   a plural verb

5. When two singular subjects are connected by or, use

 a singular verb   a plural verb

6. Adjectives usually come

 before a noun   after a noun

7. If an opinion-adjective and a fact-adjective are used before a noun, which comes


 a fact-adjective   an opinion-adjective

8. In British English, a collective noun is usually treated as

 singular   plural

9. The terms "its" and "it's" have

 the same meaning   different meanings

10. Which is correct?

 You're looking good   Your looking good

1. Which is correct?

 they're new car   their new car

2. The contraction "she's" can mean

 she is OR she has   she is OR she was

3. The contraction "he'd" can mean

 he had OR he would   he had OR he did

4. A proper noun should begin with

 a proper letter   a capital letter

5. Which is the correct spelling?

 speak english   speak English

6. Use the indefinite article "a" or "an" before

 countable nouns   uncountable nouns

7. Only use the indefinite article "an" with words beginning with

 a consonant sound   a vowel sound

8. Which is used with uncountable nouns like "money" and "traffic"?

 much   many

9. If a dog is owned by two or more boys, it's

 the boys' dog   the boy's dog

10. Which is in the active voice?

 Grass is eaten by cows   Cows eat grass

Active or Passive Quiz
1. I ate a piece of chocolate cake.


2. The librarian read the book to the students.


3. The money was stolen.


4. They are paid on Fridays.


5. The movie is being made in Hollywood.


6. I washed my car three weeks ago.


7. His hair was cut by a professional.


8. I will introduce you to my boss this week.


9. It would have been fixed at the weekend.


10. The national anthem is being sung by Jason this time.


Infinitive or -ing Quiz

1. We like ________ our grandmother on Sundays.

 to visit
 to visit/visiting

2. I might want ________ some money soon.

 to borrow
 to borrow/borrowing

3. My father hates ________ a tie to work.

 to wear
 to wear/wearing

4. We can't afford ________ a vacation this summer.

 to take
 to take/taking

5. The company was pleased ________ your thank-you letter.

 to receive
 to receive/receiving

6. Would you mind ________ a window?

 to open
 to open/opening

7. My suitcase is light enough ________ this time.

 to carry
 to carry/carrying

8. She cannot leave the table without ________ her dinner.

 to finish
 to finish/finishing

9. The music will continue ________ until you turn it off.

 to play
 to play/playing

10. My little brother dislikes ________ his hair brushed.

 to have
 to have/having

Questions Quiz
1. Can you swim?
 In a pool
 Yes, I can
 Very good

2. Did he go to work or to school?

 To work
 No, he doesn't
 At 3:00 PM

3. Has your class finished?

 Yes, it has
 In five minutes
 It's English

4. Where is my pen?

 Because it's lost

 On the table
 No, you didn't

5. Who did you visit?

 I visit my mother
 Yes, I did
 I visited Judy

6. Shall we go to your place or mine?

 My place
 It is yours
 Yes, we shall

7. When will Lucy arrive?

 At 7 PM
 No, she won't
 From France

8. Who called here so late?

 It's midnight
 It was Ryan
 Yes, I called

9. Do you want to watch a movie?

 At the cinema

 Yes, I watched it
 No, I don't

10. Have you done the laundry?

 Yes, I do
 On Wednesdays
 No, I haven't

There is, There are Quiz

1. There ______ a red car parked in our driveway.

2. There ______ six eggs in the fridge.


3. There ______ many options to pick from.


4. There ______ a euro and ten cents on the counter.


5. There ______ a lot of errors on this page.


6. There ______ a load of laundry to do.


7. There ______ any wine left.


8. I'm hungry. _____ there any apples in your backpack?


9. Sorry, Dad. _____ nothing left.

 There isn't

10. Help yourself. _____ coffee, tea and juice to drink.

 There are

Modal Verbs Quizzes

can, could, be able to Quiz

1. _____ he understand what you were talking about?

2. My sister _____ play tennis now.

 can to
 will can

3. I _____ walk when I was less than a year old.

 have can

4. (Polite) _____ you tell me what time it is, please?


5. My grandfather ________ walk without any help last night.

 was able to

6. I would like to ________ play the piano.

 be able to

7. How long have you ________ drive?

 been able to

8. I'll ________ help you later.

 be able to

9. Can you help me? I ________ never understand this.

 am able to

10. Will people ________ live forever one day?

 could be
 be able to
 could be able to

have to, must Quiz

1. Yesterday I ________ finish my geography project.
 had to

2. She will ________ wait in line like everyone else.

 have to
 has to

3. All employees ________ on time for work.

 must be
 have to

4. We ________ forget to take the chicken out of the freezer.

 have to not

5. If you are under 13 you _____ to get your parents' permission.


6. Your daughter may ________ try on a few different sizes.

 have to
 had to

7. The doctor _____ get here as soon as he can.

 have to

8. Do you _____ work next weekend?

 have to

9. Bicyclists _____ remember to signal when they turn.

 has to

10. Angela, you _____ leave your clothes all over the floor like this.

 have to

should Quiz
1. You should _____ smoking.
 to stop

2. What do you think I _____ do?

 should to
 shouldn't to

3. People should ________ that the world has changed.

 to understand

4. Those children ________ be at school.

 they should
 should to

5. That motorcyclist _____ be wearing a helmet.

 should to

6. You paid €99? It _____ have cost more than €50.

 should to

7. If I won the lottery I _____ buy a castle.

 should to

8. If I were you I _____ complain.

 should to not
 should not to

9. The teacher demanded that John should _____ harder.

 to work

10. Jack: Get me a drink. Jill: ________ I? Get your own!

 How should
 Why should

Tenses Quizzes

Present Simple Quiz

1. Do you _____ chocolate milk?
 be like

2. He _____ not want to go to the movies.


3. He ____________ now.

 plays tennis
 wants breakfast
 walks home

4. It _____ a beautiful day today.


5. Sorry, Lisa _____ not here at the moment.


6. They're not here. They ____________ right now.

 go to school
 swim at the beach
 are on holiday

7. Robert _____ not go to my school.


8. My parents _____ in a two-bedroom apartment.

 are live

9. We _____ European.

 do be
 do are

10. You _____ so happy today!


Present Continuous Quiz

1. _____ they coming over for dinner?

2. Maxwell _____ not sleeping on our sofa.


3. My mother-in-law is _____ at our house this week.

 be staying

4. I _____ my dinner right now.

 am eating

5. My sister _____ Spanish.

 is learning

6. I _____ at the hair salon until September.

 be working
 am working

7. We _____ at a fancy restaurant tonight. Jason decided this yesterday.

 are eating

8. Why ________ playing football tomorrow?

 he not is
 he isn't
 isn't he

9. They are _____ a new shopping mall downtown.


10. Melissa is _____ down on her bed.


Present Perfect Quiz

1. Lindsay _____ not been to France.

2. _____ you finished your homework?


3. They___ gone to a rock concert.


4. _____ you been to Japan?


5. We _____ never eaten Mexican food.


6. Andrea has _____ her umbrella.


7. _____ the sun come up?


8. The children ________ the lost puppy.

 have find
 is finding
 have found

9. Wiwi's been a vegetarian _____ three years.


10. I haven't worked _____ last December.


Past Simple Quiz

1. I _____ to the mall after school.

2. My brother _____ a bear an hour ago.


3. _____ Mike visit his grandmother last night?


4. Alex did not _____ last weekend.


5. _____ Judy and Liz at last month's meeting?


6. We _____ not happy after the sad ending.


7. _____ you see Jody's new dog yesterday?


8. Sorry, I ________ hear you at the door.

 am not

9. I _____ English for two years.


10. What _____ you eat for lunch yesterday?


Past Continuous Quiz

1. My brother and sister _____ playing tennis at 11am yesterday.

2. _____ you still working at 7pm last night?


3. At 8.30am today I _____ driving to work.


4. We _____ sleeping when the police came.


5. Why _____ he having lunch at 4pm?


6. Was he not _____ his homework?


7. Snow _____ lightly. Suddenly a reindeer appeared.

 was falling
 is falling

8. Somebody threw a shoe at him _____ he was speaking.


9. They ________ TV when I arrived.

 were watching
 were watched

10. I was reading a detective story _____ I heard a noise.


Adjectives Quizzes

Superlative Adjectives Quiz

1. Superlative adjectives can be used when talking about _______ things, people or
 two or more
 three or more

2. Which is correct? "None of our players is taller than James. He's our _______

 most tall
 most tallest

3. Many adjectives with one syllable can be changed into the superlative form by

 -er OR -est

4. Which is correct? "That was _______ movie I've ever seen!"

 the most scary

 the scaryest
 the scariest

5. Which is correct? "Do you really think Japanese is the world's _______

 most difficult
 the most difficult

6. All adjectives of 3 or more syllables are made superlative by using

 -est OR most

7. Which is the superlative form of the adjective "clever"?

 most clever
 cleverest OR most clever

8. Ariana sang her latest songs and _______ of her old songs.

 the best
 her best

9. In 2019 NASA stated that the previous five years were _______ ever recorded.

 the most hottest

 the hottest
 the most hot

10. Choose the superlative form: "It looks like our _______ fears are coming true."


Comparative Adjectives Quiz

1. Comparative adjectives are used when comparing _______ things, people or


 two or more
 three or more

2. Which is the comparative form? "I'm strong, but my brother is _______ ."
 as strong

3. Many adjectives are changed into the comparative form by adding


4. Which is the correct comparative form? "My phone's expensive, but Joe's is
_______ ."

 most expensive
 more expensive

5. A long adjective of 3 or more syllables is changed into a comparative adjective


 adding -er to it
 adding -est to it
 putting "more" before it

6. Which is correct? "Do you think Maria is _______ than Selena?"

 more pretty
 more prettier

7. Which is not a comparative form of the adjective "clever"?

 more clever

8. Which is correct? "English is _______ Japanese."

 more easy
 easier than

9. Which is correct? "This year the weather is ______ than last year."


10. Which is comparative? "Whose English is _______? Mine or his?"

 What is the color of the girl's hair?

o A. Black

o B. Red

o C. Green

o D. Orange

 What is the color of the hat?

o A.White

o B. Black

o C. Violet

o D. Green

 What is the color of the shoes?

o A. Green
o B. Blue

o C. Pink

o D. Yellow

 What is the color of the shorts?

o A. Black

o B. Yellow

o C. Orange

o D. Brown

What is the color of the socks?

o A. White

o B. Violet
o C. Brown

o D. Pink

What is the name of the fruit in the picture?

o A. Banana

o B. Grapes

o C. Orange

o D. Apple

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