Marketing Management Project Note

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Marketing Management Project Note

Choose live marketing decision problems of sponsoring companies or choose hypothetical

marketing decision problems in the market environment and attempt to solve it using the
concepts of the course and market study.

Step 1:
Students to identify a company such as Amazon, ITC, P&G.
or / and
You could choose brands of interest to you such as Apple,ne or more Dove
or / and
You could choose a product category for your study. A product category consists of a set
of product which serves similar needs, for example cameras, cell phones, skin care
products etc. You could also choose service category such as web services, consulting

Step 2:
Identify or formulate a marketing decision problem or a marketing opportunity where
your company wants to enter. This pertains to one or more elements of the 5Cs, STP and
4Ps framework.
Examples are: Why does Eureka Forbes rule the water filter market in India? Or Can
SBI/BSNL compete better in the liberalized market by adopting a rural focus? Or Is there
a gap in the SUV market in India?”

Step 3

This stage of the project involves doing a 5 C and STP analysis to understand the market.
Specifically, they need to conduct Qualitative research such as interview with customers,
company data review, Internet search, discussion with peers to understand the
problem/opportunity better.

1. Consumer: Conduct 4 to 5 pilot interviews to understand consumer behavior and

the decision making process.
2. Context: Collate the environmental factors that influence the market of interest.
3. Company: Collect the company situation to the extent that it is relevant for the
question of interest. Financial health, core competencies, strengths and
weaknesses etc. are few things to look out for.
4. Collaborators: Analyze the partnerships that are critical for the market that you
are looking at. These partnerships could be of distributors or partners making
5. Competition: Establish the relevant frame of competition and evaluate their
relative strengths and weaknesses to your company.

Evaluate the segmentation, targeting, positioning, branding, customer value aspects of

the product. Depending upon the question being answered, come up with suggestions,
recommendations on improving value management in this context.

Deliverable 1: Problem Definition , 5 C, and STP Analysis

Time: By 8.00 a.m. beginning of Session 9
Format: A report (max. 10 pg) to be submitted with 1.5 lines spacing, 12 point Calibri Font, 1
inch margin on all aides.

Step 4

Use the framework suggested in the textbook to present a marketing plan for the product
of your interest. Suggest the Product/Price/Place/Promotion plan for the product basing
your recommendations on your findings from the above steps. For this, students will do
quantitative research such as developing a questionnaire and collect data. Subsequently,
students to analyze the data (use DS techniques or simple descriptive analyses such as
mean, median, mode) and provide recommendations to the problem/opportunity
identified in step 2.

Deliverable 2: Marketing Plan (4 P’s)

• Final report that includes all the analysis + Plan (Problem definition, 5C, STP and 4
P recommendations), print-out to be submitted .
• PPT for presentation in class to be submitted before presentation in class.
Time: Full project report and PPT submissions by 8 AM of 19th session. PPT on 19 and 20
sessions. Each group will get 10 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for Q&A.
Format: A report (max. 20 pg) to be submitted with 1.5 lines spacing, 12 point Calibri Font, 1
inch margin on all aides.

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