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Here is your 2nd (and final) class requirement.

It is due in a text file sent to me on

Wednesday July 17th and ready for an oral presentation in class at our last meeting
Friday July 19th. These presentations will follow the 5-minute linguist format (which
is to say that they will be 5 minutes long – PowerPoints or other operational aids are
all welcome).

Here’s the content:

1) Identify what aspect of language regard (i.e., “folk”) knowledge you would like to
access: a) beliefs about pronunciation (or any aspect of language structure at any
level), language acquisition (1st or 2nd), language status and value, etc…; b) responses
to language varieties of any sort. In short, beliefs about and responses to any aspect
of language that a linguist would be interested in (or, even better, aspects of
language that the folk know about that may not have attracted the attention of

2) What group do you want to get this regard knowledge from, and why is the
aspect you identified in 1) important to this group (and therefore, of course, of
interest to you).

3) How will you go about getting this knowledge? Will you have the respondents
carry out some sort of task or be subjected to some sort of experimental situation
(map-drawing, variety evaluation or identification, etc…), or will you take a more
discourse-based approach, based largely on interviews? Or will you combine several

4) How will you analyze and interpret the data you have acquired and relate it to the
importance of the topic you identified in 2).

5) What will you do with your results? Will they lead to further work? Is there some
potential for applied use?

A page will do, but of course I will not throw your assignment away if it gets a (little)

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