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Các dạng bài tập ngữ pháp lý thuyết

1. Tìm các Pre-modifiers của các cụm danh từ trong một đoạn văn cho sẵn
(100 từ) hoặc trong 10 câu cho sẵn. Cho ví dụ thêm về Pre-modifiers.

b1.1 Closed system items (see in Basic noun phrase)(Optional)

b.1.2 Open Class items (Chiefly)
- Adjectives used as premodifiers
(these) beautiful girls
- Verbs/ Participles used as premodifiers
- V-ing participle:
temporary: the approaching train (the train which is approaching)
permanent: an interesting book (a book that interests readers)
- V-ed2 participle:
passive: the broken vase (the vase that was broken)
non-passive: a retired teacher (a teacher who has retired)
- Nouns used as pre-modifiers:
N’s (genitive): the boy’s cottage/ room
N (common-case): the country cottage
A series of N: the black market meat price reduction

2. Tìm các Post-modifiers của các cụm danh từ trong một đoạn văn cho sẵn (100 từ)
hoặc trong 10 câu cho sẵn. Cho ví dụ thêm về Post-modifiers.

- Adverbs / Prepositional Phrase used as postmodifiers

Place : the man in the car / at the desk/ upstairs / down there
Time : the meeting on Tuesday
Manner: a problem of great significance
- Non-finite verbs used as Post-modifiers
- To V: appositive: their hope to become teachers
descriptive: the last bus to arrive
- V-ing: temporary character: the man standing there
- V-ed2 passive meaning: the vase broken during the row
- Relative clauses Post-modification used as modifiers:
Non defining relative clause: This is John, who gave me his book
Defining relative clause: The man who was standing there is my brother.
Sentential relative clause: He failed the exam, which made his parents
3. Xác định các chức năng cú pháp của noun phrases trong một đoạn văn khoảng 100 từ.

4. Xác định chức năng cú pháp của các mệnh đề phụ (subordinate clauses) trong các câu văn. Cho thêm
ví vụ với việc sử dụng subordinate clauses trong câu.

5. Xác định các loại mệnh đề phụ (subordinate clauses) trong các câu văn. Cho thêm ví vụ với việc sử
dụng subordinate clauses trong câu.

According to the syntactic functions of subclause: Nominal clauses, Adverbial

Clauses, Comment Clauses, Relative clauses, Comparative clauses
4.1 Nominal clauses
4.1.1 Definition: the clauses that perform nominal function as S, O, C
4.1.2 Kinds of nominal clauses
1. Finite nominal clause
2. Non-finite clause

4.1.3 Possible functions of Nominal clauses

S Oi

“That” clause + + + + +

“Wh-“ clause + + + + + +
Norminal relative + + + + + + +

Yes/no interrog. Clause + + + + + +

“To” infinitive + + + + + +

Non finte Bare infinitive + + +

Ing participle + + + + + + +

a, S
- “That” clause: That he is the best student of this group is widely accepted.
- “Wh-” clause: Who will go there is a question.
- Nominal Whoever went there was given a small book.
- Yes/no interr. Whether he’ll help us or not is not certain yet.
- “To” infinitive: It is easy to learn grammar.
- Bare infinitive: Run away was what we could do then. -Ing participle: It is no use crying over the
milk spilt. b. Od
- “That” clause: We know that you are rich.
- “Wh-” clause: I didn’t know why you didn’t love me.
- Nominal I can’t understand whatever he says. - Yes/no interr. Do you know if he can swim?
“To” infinitive: She likes to dance then.
- -Ing participle: We like singing the song in the group. c. Oi
- Nominal They gave whoever went there a present. d. Cs:
- “That” clause: The question is that he is still single.
- “Wh- ” question is where we will go after the class.
- Nominal What he likes is not whatever I like.
- Yes/no interr: The question is If he can cope with the situation.
- “To” infinitive: My job was to remind him of his duty.
- Bare infinitive: What we ought to do is repeat what he says. -Ing participle: Her dream was
becoming a good translator. e. Co
- Nominal rel. cl.: You can paint it whichever colour you like.
- “To” infinitive: We wanted him to keep silent.
- Bare infinitive: We heard him murmur something. -Ing participle: I saw him driving a new
Dream. f. App
- “That” clause: His hope, that he’ll become a teacher of English, will soon come true.
- “Wh-” clause: The question how we deal with the situation has not been answered.
- Nominal We want to know her permanent address, that is where she is living most of her
- Yes/no interr: Our problem whether he’ll be able to come over this difficulty is a great significant.
- “To” infinitive: His desire, to become famous throughout the country, comes true.
- Ing participle: Her dream, becoming the Queen, was reliased at last.
g. Cadj
- “That” clause: I’m sure that he’ll get married soon.
- “Wh-” clause: I’m not certain who helped him over the difficulty.
- Yes/no interrogative: I’m not sure whether he’ll succeed or not.
- “To” infinitive: He is easy to deal with. - Ing participle: She was busy making up all day. h.
- “Wh-” clause: It depends on what he will say at the meeting.
- Nominal rel. cl: I don’t believe in whatever he says.
- Yes/no interr: It depends on whether he can bring in this list.
- Ing participle: They are thinking of cheating her.
4.2 Comment clauses
4.2.1 Definition
Comment clause similar to main clause
She loved him, I know/ see.
4.2.2 Possible functions (adjunct, disjunct, conjunct):
As all of you know, this story is legend.
To be honest, he is very stringy.
What’s more important, you have to go out.
4.3 Comparative clauses
4.3.1 Definition: a comparative clause consists of 2 components: Comparative element + comparative
He looks younger than she does.

4.3.2 Possible functions

Cs: I’m happier about it than my sister is.
S: More people learn English than any other languages.
Od: He read more books than I did.
Oi: That man has given more children happiness than anyone else.
A: You have been working much harder than I had.
.3. Ellipsis in “than” clauses She is taller than he (is)/ him

4.4 Adverbial clauses

4.4.1 Definition
Adverbial clauses are those perform adverbial functions in the sentence (adjuncts, disjuncts, conjuncts)
4.4.2 Semantic classification (Finite Adverbial clauses)
a. Clauses of time: after, before, since, until, when, while, as soon/long as, whenever...
Buy your tickets as soon as you reach the station.
b. Clause of place: where / wherever
They went wherever they could find work.
c. Clauses of condition: if, unless, on condition that, provided (providing) that, as long as, so long
Provided that no objection is raised, we shall hold the meeting here.
d. Clauses of concession: although, though, even if, even though, while, whereas No goals were
scored, though it was an exciting game.
e. Conditional concessive clauses: whether ... or, wherever whatever, whoever, no matter how
Whether they beat us or we beat them, we’ll celebrate tonight.
f. Clauses of reason (or cause): as, because, since
I lent him the money because he badly needed it.
g. Clauses of circumstance: because, since, now that, seeing that
Seeing that the weather has improved, we shall enjoy our game.
h. Clauses of manner: exactly, just + as
Please do it (exactly) as I instructed.
i. Clauses of comparison: (more) ... than, as if, as though He treated me as if he had never met me.
k. Clauses of result: so (that), in order that (purpose)
We planted many shrubs, so (that) the garden soon looked beautiful.
l. Clauses of proportion and preference: as ... (so), the more/ less ...the more/ less As he grew
disheartened, (so) his work deteriorated. The harder he worked, the happiest he felt.

7. Đặt 03 câu phức với mệnh đề phụ có chức năng cú pháp theo yêu cầu đã cho.
c, Subjunctive mood
c.1 The mandative subjunctive mood:
- The base form is used to express a wish, a hope or a prayer Long live Ho Chi Minh.
God save Queen. Heaven bless us.
- In subordinate “that” clause, when the main clause contains an expression of recommendation,
resolution, demand, suggestion It’s necessary that you be here. I suggest that he start early.
c.2 The formulate subjunctive mood:
Come what may, we’ll go ahead.
Suffice it to say that, we’ll go ahead.

c.3 The subjunctive “were” (unreal conditional sentence): to express unreality,

impossibility or doubt
If she were here.
(future): would do: I would come to.
- Wish (present): did/ were: I had a motor.
(past): had done: I had done that object.
- Comparative subjunctive:
(future): would do: I would come to.
…as if/ though (present): did/ were: I had a motor.
If only (past): had done: I had done that object.
He talks as if he was president/ he had been from Australia.

8. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để xác định chức năng thành phần câu. Giải thích sơ bộ.

9. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu. Giải thích sơ bộ.

10. Nhận xét đúng/ sai về 03 câu đã cho và trình bày lý do.

11. Xác định cấu trúc câu/ các thành phần câu S, V, O, C, A trong 05 câu đã cho.

12. Xác định mô hình câu cơ bản (basic sentence types) của 05 câu cho sẵn.

13. Đặt 03 câu phức có sử dụng một cụm danh từ/mệnh đề danh ngữ cho sẵn thực hiện các chức năng
cú pháp theo yêu cầu.

14. Nối 3-4 câu đơn thành 01 câu phức không sử dụng and, but, or.

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