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-The text must have a connection between sentences: for example, the sentence

in the text above:

The first of our three brains to evolve is what scientists call the reptilian cortex.
This brain sustains the elementary activities of animal survival such as
respiration, adequately rest and a beating heart.
Demonstrative pronouns "this" in the second sentence refers to "The first of
our three brains" in the first sentence.
>These two sentences have connection, so they form the text.

-There are signs in the text that are related by conjunctions such as:
Additive: and ,or, these same ...
Temporal: Strung together over time, over three years, over a lifetime, later

-Words in the text are interchangeable:

Over three years, this ongoing sacrifice translates into a first class degree and a
scholarship to graduate school; over a lifetime, it can mean groundbreaking
contributions to human knowledge and development.
Apparently the "it" in the following sentence is used instead of "this ongoing
sacrifice translates into a first class degree and a scholarship to graduate

- This text contains formal language with standard words and phrases ( no
colloquials ) . All the sentences are informative and succinct . They contain
enough subject and verb components . They are all complete sentences
.Example:The neocortex is also responsible for the process by which we decide
on and commit to particular courses of action.

-There are no fillers such as : well , oh , my god , ah , wow , erm , I think , you
know ....

-There are no signs of the phenomena of rhythm , intonation , interruptions .

exlamation marks , slang , jargons , contacted forms ( I'm , he's , she'd .. ) ..........
or pauses ..... in the text .

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