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Learning Part Session 1 * Hyperbola : Definition * The Foci and Two Directrices of a Hyperbola * Some Terms Related to Hyperbola * Conjugate Hyperbola * Intersection of a Line and a Hyperbola Session 2 + Equations of Tangents in Different Forms * Pair of Tangents + Equation of the Chord Bisected at a Given Point Session 3 * Diameter Properties of Hyperbola Director Circle Rectangular Hyperbola Study of Hyperbola xy = peflecion Property of a Hyperbola Equation of a Hyperbola Refere Practice Part + JEE Type Examples + chapter Exercises ‘Arihant on Your Mobile , elds Exercises with the Bl sym>o! Standard Equation of Hyperbola Tracing of the Hyperbola Focal Distances of a Point Position of a Point with Respect to a Hyperbola ‘* Equations of Normals in Different Forms Chord of Contact Conjugate Diameters. ‘* Intersection of Conjugate Diameters and Hyperbola + Asymptotes © The Rectangular Hyperbola xy =c? ‘+ Properties of Rectangular Hyperbola xy =c? xd to Two Perpendicular Lines .ctised on your mobile. See inside cover page to activate for free. | Session 1 Hyperbola : Defin ion, Standard Equation of Hyperbola, The Foci and Two Directrices of a Hyperbola, Tracing of the Hyperbola, Focal Distances of a Point, Conjugate Hyperbola, Position of a Point with Respect to a Hyperbola, Intersection of a Line and a Hyperbola Hyperbola : Definition The locus of a point which moves in a plane such that its distance from a fixed point (i.e. focus) is ¢ times its distance from a fixed line (ie. directrix) is known as, hyperbola. For hyperbola e > L Standard Equation of Hyperbola Let $ be the focus and ZM the directrix of the hyperbola Draw SZLZM, Divide SZ internally and externally in the ratio e:1(e > 1) and let A and A’ be their internal and external points of division. pa fy) Ae Se, * SA=eAZ “ and (ii) Clearly A and A’ will lie on the hyperbola, Let AA’ =2a and take C the mid-point of AA’ as origin c. CA=CA’=a Let P(x, y) be any point on the hyperbola and CA as X-axis, the line through C perpendicular to CA as Y-axis Then adding Eqs. (i) and (ti) then (CA CA’) z+ The focus $ is (CS,0) ie. (ae,0) and subtracting Eq, (i) from Eq. (ii), then SA’ ~SA=e(A'Z— AZ) AA’ =e[(CA’ + CZ) -(CA-CZ)] = AA’ =(2CZ) (eCA=CA’) = 2a=e(2CZ) CZ=ale “. The directrix MZ is x =CZ=a/e or x-ale=0 Now, draw PML MZ, ne ot (SP)? =e2 (PM)? par 76 oF (SP)? =e? (PM) or (x-ae)? sono =e(x-3)) e or (x ~ae)* +y? =(ex ~a)? = xt tate? —2aex +? x*(e? —1)-y? =a? (e? -1 or where |b? = a? (e? -1) This is the standard equation of the hyperbola, Generally : The equation of the hyperbola whose focus is the point (h,k) and directrix is lx + my +n=0 and whose eccentricity is¢, is (x=)? £(y —k)? =e? (le tmy +n)? (P +m*) ne Foci and Two Directrices ofa Hyperbola pune negative side of origin take a points” which is sath C5 =CS' =ae sgdanother point 2’, then CZ =z’ coordinates ofS” are (~ae,0) and equation of second Jrectrix (Le. 2’M’) is e lat P(x.y) be any point on the hyperbola, then S'P=ePM’ or (S’P)® =e? (PM)? « (xtae)? +(y -o)* “(ssf @ o (x +ae)’ +y* =(ex +a)? ox? +2aex +072? +y?= ex? +2a0x +a” o x? (e? -1)-y? =a"(e* 1) X21, where, b? =a’ (e* -1) P The equation being the same as that of hyperbola when S(ae,0) is focus and MZ i.e. x == is directrix. Hence, coordinates of foci are (+ ae,0) and equations of titectrices are x=ta/e Remarks '. Distance between foci SS” Sirectnces Z'=2a/ 8 2 Two hyperbola are said to be similar if they have the samme ‘lve of eccentricity 2 Since, # =2aeand distance between Chap 07 Hyperbola 557 0 a) and (N=CN+ CA'a(x4a) and From Ea. 0, Tracing of the Hyperbola Equation of the hyperbola is ey oe (i) Since only even powers of x and y occur in this equation so it (hyperbola) is symmetrical about the both axes. (i) (ii) The hyperbola (i) does not cut Y-axis in real points where as it cuts X-axis at (a,0) and (~a,0). (iii) The Eq. (i) may be written as Iffollows that x* -a* 20 xt2a? = xS-a or x2a Hence, x€(-a,a) The curve does not exist in the region xs-atox=a (iv) As xincreases, y also increases ie. the curve extends to infinity. Some Terms Related to Hyperbola Let the equation of hyperbola is = — ct @ (1) Centre : All chords passing through C and bisected atc. Here C=(0,0) (2) Eccentricity : For the hyperbola = aeoiwe have 558 — Textbook of Coordinate Geometry (transverse axis)” (3) Foci and directrices : § and S’ are the foci of the ellipse and their coordinates are (ae, 0) and (~ae,0) respectively and ZM and Z’ M’ are two directrices of the hyperbola and their equations are and x =~“ respectively. e 1 A ht ad, 9 (4) Axes : The points A (a,0) and A’(—a,0) are called the vertices of the hyperbola and line AA’ is called transverse axis and the line perpendicular to its through the centre 0,0) of the hyperbola is called conjugate axis. ‘The length of transverse and conjugate axes are taken as 2a and 26 respectively. (5) Double ordinates : If Q be a point on the hyperbola draw QN perpendicular to the axis of the hyperbola and produced to meet the curve again at Q’. Then 00’ is called a double ordinate of Q. If abscissa of Q is h, then ordinates of Q are = y(n? -a?) (for I quadrant) and ordinate of Q’ is (for IV quadrant) Hence, coordinates of Q and Q’ are (nt for) nas, 20) 7 a respectively. (6) Latusrectum : The double ordinates LL’ and L,L,’ are the latusrectums of the hyperbola. These lines are perpendicular to transverse axis A’ and through the foci $ and S’ respectively. Length of latusrectum Now, let LL’ =2k, then LS = L’S=k Coordinates of L and L’ are (ae, k) and (ae,—k) 2 ye lie on the hyperbola ~~~ a @ ae? renee (2) cwtaeen ; (rk >0) - Length of latusrectum LL’ = 1,1’, =2 and end points of latusrectums are tof) v>(os-2} 4 -[-<2}; Ly re ae, ~ | respectively. a a (7) Focal chord : A chord of hyperbola passing through its focus is called a focal chord. (8) Parametric equations of the hyperbola ; Let x i i =1be the hyperbola with centre C and transverse axis A’A. Therefore, circle drawn with centre ‘Cand segment A’ Aas a diameter is called auxiliary circle of the hyperbola, _ Equation ofthe auxiliary circle is x? 4 y2 let P (xy) be any point on the hyperbola Draw PN perpendicular to X-axis, Let NQbe a tangent to the auxiliary ci yi +y? =a Join CQ iad Let ZOCN =o Here, Pand Qare the corresponding points of the hyperbola and the auxiliary circle, weet P-(0S$<2m) ‘is the eccentric since, 2=(acosd,asing) CN Now, x =CN: co CQ=sech-a * = CN =asec } P(x,y) (asec 6,y) +: Plies on 7 ae BF 2 or YX = sec? )~1= tan? P y=tbtand [y=btand (2 lies in I quadrant) The equations of x =a sec and y = tanpare known as the parametric equations of the hyperbola x? y = ae is le and the ton of pot an peste pl and "so Tx? = 2y? + Lexy - 2x + My -22=0 a which is the required hyperbola. ee xatth veande,are the eccentricities ofa hyp ‘mple 3 Find the lengths of transverse axis and earl reapectnely then ee eh Roe ens Conjugate axis, eccentricity, the coordinates of foci, hea emewloeye vertices, lengths of the latusrectum and equations of ‘ the directrices of the following hyperbolas 2 0 (9x? -y? =1 (i 16x? ~ 9y* = - 148 and for conjugate hyperbola a? = be —1) Sol. (i) The equation 9x? ~ y* = 1 can be written as o gant @ From Eqs. () and (i), we get This is of the form ~~ 1 4 + atone? 6 a sy elocclamyerble on its convante ave conc and form the vertices of a square. | Asimple method to find the coordinates ofthe centre ofthe hyperbola expressed as a general equation of degree two should be remembered as 3 Let 9(x, y) =0 represents a hyperbola. i rd % (diferentite w.rt x keeping yas constant) and 2 Length of conjugate axis :The length of conjugate axis a * =2b=2 (iferetate w.rt y keeping x as constant) Tren he point of intersection of MP =0 ana Bo guesine Eccentricity : ¢ : + centre ofthe hyperbola. seviog _ FoteTncondnae otitis oie (+) (Basile 2 Find the equation of the hyperbola whose 3 ect is 2x + y = 1, focus (1,2) and eccentricty ©: Vertices : The coordinates ofthe vertices are (0): sw PM $1 Let P(x, y) be any point on the hyperbola. Draw P (: se} Perpendicular from P on the directrix. 3 Then, by definition SP=e PM Length of latusrectum : The length of latusrectum = (spy =e? (PM) 2b 20)? a 43 Equation of the directrices : The equations ofthe directrices are xed € 13 ie. =t we To 1 or xsto= avo 562 — Textbook of Coordinate Geometry (ii) The equation 16x’ — 9y? = ~ 144 can be written as ss a Nb q (ii) The eg " 16x* ~ 9y? =~ 144 can be writt _Eesaip 5 Prove that he point $(+t}5 ~) lies on the hyperbola for all values oF t(t #0) . Ai) Eecentriity : le [i+2)=3 Wt ae) 4 Foci : The coordinates of the foci are (0, be) i.e. (0, £5) 7 i Vertices : The coordinates of the vertices are (0, + b)i.. +4) Length of latusrectum : The length of latusrectum = = =20% 9 42 at a Equation of directrices : The equation of directrices are i whichis hyperbola 5c iple 6 Show that the equation fy? —9x? + 54x — 28y — 116 = 0 represent a hyperbola. Find the coordinates of the centre, lengths of 16 = yatt transverse and conjugate axes, eccentricity, latusrectum, coordinate of foci, vertices and equations _pekaiple 4 Find the eccentricity of the hyperbola of the directrices of the hyperbola. whose latusrectum is half of its transverse axis. Sol. We have, 7y? ~9x? + 54x ~28y -116=0 Sol. Let the equation of hyperbola be or 1(y? = 4y)-9 (x? —6x)-116=0 or (y= dy +4)~9(x? ~ 6x +9) = 116 428-81 an or 1(y-2)' -9(x-3)? =63 ‘Then, transverse axis =2 a and latusrectum = =~ oe Q-2_(e-3F 2d 7 According to question —— = > (2a) as vex? ere ei ¥. aaa? oT A eo = where X = x-SandY =y~2 rat (e? -1) =a? ‘Tiss equation represents conjugate hyperbola. Comparing boudg we get, Centre : 2 Centre is (3,2) Chap 07 Hyperbola 563 of transverse axis : Len engl Length of transverse axis k (1 sacha cnhtis ns lneetrnpyas BB Nf @) @ ity The eccentricity ¢ fecentricty : The eccentricity eis given by or 2-1 4-4 =75 a Length of latusrectum : The length of latuarectum or tax? — ay? 24x + 32y-127=0 2a? 2) _ 14 Ubxaniple 8 Obtain the equation of a hyperbola with bs Coordinate axes as principal axes given that the Foci : The coordinates of foci are(0, + be) distances of one of its vertices from the foci are 9 and X=0Y =4b6 1 units Sol, Let equation of hyperbola i 2 r-3=0y-2e434 Ww at ie. ya and yng safe 7 Find the equation of the hyperbola whose i are (6, 4) and (—4,4) and eccentricity is 2. SL The '¢ hyperbola is the mid-point of the line Fase of fhe coordinate of he cee ae Eyarfiple 9 The foci of a hyperbola coincide with.the 2 on4 4), e(14) foci of the ellipse + —=1, Find the equation of the 2 2 7 29 Let2a and2b be the lengths of transverse and conjygate hyperbola if its eccentricity is 2. anes and let ¢ be the eccentricity. Then, equation © Sol The given elpse is 242 hyperbola is 7 3 9 y (y- 4 2 go oe F Comparing with Distance between the foci = 2a¢ . ¢ 7 ye =2ax2 ‘ _ Foci of ellipse are tae, 0) i. (#4.0) a-n-2 So, the coordinates of foci ofthe hyperbola are (+ 4,0) “OF Thus, the equation of the hyperbola 5 564 Textbook of Coordinate Geometry Let e’ be the eccentricity of the required hyperbola and its 1 replacing m by - + in Eq. (i) equation be m “ Ki) the coordinates of foci are(+ Ae’,0) AC=4 = Ax2=4 = Ase Also BP = A? (e’?~1) (egivene’ =2) ‘Adding Eqs. (i) and (i), then =4(4-1)=12 at em?) ~ a? (tm) Substituting the values of A and Bin Eq, (i), we get (ory (Coy a6 (1 +m?) Lor 3x*~y?~12=0 4°12 which is required hyperbola. LExample 10 if two points P and Q on the hyperbola wx y? Fai ea An Position of a Point with e po whose centré is C, are such that CP is Respect to a Hyperbola perpendicular to CQ,a0 a Proof : Let P=(x,,9,) then Q=(x,,y») 7 Draw PL perpendicular to X-axis, Poy) 7) Introrregion (am) 7 Clearly, PL > QL a emt a = a am . 2 +yt= 2h em) am") = cPy = x+y? 2b? (1+ m?) Addi (- an) = 1 B= a'm? ee “) ne yr FPA mF) = and equation of CQis_ = y=— 2 x the point P (x,y, ) lies out, foe the point (x,,y;) ide at byperbola lies outside, o + ON oF inside thy bola n pen x cording as => a S ipdiBet FAT the Position of the point (5,4) relative to the hyperbola 9x? — y2 gol Since, 9(5)* —(-4)? ~ ne 25 - 16-1 =208 >, So, the point (5, ~ 4) inside the hyperbola 9x? ~ y Intersection of a Line and a Hyperbola Let the hyperbola be 1 i) and the given line be y=mx +e Himinating y from Eqs. (i) and (ii), x? (mx +c) a e = b?) x? +2mea?x +a? (b? +07) =0 alii) =1 => bPx? - a" (mx +0)? =0°b? = (a’m? iii) Above equation being a quadratic in x gives two values of x Itshows that every straight line will cut the hyperbola intwo points, may be real, coincident or imaginary, cording as discriminant of Eq. (ii) >= <0 Ue antetat —4(aim? —b?) a2 (0? +e) >= <0 or m atm? +b +02 <0 ham ii (iv) ® @>.5 1) Exercise for Session 1 1. The eccentricity of the conic represented by x? - y?—4x +4y + 16 =0is 4 @t 4 on (2 2. HWe,ande; are the eccentricities of the conic sections 16x? + 9y? = 144 and 9x? - 16y? = 144, then (ae? ~e8=1 (be? +08 <3 (et +08 =3 (et +e2>3 3. The transverse axis of a hyperbola is of length 2a and a vertex divides the segment of the axis between the Centre and the corresponding focus in the ratio 2 : 1, then the equation of the hyperbola is (a) 4x? ~ 5y? = 4a? (b) 4x? ~ Sy? = Sa? (c) Sx? - dy? = da? (a) 5x? ~ ay? = 54? 4. The eccentricity of the hyperbola whose latusrectum is 8 and conjugate axis is eq tance . igate axis i oy of it ual to half of the dist 2 3 4 a C @ ( OF 5. The straight line x + y = ¥2p will ouch the hyperbola 4x? ~ 9y? =36, if (a)p?=2 (pr =5 (0) 80' (0) 29? =5 2 6. The equation of the tangent, parallel to y - x + 5 =0 drawn to = 7 2 0 (ax-y-120 (o)x-y+2=0 ()xty-te (x+ys+2-0 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. We ande’ are the eccentricities of the hyperbola ~~ —¥7 — and * circle 2 Bao tend 5 =A tnen the point | 2 aye (a) x? + 7 ee Os 2 (yxrsy=3 (x? Ife ande’ are the ecc 4 anid enti then ee’ = ities of the ellipse 5x? + 9y? = 45 and the hyperbola 5x? - 4y? = 45 respectively, LL oF na os The equation — 1 Eo tepresenis (a) a hyperbola if, < laifi<6 (b)anellipse it >6 (c)a hyperbola it6 P ie. x,—>x, andy, + y,, then Eq, (vi) becomes BP @x) a’ (2y,) (x=x,) [from Eq. (ii) which is the required equation of tangent at (x,,y;). Remark ‘The equation of tangent a (x, y,) can be obtained by replacing 1? 1 BIH YE, yoy LEH andy by M2 AY- Tis 2 7ethod is applied only when the equation of conic isa polynomial of second degree in x and y, 2. Parametric form : ‘eorem : The equation of tangent to the hyperbola 2 z_¥_ ae pe Lat (asec 6,5 tang) is “sec ¢-2 tang= a piane=t poof Since, equation of tangent at (x,y, Yi dis sow. replacing *; by asec and y, by d tang, w ; we get x y sec o-2 tang= gC OOF tanga 1 Remark ‘re pint of intersection of tangents at and"4'on the hyper ’ hyperbola Remembering method : -: Equations of chord joining ‘@’ and ‘¢' is Eeos{ 92) 2 ain( 248) a 2 b 2 or 3. Slope form : Th hyperbola 4a: The equations of tangents of slope7™ 1° the 2 Y= 1is given by P s of contact are The coordinates of the point a, e + __ ain tea = yam atm bola Proof: Let y =mx +e be a tangent to the hyPo Mie @ xy a Chap 07 Hyperbola 569 Substituting the value of y =mx +c in Eq, (i), then (mx +0)? aT ane or (a?m? ~b?) x? +2mea®x +a? (c? +b?) =0 must have equal roots 4atm*c? — 4(a?m? — b*)a? (c? +b?) =0 [B? -4AC=0] md a’mic? ~(a*m? ~b*)(b? +c") =0 > amc? — a*b?m? — amc? +b* + bc? = -a°btm? +b! +b%e? =0 = ct =a*m? +y(a?m’ -b) Substituting this value of c in y =mx +¢, we get y=mx+ty(a?m? -b?) ii) as the required equation of tangents of hyperbola in terms of slope. +: Tangent at (x,,) to the hyperbola 2 Whey ae On comparing Eqs. (ii) and (ii) we get xylat _ys/ 1 m 1 ‘Thus, the coordinates of the points of contact are tam & Vaim=0) Ylaim-0*) Remark The equations of tangents of slope to the hyperbola zB 2 F Bea Eeatare gong yom [ier #m') and the coordinates ofthe points of contact are am Be ¥ ¥ ( [e-em oe 1 iple 16 Find the equation of the tangent to the fyperbola x? — 4 \y? = 36 which is perpendicular to the line x-y +4=0. Sol. Let m be the slope of the tangent. Since, the tangent is perpendicular to the line x~y +4 =0 & mxi=-1 = m=e-1 570 — Textbook of Coordinate Geometry a =36 and So the equation of tangents are 1) x 36x (-1)) -9 = yeoxtvT or reyt3sieo as Bane 17 Find the equation and the length of the ‘common tangents to hyperbola Sol, Tangent at (a sec. tan) on the Ist hyperbola is 2B 7 oa % see g= ¥ tang=1 Ai) Sinitary tangent at any point (tn, 238¢8) on 2nd hyperbola is y 2 sec — = tand ti) IF Eqs. (i) and (ii) are common tangents then they should be identical. Comparing the coefficients of x and y => sec __ tang or ii) and or (iv) = [from Eqs. (ii) and. (iv)] or Fane Z(t tanga ee a or tan? 9=1+ (F- 5) wee and sec*=1+ tan? = Hence, the points of contact are Ft team Eqs (i ~ Ryo eon [from Eqs. i) and (yy Length of common tangent the distance between the +8) fa - 6°) tangent on Prting the the values = and tan 9 in Eqs. (i)is above points is 3 {22 and equation of common or xey ‘yge: The gen ww ies are a 0) = i) wwe know that y= mx t y(a’m? — 6) (ii) is tangent to Eq, (i) for all m. Similarly y = m,x + y(-b*) mj ~(-a’) y=mx + ya — bm) iv) will be tangent to Eq, (i) For common tangents to Eqs. (i) and (ii) the lines (ii) and (iv) must be identical ie om=m, and atm? —B aa’ ie. (a +8)(m?~1)=0 = m=1 => m=+1 ++ The equation of common tangent lines are tye B)—ffromta Gil or \(a* — 6) ” ava of tangent oF, () a(x is Me, () ‘On comparing Eqs.(v) and (vi), then ala my) FE ke) ie os o ley Teme and equation of tangent to Eq (i at (2, y,)i8 Bye mya a" On comparing Eqs. (¥) and (vi), then Rib) _ yy wt Ayla’ Chap 07 Hyperbola 571 Pea 7 | Vea Es) ‘The points of contact are 2 joa e ( Ve os) e a a (a Te = Hence, the length of common tangent is fp (+ 8) Me-% Iramphe ro she chor ing te pos ban Leap 19 ene y= met Yara =b?) Soe Hence proved, @ 0 the hyperbola “> — 5 =1.1F @, — 9 = 24, touches the hyperbola ~ xe = lat the point where ot is constant, prove that PQ touches the esin( © heb : (osec6,b tand), show that 0 =sin-{ Seota tat So, Since (5600, band) lies on Sol, Given hyperbol: wy Ai) Pere eeeee wen ype oe btan@ = am secO + y(a'm? — b) = (btan® ~ am sec)? = a?m* ~ b* (® o2\_¥ (use = btan®@ +.a°m’ sec?@ —2abm tanO sec 0 = a?m? — b* = a'm?tan?0~2abm tan 6 +? sec*@ =0 > * cos — 5 sin or a’m?sin?@ ~ 2abm sin® + B* =0 (0080 #0) sng = 2m fie en (+) 5 eom(2) i . L Example 20 if sY and 5’Y” be drawn perpendiculars BP from foci to any tangent to a hyperbola. Prove that Y and Y’ lie on the auxiliary circle and that product of b e080 and = pF ony these perpendiculars is constant. Sm(tee) (ETE) at utente Fogg Men fy For line y = mx + to be a tangent on 7 608 53 u ‘Tangent at P (a sec 6, b tan) on Eq. (i) is re A secg—Ftand=1 i) (seco) Is slope is anni (@tand) Equation of SY which is perpendicular to Eq. () and passes ‘through focus Sie. (ae, 0)is 572 Textbook of Coordinate Geometry rsect at Y and in order to find its locus we have to eliminate 9 between Eq. i) and (ii), for which squaring and adding Eqs. (ii) and (ii) then, we get * isthe required locus. Similarly the point Y’ also lies on it. Again if p, and p, be the length of perpendiculars from 5 (ae,0) and $” (ae. 0)on the tangent (i), then ph (e see 6=1)-(e sec +1) _ ab (e*sec%9 ~ 1) © Bsectg+ a? tan? ___2°b? (e*sec? = 1) a (=i) seco a tan _ Be?sec*o — 1 © (esec% = 1) e (8? =a? (e® ~1)] Equations of Normals in Different Forms LPoint form : Theorem : The equation of the normal to the hyperbola 2 2 ax By, 2-H atat(x ysis + Yaad ob a BF moO Proof : Since the equation of tangent to the hyperbola 242 xy 1 a P at (x1,9))is P-L bx, The slope of tangent at (x;,y,)=—=* an on Slope of normal at (x,y) 2 Bx, Hence, the equation of normal at (x,,.,) or Remark ‘The equation of normal at (x, y;) can also be obtained by this method woh oy 0 Tythntg hued ys? .9.f.hrare obtained by comparing the given hyperbola with a1? +Dhay + Wy? +29x-+2fy + 0=0 “i The denominator of Eq. () can easily be remembered by the frst two rows of this determinant eh g ho Fl lo fe 4 Since first row is a(x) + hy.) + 9(1) ‘and second row | h(x) + 6'(y,) + FCI) Here, hyperbola Wy F or ) (On comparing Eas. (i) and (ii), we get 1 4.9 =0,f=0,ne F920. =0,=0 From Ea. (D, equation of normal of (i) ata, y.)is mh yy +040 0-Lieg e or or Seen form : Theorem : The equation of normal at (a sec $, b tang) to the hyperbola *_ — ¥ ee is ax cos+ by coto=a? +o" f:Since the equation of normals rel ‘ormals of the hyperbola gf Yoetat (x1,y;) is ve ax by Poe iy geplsing *1 by asec and y, by b tang, then B pecomes sthen Eq. (i) 2 ax by 2 4p asec btang * o ax cos + by cot=a? +b? isequation of normal at (asec @,b tand). 3,Slope form : frm: The equations of normals of slope m to the eo Iyperbola Peele 2 ab? yamy 7 a+b) (a? —mb*) 2 o? atthe points | + £ m [amity la’ -m'b) Proof : The equation of normal to the hyperbola AF srat(ayyidis ax Hye “ 4 nv Since ‘m’ is the slope of the normal, then ays bx; b?xym (ii) or x e or Chap 07 Hyperbola 573 fa? vm) From Eq. (ij, y, =7— fa? —'m) - Equation of normal in terms of slope is mb? y- [- iu | =m | 7 ( + [ia -m°b*) where mis the slope of the normal. ‘The coordinates of the point of contact are 2 mb? tp Comparing Eq, (ii) with y=mx +e ag mae +) © Ila? mb?) or ema +b) (a? = mb?) which is condition of normality, where y =mx +cis the normal of Remark Normal other than transverseaxis, never passes through the Ban y? 1 Example 21 4 normal to the hyperbola go meets the axes in M and N and lines MP and NP are drawn perpendiculars to the axes meeting at P. Prove that the locus of P is the hyperbola ox? by? =(a? +b*)". Sol, The equation of normal at the point (a sec @,b tang) 10 the hyperbola 2 574 Textbook of Coordinate Geometry axcoso+ by coto=a? +6? @ The normal) meets the X-axisin M{ # ee ¢.0]ana Yeas in x(a uJ ° x x ~, Equation of MP, the line through M and perpendicular to X aus is or seege a 0" and the equation of NP, the line through Nand Perpendicular to the Vani is »-(2) ano by or tang= (ii @ +0) _ The locus of the point of intersection of MP and NP will be obtained by elminating ¢ from Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have sec ~ tan? >= = at aye sek (+ bF or alx? — by? =(a? + 6)? is the required locus of P. imple 22 Prove that the line Ix-+ my ~ n=O will be 2 ya a normal to the hyperbola ~~ 2 a 2b? _ a's bP Pom Sol. The equation of any normal to = axcos $+ bycot =a? +t or axcos 6+ by cotp-(a?+8)=0 4) ‘The straight line lx + my ~ n = 0will be a normal to the then Eq, () and fx + my ~ hyperbola 2 re a BF represent the same line nb sec p= 4 and tang = — 1 or On TTL ma +B) sec = tan®§ nia! not nie +BY ale = Fm _EBaniple 23 if the normal at °p' on the hyperbola 2 x" _Y" 1s meot transverse axis at G prove that b AG: A’G=a(e*sec*o-1)._- where A and A’ are the vertices of the hyperbola. Sol, The equation of normal at (asec 6, btan ) to the given hyperbola is ax cos 9 + bycot $= (a? + 6?) ‘This meets the transverse axis ie. X-axis at G.So, the conte of re (# “}ec ante Pa +e) a+b} coordinates of the vertices A and A’ are A(a,0) and A'(~a,0) respectively. AGA’ = (ae*)?sec"9 ~ a? = a°(e'sec*6 — 1) Lexdimple 24 Find the locus of the foot of perpendicular from the centre upon any normal tothe xy hyperbola Y= @ Be Sol, Normal at Ma sec 6, btan 6) is ax OS $+ by cot =a? + 5? “ and equation of line perpendicular to Eq, (i) and pass through origin is See bx ~aysin <0 i) x Pasecd.btand) * aI —al 7 Chap 07 Hyperbola 575 sliminating 6 from Eqs. () and (i), we will psig om Ee fet the equation o wy +. Equation of PTis y~y, eras sin g= ay cos 9 = Mey’ =H?) ay ay? =e) bx 7 From Eq, (i Ye ae( A222) hy, — kx, af R= ay? — Px? Py? Bey? SI oxi Sty HOE case c tom) en 8 NOFA 0 shy by, ~ke)? =a%(k-y,)? Bh)? or (x+y? (ay? = bx?) = (a? + b?xty? which is required locus. Hence, locus of (h, k) is (xy, — xy) =a*y yi)? Bem? or (xy, = my)? =~(Bx? ~ Py?) (bt a7) H ~ 2a" yy, ~ exe) Pair of Tangents ca 7 (2) xy Theorem : The combined equation of the pair of tangents ab drawn from a point P(x, v,)), lying outside the hyperbola 2 Pe ¥ =11o the hyperbola X=1is i A Vig and ToP-BE-1 a a BF Proof : Let 7(h,k) be any point on the pair of tangents mo or PR drawn from any external point P+) # ; hyperbola Aliter: 4 2 Let the hyperbola be Yat wi) P Let P(x,,);) be any point outside the hyperbola. Let a chord of the hyperbola through the point P(x.) cut the hyperbola at Q and R. Let R(h, k) be any arbitrary point on the line PQ (R inside or outside). 576 Textbook of Coordinate Geometry Pow Let Q divides PR in the ratio 1, then coordinates of Qare [Ahtx, Ak+y, ) 5 SP) ce poor =a cor Since, Q lies on hyperbola (i), then Ahtx,)'_ 1 (Ak+y, )* ati) Tar hx.) a" (Ak ty,)? =a2b%(A41)? (Wh? — ak? — a6 + 2(0%hx, —a*ky, ab?) +(b*x} ~ay? —a°6?) =0 (ii) et PR will become tangent to the hyperbola (i), then roots of Eq, (ii) are equal 4(bhx, ~a%ky, — ab)? — 4 (07H? —a2k? — 2b?) x(b?xi ~a2y? —ab*) <0 Dividing by 4a‘b* (bx, (ae Hence, locus of R (h,k), ie. equation of pair of tangents from P(x,,y,)is (= ie. T? =SS, or SS, =T? -}-( Remark ‘5'=0 is the equation of the cure. 5, is obtained from $ by replacing x by.x, and y by y, and 0 is the equation of the tangent at(,.y,) 10S =0. Chord of Contact Theorem : If the tangents from a point P(x,,y,) to the hyperbola = ~2- = 1 touch the hyperbola at Qand R, ao then the equation of the chord of contact QR is 2 Wh a x’ y"Jand R=(x”,y"”) Y SC chord o contact x e a Now, equation of tangents PQ and PR are a! yy 8 eo ® and =e iy a 6 Since, Eqs. (i) and (ii) pass through P(x,,y, ), then (ii) and wofiv) 1 ee which is chord of contact QR. Equation of the Chord Bisected at a Given Point ‘Theorem : The equation of the chord of the hyperbola zy ee bisected at the point (x, y,) is eli) oR be the chord of the hyperbola whose mid-point is vp vi-Since Qand Rlie on the hyperbola @). ya) Ps. ¥i) Rba¥9) Ai) and (iii) subtracting Eq, (iii) from Eq, (i), L(y y2y- 12 _ a2 Get 15) 308 98) =0 @ (x2 + X32 =X) _ (2 +3) 2 ~¥s) a e a _B ey txs) R783 a(2 +¥5) =P 2x:) [pis the mid-point of QR] a? (2y:) liv) [from Eq. (iv)] T=S, Leple 25 Find the oes of the mid-point ofthe chords of the hyperbola > ~~ =1 which subtend 2 Fight angle at the origin Chap 07 Hyperbola 577 Sol, Let (h, k) be the mid-point of the chord of the hyperbola. ‘Then its equation is fx ky cam i) ‘The equation of the lines joining the origin to the points of, intersection of the hyperbola and the chord (i) is obtained by ‘making homogeneous hyperbola with the help of Eq. (i) fe-# "8 i) lines represented by Eq, (ii) will be at right angle if Coefficient of x* + Coefficient of y* =0 et 2(t-}-8 (KY -E- ala BF a BF ~ (eae a BF bo Hence, the locus of (h, k) is G-G-a-FF Late 26 From the points on the circle ay? =a", tangents are drawn to the hyperbola x? —y? =a"; prove that the locus of the middle-points of the chords of contact is the curve (2 =? =a? (x+y?) Sol. Since any point on the circle x? + y =a? is (a.cos0, asin®) chord of contact ofthis point want hyperbola x? — y? = a? is x(a cos®)— y(asin®) = a? or x cos - ysin6 =a 0) Ifits mid-point be (h, k), then i is same as tt’ or be ky= hE “ ‘On comparing Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get ie hx ky-a! 578 Textbook of Coordinate Geometry or (h? ~ k*) cos® = ah di) and (= vk (iv) Squaring and adding Eqs. (ii) and (iv), we get th a ath? Ph? +k?) Hence, the required locus is (x? — yh? =a? (x? + y?) _Lsxinple 27 Prove that the locus of the middle-points 2 Yo =1 which of the chords of the hyperbola ~~ a b ass through a fixed point (a, B) is a hyperbola whose centre is (& 227 Sol. Let the mid-point of the chord be (h, k). The equation of the chord whose mid-point is (h,k) is be ky | Exercise for Session 2 1. The tangents from (1.2/2) to the hyperbola 16x’ @ we It passes through (cB), then *- locus of (h, k)is * ~25y? =400 include between them an angle equal to © x @% 3 2. tax? + Ay? =45 and x? —4y? =5 cut orthogonally then the value of is 1 1 a: 3 os (18 2 ya 3. the tangent atthe point (2sec¢, Stang) of the hyperbola 25% tis parallel to3x ~y 4.4 =0, then the value of 6 is x mn @s (oF 4. Ifthe line 2x + V6 y =2 touches the hyperbola x? (a) (-2¥6) (&)(-82V6) of sx 3 (d). 2 ~2y? =4, then the point of contact is of} ¥) ()(4-¥8) 5. The equation ofthe chord of hyperbola 25x? — 16 = 400, whose mid-point is 6.3).is (a) 115 - 47y = 434 (0) 127x ~ 49y = 488 6. The value of m for which y = mx + Bis tangent to the hyperbola X2_ (@) () 125. ~ 48y = 481 (0) 185x ~ 67y = 574 0 ©. (2) @ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Chap 07 Hyperbola 579 Pis a point on the hyperbola *~ — ¥ ell yperbola “> ~ 7 = 1 Nis the foot of the perpendicular from P onthe transverse axis. The e hyperbola cate at P meets the transverse axis at T. If Qis the centre of the hyperbola, then OT-ON is 2 saa (oo? we (bla If x =9 is the chord tangents, 10rd of contact of the hyperbola x? — y? =9, then the equation of the corresponding pair of (a) 9x? - By? -9= eee (b) 9x2 ~ By? - 18 + 9=0 (c) 9x? = By? — -9= oe ey le ere (6) 9x? — 8y? + 18x + 9=0 Let P (asec 0,b tan 8) and Q(asec 9, tan ¢), when 0+ == 2 y2 be two points on the hyperbola = -E =tif (h,k) is the point of intersection of the normals at P and Q, then k is equal to 2 4b? *) a? +b? 2 4b? 2 4b? ol * | wf! #) of 2) o —Ep= tpasses through the point (0, -b) and the normal at P > passes through (22V2,0);then eccentricity of the hyperbola is 2 The tangent at a point P on the hyperbola ~; a OH w3 ok (22 vx ey ‘tangent othe hyperbola 2p - 25 = tout the elise Ss + 53 ‘in points P and Q. Find the locus of the mid-point of PQ. ‘Aline through the origin meets the circle x° + y? 2 at P and the hyperbola x? ~ y? =a at Q. Prove that the rocus of the point of intersection of tangent at P to the circle with the tangent at Q to the hyperbola is the curve. 2 ¥F = tat the points Plasec6,b tand}) and Glasec B2,b tenes) rng tne orate ne ard area. HO, * 0 = 7/2, one a et CG,-CG2 = (7-4) where C is the contre ofthe hyperbola and e is its eccentricity. x Normals are drawn to the hyperbola > 2 2 Chords of the hyperbola x = y? =2? touch the parabola y* =4ax. Prove that the locus of their middle-points is the curve y7(x -2)=* Session 3 Diameter, Conjugate Diameters, Properties of Hyperbola, Intersection of Conjugate Diameters and Hyperbola, Director Circle, Asymptotes, Rectangular Hyperbola, The Rectangular Hyperbola xy=c2, Reflection Property of a Hyperbola, Equation of a Hyperbola Referred to Two Perpendicular Lines Diameter The locus of the middle points of a system of parallel chords of a hyperbola is called a diameter and the point where the diameter intersects the hyperbola is called the vertex of the diameter. Theorem : The equation of a diameter bisecting a system 2 of parallel chords of slope m of the hyperbola = -2- = 1s @ yatig a’m ety =mx +cbe a system of a parallel chords to = 1 for different chords. As ¢ varies, m remain a bP constant. pin (ky fb beod Let the extremities of any chord PQ of the set be P(x,,y;) and Q (xp, y2) and let its middle point be R (h,k). Then solving equations a ye *-4=1 and y=me+e a xt _(meto_ we get eee = (a’m? —b?) x? +2mea*x +a (c? +b*) =0 Since, x, and x, be the roots of this equation, then x) x, Since, (h, k) be the middl -2mea® Pm le point of QR, then he dithe = a'm*h—bh=—matk+math : 2 = ~Oh=—matk or p= 2th am 2 Hence, locus of R(h,k) is y = 2° 5 which is the diameter of (0,0). Aliter : am the hyperbola passing through ket (hk) be the middle-point of the chord y =mx +c ofthe ae hyperbola ~~) <1 then a Slope =—— =m Pe ek 2 a’m ence, the locus of mid-point is y = Conjugate Diameters wo diameters are said to be conjugate when each bisects all chords parallel to the others, ify =max, y =m, x be conjugate diameters, then mm, =. 2 lety=m,x +c be a set of chords parallel to y =m, x, then 2 the diameter y =" bisects them all. But being the am conjugate diameter y = mtx also bisects them. Hence, these two lines must be identical B am, = Properties of Hyperbola sth respect to a Prop. 1. Ifa pair of diameters be conjugate wi hyperbola, they are conjugate with respect 10 its conjugate hyperbola also. eee Lety=mx and y =m, x be two conjugate diameters of the i hyperbola Y 21, then wll) Ai) or nawocor nar t S LLTRUN Chap 07 Hyperbola 581 Ify=m,x and y =m,x are the conjugate diameters of Eq, (i) then (-b*) [from Eq. ()] This proves the proposition. Prop. 2. The parallelogram formed by the tangents at the extremities of conjugate diameters of a hyperbola has its vertices lying on the asymptotes and is of constant area, Se 2? xy Since, P and D lie on hyperbola and its conjugate diameter — 1 e then coordinates of P and D are (asec @, tang) and (a tang, b sec 6) respectively. Then D’=(-atand, and P’=(-asec o, bsec 4) btand) Since, equations of asymptotes CQ and CR are y y=—¥x respectively and the equations of tangents at P,P’, Dand D’ are * sec -% tand=1 (i) a 6 ~Esec gt tand=1 Ai) ~* tanp +2 sec o=1 (i) a 6 and X tang—% sec o=1 Av) a 6 respectively. Now, the lines () and (i) are parallel and so are Eqs. (il) and (iv). 582 — Textbook of Coordinate Geometry Hence these tangents form a parallelogram, Solving Eqs. (i) and (iti), we get the coordinate of Q as [a(sec @ + tang), b (sec 0 + tang)} which clearly lies on the = £ x similarly the other points of intersection asymptote lies on the asymptotes. The equations of PCP’ and DCD’ are b tang vat BMS or hr tano~ay see o= ) a seco and y= 2 88x or by sec g—ay tand=0 i) @ tane Hence by symmetry Area of parallelogram QRQ’R’ pcr) = 4-CP x (Perpendicular length from C on QD) 1 (Area of parallelogram =4-yla'secéo +b? tan? 9) x tan’ Prop. 3. Ifthe normal at P meets the transverse axis in G, then SG = e-SP.Prove also that the tangent and normal bisect the angle between the focal distances of P. Let the coordinates of Pbe (x,.y,). The equation of normal at Pon the hyperbola 2_-» ax,by w Ov The normal (i) meets the X-axis ie. y =0 in Eq, (i), then coordinates of G are (a' +b 2s.9} or (e?x,,0) a cG=ex, Now sG=CG-cs =e'x, ~ae=eex, ~a)=e-5P Similarly SG=es'P SG _ SP SG SP This relation shows that the normal PG is the external bisector of the angle SPS’. The tangent PT being perpendicular to PG is therefore the internal bisector of the angle SPS” conjugate diameters meet the hyperbol _ProP 4. Ifa pair of conjugate diameters meet the hyperbola Sia scone nD, D then the ssnptoe bisect PD, PD’, P’D and P’D’. ‘The coordinates of four points P, D, P’, D’ are (asec 6,6 tand); (a tang, b sec 0); (-a sec 6, ~b tang) :(~a tand, ~b sec 0) respectively If(h,k) be the middle point of PD, then had tan) S see 6+ tand) (tand +sec 6) and b 2 6 7 k ~ Locus of mid-point (hk) is y = ©.x which is equation of a asymptote of hyperbola *_—¥_ eR Similarly other mid-points lie on the other asymptotes. Intersection of Conjugate Diameters and Hyperbola To prove that of a pair of conjugate diameters of a hyperbola, only one meets the curve in real points Let ysmx “ and yemx i) be pair of conjugate diameters of the hyperbola wy 2 -Y <1 then ee mm ) 7 solving Eq. (i) and the equation of hyperbola Y= Lwe get bain -afiv) gnilarly Eq, (ii) meets the hyperbola at poi scissa are given by Points whose ae Bain ) the two values of x given by Eq, (iv) will be real if foam? 30 teme(® mi) . am, \a > bem, ie. if b? FD-CM a2 6@ +a) ]E =consant Legiole 30 Find the condition for the lines 2 xe [eC =0(0,0)) tangy)? and + 2Hxy + By? =0 to be conjugate diameters of 2 Sol. Let the lines represented by Ax! +2 Hay + By? yemx and y=mx =4 ‘i But y = mx and y = m,x are the conjugate diameters of 584 — Textbook of Coordinate Geometry then ‘hich is the required condition. 1 Example 31 ifthe lines ix + my +n=0 passes through the extremities ofa par of conjugate D ~~ -25=1 show that diameters ofthe hyperbola — 37 a? ~b’m? =o Sol. The extremities ofa pair of conjugate diameters of 47 ~ Fp 1 are (asec 9, btand) and (a tand, bec 4) respectively According to the question, since extremities of a pair of| conjugate diameters lie on Ix + my +n=0 1(a sec 9) + m(b tang) + then from Eq (), al sec 6+ bm tang =—n or atl? sec! § + Bm? tan®@ + 2ablmsec 6 tang = and from Eq (i), al tang + bm sec 6 =~ n or al" tan?6 + b*m? sect ¢ + 2ablm sec 6 tang = n? then subtracting Eq (iv) from Eq, (i), a°F(sec*9 ~ tan? g) + Bm?(tan*9 ~ sec’@) =0 at? — Bm? =0 Director Circle The locus of the point of intersection of the tangents to t the hyperbola =— gz 7b which are perpendicular to a each other is called director circle. Let any tangent in terms of slope of hyperbola @ is 1a tang) + m (bsee 6) +n =0 _ (ii) Ai) (ii) sii) Av) y=mx +y(a’m® —b*) It passes through (h, k) mh + y(a’m* — 6?) or (k=mh)? = am? ~b? = + mPh? -2mhk = a?m? — b* => om? (h? -a*)-2hkm +k? +b? =0 It is quadratic equation in m. Let slopes of two tangents are m, andm, +e Rad e+e Roa -h +a? or Wek? Hence, locus of P (h, k) is mm, = (+ tangents are perpendicular) xt ty? aa? 6? (a>) Aliter : If tangents y =mx + y(a*m? —b?) i) 7 and ye-d4 fe( 2) -| i) m m touch the hyperbola and intersects at right angles «From Eg. (i), y~mx = (am? — 5?) (iil) Eq. (ii) can be rewritten as x+my =a? —6'm?) (iv) ‘Squaring and adding Eqs. (iii) and (iv), then (y-max)? +(x +my)? = am? — 52 +a? ~ bm? (+m?) (x? +98) = bm?) —B?) Hence, x? +y? =a — 6? is the director circle of the hyperbola. Remarks Y Ferswectorcrce 3771-4 must be greater than 6 Mad then director citclex?+ y? ma? 5? does not exist 2 The equation of director circle of -2° 4 9? PeytatteGa) e '¥o & FF BF pisecto at tan’e @ Bisecto—attan'o @ Hence, the lines CP and C7 «r€ conjugate the hyperbola. semi-diameters of Asymptotes An asymptotes of any hyperb which touches in it two. Asymptotes of hyperbola : xymptotes ofthe hyperbola ola or a curve isa straight ‘The equations of two Chap 07 Hyperbola 585 a i) Substituting the value of y in Eq. (i), 2 2 xt _(mxtoy _, eB 'm? — b®) x? +2a*mex +a? (b? +c*) =0 or (a Gi) If the line y =mx + cis an asymptote to the given hyperbola, then it touches the hyperbola at infinity. So both roots of Eq. (ii) must be infinite. a’m? ~b* =0 and =2a°me =0 b then m=42 and c=0 a Substituting the value of mand c in y =max +e, we get X42 20 yetls a7 Aliter : Cte dference between the second degree curve and pair ‘of asymptotes is constant. “: Given hyperbola is +. Pair of asymptotes is (i) Eq, (i) represents a pair of lines, then A=0 (-Z}A+0-0--h0n0 e or y Remarks 1. tone. then dy My atredvesto x? yaa The antes a of rectangular hyperbola x? ~ at are y= which are at right angles, \L2e i hyperbola and its conjugate hyperbola have the same asymptotes. Sls. 4. The angle between the asymptotes of 586 Textbook of Coordinate Geometry Let the equation of hyperbola be (ax + 3y -8)(3x +2y-7)+v=0 0 It passes through (5,3). then (10+9-8)(15 46-7) 4¥= = 1x44 v=0 y=-154 Putting the value of vin Eq. (), we obtain (2x + 3y ~8)(3x + 2y ~7)-154 =0 which is the equation of required hyperbola. 1 Example 35 Show that the tangent at any point of a hyperbola cuts off a triangle of constant area from the asymptotes and that the portion of it intercepted jotes pass through the centre of the hyperbola between the asymptotes is bisected at the point of bisectors of the angles between the asymptotes are the contact. Sri ye Sol. Let P (a sec ¢, btan§) be any point on the hyperbola Ae 120 2 42 xy ad Asymptotes of Ba. (are ‘be the equation of the hyperbola, asymptotes and the b HExample 33 Find the asymptotes of the hyperbola Equation of tangent of Eq (i) at P(a sec 6, b tan o)is @ “Ky - 3y -2x=0. ~seco-2 tang=1 (i) Sol. Since equation of hyperbola and its asymptotes differ in ; : constant terms only, Solving Eq. (i) and y = "Pair of asymptotes is given by f xy ~3y- 2 +A=0 “ We get ~ (seco ~ tang) =(sec*@ ~ tan? 9) where, A is any constant such that it represents two straight es. : (see $ + tang) and abe + 2fgh ~ af? ~ bg? ch’ y= b(sec p+ tang) = O42%-3x-1xd-0-0-a(2) 2 2 2) be A=6 (asece, From Eq, (i), the asymptotes of given hyperbola are given by ay Sy -2x+ or (22-3 + Asymptotes are x ~3=Oand y-2=0. Let Q=[a(sec@ + tang), b(sec@ + tand)] L Example 34 the asymptotes of a hyperbola having Now solving Eq. (ii) and y =~ centre at the point (1,2) are parallel to the lines wi x « 2x + 3y =O and 3x+2y =0. If the hyperbola passes eget, (sec 9 + tang) = (sec — tan? 9) through the point (5, 3), show that its equation is or = a(see9~ tang) (2x +3y -8)(3x +2y +7) =154. and (sec tang) Sol. Let the asymptotes be 2x + 3y + =O and 3x +2y +p =0. Let R= [a (sec ~ tang), ~b(sec 9 — tand)] Since asymptotes passes through (1,2), then Mid-point of QR is (a sec 4, b tan 9) which is coordinate of P. ” A= -Sandy=~7 Area of ACOR =H i(xy, ~ x, ‘Thus, the equation of asymptotes are 2 awl |+ ab ~ ab|= ab = constant. 2x +3y-8=0 and 3x+2y~

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