Safety in Sports: Made By: Shrreya Swaarnim Class: XD Roll No.: 40

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Made by: Shrreya Swaarnim
Class: XD
Roll no.: 40
Lateral Epicondylities
(Tennis Elbow)
It is an inflammation of the tendons
that join the muscle of the forearm to
the elbow. It often occurs due to over
using the fore arm muscle and
tendons around the elbow joint. It is
also known as lateral pain and lateral
epicondy-litis. Playing tennis or other
racquet games or sports can cause
this condition.
Causes, Symptoms & First-Aid
For Tennis Elbow
Causes Symptoms First-Aid
 Its an overuse injury  Its mild at first but it “R.I.C.E.”, Rest, Ice Application,
of forearm. gradually gets Compression and Elevation or
worse. “P.R.I.C.E.R.”, Protection, Rest, Ice
 Any repetitive motion  Tenderness on the Application, Compression, Elevation
of the wrist and arm. outside of the
elbow. and Referral.
 Activities that require Protect the area from further
 Morning stiffness of
excessive constant the elbow with injury.
gripping or squeezing. persistent aching. Provide the rest and stop using the
 Poor technique.  Soreness of the injured part.
 Snapping and turning  Elbow pain is worse
Apply ice over the affected area.
wrist and arm. when grasping or Compress the area, apply proper
 It can also happen if holding an object. bandaging to avoid movement.
you bang or knock  Pain occurs when Elevate the injured part.
lifting or bending
your elbow the arm. At last refer the casualty to a
somewhere.  A weak grip. competent doctor.
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
(Runner’s Knee)
Runner’s knee is another name for patella
femoral pain syndrome which translates in
plain language to kneecap pain. The kneecap
is a sesamoid bone located within the tendon
that connects the quadriceps muscle to the
tibia (lower leg). It functions to improve the
forces through the tendon as it crosses the
joint and to protect the tendon from wear and
tear. It occurs in athletes from nearly every
sport and in non-athletes who stress the knee
in their daily activities. It gets worse when
athletes run up hill, downhill or up and down
the stairs
Causes, Symptoms & First-Aid
For Runner’s Knee
Causes Symptoms First-Aid
 Overuse  Pain usually in front of “R.I.C.E.”, Rest, Ice Application,
 Injury to the kneecap. the kneecap though it Compression and Elevation or
 Misalignment of the could be around or “P.R.I.C.E.R.”, Protection, Rest, Ice
kneecap. behind it. Application, Compression,
 Complete or partial Elevation and Referral.
dislocation of the knee.
 Pain may get worse Protect the area from further
while walking down injury.
 Flat feet.
stairs or downhill. Provide the rest and stop using
 Weak or tight thigh
bones.  A popping or grinding the injured part.
sensation is sometimes Apply ice over the affected
 Inadequate stretching
before exercise. audible area.
Compress the area, apply
 Improper shoes.  In the worst cases, proper bandaging to avoid
 Improper training and knee may swell. movement.
uneven training surfaces.  Pain while sitting for a Elevate the injured part.
 Trauma to the kneecap. long time with the At last refer the casualty to a
 Arthritis knees bent. competent doctor.

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