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1 1 What is linguistics?
1 1 Define Psycholinguistics
1 1 Define language.
1 2 What are syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships?
1 2 What is linguistics?
1 2 Define phonology.
1 2 What is the difference between historical linguistics and descriptive linguistics?
1 2 How can you justify that linguistics may be considered as a science?
1 6 Define the concepts of Langue and Parole.
1 11 What are allomorphs?
1 11 What is Morphology?
1 11 What is morpheme?
1 11 Explain the term Allomorph.
1 11 What is the difference between free morpheme and bound morpheme?
1 12 Define syntax.
1 12 What do you mean by inflectional affixes?
1 12 What do you mean by stem?
1 12 Which are the two types of derivational affixes?
1 14 What do you mean by Prescriptive grammar?
1 14 Explain the term Traditional Grammar.
1 14 What is Descriptive grammar?
1 14 Define I C Analysis.
1 14 What do you mean by deep structure?
2 1 Explain the Glottalic Air stream mechanism.
2 3 What are post-alveolar sounds?
2 3 What is articulatory phonetics?
2 3 What are implosives?
2 3 Define voiceless sounds.
2 3 What is alveolum?
2 3 Define articulation.
2 4 What are approximants?
2 4 Define Rolled Consonants?
2 4 How are consonants produced?
2 4 What is the difference between active articulator and passive articulator?
2 4 Define Frictionless Continuants.
2 5 What are vowels?How are they classified?
2 5 Define close vowels.
2 5 What is the difference between rounded and unrounded vowels?
2 5 Define monophthongs.
2 6 What are phonemes?
2 6 What do you mean by a minimal pair?
2 6 Define Allophones
2 6 Define clear /l/
2 6 Define dark /l /
3 1 Define syllable.
3 2 What is the nucleus of the syllable?
3 3 Define stress.
3 6 What are suprasegmentals?
3 7 What is the difference between open syllable and closed syllable?
3 7 What do you mean by non-syllabic sounds?
3 8 Differenciate between 'onset' and 'coda'.
3 8 What do you mean by prosadic phonemes?
3 8 Define sentence stress.
3 9 Which are the weak and strong forms of 'the'?
3 10 Define juncture.
3 10 Define phonemic transcription.
3 10 What is phonetic transcription?
3 10 Mark the stress for a)_____ and b) ________
3 10 What do you mean by allophonic transcription?
3 10 Mark the stress for the following sentences: a) He gave me a present b) He
presented me a gift
3 11 What are the important purpose of intonation?
3 12 Transcribe the following: a) ______ b) ______ c)______ d)_______
3 12 Transcribe the following:
3 12 Transcribe the following:
4 1 Which are the language groups that comes under the Germanic family?
4 2 What is Standard English?
4 2 What is discourse?
4 3 What is Black English?
4 3 Define idiolect
4 5 What is General Indian English?
4 7 Consider English as an International Language?
4 8 Define Received Pronounciation.

1 11 Write a note on prescriptive and descriptive grammar.
1 2 Differentiate between diachronic and synchronic study.
1 2 What is the difference between langue and parole?
1 2 Differentiate between Competence and Performance.
1 2 What is the difference between signifier and signified?
1 2 How will you differenciate between syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships?
1 3 Explain various groups in the study of phonetics.
1 3 Write a short note on Pulmonic air stream mechanism.
1 3 Write a short note on phonatory system.
1 11 Write a short note on Morphology.
1 12 Differentiate between inflectional affixes and derivational affixes.
1 12 Write a short note on affixes.
1 12 Differentiate between class changing derivational affixes and class maintaining
derivational affixes.
1 12 What is the difference between form-class words and function-class words?
1 14 What is the difference between prescriptive grammar and descriptive grammar?
1 14 Write a short note on Transformational Generative grammar.
2 3 Which are the different parts of the roof of the mouth.Explain in detail.
2 4 What are the components of the articulatory system?
2 4 Differentiate between bilabial,labio-dental and dental sounds.
2 4 Define plosives.Which are the three phases in the production of plosives?
2 4 Differenciate between fricatives and affricates.
2 5 Draw a vowel diagram of the vowels of RP and write their three term labels.
2 5 What are cardinal vowels? Explain with the help of a diagram.
2 5 Write a short note on the diphthongs of English.
2 5 Explain the classification of vowels based on the part of the tongue raised in their
2 5 Which are the vowels in English RP?Write two examples for each.
2 6 Differentiate between clear /l/ and dark /l/
2 6 Write a short note on phonemes.
2 6 Write a note on allophones.
2 6 Write a short note on minimal pairs.
2 7 Define syllabic consonants
3 7 Differentiate between consonant clusters and abutting consonants.
3 7 Write a short note on structure of the syllable.
3 7 Write a short note on syllable.
3 8 Write a short note on intonation.
3 8 Differentiate between Elision and Assimilation.
3 8 Write a short note on Elision.
3 8 What is the difference between Linking /r/ and Intrusive /r/ ?
3 9 Write a short note on weak forms and strong forms
3 9 What are the characteristics of weak forms and strong forms?
3 9 what are the rules we have to keep in mind with regard to accent in simple words and
compound words?
3 9 Mark the sentence stress :
3 10 Write a short note on phonetic transcription.
3 10 Write a short note on phonemic transcription
3 10 Write a short note on allophonic transcription
3 10 Differentiate between phonemic and allophonic transcription.
4 1 Write a short note on 'register'?
4 1 What is the difference between pidgin and creole?
4 1 Differentiate between dialect and idiolect.
4 4 Write a short note on American English.
4 4 Write a short note on Black English.
4 4 Write a note on the differences between the American and British varieties of English
4 6 Write a short note on Australian English.
4 7 What are the differences in spoken and written forms of language?
4 8 Differentiate between Standard English and English RP?
4 8 What is RP and GIE?
4 8 What is the great vowel shift?


1 3 Explain the different concepts in linguistics.

1 1 Write a note on the different branches of linguistics.
1 2 Comment on the various approaches and branches in the study of linguistics.
1 2 Define linguistics.What are the basic concepts in linguistics?
1 2 What is linguistics?What are the different levels of linguistic analysis?
1 9 Write an essay on Morphology.
1 10 What is grammar? Explain the different approaches to the study of grammar.
1 11 Write an essay on IC Analysis.
1 12 Differentiate between phrase structure grammar and transformational generative grammar.
2 4 Define consonants.Explain them with reference to the manner of articulation.
2 1 Explain the airstream mechanism involved in the production of sounds.
2 1 Explain the functioning of the organs of speech in the production of speech sounds.
2 2 Which are the various organs of speech?Explain in detail.
2 3 Make a vivid description of the phonatory system and the articulatory system.
2 3 What are consonants? How are they classified?
2 3 What are consonants?Explain them with reference to the place of articulation.
2 3 Which are the consonants in English R P? Write two examples each and describe each one
with respect to the state of glottis,place of articulation and manner of articulation.
2 5 Define vowels.Elaborate them based on their classification.
2 5 Give a detailed account of the cardinal vowels and diphthongs of English RP?
2 5 Write an essay on the topic 'Vowels'?
3 6 Define suprasegmentals. Explain the suprasegmental features in detail.
3 1 Define syllable.Comment on the structure of syllable.
3 1 Write an essay on syllables.Explain it with subdivisions.
3 7 How can you differentiate between rhythm and intonation as suprasegmental features?
3 8 Mention in detail the features of connected speech.
3 9 Write an essay on Word stress.
3 10 Write an essay on Accent
3 12 One can write a sentence only with proper accents based on certain rules. Explain.
4 5 Transcribe the following passage:
4 2 Write an essay on General Indian English
4 3 Write a note on different varieties of language.
4 3 Write an essay on Indian English.
4 4 Write an essay on Indo-European family of languages.
3 12 Transcribe the passage:
3 12 Transcribe the passage:

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