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Reading 1

Date : 1-12-2020
Company Sector
hbl Commercial bank
nishat textile
pepsico fmgc
PPL oil and gas
Pak Electron limited Cable&Electrical Good

Reading 2
Date: 3-12-2020
Company Sector
hbl Commercial bank
nishat textile
pepsico fmgc
PPL oil and gas
Pak Electron limited Cable&Electrical Good

1. selling 25 shares of Nishat Mill Textile Industry at price 2324.5
2. selling 11 shares of Pak Electron Limited at price 374.66 rupees.

Company Sector
UBL Commercial bank
National Foods Limited Food & personal care products

Reading 3
Date: 8-12-2020
Company Sector
hbl Commercial bank
nishat textile
pepsico fmgc
PPL oil and gas
Pak Electron limited Cable&Electrical Good
UBL Commercial bank
National Foods Limited Food & personal care products

1. Selling 15 shares of UBL at price 1882.5 rupees
2. selling 15 shares of pepsico at price 2182.8 rupees
3. selling 20 shares of Pak Electron Limited at price 710.6 rupees
4. Selling 10 shres of HBL at price 1307 rupees

Company Sector
Engro fertilizer Fertilizer
BATA Leather and tanneries

Reading 4
Date: 10-12-2020
Company Sector
hbl Commercial bank
nishat textile
pepsico fmgc
PPL oil and gas
Pak Electron limited Cable&Electrical Good
National Foods Limited Food & personal care products
Engro fertilizer Fertilizer
BATA Leather and tanneries

1. Selling 10 shares of Pak Electron limited at price 357 rupees

Company Sector
HBL Commercial bank
Engro fertilizer Fertilizer

Reading 5
Date: 15-12-2020
Company Sector
HBL Commercial bank
nishat textile
pepsico fmgc
PPL oil and gas
Pak Electron limited Cable&Electrical Good
National Foods Limited Food & personal care products
Engro fertilizer Fertilizer
BATA Leather and tanneries
1- selling 25 shares of Nishat Mill at price 2462.5 rupees
2- sellling 4 shares of National foods limited at price 854.04 rupees

Company Sector
Mitchell’s Fruit Farms Food & personal care products
Engro fertilizer Fertilizer

Reading 6
Date: 17-12-2020
Company Sector
HBL Commercial bank
pepsico fmgc
PPL oil and gas
Pak Electron limited Cable & Electrical Good
Engro fertilizer Fertilizer
BATA Leather and tanneries
Mitchell’s Fruit Farms Food & personal care products

1. selling 32 shares of HBL at price 4337.6 rupees
2. selling 8 shares of Mitchell's Fruit Farms at 3480 rupees

Company Sector
Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited Fertilizer
Sazgar Engineering Works Limited Automobile assembler

Reading 7
Date: 22-12-2020
Company Sector
pepsico fmgc
PPL oil and gas
Pak Electron limited Cable&Electrical Good
Engro fertilizer Fertilizer
BATA Leather and tanneries
Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited Fertilizer
Sazgar Engineering Works Limited Automobile assembler

1. selling 3 shares of BATA at price 4620 rupees

Company Sector
Sazgar Engineering Works Limited Automobile assembler
Pak Electron limited Cable&Electrical Good

Reading 8
Date: 24-12-2020
Company Sector
pepsico fmgc
PPL oil and gas
Pak Electron limited Cable&Electrical Good
Engro fertilizer Fertilizer
Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited Fertilizer
Sazgar Engineering Works Limited Automobile assembler

1. selling 15 shares of Pepsico at price 2175.9 rupees
2. selling 42 shares PPL at price 3801 rupees.
3. Selling 19 shares of Pak Electron limited at price 716.3 rupees
4. Selling 27 shares of Engro Fertilizer at price 1698.03 rupees.
5. Selling 30 shares of Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited at price 3262.5 rupees.
6. selling 50 shares of Sazgar Engineering Works Limited at price 9440 rupees.
Reading 1

Share price No.of shares Total investment

130.31 40 5212.4
92.39 50 4619.5
146.07 30 4382.1
91.99 42 3863.58
34.05 56 1906.8

Reading 2

Share price No.of shares Total investment

129.9 40 5196
92.98 50 4649
144.45 30 4333.5
91.70 42 3851.4
34.06 56 1907.36

Share price No.of shares Total investment

122.36 15 1835.4
216 4 864

Reading 3

current Share price No.of shares Current worth of investment amount

130.7 40 5228
90.99 25 2274.75
145.52 30 4365.6
89.04 42 3739.68
35.53 45 1598.85
125.5 15 1882.5
211.99 4 847.96
current Share price No.of shares Current worth of investment amount
61.05 26 1587.3
1500 3 4500

Reading 4

current Share price No.of shares Current worth of investment amount

131.99 30 3959.7
90.5 25 2262.5
144.67 15 2170.05
89.7 42 3767.4
35.7 25 892.5
209.2 4 836.8
61.8 26 1606.8
1500 3 4500

current Share price No.of shares Current worth of investment amount

131.99 2 263.98
61.8 1 61.8
Reading 5

Current Share price No.of shares Current worth of investment amount

133 32 4256
98.5 25 2462.5
144.77 15 2171.55
92.25 42 3874.5
36.3 15 544.5
213.51 4 854.04
62.6 27 1690.2
1500 3 4500

current Share price No.of shares Current worth of investment amount

378.93 8 3031.44
62.6 5 313

Reading 6

Current Share price No.of shares Current worth of investment amount

135.55 32 4337.6
145.71 15 2185.65
96.25 42 4042.5
39.68 15 595.2
63.92 32 2045.44
1499 3 4497
435 8 3480

current Share price No.of shares Current worth of investment amount

108.5 30 3255
175.5 26 4563

Reading 7

current Share price No.of shares Current worth of investment amount

144.02 15 2160.3
89.39 42 3754.38
36.9 15 553.5
62.9 27 1698.3
1540 3 4620
109.4 30 3282
186.2 26 4841.2

current Share price No.of shares Current worth of investment amount

186.2 24 4468.8
36.9 4 147.6

Reading 8

current Share price No.of shares Current worth of investment amount

145.06 15 2175.9
90.5 42 3801
37.7 19 716.3
62.89 27 1698.03
108.75 30 3262.5
188.8 50 9440

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