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Automatic Diesel Board

-Install the startup Disjuncture between the users or client and the board and it prefers to
connecting it with a Capacitor 100n as the design.
-Install the push button Reset to making a reset when the alarm active.
-Install probes of battery to the right place on the board +B and –B.
-Connect the Dynamo’s simple probe from generator to the Dynamo screw on the board.
-Connect the Generator’s 220v simple probes from generator to the Generator screw on
the board. (Obligatory)
-Connect the Main’s 220v simple probes from tableau to the 220v simple screw on the
board. (Optional)
-Connect the Heater probe from generator if excites, to the Heater screw on the board.
-Connect the gas oil valve probe from generator to the valve screw on the board.
-Connect the positive Starter probe from generator to the Starter screw on the board.
-Connect the 3 loads phases from the board to the loads contactors in the tableau. (Optional)
-Connect the alarm (Lamp, Led, and buzzer....ext). (Optional)

-Choosing between Auto and Manual mod from the selector push button by pressing on
it for about 5 second.
Manual: Led Red active.
Auto : Led Yellow active.

Led Red active: That means the generator run manually after 5sec when the startup
disjuncture active with out 220v Main detector.

Led Yellow active: That means the generator run Automatic after 10sec when the 220v
Main cut off and also it must the startup disjuncture active.

-Adjust the four RV Timer (Heater, Starter, Phase, and Cooling).

-when the generator run the starter machine cut off then the three load phases relay active
after 5sec.
-when the startup disjuncture off or the main 220v enable (if the generator on the auto
mod) the three load phases relay off then the generator goes to the Cooling mod.
-if the generator cut off suddenly or the dynamo stop running the alarm active and the
three phases relay off. In this case must use the Reset push button for alarm off and check
the problem.

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