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Name: Ericka Lois Villariza

Course/Year and Section: 3rd Yr 501P

Date: August 20, 2021

Subject: GELIT

The Mirror of Matsuyama

In old days there lived in a far off piece of Japan a man and his better half, and they were
honored with a young lady, who was the pet and symbol of her folks. On one event the man
was summoned on business in far off Kyoto. Before he went he told his girl that in case she
were acceptable and devoted to her mom he would bring her back a present, she would prize
exceptionally. Then, at that point the great man took his flight, mother and little girl watching
him go.

Finally he got back to his home, and after his significant other and kid had removed his
enormous cap and shoes he plunked downward on the white mats and opened a bamboo
bushel, watching the enthusiastic look of his small kid. He took out a magnificent doll and a
finish box of cakes and put them into her outstretched hands. Again he plunged into his
container, and gave his significant other a metal mirror. Its curved surface sparkled brilliantly,
while upon its back there was a design of pine trees and storks.

The great man's better half had never seen a mirror, and on looking into it she was under the
feeling that another lady watched out upon her as she looked with developing miracle. Her
significant other clarified the secret and bade her take incredible consideration of the mirror.

Not long after this glad homecoming and dissemination of presents the lady turned out to be
extremely sick. Not long before she died she called to her little girl, and said: "Dear kid, when I
am dead take each care of your dad. You will miss me when I have left you. Yet, take this
mirror, and when you feel most forlorn investigate it and you will consistently see me." Having
said these words she died.

In due time the man wedded once more, and his better half was not in any way kind to her
stepdaughter. Yet, the little one, recollecting her mom's words, would resign to a corner and
excitedly investigate the mirror, where she couldn't help suspecting that she saw her dear
mother's face, not attracted torment as she had seen it on her deathbed, however youthful and
One day this present youngster's stepmother risked to see her squatting in a corner over an
item she couldn't exactly see, mumbling to herself. This uninformed lady, who loathed the
youngster and accepted that her stepdaughter disdained her consequently, liked that this little
one was playing out some abnormal mystical workmanship - maybe making a picture and
staying pins into it. Loaded with these ideas, the stepmother went to her better half and
revealed to him that his devilish youngster was putting forth a valiant effort to kill her by black

At the point when the head of the house had paid attention to this unprecedented presentation
he went directly to his girl's room. He overwhelmed her, and promptly the young lady saw him
she slipped the mirror into her sleeve. Interestingly her gushing dad became furious, and he
expected that there was, all things considered, truth in what his better half had advised him,
and he rehashed her story forthwith.

At the point when his little girl had heard this crooked allegation she was astonished at her
dad's words, and she disclosed to him that she adored him very well at any point to endeavor
or wish to kill his better half, who she knew was of high repute to him.

"What have you stowed away in your sleeve?" said her dad, just half persuaded and still much

"The mirror you gave my mom, and which she on her deathbed provided for me. Each time I
investigate its sparkling surface I see the essence of my dear mother, youthful and lovely. At
the point when my heart throbs - and gracious! it has hurt so much recently - I take out the
mirror, and mother's face, with sweet, kind grin, brings me harmony, and assists me with
bearing hard words and cross looks."

Then, at that point the man comprehended and adored his youngster the more for her obedient
devotion. Indeed, even the young lady's stepmother, when she realized what had truly
occurred, was embarrassed and asked absolution. Also, this youngster, who accepted she had
seen her mom's face in the mirror, pardoned, and inconvenience always left from the home.

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