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Name: _________________

Primary 2 ___

Date: ______________
Daisy’s Dancing Lessons
Pages 2-5

1- Write "True" or "False":

 Suzy goes to music lessons. ( )

 The teacher said,’ I want you all to be monkeys. ( )

 The teacher played the piano. ( )

 The teacher said, ‘You are a very bad bird, Suzy. ( )

2- Underline the correct answer:

 Suzy’s bedroom is (clean – pink – messy).

 ‘Can I go to dancing lessons, too?’ said (Mum – Freddy –


 Suzy wears a (pink – red – purple) dress, when she goes to her

dancing lessons.

 The teacher played the (guitar – piano – flute).

 All the little dinosaurs (ate – waved – played) like birds.

 Mum said (yes, you can – No, you can not – May be)

Date: ______________

Daisy’s Dancing Lessons

Pages 6-9

1- Complete:

 Run _______ the room like horses.

 The teacher said,’ you are a very _______, Suzy.

 Jump up and down like_______.

 I don’t like ___________ lessons.

 I _______ to go home.

2- Put "True" or "False":

 The horse can run fast. ( )

 All the little dinosaurs ran round the sky. ( )
 Freddy is a good horse. ( )
 Frogs jump up and down. ( )
 Daisy is a very good frog. ( )

3- Who said that?

 Daisy. You are not a good frog. ______________

 I can’t do it. ______________

 Now I want you all to be horses. ______________

4-Answer the questions in complete sentences:

A. Can Daisy run like a horse?


B. Can Daisy jump like a frog?


Date: ______________

Daisy’s Dancing Lessons

Pages 10-13
1- Complete:

 Now I want you all to stand on one leg like ________.

 Now I want you all to spin round and round like ________.

 The teacher and all the little dinosaurs came to________.

 When is my next ____________ lesson?

2- Put True or False:

 All the little dinosaurs stood like cats. ( )

 Daisy spun out of the door. ( )
 The little dinosaurs give Daisy a big hug. ( )
 Daisy likes her dancing lessons. ( )
 Stand on one nose like a stork. ( )
 Daisy can jump like a frog. ( )

3- Underline the correct answer:

 ‘Wheeee! Help! I can’t stop’. (The teacher - Daisy - Suzy) said.

 The little dinosaurs ran round like (frogs – lions – horses).

 ‘Did you like your dancing lessons?’ said ( Daisy – Mum – Suzy)

 Daisy (can spin – can’t spin – likes to spin) like a wheel.

4- Complete the words:







Date: ________________

Revision Sheet
Daisy’s Dancing Lessons

1-Complete with the suitable verb:

 _________ your arms like birds.

 _________ round the room like a horse.

 _________ up and down like a frog.

 _________ on one leg like storks.

 _________ round and round like a wheel.

2-Who said it:

Daisy – Suzy – Mum – teacher – Freddy - Dad

 I like your pink dress. _________

 I go to dancing lessons. _________

 Yes, you can go to dancing lessons. _________

 I want you all to be birds. _________

 I can’t do it! I want to go home. _________

 Did you like your dancing lessons? _________

3-Put can or can’t:

Daisy said,’ Yes I _________ be a bird and I _________ be a

horse, and I_________ be a frog. But I_________ stand on one

leg like a stork and I _________ spin round and round like a wheel.

4-Put (true) or (false):

a. Daisy can run like a horse. ( )
b. Harry can fly like a bird. ( )
c. Daisy can stand like a stork. ( )
d. Daisy is a very good frog. ( )

5-Underline the correct answer:

a. Suzy goes to (sport club – Dancing lessons – music lessons).

b. The teacher played the (guitar – piano - game).

c. Now I want you all to be (horses – monkeys - ants).

d. Spin (up and down – round and round – up and up) like wheels.

e. By the end, Daisy (liked – didn’t like - loved) her dancing lessons.

f. The teacher said,’ (wave – move – stretch) your arms like birds’.

g. The teacher said.’(Fly up and down – jump up and down – run up

and down like frogs).”

6-What are these?






Date: ______________

Daisy and the dentist

Pages 16 - 19

1- Write "True" or "False":

 Daisy likes the dentist. ( )

 Mum said,’ Go to the bus with Danny’. ( )

 Daisy must clean her bedroom. ( )

 The dentist looks after our teeth. ( )

 Danny went to the car. ( )

2- Complete the following sentences:

 Mum said:’ it’s ________ to go to the dentist.’

 Daisy said, I _______ want to go to the dentist.’

 Mum said,’ go to the car with ________.

 Daisy got her_______ to go to the dentist.

 Daisy must do her__________.

3- Read and match:

1. Daisy doesn’t want a. to get her coat.
2. Daisy must clean b. to go to the dentist.
3. Mum tells Daisy to c. her room first.
4. Daisy goes to d. the car with Danny.

4-Answer the following questions:

A.Why is it good to go to the dentist?

B. Does Daisy want to go to the dentist?


Date: ______________

Daisy and the dentist

Pages 20-23

1-Read and match:

1. The dentist is a a. she doesn’t want to
2. Mum looked for go the dentist.
3. Mum saw Daisy b. hiding in the cupboard.
4. Daisy is hiding because c. her keys.
d. very nice man.

1- Complete:
 Daisy will hide in the ____________.

 Danny went to the _____________.

 Mum looked for her ____________.

 Mum said,’ Don’t be ____________ Daisy.’

2- Put true or false:
 Daisy will hide in the cupboard.

 Danny went to his room. ( )

 Mum looked for her glasses ( )

 Daisy was hiding because she wants to go to the dentist. ( )

 The dentist is a very nice man. ( )

3- Who said that?

 I don’t want to go to the dentist. ______________

 Why are you hiding? ______________

 Don’t be scared. ______________

4-Why is Daisy hiding?


5-Where is Daisy hiding?


6-Does she want to go to the dentist?


Date: ______________

Daisy and the dentist

Pages 24-29

1-Put True or False:

 Daisy’s teeth are bad. ( )

 The dentist cleaned Daisy’s teeth with green toothpaste.
( )
 Danny eats too many sweets. ( )
 Daisy doesn’t want to go to the dentist again. ( )
 Daisy liked the dentist’s chair. ( )

2-Complete the following:

 The dentist said, ’Open your_________ Daisy.’

 The dentist looked at Daisy’s________.

 He cleaned Daisy’s teeth with pink _________.

 Soon it was time to go ________.

3-Underline the correct answer:

 Daisy said, ‘I like your (bed – chair – hair)’.

 A (dentist – cat – nurse) opened the door.

 The dentist said,’ (Go away – Hello – Hi) Daisy)’.

 The chair went (up and up – up and down – there).

 Come and (sleep – stand – sit) in my chair.

 The dentist said, ‘(open – close – jump) your mouth, Daisy.

 We clean our teeth with a (toothpaste – cupboard – chair).

 No one can use your (school – home – toothbrush).

 The dentist should wear a (gloves – mask – chair) on his face.

 For our teeth we should eat lots of (sweets – vegetables –


 Danny is Daisy’s (gather – friend – brother).

5- Answer the following questions:

 Who opened the door?


 What’s wrong with Danny’s teeth?


 What does Daisy like at the dentist?


 Do you like to go to the dentist?


Date: ______________

Sun, Cloud, Stone

Pages 2-5
1- True or false:
 Sam is a stone cutter ( )

 Jim is a stone cutter ( )

 Sam said, ‘we must finish the house’. ( )

 Jim said, ‘Hurry up Sam’. ( )

 Sam works for a man called Jam.( )

2- Complete:

 Sam said, ‘I don’t want to cut blocks of ________.

 I want to ________.

 Sam stood in the _______ _______ sun.

 Jim said,’ we must finish the ________.

 Sam is a stone ________.

3- Does Sam want to cut blocks of stone?


Date: ______________

Sun, Cloud, Stone

Pages 6-9

1- Put True or False:

 The sun is cold. ( )
 Sam talked to the sun. ( )
 Sam had a dream about the sun. ( )
 Sam wants to be the sun. ( )

2-Read and underline the correct answer:

 Sam felt very (tall – hot - cold).
 He grew (bag – big - bug).
 Sam flew (up and down – up and up - high).
 Sam grew round like a (school – ball - apple).
 Sam flew up into the (moon – sky - clouds).

3- Complete:

 Sam _________ about the sun.

 Sam said,’ I want to be the _________.
 Sam’ fingers were _________ and _________.
 Sam grew very _________.

Date: ______________

Sun, Cloud, Stone

Pages 10-13
1- Complete:

 Look at _____! I am the _______.

 Look what I _______ do.
 I can dry the ___________.
 I can make the ___________ hot.

2- Put True or False:

 Sam the sun was happy. ( )
 Sam the sun can do anything. ( )
 I can dry the sea. ( )
 When the wind blew Sam was still happy. ( )
 Sam said, ‘this is very good’. ( )
 Sam the sun can not swim. ( )

3- Underline the correct answer:

 The wind blew a big (horse – cloud - star) in front of Sam.
 A cloud (danced – stopped - ) in front of Sam the sun.
 Sam the sun was very (strong – small).

Date: ______________

Sun, Cloud, Stone

Pages 14 – 19
1- Write the missing words:

 Sam the sun thought about the _________ then he had an

 The cloud has _________.
 Then Sam felt_________ like a balloon.
 His _________ was white and grey.
 I can make _________.

2- Underline the correct answer:

 The cloud is (bigger – stronger - taller) than the sun.

 Sam the cloud can make the (boys – grass - sand) grow.

 Rain came from his (toes – fingers - face) and fell to the

(ground – stones - sea).

 Sam the cloud can give (food – water - sun) to the cows.

3-What happened to Sam’s tummy (Sam the cloud)?


4-What is this?




Date: ________________

Sun, Cloud, Stone

Pages 20 – 23


 Strong rhymes with _______.

 The stones are _______.

 Stone rhymes with _______.

 The stones are stronger than a_______.

2-Choose the correct answer:

 I want to be a block of (spoon – stone - room).

 Sam said,’ the stones are (proud – round - beautiful).

 Sam the cloud can give water to the (cows – cars - chairs) in the


3- Can the cloud make anything to the blocks of stone?


Date: _______________

Sun, Cloud, Stone

Pages 24-29

1- Write True or False:

 Sam felt cold. ( )

 He felt stiff and light. ( )

 Sam fell down from the bed. ( )

 A block of stone is a very bad thing.

 At the end Sam wanted to be himself. ( )

 Sam is happy that he is a stone cutter. ( )


 He felt stiff and _______.

 Sam said I am happy to be _______.

 A man is stronger than a _______.

 I _______ to be a man.

 I will be the most important block of stone in the _______.

3-Who said it?

 Where is Sam? I need more blocks of stone. _______

 I want to be man. _______

 I am happy to be me. _______

4-Underline the correct answer:

 Sam started to (sleep – fall - run).

 A man can (slice – eat - cut) a stone.

 I want to be a (man - lion – doll).

 I wanted to be the (sun – sound - locker).

 I wanted to be a (rain – cloud - star).

 I wanted to be a (block of stone – book – small bag).

 I am (happy – sad - good) to be a block of stone.

 I am happy to be (me – him – my sun).


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