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A Gift for Mom ... The third smiled and said: "I've got you both beat.

You remember how mom enjoyed reading the

Characters Bible? And you know she can't see very well. So I
sent her a remarkable parrot that recites the
The Bee = the narrator
entire Bible. It took elders in the church 12 years
milton= the snobbish son to teach him. He's one of a kind. Mama just has to
name the chapter and verse, and the parrot recites
gerald = money spender it."

donald = the stingy son

Soon thereafter, their mother sent out her letters
Mother = too old to notice anything but sons love of thanks:

The storyline "Milton," she wrote one son: "The house you built
is so huge. I live in only one room, but I have to
A Gift for Mom ... clean the whole house."

Three sons left home, went out on their own and "Gerald," she wrote to another: "I am too old to
prospered.... travel. I stay at home most of the time, so I rarely
use the Mercedes. And the driver is so rude!"
Three sons left home, went out on their own and
prospered. Getting back together, they discussed "Dearest Donald," she wrote to her third son: "You
the gifts they were able to give their elderly have the good sense to know what your mother
mother. likes. The chicken was delicious." Sometimes he
can be a complete brat & squawks LOUDLY from
The first said: "I built a big house for our mother." sun-up to sun-down ... I say,.

The second said: "I sent her a Mercedes with a


Scene 1
The bee
Have you ever wonder what will happened to any mother in
this world once their children all grown up and wanted to see
the world for themselves?
Let me tell you a story.
Once upon a time there were three brothers who live with
their mother. Their mother love them very much. Her son
were Milton, Gerald and Donald. Each one of them was very
“special” in their own way.
Milton mother why cant we have a bigger house? Look at our
neighbour’s. Their house is as big as a castle. I think this
house will never fit us all anymore. Take a look at
Gerald, he is too fat to go through our main door.
The Ish ish ish. That is milton. Always wants the biggest in
bee everything. The biggest school bag, the biggest chopping
axe, the biggest bowl. And once he wanted his mother
to get him the biggest,.... ermmm lets not get too far.
Gerald Mother! Who took my coin box?!
The Now that is gerald. He thinks that money is is only best
bee friend.
Gerald 1 thousand, 2 thousand, 3 thousand, 4 thousand , 5
thousand gold coin. Hahahahaha.
The Poor gerald. Never made friends other than his coin box.
bee His brothed called him the world bank.
donal Mother, where did you put my old shirt? i still need that
d shirt. ahh, here it is. Found it mother!
The Finally. The youngest of them all. By the way, he is the
bee most stingy. He still wear his 6th birthday shirt. he said
he can still wear it. I dont think so......
Well, let the story begin.
Scene 2
milton Did you heard the news about michael?
gerald I heard he became famous and rich. He came back with
a bags full of all kind of things.
donal Yeah! I heard the same news too. But i think he spend
d more than his family would have need . albert told me
he never wear the same shirt twice. Oh my god! It
makes crazy thinking of those wasted shirt.
gerald Donald, when will you ever change that old shirt of
yours? i
milton I agree brother. With that money, he can buy the
biggest bed for his father. The biggest pot for his
mother, the biggest diamond for his future wife. Oh i
wish i was like michael.
The Suddenly, milton came up with an idea. An idea so good
bee even his stingy brother donald will never refuse.
milton Why dont we see the world and seek our dreams. We
have been living with mother since the day we were
born. Let us ask mother. Lets go.
Scene 3
The Mother knew that someday her sons will eventually fly
bee away from their nest. She knew her sons wanted more
that she can give her. What would a mother do? Of
course follow her her heart.
Mothe What is it this time donald? Did your bother tease you
r again?
donald Mother, mother, milton and gerald are planning to
leave the house and venture the world. They said they
wanted to find foutune and fame.
mother What about you then donald? Arent you going to join
them? You always said you wanted to become a
succesful bussinesman.
gerald What?! You told mother? I thought we wanted to
surprise her. Milton, look who spoiled the excitement.
Milton Mother, all three of us wants to go our own way. We
want to achieve our dreams and return one day
bringing wealth like micheal did.
mother Sons, i dont have the power to hold you agains your
dream. I allow you with only one condition.
sons Yes mother, whats the condition?
mother Once you have gain your goal, remember to return
home. Never forget about me. I only have the three of
you in this world.
The As i expected, a caring mother understand what her
bee childrens wants. Oh i wish the queen bee understand
my dream......

Scene 4
The Years has passed and the brothers finally got what they
bee dreamed.

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