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CSEC English


Based Assesment

Center: Independence High School

Center ID:
Year of Exam: 2021
Candidate Name: Gilbert Cal
Candidate ID:
Plan of Investigation................................................................................3
The Three Stimuli....................................................................................4
Reflection #1..........................................................................................7
Reflection #2..........................................................................................7
Reflection #3..........................................................................................7
Plan of Investigation
The topic for my school English SBA is “how to prevent school drop out’’. My main topic is
“how it affect the life style of a student and consequence’’, the reason why I chose this sub-topic
is because so much teenagers are dropping out of school and not knowing the benefits of having
a good education and some consequence they may or will face if choosing the wrong path of life.
The benefits for me as an English student, I expect to expand my persuasive language,
researching skills, and also to improve my comprehension skills. In order to complete my
investigation I plan to browse the internet for articles, poem, pictures, and videos that correspond
to my sub-topic. For my final presentation, I will present my finding in the form of a poem.
The Three Stimuli

Schools must relax detention norms in order to prevent drop-outs in a year when
COVID-19 has disrupted the teaching and learning process, according to an Education
Ministry directive issued on Sunday.

The Ministry also told States to conduct comprehensive door-to-door surveys to

identify children out of school, and migrant students, and prepare an action plan to
prevent increased drop-outs, lower enrolments, loss of learning and deterioration in
the gains made in providing universal access, quality and equity in recent years.

Schools shut down in mid-March 2020, just before the COVID-19 lockdown. Some
States have started reopening physical classes for high school students over the last
two months, but most of India’s 25 crore students have spent the last 10 months at
home. While some have access to online classes, the majority are making do with
televised classes, WhatsApp teaching, and learning on their own. Globally, the United
Nations had estimated that almost 24 million school age children are at risk to drop-
out from the educational system due to COVID-19 this year.

Guidelines have been prepared “in order to ensure that school going children have
access to education with quality and equity and to minimize the impact of the pandemic
on school education across the country,” said the statement. To determine the scope of
the problem, the Education Ministry directed States to identify out-of-school children
in the 6 to 18 years age group through a comprehensive door-to-door survey.
Awareness and enrolment drives would then need to be conducted to ensure that such
children return to the school system, it said.

As schools slowly reopen for physical classes, students may need bridge courses to
adjust to the school environment, and remedial learning programmes to mitigate
learning loss and inequality, said the Ministry. Identifying students across different
grades based on their learning levels, and relaxing detention norms to prevent drop-
out this year, have also been recommended. Awareness on COVID-19-appropriate
behaviors such as wearing a mask, maintaining a six-foot distance, and hand-washing
with soap, are also needed.

For those who are still studying from home, targeted home visits, counselling and
distribution of worksheets and other supplementary material to support home-based
education are needed. Easy and timely access to uniforms, textbooks and mid-day
meals are also needed to prevent drop-outs.

The Ministry guidelines mention the need to increase the access to online and digital
resources, as well as televisions and radios, but also said that classes in small groups
at classrooms-on-wheels had to be explored as the pandemic abates in many areas.

For children who cannot go to school, the Ministry also offered guidelines for the
continuation of non-residential training through volunteers, local teachers and
community participation. Children with special needs must also receive home-based
educational support — and financial support for girl children with special needs —
through volunteers and special educators, it said.
Reflection #1
Education; the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world, Yet we see a lot of
school dropouts every year. My first stimuli a article entitled "how to prevent students from
dropping out" it talks about the prevention of school dropouts. My second stimuli a poem
entitled "stay in school" it speaks about how education can help you in the future. My third
stimuli is a video entitled "preventing school drop out: what you need to know" talks about how
to prevent and avoid dropping out from school and being on time, As a student learning more
about school dropout made me realize that school dropout is a serious problem around the

Reflection #2
After analyzing my stimuli and the use of language technique in my research; I noticed that there
were several language technique used in order for the viewer to Cleary understand the
information. My first stimulus is a article entitled “how to prevent students from dropping out”
written by Gabriel Bran Lopez, written using an expository language explaining the purpose of
education and the prevention. My second stimulus a poem entitled “stay in school” written by
Leon Thomas Lee was a free verse poem that is explaining how education will assist you in life
by becoming successful and the disadvantage of education. Lastly, final stimulus a video entitled
“preventing school drop out: what you need to know” created by Dr. Amy was informative and
the tone that was used is positive. Lastly, these language technique help me fully understand the
writer’s main idea.
Reflection #3
Conducting the English SBA was a very difficult task to do, as I am a student with learning the
concept in the language barrier. The most challenging part of the SBA was the three stimulus. It
consist of an article, video, poem or news paper that corresponds to your sub-topic, however I
must say that I have learned a lot over the course of this SBA.
Firstly, With the completion of this SBA I have gained more insight about the importance of
education as well as the benefits. Secondly, this has helped me to understand the value of
English grammar, and has helped me to enhance my writing and reading skills. Lastly, my
persuasive language, comprehension skills, reading and writing skills have improved, in
addition I am more exposed to researching and analyzing information.
In conclusion, I can take my information to raise awareness for some students that suffers from
these situation.

Stimuli 1 The Article-


Stimuli 2 The Poem-

Stimuli 3 The Video –

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