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1. Job interview, can we prepare for it?

The job interview is probably the most important step we will take in our job search journey - it’s our
best chance to show the hiring manager or recruitment company that we’re the best person for their
job. We have to make a great first impression appearance, have a great knowledge of our target
company and their product, and, of course, know exactly how to convey (przekonać) that we perfect
fit for the job. First of all, we should spend a few hours learning everything we can about the company
– we can talk to our friends and contacts, read current news releases (aktualne pisma prasowe), and
spend some time on Google. Twitter can also be an excellent resource because we can see what the
company and its employees are talking about. It is good to get a sense of “who” the company is and
how to embody a similar personality during our interview (jak być podobną osobowością, która
będzie pasowała do firmy). Before our interview, we could get a list of the people we’re meeting with
(from the company). Then learn more about them—including what type of behavior might intrigue
them or turn them off. During our preparation work we should carefully examine [egzamyn] the job
despcription and make a list of our skills, knowledge, and professional and personal qualities to see if
we’re the person they are looking for. What we wear in our interview is an absolutely crucial
[kruszial] (istotne) part of how to prepare for a job interview. After we choose our outfit, we have to
make sure it is cleaned and pressed and we have the appropriate accessories and shoes to go with it.
Another point is that we should always greet our interviewer with a friendly smile and firm
handshake. If we do this right, we will set off the right energy and the chances of the interview going
well will increase. This is a small and simple step that we should always do to prepare for our
interview. We can of course prepare for the typical question – think about our job goals, our
interesting maybe, and prepare the answer for the question “Why do you think you would be great for
this job?”. There is also a few things we shoudn’t do before or during our interview. For example, we
shoudn’t smoke before our job interview. No matter how strong our addiction is, we can’t do this.
Better time for it will be after the interview. Don’t be late – we can show that we don’t take our job
interview for real or we don’t care about the result. Our behavior during the interview is really
important – we should carefully listen what our interviewer say to us and answer for they question.
We can calm down and relax before our interview to calm down our thoughts, and that’s the best way
to prepare for our interview.

In my opinion, we should be very well prepared for a job interview, because this is our chance to
make money. We should show our positive characteristics, like self-confidence or open-mindedness.
Our future employer will appreciate our efforts. On the Internet everyone can find an interesting job
vacansies for yourself. If we have any problems, we can also go for help to empoyment agency for
example Human Resources. This is the department of an organization that deals among offers with
recruitment. We should earlier find out information about company policy to be better prepared. A lot
of companies offer different perks. This could be double motivation for us.
1.1. What are the most important factors that should be taken into account when choosing a job?
When we are choosing a job we should take into consideration for example working hours. By telling
working hours I mean we need to think if working hours are suitable for us. Single mother with little
child can’t work in the morning because she has to take care of her child – makes a breakfast and
provide her child lift to school for example. We should also check what benefits the company offers.
It could be the health benefit system, holiday allowance, insurance (ubezpieczenie). Depends on work
we are choosing we need to know with who we will be working, if people are friendly, helpful. The
communication with a team is a basis to feel comfortable in our work. We can think about our
interesting maybe. Our job shoudn’t be unpleasant or annoying duty for us.

1.2. What is the purpose of extreme interwievs? What kind of questions could be asked?
The idea is you ask candidates weird questions to put them under pressure and see how creative they
can be in the moment. Extreme interwievs are weird questions for an applicant. Job seekers try to find
people who are open-minded and have many different ideas in their heads. What was the last gift you
gave to someone? How honest you are? - questions. An "extreme interview" is the latest trend from
America. It is a deadly serious interview, which may seem to like a game. Interviewers throw bizarre
questions at candidates to see how they react.

1.3. What are the do’s and don’ts of a successful job interwiev? Can we prepare for a job interwiev?
MAIN QUESTION and the rules under the text.
2. Why do we tend to judge people by their appearance?

We all know that looks matter. We live in a strange world and everybody judge everyone. What most
of us don’t understand is just how much looks matter—and how difficult it is for us to ignore a
person’s appearance when making a social judgment. I’m talking about all our human interactions.
And I’m not just talking about the “beauty,” but also many other qualities of one’s appearance. For
example – a smile on our friend face, not only means that she or he is happy. They can deeply hide
their emotions under the fake mask. The next thing are clothes. We can’t judge people by their
clothes, because we can wear whatever we want and our style reflects who we are.
The first thing we notice when we get to know someone is appearance. Most of people still judge
other because of their look. It's sad and improper, cause we hear ,,Don’t judge a book by its cover"
and we do totally something different. When somebody is fat, we think that he or she eats a lot, when
somebody is too thin, we immediately think that this person could have an anorexia. We're judging
people all the time and ourselves too. Why do we do this? First of all, we have to remember that our
appearance is our business card so we should take care of ourselves. And we should remember that
people will always judge us, because our appearance is the first thing they see looking at us.
Secondly, we live stereotypes. We could fight with them, but easier is to agree. Why are we thinking
that good looking and fashionable people are rich? Maybe they just have a good style? Or why are we
surprised when someone rich looks scruffy? This is sometimes really unpleasant for some. We tend to
judge people and we’re outraged when other are judging us. We have to remember that we all are
people. ,,Love your neighbor as yourself”.
The appearance of the someone is a first thing, which we see, when we meet someone. We take notice
on someone’s look. Look shows a lot about who we are. The psychological sceince shows, that we
like to judge throw someone’s look. We usually rating people trough a their clothes. When someone
looks good, fashionable and clean we thing it’s a good person. When we need help, we faster ask for
something someone, who look like professional. A different looks means for us different things.
When we see someone who is ugly, dirty or scruffy, we thing about him negatively. I think we do this
because it’s easier. We can’t or we don’t want to explore someones mind. Its easy but its unfair many
times. When someone don’t like fashion or had uniqe style , he might be a victim of externals. I heard
about a case, when someone rich went to the dentist to making a new teeth. That person look like
normal person. A dentist said that person can’t affort on this new teeth. The reason of this unfair and
unpleasant situation was just a look of the patient. That person had a lot of money and get angry
because dentist was churlish only because patient didn’t look like rich person. I think, when we judge
someone trough his looking, we might deep hurt someone, even if we dont know about it. A good
looking symbolized a nice personality and bad looking pays attention on nedative aspects of someone,
but i think we shouldn’t a judge people by the appearance.
But judgement can be a good thing. Good judgement is a necessary part of life. It’s what protects us
from bad food, going to seedy places, watching unsavory material, or getting into situations we would
be sorry about. People are afraid of the unknown. If your physical appearance is not one they’re
familiar with, they will tend to avoid you or make harsh judgements against you.

1.1. Should school uniforms be introduced all over the world?

When everyone is dressed the same, worrying about what you look like isn’t so important. There is no
competition about being dressed in the latest trend. Uniforms help students to prepare for when they
leave school and may have to dress smartly or wear a uniform. Although wearing a school uniform is
less expensive than buying a whole wardrobe of outfits. Uniform might not be what I would wear in
my own time, but it gives me a sense of belonging, takes away the pressure of what to wear and deters
the bullies.
1.2. Do you agree that people should dress their age?
I believe we should wear whatever we want, what makes us feel good about ourselves and our bodies.
I also think we should dress so others respect us and our choice in clothing, depending on the
occasion. Also it show that we respect ourselves and as a consideration, our age as well.
1.3. They say that only sheep follow fashion while good dressers have their own style. What do you
think? - coś w stylu ,,czarne owce podążają za trendami, a dobzi projektanci mają swój własny styl”
I think it’s not true. Everyone can have their own style and follow fashion in the same time. We don’t
have to be original to have our own style and feel good. It’s stereotype to think in that way. Of course
we can say that everybody on the street look the same, whet the people follow the trends, but we can
wear a fashionable outfit and still look different that others.
3. In future medical websites will replace doctors

Currently, we see, how the World is changing. We can't go outside, we have to stay at home and work
or learn from home. Situation is for the most of us totally new. We're scared when we've fever, sore
throat or cough and we're immediately thinking about having the coronavirus. Medical websites have
a lot of incorrect information, and we usually believe in these words. That's wrong! Medical websites
can't replace doctors, but can help them e.g. to contact with their patients (especially now). Although
nurses can't help us manual, but we can get information how to get better without leaving our houses.
In my opinion medical websites won't replace doctors, they can only help him with diagnosis. Many
times people with a cold go to the doctor for advice on how to cure a cough, runny nose, sore throat,
instead of trying to cure these diseases with home remedies that can be found on the internet (e.g.
cloves for sore throats). Of course, they should use professional websites to do that. However, most
people have more serious illnesses, so they need real doctor's advice, who can see patient's health, do
him tests. What about pregnant women? They also need a live doctor who will ensure the safety of
their fetus. That's why, websites will never replace doctors. Doctor can make medical examinations
and except or confirm diseases. Sometimes people make mistake, because belive in what they read in
internet, for instance that they have cancer. The most often it isn't true. Only doctor can check
something out. We won't use only medical website in the future, because it isn't enought and can be
dangerous for our health.
In real life, we consult computers instead of doctors already, using the Internet to research symptoms
and conditions before we even think about making an appointment. That's still not the same as
trusting an actual person, though, and some people argue that computers can never replace doctors for
that reason. Computers can't have long conversations with patients to tease out bits of information that
may be helpful in forming a diagnosis, nor can they show empathy to make that patient feel
comfortable. No, we don't go to the doctor to make friends, but it's not nice to feel like a number,
either. If you were to sum up the answer to this question in one word, it would be "depends." Will
medicine as a profession be totally obsolete in the future? Probably not. Will computers replace
doctors for some things? Probably so. The only thing that's certain is that medicine as we know it will
change drastically in the future.
4. Increasing age of society will influence average standard of living in the future (Starzenie
się społeczeństwa będzie miało wpływ na średni poziom życia w przyszłości)
Population ageing, defined as a process which increases the proportion of old people within the total
population, is one of the main problems of this century. It is clear that with an increase in the
proportion of people over the age of 65, there will be a decreased proportion of people of workforce
age. This means that there will be more people claiming benefits such as state pensions and less
people working and paying income taxes, causing an increase in dependency ratio (współczynnik
1.1. What are some of the problems that elderly people face? What can be done to improve their daily
It is well known that as a society we are living much longer thanks to improved living conditions and
health care. While being able to reach old age is something to be thankful for, in many ways, there are
several challenges facing the elderly, which we all need to pay more attention to. While we are living
longer, unfortunately, the world of employment and retirement has not evolved at the same pace.
Many elderly people are able and more than willing to work past the standard retirement age, but the
opportunities are not there. In addition, managing day to day finances and planning for later life can
be challenging for older generations as much is now done online or remotely. A person’s mobility and
dexterity will naturally decline as they age, which makes completing everyday tasks more difficult.
This can gradually cause people to care for themselves and prevents them from being social, pursuing
interests, or taking part in activities they enjoy. More support is needed to enable elderly people not
only to live independently through products and programs which focus on safety, balance, fitness, and
mobility but also to ensure they can continue to thrive as an individual.

1.2. Should elderly people be left in their homes, or should they stay at retirement homes? Why?
Most seniors want to stay in their homes as they age. Moving comes with both physical and emotional
stress, and many seniors are afraid of leaving behind beloved neighbours and a family home full of
memories. Add the fear of the unknown to those concerns and a move to senior living can be
downright overwhelming. However, the truth is that for many seniors living at home alone can be
unhealthy and even dangerous.
1.3. To what extent should the government take care of the elderly?

Who should pay for the cost of elder care, when the elderly themselves cannot? Should government,
meaning society as a whole, support the expense of elder care? Should children, who have financial
ability, be legally responsible for paying the costs of their parents' care? Most people agree that
spouses should take care of each other. However, the responsibility of other family members,
especially adult children, is not at all clear.
5. Air travelling is the best way of travelling

I agree with that statement. I believe that air travelling is the best and fastest way of travelling from
place to place. Of course there are different ways of travelling but I don't think that other means of
transport are as attractive and can provide as much sensations as flying a plane. Ever since I was a kid,
I've wanted to fly and wondered what it was like up there. I've flown abroad a few times. Then I saw
the world from the air from a perspective we wouldn't normally be able to see on earth. From the
windows I saw beautiful views that were breathtaking, clouds, sunsets, mountains, valleys, rivers,
oceans and other countries. Besides sometimes it's like that you can only get to a place by air. This
way of travelling also takes much less time than for example as if we were driving trains or cars so it
is faster and sometimes more comfortable. If we fly to a place where there is no direct flight then we'll
definitely find a connecting flight. We leave our main luggage at the baggage drop-off point and don't
have to worry about it. We just take the ticket and go to the plane. Airplanes are very well equipped
have life jackets, there is room for hand luggage and everyone has a place. There are all those things
that are necessary for travel. Stewardesses also offer meals, drinking and other things. Tickets are not
so cheap but sometimes you get the opportunity to pay less than usual. I love to travel by air I think
it's the best means of transport and I'm sure I'll still travel by air.
Often flights can be expensive and dangerous. Keeping your seatbelt fastened tightly when the flight
gets bumpy can be a very scary experience.
Flying has always been faster than taking the bus, boat, or train! Carrying a laptop with you when
traveling, plus having some free time aboard the aircraft while in flight, can give you the opportunity
to be more productive than if you were driving to your destination. If you have a long flight, it can be
the perfect time to pull out the computer and get some work done.
6. Reading is an old - fashioned entertainment

In fact, we are living in the times of Internet thanks to which we can find all necessary information in
short time. That’s why people are more used to check everything online instead of turning pages of
some heavy book. Sometimes, we simply don’t have time to read. Our society has a very fast way of
living, which means that we has to work a lot while studying not only during university time, but also
later when we have to develop others competences to have a good job. Adding others daily duties, we
don’t have a while to read or we are too exhausted and we are more convinced to choose something
which requires less time, like watching films. We also want to spend some time with our friends, so
we choose going to the cinema, concerts or places like escape rooms, playing with them in board
games. In addition, the technology development gives a lot of opportunities to entertainment. The
most common thing are computer games which in this time are in very good quality and with an
amazing story. In VR game we can forget about reality and spend some time in a place out of this
world which sounds really appealing. But even all of this mentioned arguments, that we have others
ways to entertain ourselves, I don’t think that reading is old fashioned way to spend some time. There
are a lot of people who still read a lot. In my opinion, what has changed is the form of books that we
are more able to choose. What I mean, there are audiobooks or e-books which become more and more
popular. Seeing that we have less time to read, we choose audiobooks which we can listen to in our
way to work or e-books which we can simply download form the Internet instead of going to the
library or bookshops. There is one more thing which appeals to people – podcasts. And it is similar
thing with audiobooks, it requires only our mobile phone and we can listen to it in every place

1.2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of print books and e-books?

Advantages of printed books - No need for an e-reading device. No batteries needed – the only thing
you need is book and you can start enjoying whatever the book has to offer you. Understandability –
you can put marks and take notes so that you can easily understand what writer wants to say.
Disadvantages of printed books - Inconvenience – they can be heavy and hard to carry around. You
need lighting – you can’t read a printed book at night without external lighting. Lack of space –
printed books can take up a lot of space in your home.
Advantages of e-books - Speed – you don’t have to wait until you can get to library or bookstore, you
can read an e-book immediately. Cheaper – because there are no printing fees associated with e-
books, they are often cheaper or even free compared to printed books.
Disadvantages of e-books - Battery life – if your e-reader runs out of battery, you can’t use it until it
charges again. You can’t loan or borrow e-book – if you read an amazing e-book and you want to
share it with friends, you will have to give them your e-reader.
7. Extreme weather conditions reflect the state of environment

Extreme heatwaves and heavy rain storms are already happening with increasing regularity worldwide
because of manmade climate change, according to new research. Global warming over the last
century means heat extremes that previously only occurred once every 1,000 days are happening four
to five times more often. The study shows warming of the atmosphere increases the number of times
temperatures reach extreme levels and evaporates more water from the oceans. It is from this hotter,
wetter background that extreme weather events emerge.
Long-term changes in climate can directly or indirectly affect many aspects of society in potentially
disruptive ways. For example, warmer average temperatures could increase air conditioning costs and
affect the spread of diseases like Lyme disease, but could also improve conditions for growing some
crops. More extreme variations in weather are also a threat to society. More frequent and intense
extreme heat events can increase illnesses and deaths, especially among vulnerable populations, and
damage some crops. Many extreme temperature conditions are becoming more common. Since the
1970s, unusually hot summer days (highs) have become more common over the last few decades in
the United States. Unusually hot summer nights (lows) have become more common at an even faster
rate. Increases and decreases in the frequency and magnitude of river flood events vary by region.
Floods have generally become larger.
8. Risk taking should be severely prosecuted (surowo prześladowany)

We can take risk in all sectors of our life! Not only in extremal sports. We can be risky taken in our
job and our personal lifes. There are exceptions, of course, but generally speaking, men tend to take
more risks than women do. While women tend to behave responsibly and make staid decisions, the
burden is on men to impress them through acts of boldness and strength. Of course, women take risks,
too. Research shows they take more social risks than men; for example, they're more likely to change
careers late in life or express unpopular opinions in business meetings.
9. The things we regret in life

I guess that everybody at least one time in lifetime had that annoying thought that “oh, I wish I did it
better”. The most common situations in which this happens are these ones related with a lot of
emotions. It comes to situations like oral exams when because of stress we forget something that we
know for sure and we can end up with worst note. Or like after the important argument when we need
to convince somebody to our opinion, but we fail in it and after a while later we have so many better
ideas. That’s why we often regret. But going more deeply in this topic, the feeling of regret is
inseparable in our life. First of all, we have so many ways that we can follow. I think about career’s
choices. It is not like we are good only in one specific domain of work, but I think that we can find
ourselves in a many different types. And choosing only one thing that we will be doing all our life is
always related with some kind of regret. We choose something and after a while doing this, when it
become more normal or habitual for us, we start thinking about others potentially better choices that
we could make.
10. What music would you play to an alien?

To tell the truth, it is a funny thing to wonder about. First of all, we have some questions to answer: if
aliens really exist, when meeting them – wouldn’t we be too frightened to even say ‘hi’ to them, do
they perceive sound in the same way as we do and the last one – what is our aim to play them some
music? As we can’t give any really answer to these questions, we can find out what type of music
would we play to an alien. My first thought about it bring me to consider some classic music as a first
pick. Maybe because I have watched too many films in which aliens try to invade our planet and I
know that classic music has some good relaxing vibes, that’s why I thought about it. But supposing
that they have a friendly approach, we can consider playing them one, the most popular song from
every kind of music to see what they like. After that, our task is easier – we turn our Spotify and
choose appropriate playlist and we run away to not see them get angry. Just kidding. To give some
more serious answer, I would choose to play them some music which I like. I think that it is easier to
talk about something that you are passionate about and about what you have definitely more
knowledge than about smooth jazz which according to your opinion exists only during Christmas
11. In 21st century people live in a sleep deprived society - (pozbawione snu społeczeństwo)

Sleep is like food and water—sufficient amounts are necessary for physical and mental well-being
and deprivation can lead to death of the organism. More often, insufficient sleep (niewystarczająca
ilość snu) can cause a range of biological, psychological and social problems in humans. This is true
whether that insufficient sleep comes from sleep deprivation or from insomnia, which are separate
problems. In addition, there is a difference between need and desire for sleep. In the same way we can
eat when we're not hungry, we can also sleep for pleasure. So how do we know where the line is
between need and desire? Well firstly it's important to understand why we need sleep - for protection
and preparation; and recovery and restoration.
12. Arguments and Gender Differences (różnice między płciami)

We see gender differences everywhere – in the psychology, thoughts and behaviour of men and
women. The answer to this question is important because our beliefs affect our behaviour; the
judgements and limits imposed on men and women based on beliefs about differences are real, even if
the presumed gender differences are not.

1.2. Why do people argue? What are the gender differences when it comes to arguing?
13. Non-verbal communication, how much and why is it important?

Body language plays a very important part in our daily life. By observing others people behavior we
can simply find out their real attitude towards us. For example we can see when people lying because
in fact, when somebody lies he seems to be nervous and has shaking hands and he avoids eye contact
with person with whom he talks. Sometimes body language can have a lot of significant
consequences. We could see that in the debate between two candidates in the presidential election in
1960 – the first ever presidential debate between Kennedy and Nixon. Kennedy was well-prepared
and he was looking very confident. We could see this in his gestures, because of the way that he
operated with his hands. In addiction he was straightforward which only highlighted his self-esteem.
We can also mention his general look, because knowing that it was presented in black and white
television, he decided to wear a navy blue suit which caused that he stood out against the background
of the scene. From the other side, we had Nixon who wasn’t as well prepared as Kennedy. He looked
stressed, he was sweating and because of some leg injury he was limping. What’s more he wore a
grey suit which caused that he was blending with the background. And seeing all of this elements,
Nixon was doomed to failure, because the voters didn’t see in him a self-controlled and form future
president. I think that it is the best example to underline the importance of body language.
14. How not to get robbed?
 Trust your instincts. If you sense trouble, get away as soon as possible.
 Show confidence. Walk at a steady pace, keep your head up and avoid carrying lots of
packages…It can make you look defenseless.
 Don't look like an easy target. Robbers want someone who will provide the least resistance.
If you look like you know where you are going, walk with your head up and eyes alert, you
will most likely be left alone.
 Be observant.
 Remain alert and observe the people around you. Know who is walking behind and in front
of you. Things to watch for include suspicious persons or vehicles, people who are wearing
inappropriate clothing for the weather (e.g. a long or heavy coat in warm weather), and people
just loitering around.
 Walk in well-lit areas. If possible, do not walk alone.
 Be aware of your surroundings. If you think you are being followed, go to a crowded area.
 Do not carry large amounts of money.
 Carry keys in your hand.
If you observe suspicious persons or activities, call the police to investigate.
Plan your route and think about what to take with you, especially if you’re going somewhere you
haven’t been before. Keep your mobile phone and valuables out of sight. If you’re using your phone
it’s more likely to be snatched from your hand as you’re not paying attention to your surroundings, so
look around you.
15. Internet crimes should be better regulated by law
16. Television will soon be replaced by the Internet

Nowadays, there is a growing interest in internet creators who share their work with a wide
internet audience. After reaching a certain audience level, these people start earning money,
while viewers get virtually unlimited access to their materials, often completely for free. One
click is enough, anywhere in the world, at any time to be able to use the recordings, articles
and any other information sources on the Internet. At a time when television was on top and was a
kind of window to the world, people didn’t really have much choice when it comes to visual
entertainment except for the cinema. However, the difference in influencing on people's minds and
views is huge, because TV can be watched every day. It is difficult for me to really judge whether
television was previous better or worse. In the times of the Polish People's Republic, there were
probably many taboos that weren’t discussed on TV due to decency( przyzwoitość) I’d like to say that
we can definitely observe more liberty today, but it won’t be entirely true. What clearly distinguishes
television from Internet creators is the freedom of expression sb's views, and not following some
strategy of the person who is managing the television. The same goes for both- public and private
television, which both have political sympathies. Thisis especially visible in public television, which
doesn’t try to keep the level, doesn’t offer Poles the highest level of culture and reliable information,
but goes the easiest way - it runs poor programs, paradocuments, a lot of disco polo instead of artists
who have been working towards their position in the world for many years. It sells, it brings some
profits, but in fact many people have stopped watching TV long time ago or are planning it.
Netflix series are now much more popular than TV series at least among young people.,
Journalists and experts with their YouTube channels or spotify podcasts are now much more
credible(wiarygodny) and competent, perhaps because they are self-employed and aren’t
forced to present views they don’t agree with. To sum up, people who are looking for the truth in
more than one source of information and are able to pay for a subscription a good magazine online,
either prefer unpopular music andart , or don’t agree with manipulation and intolerance, they have
certainly ( z pewnościa) replaced television with the internet a long time ago I think. However, we
must remember that there are people who are not looking for it, they don’t need it or they identify
with the content presented on television and still can’t imagine a day without television.
17. Adverts are misleading and should be forbidden

Nowadays, advertising is very important strategy for a lot of companies. They create more and more
divers adverts to sell their products. We can find adverts everywhere, in the Internet, on the streets
and in the TV, so we can’t simply avoid them. In my opinion, we can’t assume that all the adverts are
misleading and should be forbidden. In fact, I think that some of them can be very useful, because we
can find some products about which we thought that they don’t exist. In addition, adverts can have a
very good quality and can be appreciable, because not every advert refers to selling products. For
example, a few years ago, polish company Allegro made an avert in occasion of Christmas which was
very moving and enjoyable. It was about a granddad who want to learn English to be able to speak
with his grandson. On the other hand, averts can be misleading, but they shouldn’t be forbidden. We
simply need to be careful and reasonable while watching them. And we are all conscience that
companies want to sell their products and that’s why they are doing their best to present it in a good
way and sometimes they exaggerate the quality of their product. But I think this strategy of
advertising isn’t worth anything, because costumers aren’t stupid and know when company lies which
leads to avoid using products which come from this establishment.
18. ‘Money makes the world go round’ do you agree?

Among people, ways of considering money are various. If it comes to me, I would agree with this
statement. The first reason why I believe so is the fact that money allows many of us planning and
making life aims. It gives motivation to invest in self education and developing more and more
personal abilities what provides to getting well paid job in the future. Furthermore, heading to get it
creates arrangement of humankind existence on earth. Secondly, as long as living status is concerned,
money determines possibility of getting on specific social position. What is more, somebody’s place
taken in society differs him from people who are set in higher or lower states. Thanks to it, the natural
need of membership is in some way satisfied and opportunity of being satisfied with life gets higher.
And the last, but not least instant which is essential in contemporary world and should not be
excepted, is economy matter. The basis of all incomes and deals takes place through presence of
various forms of money. Without it, development of any branch of economy would not be possible
and executing worked out policy could never come truth. All in all, it seems that money is inseparable
part of human life and is essential to assure development and living the life in regular way.
19. Megacities are the best places to live in

A megacity is a metropolitan area with a total population in excess of 10 million. That’s a lot of
people! In our recent Megacities report, it was stated that by 2025 it is estimated that around 630
million people will live in close to 40 megacities around the world. Japan’s Tokyo will still be the
largest of them all. Megacities have the potential to reduce poverty and improve living conditions for
a large proportion of the population – if they are managed properly and make the most of their
advantages (pod warunkiem, że są odpowiednio zarządzane i wykorzystywane są ich wszelkie zalety).
To maximize the potential of megacities, upcoming challenges such as inequality, transportation,
housing, formal jobs, effective infrastructure, public safety, unemployment and environmental impact
must be addressed. However, the diversity of megacities means that a challenge in one city can mean
something different for another city.
20. Science is worth suffering (nauka jest warta cierpienia)

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