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Siincea Poa Ba re doe krow stew ick We've a been wondering coteeoe phate often sed wth he poset sil ray of / omnes / aay / ste ave / wore /rowedys these cys / Fm ne [A Write the verb in brackets inthe correct form, present simple or present continous, in each gap. (do) degree ties 801 a nnannnen 8) Bm very usualy {get home unl about ght cock. —— get sore dF he SEE ene ME 9 Aman st very good cross the desert whan one of we dstarce Becitam ES Beckham A Bane 14 WOMAN ovo ve) €500 ALLGN LOTTERY WTO CHARITY score? {wan ts, do wear Stat paying av o get my Onn ace evenly parents when they need row an he, bit ony if heres something e004 on alone my suey beroem reading af te ie p85 out ply uri as done als terewor. ust dort alow it 2, ut ton 3 egust ow taing io you ony rk 1g Dae to oe feu artes! ope these have moe fe ie han they in he wpwih peta isthe last ime evr order rom hat lazer, twas @seusir ee (© Wt 2 verb from the box inthe correct form, present simple or resent continuous, n each tap. Uso the words n brackets with the verb, Use contractons where possible. You can une he ‘eros more than once ‘do = drive © focus * go + happen look * need + say | sounds the» thak + by Sandy, Hey, Geog! ind ote, ‘ceorge: Lie wha? 19 Le rol women inten ‘ceorge: (19) (bt) Sandy (20) (0) 27 Olay. Maybe don he D Circle the correct word of phrase. 1 Could you explain what amidsestblehetaranis means / meaning. lease? 2 Each song only coat /e only costing 50 cents at rt because they on sp 3 doesnt matter / Int mattering ric ofthe books we've studies ts trm you d you 4 ony 2 cui cal as ring / fm ingng for my mobie, 5 thin eeeognise / tm recognising tat woman ove there. Wasnt she on hat cu show ast igh? 6 7 8 9 Excuse me, doe the nut cake contain Is the aut cake containing wal? lege to ishment deters people fom cormitrg urd aught youhad a match his aterncen, ‘really dont agree / tm really not agreing tht capital hy dont you play / arent you paying fo ‘Stay ost ofthis, Simon, t doesnt concom / isnt concerning you 10 You rely resemble / are resembling you star when yo sit 1 owner Write a verb from the box in the corect form, present simple or present continuous, i of sentences, ach pale ove + be * consider + depend « feel + have + lok * see * sel = tink 1 Ala fora book any sting. Do you have ay in stock? Siar ke he's aad od ts mom 2 AKow YO mn ut iing Jacke to came wih son Set er wall ove told er she can go home. age rew fat . eu Ray Das tobe a better song tan Pau MeCartney? abarecue youbick his eveig? ‘he Deacors 5. ATheiden of ging toa Geek BPaice vwineses i he atch 6 AThis chicken ‘eyes. k teow it away ust to be on he safe sie BM you that chek, Mn? Tal ‘onyou James. Dor et me down! 2 iethor we gl hereby onthe tf B Adulin Gu, you et, cay. ou keep ano, please? you Bob nous Re a CD fr his bthdy? veg ct of te cy B Gives Sade 10 Alhex bat Doug cute alot of Katy these das, a arches Unite ost aga F Each of the words or phrases in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly 1 Tammy been abet sim sae she was on Yea On nnnneen 2 How many 3 Tina ong Pi not managed to Have you heard? Carts breaking Neg ag, nmr 6 Youre chy you caught me —Tvejust eame trough i that youre thinking of roping otf te couse? ~ se fr ove vo funcred years and were not eng row! 5 W both aro correct, circle both. can the beach area, apes about he elehant ht escaped 1 Theywe filed / boon filing over six bag 2 Hove you followed / boon folowing at story Appar, they've ust eaught/ been catch 3. Weve seen / been seeing the Tower of London, Bctranam ree hus! imelve heard / been hearing The Eats pay he 5 like endl have thought / Been thinking aout where to goon ody for woes but we st ca dei 6 oucert watt go tothe tet ready weve ely ven / been diving for about en mints 7 fe stood / been standing v aly nd my fet ate ing me as Jon worked / ben working forte compary she i sorte? te 2008 nd Oford Stet, sr we've ony been 10 H. Wits the verb in brackets inthe correct form, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. Use contractions whore posse. 1 —--ll/ Sond of ovr 18 pres raleaas this aring San. 2 ou / ever / 0 sav? Bn wa /wald fr you forte ast to ours. Where (you / ber 4 you /just / rece rom Rusk? 5 tm: (we / eet ny we / expect diver forte get er far 0. (you /have) sy thovehts abot Iman / mean o 8:4 ou or © whe, Wel yu ike co come with us tea word from the box in each gap. You can use each word more than once. akendy + before + ever + fot + just + reseny + since © co + sik + unt + yet 1 wats ferent Yauve change your 2 ‘My grandmother's been gute 150 she's coming to stay wth us fora week ceo. 3 about 2005. 4 7 Okay, you can watch, hen 5 ‘aris season 5 Tiealays hed in bg house ow, Sits taking sometime to get usedto beng na srl at 17 We car cance the party now —Tve stad everyone! 8 How long has Sue gave abroad a) 9 Dor got Mathow tat gare; m prety ur es got nm 10 Hove you ‘ought of going into business on you own? 11 Wena states 0 you ean jinn fos te. 12 We've nver beens New York so ete both realy looking ormard tt 13 Have thay been Bing inthe nighbouons,——.—.. you moved i? rs have found my sunglasses, 5 a webste ke BS nnmnnnnn age 16 now. Weve bees tkng about ou 7 Michal, hve you dere your homework — 1 ik time you started it? J Write one word in each gp Humans and other life forms uma (0) nacho common wth ot forms appeared, al vig tings Ne ‘ondtons of eu planet. Tis as Bonn to ure the harsh and ehaging ard, inany cases, as lone in mebing seo the word for exale orn being partly sl (spiders ake ntcale mn ou by from, our eat sty. (9) none ENE 10) non UAE sl much mankind (12) rat krow about the exes humans, cf couse, bt a specs wih etaied knowledge abet ou past. The ore we te fue. abe reoognised, Hower, tat we managed to create the means to Gesty he lan 2 ME ETS ‘weapon make oot ior © Thinki Dit 2 we Topic vocabulary: Thinking [A Circle the correct word B sng the correct form ofthe words inthe Box. More than one word might Rin each gap, he words. + consider + conto» delberate + guher + grasp + ponder + reckon + sinpose 1 etek me ate ong tie 0 _ what he am of te gare was 2 The ry ae sil bi theyre expected to react a verde soon, 34 - 4 Youreatyhaveto 5 tmseroisy this the book bre possblty of fare C Each of the word in bold fs inthe wrong sentence, Write the corset words onthe ines. eal hunch boca ited to two pares on Ssturday and drt know hich one o got. 2 Dene sine’ got compete guesswork ins, nd thinks wee gong odo 4/annution vite i comes oasropiyscs, but shes not very practic 14 Youcfen eed to use alte educstd nation when youre starting a ype FOSSHOT, em nnnmnn 5. Ive got /on ideology tat sareane tis ofie i wong to get prometod soon & Comenuism ane capital yn evidence that Roe was ied, bat al his paradox tld im tt slabs. Shou ak to Mes Jacobs about Teaureee arn Topic vocabulary: Learning D choose the correct word. Letter to the editor ‘over hop ig arden 1 Areqests —— Sdestes ——Cneeds warts 2 Ninatentve ——Bigerart—_Cietensive 3 cramming —Blectrng —_Cresdg 4 Ate 5 6 7 8 9 0 Phrasal verbs E Match to make contences. 6 he ust vent 7 mot sre we've thought v= 6 upon such great ees for a webiste. a J tat 2 ein F rte one word in each gap so that each second sentence has a similar meaning to the first sentence. 1200 to consider you ofl very carly before make o decision. Teed to Sher you ofr very early Before make a decklon 2 Lea ad he bilan dea of baking a clown forthe erdottem sary. ee came 7 ‘holt ize cf booking» own fr the ender pay 3. tine you read tat you've got espons ne you aced : 4 mong to have to moro my spoken German ber got March Ter gag to fae o brush ‘ny spoken Geran before |g to March. the fc that youve got responses now. rosa 2000, 6 sa generlknowedge i 2 you cant do any reson fort } ‘There's ac at ‘as its a general knowledge quiz. so colt eb wt he speke vas sag ste pedir wes sng beats nre nga he back fe al tl tothe pessoa. aoe al wiht Pe ess oowng ton aout he stay ot fh nguge wach een monte sy fg brguge tact res idea of fring information. verbs without. such as puzzle ou, ae aften connected ‘Wich ofthese phrasal vers without ae aso connected to hi 1 i youfind out wt tine te pares’ mesg i? 2 Ive been checkout wheter beter to go by yor lane. 3 Sis reckons tes suseed aut eat way fo getino te cub fo ee, 4 outino te playground 5 can ure ot ow o change my password 6 The bard were corgletely drowned out bya he screaming fos. 7 8 {im gong o sound Bob ou abou is mesg in the company, “wo essays realy do stand out others. 9 Jans good at keepeg teres, so ya have to worm oto her 10. None of us cud fathom out wy te exsermen wast work Phrases, patterns and collocations H. Write one word in enc 0p. 1 Sim seams to be _=-tersaprenesion tat tomorrows a oly ist 2. These rings ast doubt ns revo ese doe ins fe shots a vo fous, ut you canst sete faces, kas the right Sid ery he end of tr at against anal tasting ~ pincple nays asst hs song 04 lide in Moca 7 You hae to bear rida tel be uit 2 few hiden thee 8 Where i Susan let renearaton core rm? 9 Dad se thet my boroing he car eight Wa mv fhe QUES J 10 Hearing te news about Caroline pu my smal problems perspective, 11s the best couse of action rom your pant view 12 Youware tired ‘the basis tat you wuld be able to wark on nc. 13 esonnn bln, ltink he goverment’ doing reasonable ob 14 We hover ken ue’ thoughts accout at 2 15, ssnon nese, fd ket Bank everyone who supported me cn the eaty years For each question, write one word which can be used inal three sentences 1 twas so hed that cout even tink . HMeone tothe pont — youre fred Irs time ose the record bout wh ly happened that ight. 2 Shes ony eg, bt she has the ge of on 1Byearcl May mo i885 can ced these dys Fm no ery ood srtnet, 23 hie does 8 ver fu nana TO ‘eureaty made an ‘onPetee hast stoped thing bout your (hy was under he nna tha the exam was on Tsay? 4 Carter mas the —. bind he whole crninal pert. Cou ~ about good places to eat aroun hare? We sa there ‘nine 5 Semeone with no. of sel cat tae ean a of tis fm at all -whats gong on? Wien a crus cn the Queen Mary was 2 ve ad the same recaring rigs arom 7 Motorsts teu aways stow for pedestans crossing the see at 2 zebra cross Mee some 1 10 you proposals ard ge Back 0 you ‘We sup dr ake changes in intrest rats nto nn Me We Bo 2 mortgage fr cur house Wiite one word in each gap. ine rman hasbeen formed. The iy pipes oust ne beet hat there are reece a en ban cals ort Tt loud, ougas Havre ito cre, ts trying eon te amet sre es canon ons ane wo De cts eo ntermotn present atts | ee fous ore eral paces. hero uso) Sut dv tetra wit dott = tt DOs ben set who wereng vores sroahie wh Hover, bel e's eg made py 6 2g oto conpletey 5.8 anespe slat my een heard or 36. hetero the reek ait away tithes a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the ven. You must use between tree and sight words, thought hat wel have legal oobles. crossed ‘hat we have legal problems. Wasa patent of one ofthe cin. strike iting tise 6 ht tl ge because did war to hurt eds eens. consideration ONE ARG cnn Eade Idioms L_ Complete using the words in the box. Imad « le + stock © Wo + uplako + what + was © wood a He aaays knows whats 4 Youve got ohne your... aout youto seed in aaring 5 Dor et success goto your ally 6 No oe tous that 7m gig ogo 8 9 Word formation |M. Compete the sentences by changing te form of the word in capital ed cut the wrong exam papers. anon st elm down ap youself ogee, RATIONAL ‘wet unt at seh! BRLUART Be EH enn ue to Aust, DEFINE frend ako, MAGINE 2d so was ert to ae ust because you want me tobe 2 he legality of te we Ben very litle saci eeagnin nthe pa cats asia i tuo = 88 oly The igs Muminated he butng beatly 2 igh. (© Uso he word given in capitals to form a word that fs in the space sy they say with inopposton. On communicate w.. DEFINES The 8) ASSUME) tat f yu row a word, you LOGIC, at righ make sense, bain ally Ris at Nays se tat. Thar are words ae phrases that even rave seekers _ (TINK! wich can ead to (CONFUSE) whe ou ask naive speoer to fine ther. Take the (CONCEIVE) of tats, for example, which has entered Engh from German. itmay be more 10) (SENSE) otest the students understanding in ways over than sing them to dene (mark per answer) ‘Complete the second sentence so that thas a simlor moaring tothe fst sentence, using the word given, Do not change the word given You must use between three and eight words, Including the word given, 11 trsnevergcratofoget to consider Daren’ vews wen |make a decison gn. account ‘Thats east tine make a decison 12 | otro town et set ane ple for er rovel. come How ona en : her ves) iss presuring that he party stars. impression that he pat stars ate. 1 ean dopout yet whore ng Ws ee mind ‘ekwtat youre dong his eveing? tat stb spporbie— aw mag wa bole rat she be suportve how wrong wa 16 There nowy at ae yo wh our ec Im a, quton ‘our staying out al ight wih your rend. nf ai 17 tm you ows srs ares at you srs ae ih nats Inge a cm ON 368 ta YU Pte ae righ yo ke fa i a 9 gray hots [2 marks per answer ine? Unite PLZ © Write one word in each gap. about you wen srg tough Eemingham. fee the tes, oe whatever You 6 23, We were ket comity inthe aba what was ging on ~ hey ig! 24 Amt gong round ibe id you jst ask meta mary you 25 ‘Hell aver win the court case. My slo sas he doesnt have 8.010 tan 0. 26 Dawn's bt low on te nu—nnn- Sometimes, So maybe she dn esse you wee suggest she gave you ajo (0 mane per ancwer D circle the corect word 32 thn you shou face up on / with / to the fact that ur relations’ ver 232 Wot sllyingo figure / thnk / guess out how the brs got 234 Im gong to havo learn /swot / ook up on wt he rad signs ean before ry ving test 25 fmf arena is corto at oe Fates Cy Shack te oomoson te —yosetabe se am gtr D being en re 37 Aa ieealy the st tie a st las? Ayoueverty youve ever town Byosre ove thing Dante eer been hing ta oar re ay eet =e Seinen | Sige corp eons Tet Day dave a aphee and a ish we ware gag oth compute a next waka ast continuous, in each gap. You may (ness) through the por. (stop weing to answer nthe ealosin happened hndreds of people cowards. we ward to get home wile she fale her (thio of ev uriversiy 04 (sw every ay? (atract! many people fom the county tote (pat nt rt round the Earth in 1960. aut (work on ny project. (are) te party was ast ove {create to protect lca wife, 9 The Hu 10 Son Byte te we 12 The nator sar © write verb fom the Box in the correct form in each gap. mean © open war r High-tech trouble "] cert program, and eveyone ety eau (003 to get nay om te ofce. ude, my mobile prone 5) > ‘a key and the message (18) } - We kaw you (20) woman in eI bok up ust as se ater ne the program Faw he around the carer. (22) (ne verb in each sentence is inthe wrong tense. Underline the incorrect word or phate and ‘arto iin the correct ence to come and hve 3 Monday and he was aning o ative sting deny appearec and decided hate Write te verb feet lag ho fexereiee) (cha my ean lot (practse) ate aot of them recent’ ee) (sen) your jb te end? of ding ofr along tne, but then diced not to think 7 is your stret sucha mess? “On, te cour 1p the rods, bute sho fr wetkend ig) 25 F Write one ver in each sentence inthe past simple and the other verb inthe past perfect. lett by ete the repr {ge tote scene (see) a umber of dierent specials (ave) ro Wished) eating, ste (ask the water to ring the Bi Gust / reach the ee of my essay wen the teacher (to wr pa down (do) everyting we had to 0 by fe, so we want Mis Tharas's young 20 f touch my orarens because (decide to go cut ora coe jean er (be) annoyed wth me because bn forget o got ik when Sh. (roaa before. (get Jain book or er ita, bt ste... s | G If word or phrase in bold sin the correct form, puta tick. Mii incorrect, write th correct form ‘onthe line. similar meaning to tho frst sentence, Compas te second seen that Ras Howe must use between three and eight trord gen, Do not change the word given. Including the word given, ight and as sll working a x nthe evening, when you cled, been oe ° ‘eno ‘hiden, Paar at 1 Woite one word in each gap. become such a fundamental aro ur ees, fica to rember that rot Bee using ter forever Lie oer aroduct Because the pen). ‘ime before mandacrersn ay came up th eral wae bon. 4 Choose the corect answer. 1 before Val ye aie the fim . ate C areedy started Soreyeu wate ‘fad you Been wating, had aeady started 2 v0 be so good atbackgamnon, 8 Wiehad toa hme nthe end be a yout his cakes ‘never vsedto Careuredto ‘hes beenlosne was B got used to Dwouart Bred lost Dod ben sing inthe © ‘too Edvard along tine to Fave dove Bhavebem cong Dad dane 4 Las angry wen you saw me because vith my sister hat by hose ah ‘have been arpung Chad been rang eC Bargues Daoud pe hed beet 5 The Back Pate. over amon cries nen we to Wales ea is yer. ‘nto tld had gone Bhas sold Bwere sed togcing Dave ben ging 6 Dont tow the paper sway because | Fs ‘Nhavert read Short e38 nt mig Unit = = eee nd 4 WE a web cae eta, break ne mau change your tune havea change of hart, now tn inde out ast 4 Yount ee Topic vocabulary: Change ‘A. Complete using the correct form of the mords in the box. decay + endure + enovaton + mate + mody + potenti progress © shit + substiute + sich since to fnd a soln, sry bag and hee, re along way £0. for proce experence B choose the correct word, The changing face of Britain of Bons ave before the Second Wad War tht hei way of ie wo ne, However, the war caused 3(2) in Bish fe that - What had ben 3 fy (4, society up to tat po mary bas bal oes underwent). changes ae he war. The "ves avay fom fed sci roles and towards a ore)... socty. Bran fas tat are accepted ody Such 35 lage nw and exctng New end sie an osm had a great (11). on Young peopl andthe whole of 8 raitan Cast B revison asta o Beane 8 pote complete using the correct form of the words inthe boxes. et oss. 10 1 2 1B rs 18 yeur hoy, Topic vocabulary: Technology tne word in old i correct, put a Sek it is incorrect, replace iwith one ofthe words vast console of compar, Since we go resouree, wee Been watching mise wes Ear computer games seem qite nuclear compared to toa’ games. reed tert technology to use E Compete using the correct form ofthe words inthe box. lex * connioad + electrics vnebste is (10) son CBCO-CONPULEARN) Unis wenn re Phrasal verbs F write a phrasal verb inthe correct form to ropizco the words in italics. Use the word given in brackets Uy dont you remove ose wat tings and out someting dy on? fut) he eage onthe screen stow sappe6e ard en 9s & computer wus. away? ‘your en game and et works (out your importa ta. (up ‘ou were you dot make 2.209 Of Have ya recorded ona of nse the tank CDs gave yo, have you got some let up) Dayo ear theyre tik of geting dof "deity ccd? away You reeto putin using - your deta and hen press ete’) 1 redecorate ‘Joke bedroom new he let home up G_ Complete using the corect frm ofthe phrasal verbs in the box. change acuad + chargeinio + makeinto « maup + swtchon + tke spar ¢ turinto * wear xt you see sc have 8 ok amy comptes, Beau nating hopes went Pa ry watch to see what was wrong wit but covet putt back caster age 3 You say would make mace S668 HO x vernann~n he econ ard third paragraphs 4 One afte miracles of rates the way 2 cali — abut 5 played <0 much footballs season ht on tw Bes of boots! 6 Inte ston, Ctereta's coach ‘3 bumphin at ir. 7 Wy Obs were alm order and nom someone's than — 8 lnk tieyve ch 8 Nay = Fall ie space fr chide to readin H. the phraal verb do up means something tke “improve. Put the fellowing phrasal verb into vor means something Ike improve’. hen saw Ne my French before we B on toby _ te and go ost hat that Oe ‘Gapratecmegy Phrases, patterns and collocations White one word in each gap. rents doco nto pubs this eat ebeserts area ron, 2 Bll Gatos made ie money by sensing the ‘at were easy tse, or computer operating systems beter than to spend oyu tne playing comouter games when cone a we. the Web when came acras ast hat ha ots low o become member ane ve sea for ovr 20 years, and can tl you Torte werse. 7 Wen youre - of comoving power 8. People's atitudes to daily a ese dye 9 No, dort compli about having to spans the liays away fom your ceeuter ifr your own we youl hark ae. 10 Since she charged jobs, ne has realy how he. 11 You should Kep your coro Systom Wa 0 nnn roams wort 12 The workman sid that he needed a Sanne and aes me o pass in oom tie wt the wheel of ‘he bonnet = ng ae rere ad more places have wheel oO YOu might fi that some Write one word in each gap, ;- Changing ambitions It used to be aczepte wisdom that higher education provides access ( better aid caees, However, the wri of work nas changed in recent decades, (2) one wher few | ecole tad unesitydeares to ane where they ae very common. mary unerpid teachers, managers and otter professionals ae considering a career change. Swapoing vik anes | 8 Treat cengpo?) =r tha We wo Pes il sarc cv dora igh es) arora on ey co eepentee, 00) ence box, many are etraring to Become sles menus workers, who are very much a. ‘he ctangearefndng that as panbes, gsi andeletcians they can bent set «shoal or af K. For each question, write one word which can be used in al three sentences. 1 There ibe ae ad support ne whan the new compute system isn im eg my atop aay becauce ws om tome ay moe en Fg to hep Up wih ashons tt change oo ck? ve Megan faced up to and reatsed that she's ing to have to ehange of tak about the tects of ecnaogy, tut | da ink pose have realy changed that rch Irs amazing row ooouar Tas becomein sucha shor tne Many of fo’ moble pares wou ook out of in science fin fis. ran’ bean fred 2 ing wil eve tke the cn he stereo seve @ itis gee, you compete agin the -.-o-—-ne- collet 3 my Ell rgs 38 YOU Ca. acpe my ofc waste ee uring re Net and wang the units te to ene. We provide ful techical support for al our products aun the nan 6 uring he 1970s, computer chins began to eppear eons Names in the nn of the fst ses consoles You ree olathe ole to become a amber of he webste Alte players have bean in good Ina, 50% shoul be a go0d match 7 weenie of texting Debbie wien my shone rag and twas het Race cevlopments mean at teres good chance the Mie ast peace cou Devesortes, « ‘te morse tbeind hat coor or that dor, than must be Bhi the ed one = is st a feito. 8 The path around the sie of he burg. at — yt come up wth the idea ot clockwork ae? The scest meio the boatry, where an expereert was gig on. Idioms L_ Complete each dialogue using the appropriate form ofan idiom nthe box. ieoprd cat can ke mou» chenge your tune tave'e change of here» know sn ite ot = reinvent ne wneal tok fo your gine {ne tole of the trade + tun ver 2h | 1 “Doyou tisk they ight pick Lisa on Thursday? rou ely minima but hope sa 2 "tought you were going to tel Nigel you wee a cece to jst ignore it aera 5 You seis behaviour in lass has improved tis term, Mrs Has ‘Oh good Letshope he’. 4% sow tesearen dase on ane peoples work” Some of Hel, P's 0 nnn coven ther? ‘he cs 5: tat sue whats change mye et ey tt ay ‘think you sau ~and Sow her you eeu: ish Tey wou be eo toughss athe row, bt _ you ko 7 rink o aehngFbety ost one dte” seve avert yu? You said she annoyed you 8 ee ptt barks onconpars lees we hat do realy. ‘Of, faa, — anit handy forthe ain 20 Maria came our ard xed my compe yesterday. On ahe com ~~ Soest set Word formation 'M Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits nthe space, | We oten thnk of curseives os tng in tine of (2 : change and development. We tnd to believe that we ae unigue in history in dealing wih a corsa ee ens er, hee lhe netsh entry and the stat ofthe twentith was aso a tine «REVOLT changes. People had needed to show ( sn FLERBLE)trougtout the rineteenth century, as te effects of te Industral Revolution meant contanty ma (wowsT to cea! th changing working conditions. Towards the end of the cet 6 'ADAPT) than. ever before. The type lecrie ightbub (1879) and other (7) vss WNFLUENCE] developmen gave peape the ® \caeaBLE} in ways ter grandprents could rt have imagined. Over the net 30 years, le rem (ALTER 25 he carers, the cena he prorersoh, the plane an (ELECTRIC eect on people and socaty. The madern IN complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capital 1 The weather’ been 50 = ans. today that dot know wat 2 Bom showed aot of way she handed he 3 inthe 19605, tut hey were he 90s. MODERN, 4 wouter les PERSIST 5 have the sf fish marton! ENDURE) 6 since | cided tt 7 the lesson fr next Weds 8 n wave power, wird power and otber sources of energy. NEW 9 th creo ater sn (conver 10 iy gras photos onto my computer because teyd be vt ying happened tee. PLACE! ‘A. Use tne word given in capitals to form a word thats inthe space. sir Clive Sinclair INOURE plein the (PeRsIsn production ofthe C5 was (0) ainsi Ae mmc b B Circe the corect word or phrase. 1 nhs 19 mas / have been 516 Tin was always get | 17 Tre dog played / had been playing nh 18 Awoekiro our camping holtay, we were used to cooking / used to cookin he ooen ac (0 mark per answer) Complete the second contence so that thas ast Word given. Do not change the word given. You must Including the word given 1g tothe first sentence, using the ‘ree and eght words, then oom soon? up the Wing room? 23 You cry havea sheet ime todo tis work, so dovt waste Youre ‘> ont wa 24 Whanerdeam of meeting Ke came tu a oe (2 marks por anewer) you when its ee eter, So we could see hi 31 The champion hs ben soe shal wn he match, (0 ark por answer} E choose the correct ansmer 35_ hen Josh honed, he sound ate 2 stock, ‘Chad been having D wouldve ready to go out Chave been geting Dinas get she teh (0 mark per answer) Total mark n/80 auetie Uait 8 enamel i tase Brain to werk fr areal succes cmany eve cy. i Si inrvoninetorsteersinere red 1 - 38 Wire a short phrase using wil, be going to, present simple or present continuous onthe line tw complete each sentence. I more than one form fx corec, write al possibiies, into the ofc on Saturday moring # 5 (he winner / announce) en 1 Jnuy. 7 Dont wory Tey / sack anyone a atin Uh i the phrase in bold s correct, puta tick. Hit is incorrect, write the correct form on the fe Sothat the sentence isin the tre perfect. 1 Whave sold out of hese by he endo th 6, on 2 On Tuesday, Toby wil have been being un the company for exaey 35 years 3. Weit have been bocoming the maret leader by 4 Altheendof he summer have taking the same vain to wark ver 5 When we meet terarow atteroon, wl you already have chance to lok the cl 65 You' nave driven or nous without a reo wen we ge het 7 Alfanagrg Ovector wl have appointed 8 Sandra wonthave been finished the reports by then 9. Ronis gong tobe very suprised when he hears the news He defi ‘Wt you have managed to pu iy wil they have been wait ig) tee Of th 9? nan youd tol them we were aig to ave ner 12 ‘sounds ike ne ination wont al have delivering by next ids. Write the vorb in brackets inthe correct form ture perfect simple, future perfect continuous (oF fture continuous) in each gap. H more than one form ie correct, writ al the posses, 1 By the end of ody (Ed / apply for 2 Tis tie nxt year = (17 Hopeful / a 3 a (we / ve) 4 (Goma / already / ative oy 5 8 Genny / nd job easiy when ste graduates? 9 No, fata be at ne mest toro, you / dois tine net week? (0 The new version / launch inthe se ay athe tne sy 11 order apa stat? F Complete each second sentonce so that thas a siilar meaning tothe fst sentence 2 Ielooks ike some people / make redundant thatthe bok is going tobe published when ite a vor from the box inthe correct form in each £9p destroy » raw up + ge» lst + poty « reer Information for job applicants he ai ges, fond over fe aad “er to par, and howto gett reception, tit a similar meaning to the fi using the Do not change the word given. You must use Betweon tree an eigM words, verge ‘pereral elect, rm? de tomaron? anyone about is 1 Write one word in each gap commute othe offce each day, but fr many ches Mor anc mare peck wie 8) of wil) area hay a, ‘romfone several days Wek sno exageretn to soy seneng emails an3 (10) buses ona beach o hing across be Ali ogy. moble ahores se laptops wl hae (13) they 28 now, and many new pieces cto make or working ves ease. ned, 15) 2020, qute Bessie that your motile, comer, lasen ana MP3 payer wil have ben crined into ore very smal tut 1 ‘Ron ey have stated Care ey Boe they ea BD 6 fom aw | i ft | cok ot towel down [sree | | “ve ahess Vocabulary ea Inthe eek of ene once ina bie moon ‘onthe spur ofthe marent she oer day Tinesnd woe Ut 6 ni 6 vost Topic vocabulary: Time Lhe he A Wits a word from the box in each gap. 3 Alonestontne | 4 AVatage ‘annua 5 Aspe! Bitesme 12 Asubseovert —— Btemporry obsolete» over * provsoral + punctual + seasonal « simutareous + temporary + tral La ore een eee ee 6 Adhiraton B decade Asmat B nstaanenus | T Remanelogcal 8 germanan 14 Aanachonisms 8 cortergeraties iy be working ere for a couse of Weeks Fane red a beter tne! ht 2. 1 ore Topic vocabulary: Work very aay. 08 Write a word from the boxes in each gap. wretetg + muti 6 8 “They shoul ave sent hat ous ages ago. ong 3 Chatene is 8 barbova poems they ae faci BB Wte« word trom the box in each gap, 4 fyead 2 senior i atuge Becca cor 5 The averting campaign M35 conan that increased sales camry © a+ freqency + rien + phase + spon + spel + sine by over 5% ! 5 Robots ae chen much more than poop because hey can work ‘2Atrurs a day witout geting ied, and ey dont make mstakes! 2 Welveing/an of mass communication. 2. tera stort, ot being were cided to setup moun buses, 7 The aoe ado rake sever rat nent eek eto ss 3 ewes he eloped clear weapons ose. eave + rend : Daten homeo nome irom he amy athe momen 4 Despeeadiances in tetncogy, no haan beng wl evr We for a. in opin. 5. The conclis planning to rerease the of ses to he How og isthe won lag 2 nner 6 160. biel sean) and tie ducted t nasi me, 20 They wont coi ie steig to sateen 7 ve got avery stort corcenvation would they 8 keusta that ost teenagers go trough Dost wor! LL Sue used to work here, bit hen she was bya oe 12 eon oeeve te “ack st forking Yen oa Neagurted + sade E circle the correct word sector provides jb sci and job van applicstin fre ody

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