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Management Styles


- Many management styles:
Autocratic / directing
Democratic / participative / discussing
Laisser-faire / hands off
Authoritative / expert
Affinitive / empathetic

- Main focus of the presentation

Autocratic / directing style:

The manager is the person who makes the decisions on his own. He doesn’t take much, or any,
input / consultation from subordinates. He is the boss and the decision maker. He likes to
control the situation they are in.

Where to fit? This management style typically is used in situations or businesses that require
quick responses to a time crunch or a crisis situation. Good examples include the military, a
fast-paced trading environment, or an emergency in which there is no time for deliberation and
group consideration as well as when employees have limited experience performing the
assigned task.

Strong points? Fast reaction – completed deadlines

Weak points? High task and low relationship. This type of management style can decrease
motivation and increase staff turnover because staff are not consulted and do not feel valued.

Delegating Style:

The employees and the leader are a part of every process. The leader empowers the team
members and allows them to be a part of the planning and decision making process and decide
their own roles and responsibilities. In this style of leadership, the leader accepts the decisions
of the team members, allows them to evaluate their own work.

Where to fit? The delegating style is appropriate when people have the knowledge, skills, and
motivation to get the job done. Experienced people don't need a manager telling them what to
do. Or it is suitable in some environments for example in US Federal Government, in telework
Centers or in remote office center, employees can work from home as telecommuters

Strong points? The employees have the freedom to choose how to get the work done. This kind
of management style tends to develop a team, which functions as a cohesive and responsible
team The ability to effectively delegate provides managers with more time to spend on other
tasks such as benchmarking and strategic planning

Weak points? Low task & low relationship. There is very little leader involvement in this
management style. If this management style is not suitable in specific businesses, it can lead to
poor results.


This style puts the complete trust of running the business or doing their job in the hands of
employees, and allows a greater degree of autonomy (think Warren Buffet). There is minimal
involvement from the manager. The manager however does not sit idle and watch them work!
He or she is there to coach or answer questions, supply information if required

Where to fit? In creative or entrepreneurial industries

Strong points? Staff are developed to take responsibility which may lead to improved

Weak points? This can be a great style in creative or entrepreneurial industries, but can lead to
a fragmented or less-organized approach to doing business if implemented across an
organization, especially a large one. It can also lead employees to wonder if the manager really
cares about them and their work. Besides, with little direct guidance from the manager, staff
may begin to feel lost and not reach the goals originally set within the time frame

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