Asignación 6 Cap6. 9 Types of OSECSC

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9 Types of Organizational Structure Every
Company Should Consider

Michelle Burgos 6-715-1149
Douglas Sánchez 8-856-1897
Jesús Rodríguez E-8-126584
Franklin Ayarza 6-717-626
Gregorio Jordan 8-765-439

Panamá, 28 de septiembre del 2021.

In our analysis we were able to understand that the organizational structure could be a
framework that abstracts how certain exercises are coordinated in arrange to realize the
objectives of an organization, having an organizational structure permits companies to stay
proficient and focused, in detail in our understanding not having an organizational structure can
cause problems for certain organizations. In these types of circumstances, representatives may
face problems while reporting, having structure in an organization can provide clarity for
everyone at every level.

1. Functional Organizational Structure we start especially with the old that are mechanistic
structures, also called bureaucratic structures, this structure is the shortest organizational
structure and is used to illuminate basic assignments, such as agreements, most of the
communication is done through one-on-one discussions and the leader vital makes all
imperative decisions where for us it is very exclusive, it is also called business structure,
because it allows the manager to control development and progress. In the new practices we
have this type of structure called organic structures that incorporates a long and strict chain of
command with the ability to adapt to use innovative management methods, to summarize this
structure focuses on how simple structures can be used to encourage organizational

2. Product-Based Divisional Structure normally we find a hierarchical organizational structure is a

pyramid-shaped diagram in which the board of directors is in the upper position and the
workers in the lower level, we detail that some of the advantages of this structure are; that
gives each representative a strong and creates a solid work environment, motivates employees
with possibilities for advancement, bosses are detailed levels of specialization and obligation.
Also, like everything here we have the main disadvantages: stagnation due to bureaucracy,
workers can feel ignored in their disagreements with the company, it can make lower-level
bosses think that they have fewer responsibilities than authority to express their ideas for the

3. Market-Based Divisional Structure the divisions are isolated by industry, advertise and client
sorts, the market-based structure is perfect for an organization that has item or administrations
that are exceptional to particular showcase sections, and it is particularly viable in the event
that that organization has progressed information of those fragments. This structure too keeps
the trade always cognizant of request changes among its diverse group of audience.

4. Geographical Divisional Structure divisions are isolated by locale, domains and districts
advertising more successful localization and coordination’s. Companies might set up partisan
workplaces around the nation in arrange to remain near and associated to their clients.
5. Process-Based Structure we explained that in a divisional product-based organizational
structure, each division within the organization is dedicated to a specific item, this type of
structure is exceptionally reasonable for multi-item organizations and can offer assistance in
shortening item advance cycles, this branding model can make a difference for small businesses
to advertise with new offers.

6. Matrix Structure we can highlight that some points of interest or advantages of the network
structure are that it allows administrators to select people effortlessly through the
requirements of a company, It shows the clearest vision of the organization and motivates
workers to use their capacity or aptitudes in different skills to form their roles, well and we
detail the drawbacks are: it can generate a fight between project managers and department
managers, it can also be modified or changed more frequently than other organizational

7. Circular Structure we can start with the most important thing which is to involve progress with
communication and free flow of data between different parts of the organization, Now here are
some drawbacks of the circular organizational structure, the circular structure can be confusing
for modern workers, a circular structure makes it difficult to figure out who to report to and
how they are implied to fit into the organization.

8. Flat Structure we detail that the advantages of this structure are: it gives employees more
responsibility and provides a better opportunity to grow, it also promotes more open
communication and improves coordination, disadvantages are: it can be difficult to maintain
when the company expands beyond the starting point, produces employees with more general
skills and knowledge, it can also create confusion among employees at different levels.

9. Network Structure the advantages of this structure are: it focuses more on open
communication than hierarchy and allows companies to be more flexible with the claims of
their collaborators, it gives all employees the power to collaborate and make decisions, it also
helps to Employees gain a deep understanding of work flow and processes, the disadvantages
of this type of structure are: it can become complex when it comes to an external or sporadic
process, it can be more difficult for employees to know who to report to.

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