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/Насть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Alex Morton is a talented writer who (Al) ... a very interesting life. He was bom in 1945 in Manchester, and he
was the youngest of six children. From the moment he could read, he was never without a book in his hands. He was
a very keen reader throughout his schooldays,.and he soon showed his talent for writing, too. After he left School he
went to Manchester University. By the time he got his BA, he (A2) ... a number of short stories, and his first novel
(A3).... Over the next few years Ье (A 4)... non-stop and each of his books was more successful than the last. Despite
being so busy with his work, Alex still found time for romance. He met Fionajones while he was at university and they
(AS) ... in 1971. They have two children.-He has always been a devoted husband and hither. Alex Morton (A6) ...
over twenty books so far and his name has been on the best seller list more times than he can remember. However, the
peak of his career was when he (A7) ... the Booker Prize for Fiction in 1995. Since then, Alex has continued to write
and many of his bocks have been made into films.
1) was led 2) has been led 3) has led 4) was leading
1) had already been published 3) was already publishing
2) has already published 4) had already published
1) was almost finishing 3) had almost finished
2) was almost finished 4) almost finished
1) was written 2) is writing 3) has been written 4) wrote
1) had married 2) were married 3) have been married 4) have married
1) has written 2) wrote 3) had written 4) is writing
1) awarded 2) has awarded 3) was awarded 4) has been awarded
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из гцждложенмых вариантов ответа.
Albert Einstein's work has enormously broadened oar understanding of (A8)... universe and has had a considerable
impact (A9) ... all our lives. Thanks (A 10) ... his equation E=mc2, we now know that energy and mass are directly
related (A ll)... each other. To (A12)... very great extent, it is Einstein who is responsible (A 13)... our knowing that
space and time are actually one thing. Additionally, without E=mc2, we would not have nuclear power —and nuclear
weapons —today. Einsteiti did not become famous because of E=mc5, which was first published in 1905. At (A14) ...
time, his paper was largely ignored, even (A15)... most scientists. Indeed, it was 14 years later that Einstein first made
headlines round the world, when scientific evidence began to show that his Theory of General Relativity was correct.
l)a 2) an 3)the 4 )^
l)for 2) on . 3)in 4) to
i) on 2) for 3)to 4 )-
1)about 2) to 3)at 4 )-
l)a 2) an 3) the 4 )-
l)on 2) at 3)to 4) for
l) a 2) an 3)the . 4 )-
l)by 2) to 3)off 4) with
Прочитайте предложения. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Л1& I don’t mind.... Do not worry, take your time!
1) wait 2) to wait 3) waiting 4) waited

А17. Most people tell white lies... not to hurt other people's feeling.
1) so that 2)for 3) so as 4) since
Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена оимбка.
А18. In general (1), the number of people who f2) live to be over one hundred (3) are increasing (4).
A19. Alison is a very happy person Ш and each time (2) she meets you (3) she greets you with that broad smile of her f41.
A20. The steady figures (1) of music sales were (2) around eight billions discs (3) a year <4).
A21. There's no use trying (1 >to squeeze yourself into clothes (2> that (3) are too small (4) for you.
A22. Sandra is the type of person ( 1> which (2) can't sit stiffen holiday (3) and is always oh the move (4).
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Dancing can be a fun way to workout. Experts say that dancing improves blood circulation, boosts energy.levels
and helps you (423) ... healthy bones. It’s also a great way to (424) ... weight. As well as the (425) ... benefits,
dancing is great for improving co-ordination and concentrating the mind. Dancing is a great stress reliever, a good
dance will make you smile and laugh, leaving you in high (426)... and inspired. There should be a very (427)... risk
of injury from dancing if you (428) ... instructions carefully, but make sine you always warm up properly or you could
(429) ... up with pulled muscles. So, (430) ... on some comfortable clothes, like tracksuit bottoms and a T4hirt, and
get to itl Some types of dancing may (4 3 1 ) ... special clothes when you get'more advanced; others (4 3 2 ) ... you to
dress more casually.
1) remain 2) maintain 3) use 4) defend
A 24. -
1) lose 2) waste 3) spend 4) miss
1) natural 2) real 3) physical 4) ordinary
A 26.
1) spirits 2) moods 3) tempers 4) attitudes
A 27.
1) short 2) low 3) strong 4) soft
1) practise 2) accept 3) approach 4) follow
A29. •-
1) close 2) end 3)make 4) stand
1) put 2J dress 3) wear 4) take
I) ask 2) requite 3) offer 4) suppose
A32. . •
1) afford 2) let 3)make 4) allow
АЗЗ. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов от­
Chris: I’m trying to talk Jan out of studying abroad next term.
Janet: That’s a lost cause —you know Jan when she has her heart set on something...
What doesJanet mean?
1) Chris should consider studying abroad. 3) Chris shouldtry to get to know Jan better.
2) Chris won’t be able to change Jan's mind. 4) Jan probably doesn’t want to study abroad.
A 34. Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике.
Yes, he seems to be out of sorts.
1) Has he sorted out all the files? 3) He isn’t that sort of man, is he?
2) Isn’t he gloomy today? 4) Helikes all sorts of things, doesn’t he?
A35 Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и ответными репликами А—Е. Выберите один из пред
ложенных вариантов ответа Одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лииыей.
1) What do you think of your new job? A) Certainly. What would you like to know?
2) Did you know there's a golf club in town? ‘B) Really? Why’s that? '
3) I’d like some information about your fencing C) Never mind.
classes. D) To tell you the truth, it’s quite difficult.
4) I’d love to try snowboarding once in my life. E) That sounds like my kind of thing.
1) IE 2C 3D 4A 2) ID 2B3C 4E 3) ID 2E3A4B 4) 1E2A3B 4D

А36. Расположите реплики так. чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один ю лредлояежых вариантов ответа.
A. I’m afraid not. Fares go up after midnight —that’s the taw.
B. OK. That'll be £18.50.
C. Look, I’m a bit short of money. Can you wait until I go to the cash machine over there? I went to the bank
today, but 1 spent it all buying food for my birthday party tomorrow.
D. How much? You’ve got to be jo king1
E. Just drop me off at the comer, by the supermarket.
F. Don’t worry, all 1 want is my fare —but be quick. I’ve got to pick up another fare from tbeatheriiide of town.
Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы. Укажите номер выбранного вами варианта в бланке ответив. *
§ 1. Claudio Bonifacio is a modem day treasure hunter. For most people, the title ‘treasure hunter' more than
likely brings to mind images of brave explorers fighting pirates to find a chest (сундук) full of sparkling jewels. But
contrary to this stereotype, Bonifacio finds most of his bullion (gold and silver) in libraries full of ancient shipping
records rather-than with the help of the ancient magical map you might expect He has spent many years searching
the naval archives in Seville, from which he has located the positions of more than 2,500 sunken galleons —the ships
the Spaniards used to sail the high seas from the 15th to the 18th centuries.
§ 2. Bonifacio has tnmed his activities into a very profitable career. Such is his fame as a marine archeologist
that he can demand very large foes. Heprovides the information he gathers out from his research to companies with
the resources to raise the bullion from tne wrecks. Bonifacio has worked for several Latin American governments, the
Spanish government and the Italian national council.
§ 3. However, Bonifacio is unwilling to reveal the names of his private clients, or say how much money they have
made from the wrecks. The reason for this is that they wish to remain anonymous due to uncertainty about ownership
of the ocean floor (дно). Countries such as Honduras, where Bonifacio has discovered many wrecks, insist on their
right to take all the treasures found in their territorial waters.
§ 4. Bonifacio is unsure of exactly how much bullion has been found by others as a result of his years of hard work,
but he is sure that it must be many millions of dollars worth. ‘I hear reports,’ he says, ‘but in this type of work there
is a great amount of secrecy, not only because of governments claiming the entire treasure, but also for tax reasons.’
§ 5. Bonifacio's passion has afao stimulated the discovery of old Spanish and Portuguese gold mines in South
America, Mexico and the Caribbean. ’In the 1560s and 1570s,’ he explains, ‘most of the gold and silver transported to
Europe was stolen from the Incas and the Aztecs; but later, mines provided the main source of bullion. Mining technology
in those days, however, was naturally very basic and the mines were not worked very efficiently. Most were eventually
abandoned because it was believed there Was no more gold to be found. Now, though, with modern day techniques,
the world’s mining companies are of course only too happy to pay me to search the records and find them! They know
only too well that there is more than likely still plenty of gold just waiting to be discovered.’
A37. Where does Bonifacio look for clues to hidden treasure?
1) in secret libraries 2) on ancient maps ■3) in historical documents
A38. How does Bonifacio make a living?
1) People employ him to raise bullion from shipwrecks.
2) He sells information about the whereabouts of sunken treasure.
3) He usually keeps a share of any bullion found.
A39. What problem do Bonifacio’s private clients face?
1) how exactly to raise the shipwrecks
2). the possibility that they could be breaking the law
3) Bonifacio's refusal to tell them everything they want to know
A40. Bonifacio doesn't know the total amount of bullion found due to his work because
1) some of his clients won’t tell him how much they find.
2) governments never tell him the truth.
3) he has never been particularly interested in knowing.
Определите значимо указанного слова в тексте.
Л41. claiming (§4)
1) demanding 2) offering 3)discovering
Д42. basic (§5)
1) important 2) reliable 3)elementary
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те метку (х) в клеточке, номер которой соответствует номеру выбранного варианта ответа.
A few years ago, a company called Space Marketing came up with a plan to send a mile-long advertisement into
space. Using light reflected from the sun, it would beam out a message as large as the moon that could be seen by every
single person on the planet as it orbited the Earth.
Ibis would have been one advert that couldn’t have been thrown out with the junk mail or switched off by remote
control. (A43) Advertising standards agencies eventually decided not to allow Space Marketing to go ahead .with
their plans and they were forced to abandon them, but not before several major companies had made serious enquiries
about launching their logos into space.

Space may indeed be the final frontier for advertisers, because on Earth we are already surrounded by advertising
wherever we are and whatever we are doing. (A44) There are the promises of health and vitality on the cereal
packet we ate from this morning, for example, and die ad that we saw on the side of the bus we caught to work.
Most of the time, we are probably not even aware of these less obvious advertising tactics, but that doesn’t mean
that they aren’t effective. (A45) You are in a packed cinema, watching the latest Hollywood blockbuster. There
are adverts before the him or during a break in the him, but are there any during the him? Well, look carefully at the
make of car your favourite actor is driving. And what about his watch? Can you see what brand it is? Chances are* you
can, and the company that owns the brand is likely to have paid thousands for it to appear in the film.
Whilst products are most often ‘placed’ in this way in movies and TV series, they also sometimes appear in music
videos, video games, plays and even books. (446) You may not realise you are being influenced by a technique
that sounds so simple, but advertisers consider product placement to be a highly effective form of advertising. After
all, they would not be willing to spend as much money as they do on it if they didn't truly believe it worked.
In fact, associating products with cool, exciting lives seems to be one of the most common forms of advertising.
And let’s not forget the power of pure entertainment! (A48) If the consumers are looking forward to the
next ‘episode’ of an ad, once again the product has become associated with something ‘cool’ and is therefore likely to
see a considerable rise in popularity.
So, whether Space Marketing eventually succeeds in launching ads into space or not is perhaps a less important
issue than it might seem.
Заполните пропуски Л43-А45 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1-4 ). Один фрагмент является
1) Apart from the obvious adverts that we see every day on TV, on billboards and in newspapers and magazines,
there is a whole ‘other world’ of advertising messages fighting for our attention.
2) However, this-is a truly inescapable form of advertising.
3) To advertising executives and agencies, it would have been ‘a dream come true’.
4) Take ‘product placement’, for example.
Заполните пропуски A46—A48 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1—4). один фрагмент является
1) То a certain extent, this would not change a thing.
2) The hope is to convince people to believe that if they can have the products, then they can have the cool,
happy lifestyles of their heroes, too.
3) Nowadays, many TV adverts have become more like soap operas with a series of humorous adventures complete
with their own cast.
4) Some advertising companies even employ ‘cool hunters’or marketing professionals to find out for them exactly
what young people find cool.

Часть В
Прочитайте текст (SI—64). Выберите подходящее ло смыслу слово из предложенных. В бланке ответов запишите
его в той форме, в которой оно должно стоять в предложении, помните, что каждое слово может быть использо­
вано только один раз и что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
Since its invention in the late 1950s, the skateboard has become a standard item of sports equipment for teenage
boys. By the early 1970s, bicycle manufacturers started producingquality skateboards which broke less (£ 1 )... and
had more (£2)... wheels that would not come off and cause injury. The (£ 3 )... of the sport declined in the 1980s when
some critics argued it was still too risky and (£4) .... However, skateboarding has trade a comeback and is likely to
remain a symbol of youthful energy for many years.
Прочитайте текст (65—58). заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово
должно содержать не более 15 символов.
The Ryder Cup is a famous golf tournament and it is now (£5)... of the biggest events in sport. Tickets regularly
sell out within hours after going on sale. (£6) ... makes it different from other golf tournaments is that it involves
teams rather (£7) ... individuals, with Europe competing against the USA. (£8) ... is no prize money, but emotions
run high. The players enjoy experiencing again the original feelings that made them take up the sport in the first place.
Прочитайте текст (89—Si О), выпишите no два лишних слова в бланк ответов в строки под номерами 69 и 610 в по
рядке их предъявления в тексте. Каждую букву пишите в отдельной клеточке, не оставляя пробелов между сло­
В9. The fox, I think, clearly has so enormous advantages over the past in that everything can be completed with greater
speed and withoutbeing the need to respond there and then and get caught chatting as happens on the phone.
BIO. But I sometimes dislike when the fox’s arrival, which seems to go on for a very long time. And when you get it, most
of the information it is about how many sheets are coming or something of that kind.
Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в асобкзх.
611. ‘Shall I wear the red or the blue dress?” (Любое) would be fine.’
612. Nobody seems to like Jessica, (не так лн)?
Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
How are you doing? I’m OK. My day didn’t start too well though. My alarm didn't go off and I (A l).... (My mum
(A2) ... to work early today so she wasn’t around in the morning to get me up.) Then I got held up on the way to school
because the bus I was on (A3) ... down. When I finally made it into class, I (A4) ... off by the teacher and had to stay
on after school for a detention (оставление после урока)\ Then on the way back home I bumped into Craig. He (A5) ...
a few family dramas to deal with recently. Apparently his dad has been laid off from the bank where he worked and his
sister (AB) ... out of the university so they’re both at home feeling miserable.
What are you up to at the weekend? A few of us (A7) ... together for a game of beach volleyball. Why don’t you
come along? , '.
1) have been oversleeping 3) was oversleeping
2) had been overslept 4) overslept
1) will go 2) had gone . 3) had been gone 4) goes
1) breaks ■2)broke 3) was breaking 4) had been breaking
1) was severely told 2) told severely 3) was severely telling 4) had severely told
1) will have 2) was having 3) has had 4) has
1) drops 2) will drop 3) was dropping 4) has dropped
l)got 2) were got 3) are getting 4) had got
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
According (А8) ... a recent survey, (А9) ... British are poor savers in comparison (A10) ... other nations in
Europe. They may start out with good intentions but many people end up putting aside only 5.5 percent of their income
( A ll) ... a rainy day’. It is believed that only 13 percent of people currently in employment in the UK are saving
towards their retirement. One of the reasons (A12) ... this is that they spend around 16 percent of everything they
earn (A13) ... luxuries such as holidays and other forms of entertainment. As (A14) ... result, financial problems and
personal debt have increased sharply. Owning a home is a good investment by many British people. However, house
prices are now so high that they are simply unaffordable for many young people starting out. At (A15) ... other end
of the scale, over 800,000 households now own a second home abroad.
l)to 2) for 3) with 4) of
!)a 2) an 3) the 4 )-
1) from 2) for 3) of 4) with
1) to 2) on 3)of 4) for
Л12. -
1) for 2) to 3) with 4) in
1) with 2) on 3) to 4) in
Da 2) an 3)the 4 )-
l)a 2) an 3) the 4>-
Прочитайте предложения, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
А16. If you don’t mind... a few minutes, we can check our records for you.
1) to wait 2) wait 3) waiting 4) waited
At?. We moved house... we could have more space.
1) so that 2) so as 3) as for 4) in order
Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого.фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А18. A large number of people (1) finds themselves (2) in debt (3) because they spend more than (4) they can afford.
А1Э. You needn’t worry about (1) Lucy for she is old enough (21 to look after hers (3) when she is left on her own (4).
A 20. There were (1) over two hundreds children (2) in the hospital-(3) but each and every one (4) was given a Christmas
A21. There’s (1) no use going to the city centre for conceit tickets (2) as (3) they are all sold out (4).
422. The island of Madagascar ( f ). what (2) is off (3) the southeast coast f41 of Africa, has many unique animals and
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Young Composers is an online resource for anyone (A23) ... in music composition. Amateur musicians can upload
music to their network, where their review team helps young people to (A24) ... their music abilities. Their composer
forum is an active community of professionals, students, and amateurs who can (A25) ... questions about the life and
career of composing, or (A26) ... chat in the ‘shoutbox’. YC’s main purpose is to (A27) ... people to post their music,
receive feedback on it and improve as composers. One way to (Л28) ... from the knowledge on the forum is to (A29) ...
a contributing member; review others' works and, of course, post your own pieces for feedback and analysis. The best
way to (Л30) ... advantage of the forum is to participate. By reviewing the works of others other members will get to
know you and they will see that you are making an (43f) ... to give back to their community. It’s a great website to
learn and help others to (432) ... at the same time.
l)keen 2) fond 3) interested 4) attracted
1) develop 2) grow 3) bring up 4) rise
1) react ' 2) answer 3) reply 4) respond
1) simply 2) totally 3) purely 4) hardly
l)k t 2) give 3) allow 4) admit
1)favour 2) benefit 3) help 4) use
1) become 2) enter 3) participate 4) join
1) hold 2) keep 3)make 4) take
1) impression 2) effort 3) effect 4) application
1)с0гтес1 2) impress 3) increase 4) improve
A3S. Прочитайте диалог Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав одм* из предложенных вариантов от­
Liz: Would you like to come to Janet’s surprise party tomorrow night?
Harry: I’m going to a concert tomorrow. I wish I could be two places at once.
What does Harry mean?
1) He’ll attend both the concert and the party. 3) He has saved a place for Janet.
2) He’ll change his plans at once. 4) He regrets that he can’t go to the party, -
A 34. выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую no смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике.
The pleasure is all mine.
1) It’s a real pleasure to see her dance. 3) How’s life?
2) Thank you for the lovely weekend. 4) Are you pleased With the service?
435. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1 - 4 и ответными репликами Л—Е. Выберите один из пред­
ложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А~€) является лишней.
1) Did I do something wrong? A) If I were you, I’d smile and thank them.
2) What should I do if they give me a present?B) No, you’d better not Its considered a bit rode.
3) Sorry about that. I didn’t realise you were on C) Yes, you should as a matter of fact
the phone. D) Don’t worry about i t We can sort it out
4) Is it OK if I help myself? E) It’s OK. Come in and take a seat.
1) 1A 2B 3D 4E 2) 1A 2D ЗВ 4C 3) ID 2АЗЁ 4B 4) JD 2E ЗС 4A
Л 56. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
A. Are you asking me?
B. Well, you know me I can always eat pizza or spaghetti.
C. I wonder what we should have for dinner this evening?
D. So I've noticed. You’re putting on a little weight, aren’t you?
£. Yes, 1am. I really don’t feel much like cooking, but the family must eat.
F. I know Don’t remind mel I'm starting a new diet the day after tomorrow.
Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы. Укажите номер выбранного вами варианта в бланке ответов.
§ 1. Ask a biologist what the most intelligent creatures are on Earth, and they’ll probably come up with a fairly
similar list: larger mammals such as horses, dogs, dolphins, pigs, the great apes as well as some birds like crows and
ravens. But now some scientists believe that one of the most intelligent beings on Earth is in fact the octopus —which
doesn’t belong to any of these groups.
§ 2. Every schoolchild knows that octopuses have eight legs and can shoot ink while trying to escape from
enemies. But there are many other unusual things about octopuses. For example, if an octopus loses a leg, it can grow
a new one. It also has three hearts and complex eyes, which seem to belong to a mammal rather than a sea creature.
Octopuses also seem to be experts at escaping —they have extremely soft, flexible bodies and can escape through holes
not much bigger than their eyes.
However, even until quite recently, little was known about octopus intelligence. There are several r e a s o n s
for this. Firstly, octopuses usually live at the bottom of river mouths ana seas —areas which are not attractive to
researchers. Secondly, they are not social animals so it can be difficult to study their interaction with others. Perhaps
most importantly, octopus intelligence is not easy for humans to understand. Octopuses seem like strangers. Scientists
need to have a lot of imagination to be able to understand what an octopus is thinking!
§ 4. In the 1950s, the US Air Force sponsored scientists to study the way octopuses use their brains. They hoped
that they could use this knowledge to help them build better computers. However, their brains were so complex that
the scientists quickly gave up. And even today the octopus brain is a mystery. Octopuses have a very complex nervous
system and recent research suggests that they have some of their intelligence inside each arm, which means that each
arm can ‘think’ for itself. It also appears that they have good memories, perhaps similar to a cat’s. Some octopuses in
laboratories seem to play with objects as if they were toys —a sure sign of intelligence. Others could pick, up complicated
skills like opening jars.
§ 5. Perhaps the most striking thing about octopuses is tbeir ability to change their colour and body pattern.
They do this to camouflage themselves and also to communicate with others. They can completely change their
appearance in less than a second. A scientist once observed an octopus that changed its appearance nearly 1,000 times
during seven hours of feeding!
437. Now some scientists believe that
1) all octopuses are more intelligent than larger animals.
2) we can add the octopus to the list of most intelligent animals.
3) the octopus isn’t in fact a mammal.
438. An octopus's eye is
1) rather unusual for a mammal.
2) rather unusual for a creature that lives in the sea.
3) not very complicated.
439. Octopuses are good at escaping because
1) they can change the shape of their body.
2) they choose surprising places to hide in.
3) they have very small eyes. ., ■ . - ,
440. One thing that suggests that octopuses are intelligent is that
1) they were smarter than US Air Force computers.
2) their brains are similar to cats’.
3) they learn how to do complicated tasks.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
441. attractive (§3)
1) interesting 2)lovely 3) impressed
442. mystery (§ 4)
1) legend 2)myth 3) secret
Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов. В бланке ответов поставь­
те метку (х) в клеточке, номер которой соответствует номеру выбранного варианта ответа.
Like most tourists, I enjoy taking photographs on holiday and can’t wait to show them to friends and family
when I get back. But whilst for me they represent treasured memories, to others they are more often than not simply
a collection of boring, badly composed, out of focus pictures. So this year I decided to do something about this by
booking myself on a trip to Rome which included photography lessons.
The first time I went to Rome, Гremember thinking that it was a photographer’s paradise with a fantastic photo
opportunity lying around every corner. (443) • Added to this was the fact that there were crowds of tourists
everywhere, blocking all the best views. But this second time things were different, Antonio, my photography tutor,
was on hand to give expert advice every step of the way.
The first thing Antonio told our group was that the secret to creating a good photographic image rather than
just a snapshot is to first take a long look at what you want to photograph. For example, he said, you should consider
the background just as much as you do the subject, (A44) You can get unwanted figures out of your image simply
by getting down on your knees to take a picture, for instance, or changing the angle of the shot.
Our first port1of call was Piazza Navona, where Antonio gave us advice about how to photograph the Fountain
of Neptune. (Л45) Then, he added that we should take the photo with the fountain slightly off centre.
Next, we headed off to the Pantheon, which was originally an ancient Roman temple. Along the way, I took the
opportunity to photograph anything that caught my eye. The Pantheon itself is so huge that it is impossible to take
a good photograph of the whole thing. (Л46) I tried out this technique by lying down on the floor and taking a
picture of just one section of the great domed ceiling. 1was pretty pleased with the results.
For the next couple of hours, we wandered around the historic centre visiting many of Rome's architectural
highlights. (A47) And 1felt that I was really able to appreciate the sights as I had to look at each one so carefully
in order to get good pictures.
We finished off our first morning tour with a stop at a traditional Roman street cafe. After all the hard work and
walking I’d done, a large Italian ice cream seemed like the perfect reward! (A48) , ■It felt like a whole new world
had opened up to me. I learnt an incredible amount over the next two days, as well as having a thoroughly enjoyable
time in one of the world’s most beautiful cities.
Заполните пропуски A43—Л45 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1-4). Один фрагмент является
1) Firstly, he said, we should try to include the background in an unusual way.
2) Yet by myself I didn’t have a clue how to go about getting some good shots.
3) Some of the advice didn’t work as well as I expected.
4) How you position yourself is also really important.
Заполните пропуски АД6—A48 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1—4). Один фрагмент является
1)1 didn’t get at all tired, even though I was on my feet for such a long time.
2) According to Antonio, however, it’s much better to try to find one interesting detail.
3) Afterwards, feeling refreshed, I spent the rest of the afternoon alone practising my new skills.
4) It just goes to show that it is not the equipment that counts but how you use it.

Часть В
Прочитайте текст (61—64). выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предложенных. Вбланке ответов запишите
его в той форме, в которой оно должно стоять в предложении, помните, что каждое слово может быть использо­
вано только один раз и что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
The number one gadget for most teenagers today is the mobile phone. They seem to get enormous (B l) ... from
comparing new models which (B2) ... them to send text messages at the speed of life. But most teachers are totally
intolerable of mobile phone use in the classroom. Text messaging is completely banned and mobiles should be (КЗ) ...
switched off. This approach gets across the message that students need to concentrate. However, it shows that many
schools misunderstand the full capability of the mobile phone. After all, a mobile phone is just like a mini computer,
with full access to the web. There are many <B4)... ways in which mobiles can be used for learning.
Прочитайте текст (65-68). Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово
должно содержать не более 15 символов.
Ask any sports enthusiast in England to name the most popular sports and the answer will probably be football,
cricket, golf and rugby. A lot of people play those games. As a (B5) ... of fact, far (B6) ... people go fishing, play
badminton or sail. (B7) ... do we get it wrong? Because sports editors, of newspapers and television channels, are stuck
with their traditional patterns of judging by crowds rather (B8) ... by how many actually go out and do the thing.
Прочитайте текст (69—610), выпишите по два лишних слова в бланк ответов в строки под номерами 69 и 610 в по­
рядке их предъявления в тексте. Каждую букву пишите в отдельной клеточке, не оставляя пробелов между сло­
вами. ■ "
69. Г т in a minority, I know, because if I don’t possess a mobile phone. I’ve actually made a conscious decision that not
to get one, which most people find strange, but I’ve never been the kind of person who follows trends.
610.1 don’t want it people to be able to contact me whenever they want, night or day. There’s a time and place for
everything and I like to have phone calls which in private in the comfort of my own home.
Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.
611. Both of those dresses are beautiful, but I dcm-t think (какое-либо)^ them will fit me.
612. No one nowadays believes in ghosts, fne текли)?

Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
The holidays have arrived again! It doesn’t seem like a year since the last summer break, but in a few days we'll
finish school for six weeks! I’m not sure what I’m going to do this year. Last year I didasummerjob. I (A i) ... out my
dad in his office when he asked me if I wanted to get paid for it! It was only two mornings 4 week, but it (A2) ... me
some money to spend. How about you? (A3)... to go away anywhere this summer? I (/44)... by some friends to go
on a sailing holiday and I think I will go. I love sailing. One reason I (45) ... to you is to ask ifyou would like to come
and stay for a weekend. If you (/46) ... at the end of August, we will go to the music festival in the park. Tm pot sure if
Lily Allen will be there this year, though. Write and tefi me soon because there (47) ... many tickets...’,
At. t

1) was helping 2) had been helped ■ - 3) was helped 4) have helped

A2. -
1) was given 2) has been given 3) gave 4) is giving
1) Do you decide 2) Had you decided 3) Are you deciding 4) Have you decided
1) invited 2) have been invited 3) was inviting 4) have invited
Д5. .
1) wrote 2) have been written 3) will write 4) am writing
1) come 2) had come 3)came 4) were coming
1)aren’t... left 2) hadn’t ... left; 3) aren’t ... leaving 4) haven’t ... left
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Humans have much (Л8) ... common with other life forms on Earth. Since the very first life forms appeared, all
living things have been desperately struggling to survive the changing conditions of our planet This has meant adapting
(4 9 )... new situations ana, in many cases, has led (410)... either evolution or extinction. We are not alone (A ll) ...
making (412) ... use of the world around us. Where we do differ (413) ... other life forms, however, is in our ability
to record, and learn from, our collective history. In this, it appears that we are unique. We are increasingly becoming
a Species with detailed knowledge about our past. The more we learn, the better are our chances of (414) ... survival
in the future. It must also be recognised, however, that we are (415) ... only species on Earth which has managed to
create the means to destroy the planet we live on.
t)in * 2) by 3)at 4) with
' . l)in 2) to 3)with 4) at
A10. -
1) for 2) at 3)with 4)td
t)for 2) of 3)with 4) in
l)a 2) an 3 ) the . 4 )~
1) with 2) from 3)off 4) of
l) a . 2) an 3) the 4>-
l) a 2) an 3)tbe 4 )-
Прочитайте предложения. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
А16.1don’t mind... with friends about singers and actors and what they are up to.
l)gossiping 2) gossip 3)togossip 4) gossiped

А17. You’ll have to speak u p ... to be heard at the far end of the assembly haH.
I) so that 2) so as 3)asfor 4) in case
Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
Л18. A far greater f l l number of women is working <2) in television (3) today than (4) twenty years ago.
A19. There’s (1) plenty of stuff in the attic and you should have a look (2) and see if any of it (3) is your (4).
A20. It cost the US fl) approximately forty billions dollars (2 | in today's money 43) to send a man to the Moon (4).
A21. It’s Ш absolutely no excuse for 12) that sort of behaviour, no matter what (3) he did to you <41.
A22. The electricity company which (1) responsibility was to repair (2) the caused damage f3> worked through the
Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных варианта ответа.
Stress is important. We all need a certain amount of it in order to (A23)... fulfilling lives. However, if we have too
much of it, it can have the opposite (-424) .... It is therefore a good idea to learn a few stress management techniques.
Identifying the (Л25) . of the problem we have, so that we can (Л26) ... it more effectively, is one of the first (A27) ...
towards reducing stress. The second is talking to a person you can trust, who will listdn and, if necessary, (A28) ... you
some positive advice. Not only are smoking and drinking (A29) ... to our health, they actually increase stress (A30) ...
than reduce it. So, next time you want to relax, instead of (A31) ... for that glass of wine or a cigarette, havea warm
bath or go for a walk. Walking has more than health benefits, it helps you think more clearly too. On the other hand,
laughter is one of the best Ways to (A32) ... yourself feel considerably better.
1) pass 2) lead 3) carry 4) hold
1)sense 2) solution 3) reply 4) effect
1) cause 2) topic 3) purpose 4) reason
A 26.
1) end 2) solve 3) do 4) cope
1) ways 2) manners 3) steps 4) ideas
1) provide 2) supply 3)hand 4) give
1) harmful 2) hopeless 3) helpless 4) hurtful
A 30.
l)much 2 )rather 3) hardly 4) quite
1) holding 2) getting 3) reaching 4) approaching
1)succeed 2) keep 3) do 4) make
ДЗЗ. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, один из предложенных вариантов от-
Betty: How did you learn about this lecture series?
Anna: Just through word of mouth.
What does Anna say about the lecture series?
1) She has no information about it. 3) Someone told her about it.
2) There was an announcement about it on the radio. 4) She read about it somewhere.
A34. Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую no смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике.
Not at all.
1) How many of you joined them? 3) How many times have you been abroad?
2) Have a safe landing. 4) Is it hard to play tennis?
A55. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимумми 1—4 и ответными рогц»жами А—€. выберите один из пред
ложенных вариантов ответа: одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лишней.
1)1 haven’t seen you for agesl A) Not at all. Please do.
2) How's the new jobgoing? B) Oh, not much. How about you?
3) You’re pretty good at presentations, aren’t you? C) Yes, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it?
4) What are you busy with these days? D) Thanks. I’ve just done a course.
E) Fine, thanks. It's really interesting.
1) IB 2D ЗЕ 4A 2) IB 2A 3E 4D 3) 1C 2E 3D 4B 4) 1C 2B ЗА 4D

>136. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
A. Me too. I can’t 'work when there are other people in the room with me. But sometimes if the work is hard,
I want to be with my friend.
B. T&s, that’s OK sometimes. And when you want to learn something, some vocabulary because that’s sometimes boring.
C. Sometimes. If I have to write something, I like to be alone. What about you?
D. What do you mean?
E. Do you prefer to study alone?
E You know, we can help each other, give each other some ideas.
Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы. Укажите номер выбранного вами варианта в бланке ответов.
61. ‘Art for art’s sake,’is a translation of a French quotation which expresses a philosophy about what art should
be. What is meant by the phrase is that a true piece of art should be able to stand шопе, to do nothing more than to
please the eye. Bryant Holsenbeck, an artist from North Carolina, USA, takes the idea behind the quote a step further:
while she does create art of great beauty, she also creates art that carries a valuable message.
§ 2. Through her work, Holsenbeck aims to show how wasteful people have become in today Vsociety. She has
been involved in many art projects, widely diverse in both theme and scope. Whatever her subject, all of Hofsenbeck’s
art has one thing in common; it is all constructed from 'stuff that people simply throw away because they had thought it
was rubbish.
§ 3. Holsenbeck’s main philosophy is that nothing is really ‘just trash’. She believes that the fact that American
landfifl sites {мусорная свалка) are so full of recyclable items says alot about American culture. She has said that, 'Americans
create more garbage, per head, than any other culture, yet we are blind to our waste.’ Holsenbeck has made it her calling
to ‘make the blind see’and she does this through her art. By working within communities, she feels that she can open the
eyes of people. She can also show them that the throw-away culture in which we live needs to change and if it doesn’t,
the wond will soon find itself in a terrible situation indeed. Holsenbeck feels that when a person gets involved in her
communal art projects, they become more aware of the fact that what they throw away has an impact on the environment.
With Holsenbeck’s designs, this impact is a positive one because from the garbage come works of great beauty.
§ 4. One of Holsenbeck’s recent projects was a vast labyrinth created from old unwanted shoes. The labyrinth
was a group effort and Holsenbeck had the children of the community where it was constructed write their concerns
about the planet, and life in general, on the individual shoes. Once tne labyrinth was completed, an open invitation
was extended to community members of all ages to walk through the labyrinth, read the children’s messages, and learn
what it is that threatens today’s world.
§ 5. Holsenbeck’s work has been recognised across the US. Wherever she goes, and whatever she does, her message
remains the same, ‘My installations are both meditations and questions. Where does all this ‘stuff come from? Where
does it go? What do we do with it? Why is it here? Let's hope people start getting Holsenbeck’s message.
AS7. What do we learn about Holsenbeck in the first paragraph?
1) She writes poetry.
2) She studied art ia France.
3) She is an American.
A 38. What does the writer suggest about Holsenbeck’s attitude towards Americans in the third paragraph?
1) She thinks they need to be made aware of something.
2) She believes they know they are doing something bad.
3) She feels that they cannot be helped.
Д39. According to the writer, Holsenbeck's labyrinth
1) was made with worn-out footwear..
2) was only visited by the young.
3) worried some members of the community.
A40. In regards to Holsenbeck, the writer believes that.
1) she has much to learn about art.
2) she raises some very important questions.
3) she should make her message clearer.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А41. impact (§3)
1) benefit 2) impression 3) effect
АЛ2. concerns (§4) .
1) dreams 2) worries 3) memories
Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропускиодним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов, в бланке ответов поставь­
те метку (и) в клеточке, номер которой соответствует номеру выбранного варианта ответа.
Way back in 1828, the world’s first modem police force was created bv Sir Robert Peel. The Metropolitan Police
Force of London made its home at the famous Scotland Yard and quickly became the model for police forces around
the world. But it would be another decade before the Detective Branch of Scotland Yard was set up. This branch later
became the Criminal Investigation Department (commonly known as C.I.D) and to this day remains the main police
department in Britain responsible for major crime investigation.
Becoming a plain clothes detective in the C.I.D is no easy task. Firstly, a police officer needs to have served for
at least two years as a uniformed officer. (A43) Once this period has been completed the officer can then apply to
go to a detective training school. However, there’s no guarantee they will be accepted.
In order to become a detective, an officer needs to possess a Wide range of skills mid qualities, the most obvious
being complete honesty and good character. They also need to be highly observant and to have good judgement.
(.444) An officer with all these skills could more than likely find themselves being accepted to train as a detective.
Most of these ‘detectives-to-be’ discover that the really hard work begins once they get to the training school.
(A45)___ For instance, they will have to learn about psychology, which will come in handy when they are questioning
suspects and witnesses. Perhaps the most difficult subjects though deal with learning all about the modem scientific
methods now used in crime detection.
Once our future Sherlocks have completed their initial training, they begin life as detective constables and start
working on unsolved crime cases in the C.LD. Most of the work they do is not nearly as glamorous as it seems on TV
and in novels. (Л46) Not exactly exciting, but essential duties all the same.
Apart from having to do painstaking investigative work, detectives also have a lot of paperwork to deal with.
(Л47) Every detail of a crime and its investigation must be recorded. Most detectives find the amount of clerical
work they have to do the most frustrating part of their job.
Nonetheless, it can be a very rewarding job; a detective gets great satisfaction knowing they have solved a major
crime. However, a detective’s job is still not over after a suspect has been arrested and charged. (j448) Only when
the offender is actually behind bars is the detective’s goal achieved. Then there’s always the next case to tackle, of course.
Заполните пропуски Д43-Д45 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1—4). Один фрагмент является
1) There the officers receive intensive instruction in all areas related to solving major crime.
2) In bet, it is nothing like it used to be.
3) Last but not least, a high degree of patience is an absolute must as, believe.it or not, crime investigation can
often be a very lengthy and boring process.
4) During this time, the officer learns all the basics of general police work. ■
Заполните пропуски 446—A48 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1—4). Один фрагмент является
1) For every investigation, forms have to be filled in and reports written.
2) In addition to catching criminals, they have to give evidence in court,.
3) Detectives still have to ask questions and find answers.
4) Typical boring tasks include going house to house asking questions or searching carefully through a suspect’s
phone records for clues to a crime.

Часть В
Прочитайте текст (61—64). Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предложенных, в бланке ответов запишите
его в той форме, в которой оно должно стоять в предложении, помните, что каждое слово может быть использо­
вано тогъко один раз и что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
Las Vegas is known as the marriage capital of the world. The process of obtaining a marriage licence can be
completed within minutes in Las Vegas while it often takes several weeks and involves lots of paperwork in other parts
of the world. It is also (H i) ... cheap at just $60. There area lot of (£2) ... to choose from. The competition between
different venues keeps the prices relatively low and (£3) .... This has made Las Vegas a popular destination among
couples wanting to get married. The fact that it is (£4) ... to plan in advance means there are plenty of spontaneous
weddings in Las Vegas each year of couples on holiday.
Прочитайте текст (65—68). Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово
должно содержать не более 15 символов.
The most common materials which are recycled are paper and glass. Some plastics, metals and textiles can be
recycled as (£5) .... In theory recycling seems obvious: however, in practice it is not always cost-effective. Often the
cost of collection and transportation is greater (£6) ... the cost of the energy saved. It also means that (£7) ... are
fewer jobs available in industries (£8) ... as mining, as demand for raw materials is lower.
Прочитайте текст (69—610). Выпишите no два лишних слова в бпакх ответов в строки под номерами 69 и 610 в по­
рядке их предъявления в тексте, каждую букву пищите в отдельной клеточке, не оставляя пробелов между сло­
69. Perhaps the most useful and convenient of all domestic appliances it is the microwave oven. You do not need to be
a skilful cook or a technological genius how to operate one, and you can produce extremely tasty meals at the touch
610. Many of us would now feel as rather helpless and unable to cope without one. Hie man we have him to thank for
this modern cooking miracle is an inventor, Percy LeBaron Spencer, who manufactured the Radar Range oven for
industrial use in 1945.
Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.
611. (Любое) of these two dresses will suit you.
612. Nobody called on the phone while I was out, (ве так ли)?

Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
A few weeks ago I was at a friend's front door when her father walked across the lawn carrying some fruit in a bag.
While I (A l) ... for my friend to answer the door, I decided to make polite conversation with her hither and said that
soon he (A2)... the fruit of his labours. Instead of smiling, as he usually did, he looked at me rather angrily and explained
that it was his fruit and not his neighbour’s. He obviously thought I (A3) ... him for running off with his neighbour’s
fruit. He had heard the word neighbour’s, not labours and had been offended. Fortunately, the misunderstanding
(A4) ... up and he began smiling. When I told my friend what (A5) ..., she laughed. No harm had been done but I
nearly regretted speaking to her father. From now oh, I (A6) ... it safe (не рисковать) and talk only about the weather
in case there (Л7) ... a misunderstanding.
1) am waiting 2) was waited 3) was waiting 4) had waited
Д2. -
1) is enjoying 2) will enjoy 3) enjoys 4) would be enjoying
1) have criticised 2) had criticised 3) was criticised 4) will criticise
1) was cleared 2) has cleared 3) was clearing 4) has been cleared
1) had happened 2) was happened 3) has happened 4) would happen
1) had played 2) am played 3) will play 4) have been played
1) was 2) will have been 3) had been 4) is
Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
The explosive growth of the Internet over the past decade has been accompanied by a rise (A8) ... new ways
of interacting and communicating in cyberspace. First came emails and then chat rooms. Now, growing in (A9) ...
popularity (A10) ... an incredible rate, is something known as blogging. For those who have never heard of it, a blog,
which is short (A ll) ... web log, fa a kind ofjournal or diary that people write to ‘post’ online. (A12) ... beauty of
blogging is that anyone can put a blog on (A13)... web and write about any topic under the sun. Some of the most
interesting blogs can be found on Internet newspaper sites where readers post their comments (A14) ... articles in the
news. One surprising development of blogging is that they are now often used as a source of news themselves. It is not
uncommon (A15) ... journalists to use information that they have found on blog sites to write their articles.
1) to 2) with 3)in 4) for
l)a 2) an 3)the 4 )-
1) with 2) at 3)in 4) for
l)o f 2) in 3) at 4) for
1) A 2) An 3)The 4 )-
l)a 2) an 3)the 4 )-
1) for 2) on 3) of 4) with
l)for 2) off 3) with 4) in
Прочитайте предложения, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Л16. Не said he wouldn’t mind ... a room with another student
1) to share ' 2) share 3) sharing 4) shared
Л17.1 hid the presents... Marianna wouldn't find them.
1) so as 2) as for 3) in order 4) so that
Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, а котором допущена ошибка.
А18. A great number of trees was lost M) in the forest fire (2) and it took firemen three hours (3) to put it out (4).
Д19. There’s (1) no way (2) you are staying out (3) all night with those friends of your (4).
A20. Adete’s (1) mega-successful ‘2S’ album has now sold (2) eight millions copies (3) in the USA (4).
Д21. I’ve decided that since (1) you’ve got everything under control (2) it’s no point (3) in my staying here any longer (4).
A22. The Niagara Falls, what (1) were formed during the last ice age (2), are on the border (3) between (4) Canada and
the USA. .
Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
There’s по (.423) ... to settle for an unhealthy lunch from home or the mysterious unhealthy food in the cafeteria. .
Why not eat a lunch that is delicious and good for you? Did you know that the types of foods you choose (A24) ... your
mood and energy levels? According to dietician Andrea Garen, a healthy lunch ‘needs to combine nutrient-rich foods
from several food groups to (A25) ... energy and concentration for several (A26) . . . And, since teenagers are growing
and (A27) ... through changes, the need for nutrients is (A2S) ... more significant. 'Because of development, calcium .
needs are greater during adolescence than at any other time,’says Mary Choate, a food and nutrition educator. ‘Good
sources of calcium (A29) ... dairy products and calcium-fortified cereals.’ And, that’s just the beginning- A balanced
meal has a (A3G) ... Variety of colours and flavours, so you’ll never get bored. Basically, any lunch should contain
(A31)... three ounces of protein, plus some good sources of carbohydrates. Lots of nutritious fruits and vegetables
are also (A32)....
1) demand 2 )idea 3) want 4) need
A 24.
1) affect 2) impress 3) contain 4) effect
A 25.
1) include 2) hold 3) maintain 4) defend
1) occasions 2) hours 3) periods 4) times
A 27.
1) walking 2) going 3) passing . 4) putting
A 28.
l)no 2) so 3) too 4) even
1) consist 2) obtain 3) require 4) include
1) hardly 2) wide 3 )enough 4) small
1) at least 2) at last 3)*at once 4) at first
A 32.
1) prepared 2) supplied 3) provided 4) recommended
A33. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов от­
вета. _
Steve: Alice, what would you say if I told you that I asked a few more people to join our study group?
AHce: Oh, I wouldn't mind a bit!
What dods AHce mean? ■ , .
1) There are already enough members of the group.
2) Steve should have spoken to her before he asked anyone to join.
3) She doesn't care if a few others join their group.
4) She forgot to remind Steve of the last group meeting.
A 34. Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую no смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике.
Better luck next time.
1) I didn't pass my driving test. 3) They wished me good luck.
2) I’m really worried about my exam. 4) I could hardly recognise her.
A35. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1 -4 и ответными репликами А—Е. Выберите один из пред­
ложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лишней.
1) Why don’t we stop for lunch now? A) Yes, actually, I’m allergic to peanuts.
2) Is there anything you don’t eat? B) Well, I’m not sure. Doesn’t it containa lot of fat?
3) Pizza is a healthy choice, isn’t it? C) Yes, good idea. I’m all for it.
4) Do you want to come to lunch on Sunday? D) Thanks, but can we make it another time?
E) That’s true. But the price is important, too.
1) 1C 2A3B 4D 2) ID 2B ЗС 4E 3) ID 2A ЗС 4B 4) 1C 2E 3D 4B
436. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
A. Can you wait a few minutes? I have to finish this fetter.
B. I said that it’s a lovely day. Why don't we go for a walk?
C. Believe I will. Look for me near the rock garden.
D. I won't be too long. No more than ten minutes. Why don’t you go on ahead and I’ll meet you in the park.
E. What did you say?
F. Don’t take too long. It would be a shame not to take advantage of such lovely weather.
Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы. Укажите номер выбранного вами варианта а бланке ответов.
§ 1. Believe it or not, I used to read FHgftt International every week from the age of eight onwards —my father,
an aviation engineer, encouraged my early passion for planes but I never thought that one day I would be working
on it as a journalist
§ 2, FtigfatInternational is read by anyone with an interest in aviation. From pilots to manufacturers, technicians
to air vice marshals, all are readers lookingfor the latest news in this sector. As news editor, I’m responsible for deciding
' what appears on the 20 news pages we produce each week. Aviation is one of the few truly global industries and we
have a team of reporters around the world. When I left school, my original plan was to become an engineer. I studied
aeronautical engineering at university but found the course rather unsatisfactory. At the time there was a huge recession
on with fewjobs going, and I was forced to look round for other options. I actually wrote to Fhgfat and asked for a job.
The then deputy editor advised me to do a course in journalism which had just been set up, which is what I did.
§3.1 found the course useful not so much because it gave me a pretty good basic grounding in journalism, but
mainly because it focused on several work placements, which I was able to do at Ftigfa. I wrote a few pieces and got my
face known at the magazine. When the course finished there were no jobs available on Flight so I went off and worked
for an aviation newsletter. After a year or so the technical reporter at Ffigftt moved to another job and 1was in. The great
thing for me about working here has been the chance to ask people questions about something I’m genuinely interested
in, and to combine it with my other passion, travel After a couple of years 1was offered a job in Munich in Germany.
§ 4. It was fantastic timing as die aviation industry in eastern Europe was just opening up and I got to report on
it and see the region. From there 1w ait to Singapore, which again was an extraordinary experience. I got to fly over
the Far East, visiting factories, meeting fascinating people and doing interviews, and to be honest I would have been
happy to stay there a bit longer.
§5. However, jobs like this don’t come up very often —the last news editor stayed ten years —and so when I
was offered it, I couldn’t really say no. Although I’m much more office-based now, I still go to the big air shows. In
some ways I was getting a bit tired of living out of a suitcase, although I still get a thrill when I take my seat on a new
plane for the first time.
437. Why did the writer read Flight International when he was a child?
1) He wanted to become an airline pilot.
2) He was very interested in planes.
3) He dreamt of becoming a journalist on it.
438. What did the writer like about the journalism course he took?
.1) It was a new course.
2) It gave him basic knowledge of the job.
3) It gave him the chance to make contacts at Flight.
439. What does the writer say be particularly enjoys about working at Flight?
1) the chance to do the two things he most loves
2) the opportunity to travel a great deal
3) the opportunity to meet interesting people
440. What does the writer like about his current post?
1) leading a more settled life 2) working b a n office 3) travelling in new planes
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
441. encouraged (§ I )
l) discovered 2) supported 3) forced
442. original (§ 2) '
1) unusual 2) natural 3) initial
Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски одним из гфедпоженных текстовых фрагментов. В бланке ответов поставь
те метку (х) в клеточке, номер которой соответствует номеоу выбранноговарианта ответа.
It was back in 1995, when my husband Eric was working as a rubbish collector for rite local town council, that
I first got the idea of recycling clothes. He would frequently find bags of perfectly good clothes just thrown into the
rubbish. I wondered if I Would be able to do something with them which would make money for me and perhaps even
Jielp the community at the same time. I decided to give it a try.
The first thing I did was to place an advertisement in the newspaper inviting people in the neighbourhood to
bring me their second-hand clothing, shoes and bedding instead of throwing them away. Within a week, our garage
was bursting with black plastic bags. (A43) This kept me busy for weeks.
At the same time, I was also looking for a shop to rent where I could sell these items. (444) ' ' , But it wasn’t
until I contacted AdVenture, an organisation winch helps people to set up their Own businesses, that I finally got, the
assistance I needed. They helped me find the right shop and gave me advice about getting a business loan to get me
started. That's how Second Best was bom.
For my idea to work, I was going to need a steady supply of clothes. The town council already had recycling bins
for paper, glass and the like. (445) _ I was able to make arrangements to have the clothes collected and brought to
my shop, where I had installed laundry facilities to cope with all the washloads 1 needed todo!
It wasn’t only making money in the shop that interested me, though. 1was still eager for the community to benefit
from my idea, too, so I started to find ways that the large quantities of very old or damaged clothing that I couldn't
sell in the shop could be put to use. (446) Some of the old clothing is now turned into bandages for hospitals, for
example, while one school m the area asks for old jeans to make into lunch bags.
AdVenture believes in encouraging people by giving an annual Special Merit Award to the most successful new
business they have helped. (.447) Not only had I helped so many others, they said, but I had also had to overcome
a major difficulty. In 2000, my shop had been destroyed by fire and I had had to start the business ail over again from
Getting back on track wasn't easy. Not only did I have to search for another shop to rent, but I also had to spend
time building up new stocks of clothes, as nearly all of the original stock had been destroyed. (448) Otherwise, I
would have been forced to call it a day. '
Today, twelve years after I first started up, Second Best is a very successful smallbusiness.
Заполните пропуски A43—A45 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1-4). один фрагмент является
1)1 think the most valuable piece of advice I can give them is never to throw anything away.
2) The contents had to be washed, ironed and sorted.
3) Eric and I managed to persuade them to provide ones for clothes, too.
4) "Vbu might think this would be a relatively easy task.
Заполните пропуски A46—A48 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1—4). Один фрагмент является
1) In 2002, my turn came around.
2) Once I had learnt the basic principles of managing my own business, I never looked back, they said.
3) Once again, though, AdVenture came to my aid, providing me with financial support through this difficult time.
I 4) It turned out that there were plenty!

Насть В
Прочитайте текст (Р1—в4). выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предложенных. Вбланке ответов запишите
его в той форме, в которой оно должно стоять а предложении. Пошлите, что каждое слово может бытьИспользо­
вано только один раз и что заданную ферму слова необходимо изменить.
Most people agree that the Oscars are the biggest film awards in the world. They are the most (£1) ... awards
anyone in the film business can win. They are called toe Oscars after the golden statue which is given out to the winners.
Why the statue is named Oscar remains (£2) .... Oscars are of great importance because winning one can really help
a film to be successful of an actor to achieve (£3) .... As a result, an actor often gets offered lots more work and better
films once he/she has won an award, as people take him/her more (£4) ....
Прочитайте текст (B5—вЭ). Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово
должно содержать не более 15 символов.
As you know, I finish school this summer and I am looking (£5) ... to starting work and earning some money of
my (£6) .... Eventually I want to open a shop and intend to get a job in the local department store to gain as (£7) ...
practical experience as possible. Of course my parents want (£8) ... to go to college and do a business course but I feel
I'd learn more on the job.
Прочитайте текст (B9-B10). Выпишите ло два лишних слова а бланк ответов в строки под номерами В9 и В10 в по-
рядке их предъявления в тексте. Каждую букву пишите в отдельной клеточке, не оставляя пробелов между сло­
В9. Carbon Street is a long, tree-lined street with majestic houses on it either side. The houses are owned by people who
cherish their quiet, residential street. Throughout the day, the only noise that is usually the sound of various birds
singing in the trees.
BIO. But, nothing lasts forever. Carbon Street is about to be change. Mr. Bing, a self-made billionaire, has a plan. A big
plan. A big plan for a big house. After years of when searching all over the world, he has determined that Carbon
Street is the perfect place to live. He plans to build the biggest house in the world at the end of the street.
Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.
В11. You can get to Edinburgh by plane or train but (любой) way is very expensive.
B12. Nobody expects something tike that to happen, (не так ли)?

Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
The idea of World Music Day or F£te de la Musique (A1 ) ... in France in the 1980s but (A2) ...across the globe.
Today the event (A3)... on 21stJune in over 120 countries. An American musician, Joel Cohen, who (A4) ... for a French
radio station, first came up with the idea for a music festival that everyone could enjoy and take part in. He suggested
an all-night music festival to celebrate the summer solstice (the longest day); The French minister for culture liked
the idea and it first (A5) ... reality in June 1982. The main idea behind the festival is that music is a great way to bring
people together regardless of their nationality, ethnic and cultural background. The day (A6) ... individual, musicians
but also orchestras, cultural organisations, and schools. The best thing about the festival is that musicians (A7) ... to
perform outside the usual music venues and concert halls. And every kind of music is on offer.
1) began 2) had begun 3) begins 4) would begin
1) had been quickly spread 3) was quickly spreading
2) has quickly spread 4) quickly spreads
1) celebrates 2) has celebrated . 3) is celebrating 4) is celebrated
1) has worked 2) will work 3) was working 4) had been worked
1) had become 2) was becoming 3) became 4) has become
1) does not only involve 2) is not only involved 3) is not only involving 4) had not only involved
1) have encouraged 2) are encouraged 3) are encouraging 4) encourage
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
How much sleep do we really need? This can vary quiteaiot between individuals. However, it is widely believed
that between 6—8 hours is healthy. What is particularly important is that this sleep happens (A8) ... the right time; that
it fits in with our body’s natural rhythm. If you suffer (A9) ... sleepiness during (A10)... day then you are probably not
getting enough sleep when you meet need i t Typical symptoms of a lack of sleep are (A il) ... low concentration, poor
memory and feeling irritable. Getting the right amount of sleep is not only important (A12) ... terms of being able to
function properly on a day to day basis b utit also has (A13) ... impact cm your overall health. Research suggests that
people who sleep between 6 to 7 hours per night are likely to live longer than those who sleep less than 6 or more than
8 hours per night. One reason (Ai4) ... this is because of the effect sleep has (A1S) ... our immune system.
l)a t 2) to 3) with 4) for
l)o f 2) with 3)from 4) in
i)a 2) an 3)the 4 )-
l)a 2) an 3)the 4 )-
I) in 2) with 3)by 4) on
l)a 2) an 3) the 4 )-
1) with 2) for 3)to 4) in
415. ■'■ ■
t)to 2) for 3)at 4) on
Прочитайте предложения, выберите один из предложенное вариантов ответа.
/116.1 really regret... these expensive shoes. They hurt my feetl
1) to buy 2) buy 3) buying 4) bought
417. The government is going to make petrol cheaper... more people may buy cars.
1) so that 2) in order 3) unless 4) so as
Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка
А18. In the nineteen seventies (1), a number of people from Vietnam (2) was allowed (3) to live in the UK (4).
Л19. When we arrived at the camp (1) we were offered (2) lots of fun activities (3), so we definitely enjoyed us (4).
A20. The Yukon lies between f 1) Alaska and the Canadian Arctic 12). and has a population of (3) about 32 thousands
people 14).
A21. It’s 111 a short-term vacancy at the local post-office (2), in case (3) you are interested (4).
A22. Students which (1) are planning to volunteer at the Winter Games f21 must give in (3) their names by tomorrow (4).
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Can people (А23) ... change? If you (A24) ... the Internet, you’ll find huge numbers of websites that offer
encouragmg plans for personal change. The problem is that most of these sites are operated by someone who’s selling
something, whether it’s a self-help book 'or a series of audio CDs (Л25) ... at making you the best you can be. What’s
more difficult to find are accurate statistics on personal change. However, there are plenty of statistics on getting rid-
of a habit, but they only (A26) ... that a set of individuals could make that one change. Experts say that for a person
to change his or her habits, many things need to line up. Иге person must have a (A27) ... to change, and he or she
must set up organised systems to (A28) ... this change. Generally, it’s believed that people have more success when
one major change is tackled at a time. It also (A29)... if you write your plan out and (A30) ... it with someone. Most
professionals say that it (A31) ... 21 to 30 days to make or (A32)... a habit.
1) certainly 2) surely 3) really 4) sincerely
1) turn 2) surf 3) switch 4) attend
A 25.
1) tried 2) intended * 3) aimed .4 ) attempted
i) prove 2) approve 3) justify 4 )doubt
1) courage 2) intention 3) ambition 4) desire
1)succeed 2) achieve 3 )manage 4) do
1) advises 2) recommends 3) helps 4) needs
1) entrust 2) share 3) divide 4) trust
1) gains 2) has 3)gets 4) takes
1) break 2) damage 3) ruin 4) finish
АЗЗ. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов от­
Man: Traffic was so bad on the way to the airport that I almost missed my flight to London.
Woman: I could have told you that it would be.
What does the woman mean?
1) She knew the traffic would be heavy. 3) She told the man to leave earlier.
2) She was sure that the flight would be late. 4) She’s just returned from London herself.
A34. Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую no смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике.
I’d rather you didn’t. ~~
1) I’m so bored, you know. 3) You know I have a late supper as a rule.
2) I really don’t know what' to do. .4) I’m still in two minds, you know.
A35. Установите соответствие между репликами стимулами 1 -4 и ответным* репликами А—Е. выберите одж из пред­
ложенных варианте» ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лишней.
1) Oh dear, my computer’s crashed again. A) No problem. I’ll bring it in tomorrow.
2) Do you mind if I leave early tomorrow? ' B^ OK, let’s take a break.
3) Do you have a moment? C) Actually, we have a lot of work to do.
4) I’m feeling a bit tired. Shall we have a coffee? D) Sure, what’s up?
E) Well, let me help you.
1) IE 2A3C4B 2) IE 2C 3D 4B 3) ID 2A3C 4E 4) ID 2E ЗВ 4C
А36. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог, выберите одам из предложенных вариантов ответа.
A. Should I wait or come back later?
B. I don't see any problem. We should have it ready for you by three at the latest. But, better call before you come.
C. You will get it fixed today, won't you?
D. Hard to tell. Sometimes we can find the problem right away and sometimes it may take an hour or two.
£. How long do you think it’ll take to fix it?
F. Suit yourself, but it's probably better to come back later.
Прочитайте текст, ответьте ка вопросы, укажите номер выбранного вами варианта в бланке ответов.
§ 1. Minutes before the start of a British Grand Prix in August, the drivers’ faces are grave with concentration.
Fans are screaming. Squeezed into his driving seat, Nelson Jones is pulling on a pair of tight black gloves. No question
where he’s expecting to finish: ‘First,’ he says. At the start signal, with a burst of engine noise, the drivers move quickly
to the first turn. i
§ 2. It all sounds a lot like a Formula One car race, but there’s a difference —Nelson is thirteen years old, and he’s
racing in a go-kart What could be seen as child’s-play is in fact the first step for young talent to move into professional
race cars, because it introduces them to the essential basics such as finding the racing line, concentration and how to
compete on the track. That track record makes karting a must for youngsters keen to make racing their life’s ambition.
§ 3. Nelson Jones has actually been racing since he was eight years old. ‘When my son Nelson showed us how
gifted he was with racing, even at an incredibly young age, I knew we had to do something,’ Nelson's father says.
‘Racing can be really dangerous and it gets expensive, but when I had the opportunity to buy him his first official kart,
I rushed to do it.’
§ 4. After taking part in three or four local races in Britain, in which he won first place, Nelson decided that he
woulago for it and have a crack at his first international Grand Prix in Germany, which he won as well. Nelson now
travels all over Britain and Europe to take part in races. The interest he showed in racing was not via the usual exposure
to video games. ‘We lived near a small karting racetrack and I became fascinated — I couldn’t stop talking about it.
One day, as we were driving past, I made my father stop the car so I could have a better look at the karts flying by.i
saw so many people, including kids my own age, and I took a liking to it straight away.’
§ 5. Nelson eventually got his chance to try it out. The family hired an instructor for amateurs to teach Nelson,
who took him as for as the age of twelve. The instructor then informed Nelson’s father it was time to look for someone
more qualified. Perhaps it is Nelson’s good fortune in having always been expertly advised that has made him so relaxed
about focing the pressures of an international racing circuit. But what is it like to be so young with a schedule fully
booked with races, and all eyes watching him, expecting victory after victory?-‘It’s good for me, as I know what I need
to be doing. The public’s expectations help me focus and concentrate so I can race at my highest level.’
A37. According to the text, karting is important for future Formula One drivers because
1) it helps them decide whether racing is realty their life’s ambition.
2) it teaches them some of the skills they need to race professionally.
3) it shows if yonng drivers have enough talent to become professionals.
A38. How did Nelson’s father react to his son’s interest in racing?
1) He thought Nelson’s talent must be supported.
2) He realised this hobby would be very expensive. >
3) He believed Nelson was too young for racing.
A39. Nelson became interested in kart racing
1) because his fother often talked about it. F
2) because of his exposure to video games.
3) after watching other children doing it.
A40. What does the writer suggest about Nelson’s first race instructor?
1) He lost confidence in his teaching ability.
2) He was not qualified to teach professionals.
3) He wanted to coach someone more qualified.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
АЛЛ. fascinated (§4)
1) very interested 2) attractive 3) absorbing
A42. fortune (§5)
1) destiny 2) wealth 3)luck
Прочитайте текст, заполните пропуски одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов. В бланке ответов поставь­
те метку (х> в клеточке, номер которой соответствует помору выбранного варианта ответа.
When you first meet Beatrice Smythe, you are struck by her wonderful smile and her well-toned muscles.
‘Performing on stage is one of the most exciting experiences possible. All the nerves and fright you feel in the
wings just melt away when you foce the audience. Although you are aware of a sea of feces watching you, this is not
what you concentrate on. (A43) If you focus on this, then your dancing will look natural and unforced.'
So how did Beatrice get started? ‘I began taking ballet lessons in a local school when I was six. My teachers felt
I had talent but after 11 years of ballet, I realised I wanted to do something different (Л44) That was it! I had
never seen dancing like this before and immediately decided it was for me. The following year I was offered a place at
a London contemporary dance school where I completed a three-year course.’
Today Beatriceisa permanent member of the Charmed Circle Dance GcHnpaty.But was it a difficult transition
ffdm studies to career? ‘I was warned that the competition would be fierce. (Л45) Applying for even the smallest
part meant auditioning with dozens of others. Finally, I was lucky enough to be offered a trial period of one year with
Charmed Circle, even though it meant working without- pay. It was an extremely difficult period, as you can imagine.'
‘I could have bees tempted to join other dance companies on a temporary basis doing one-off paid performances.
But this would have meant missing out on the chance to become part of the regular line-up of what is now one of
Britain's leading contemporary dance companies.’(A46). But Beatrice’s ultimate ambition is to make it to America,
where the ideas behind contemporary dance were first pioneered and developed.
When asked about what it takes to become a dancer, Beatrice didn’t hesitate. 'You have to love what you’re doing,
you have to keep pushing yourself to the limit and you have»U) be slightly mad, tool (A47). Most dancers will tell
you how physically painful daily training can be. You also have to be extremely self-motivated!’
So what does Beatrice particularly enjoy about contemporary dance? ‘Well, for one thing, contemporary movements
are so different from those in other types of dance. In ballet, for example, the movements are strictly structured and you
have to stick to them. In contemporary dance, however, the movements are more expressive and each have individual
meanings in themselves. (A48) Ibis makes them very moving experiences both to perform and to watch.’
Заполните пропуски A43-A45 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1—4}. Один фрагмент является
1) Then a contemporary dance company who were on tour staged a performance in our town, which I went to see.
2) For this reason, I feel inspired to try having a similar job myself someday.
3) What matters is using the act of moving as a means of expressing yourself.
4) In London, there are literally thousands of highly talented performing artists of all kinds.
Заполните пропуски Л46-Л48 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1—4). Один фрагмент является
1) Also, although the pieces don’t tell a story in the way, say, a ballet does, they explore themes and issues related
to our everyday lives.
2) Charmed Circle regularly tours all the major cities at home and has also been to several European capitals,
including Madrid, Prague and Berlin.
3) Contemporary dance is often termed, more simply, modern dance, though some claim there are slight differences
between them.
4) Nobody would willingly put their bodies through what we do.

Насть В
Прочитайте текст (81—84). Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предложенных. В благясе ответов заткните
его в той форме, в которой оно должно стоять в предложении. Помните, что каждое слово может быть использо­
вано толысо один раз и что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
Chameleons, a (R i) ...of tree-living lizard, are. found in Africa, Madagascar, Asia, Arabia and Southern Europe.
They are unusual in their appearance with their bulging eyes, which move (B2) ....and their long curled tail, which can
be twisted around branches to increase their grip. The chameleon's eyesight is exceptional for a reptile: its 360-degree
vision makes it highly (B3) ... at hunting prey and spotting predators (хищник). Today, many chameleon species are
(£ 4 )... because of pollution and the destruction of their natural habitat.
Прочитайте текст (BS—88). Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово
должно содержать не более 15 символов.
Online shopping is one of the fastest growing areas of the Net, offering users a large number of advantages over
conventional shopping. Customers have access to a wider range of goods (B 5)... in any shopping centre; (BS) ... are
no queues or parking problems; ‘shops’ are open 24 hours a day and purchases are delivered to your АаотЛЕП) ... is
more, prices are competitive, and online price comparison services enable you to find the best bargains. These sites
search the Net for a product and then show you (Л8) ... much different online stores are charging.
Прочитайте текст (89—810). Выпишите no два лишних слова в бланк ответов в строки под номерами 89 и 810 в по­
рядке их предъявления в тексте. Каждую букву пишите в отдельной клеточке, не оставляя пробелов между сло­
вами. \
89. The South West has seen it the worst flooding in thirty years with whole villages cut off, and many people who still
trapped in their homes by rising flood waters. Storm force waves have broken the sea wall at WestUngton.
810. It is so feared that an entire lifeboat crew lost their lives in attempting to rescue the sailors on board a trawler. Once
weather conditions when improve, the air-sea rescue forces will start a search for survivors.
Перевалите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный я скобках.
811. She hasn’t eaten much at breakfast (тоже).
812. Nobody knew the answer, (ме так я ) ? 1

Часть 4
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
The Keen Pumpkin festival is a food festival with a difference. It (A l) ... place every year in Keene, New
Hampshire, USA and it (A2) ... on a Saturday in mid to late October; During the festival, residents and visitors attempt
to set the world record for gathering the largest number of lit pumpkin lanterns. When I (A3) ... in Keene last year,
I was absolutely stunned by the preparations going on. A huge stand had been set up for the pumpkins in the town
centre. People (A4) ... all sorts of delicious pumpkin dishes for the festival. On the day of the festival, the streets were
crowded with people and there were food tasting stands and stages everywhere. I took part in a pie eating competition
but I couldn’t eat much. Later, there were several live concerts where everyone (A5) ... fun. The climax of the evening
was the official pumpkin count. Alt the candles in the pumpkins (A6) ... and they looked amazing. Then, there was a
big fireworks display. At the end of the festival, everyone was thrilled when we beat the record again! I (A7) ... such
a great time I was really sorry to go home. I can't wait for the next year’s festival!
1) is taking 2) takes 3) has taken 4) is taken
1) is usually held 2) usually holds 3) has usually held 4) is usually holding
1) arrived 2) was arrived , 3) have arrived 4) was arriving
1) have also prepared 3) had also prepared
2) had also been prepared 4) were also prepared
1) was dancing and has 3) had danced and had
2) has danced and had 4) was dancing and having
l)lit 2) have been lit 3) have lit 4) were lit
l>have 2) had had 3) have had 4) will have
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
The private lives of celebrities continue to generate endless public interest, which is reflected in massive newspaper
and magazine sales when certain photos are published. The paparazzi, the photojournalists who get these pictures, are
able to sell them to the press (A8) ... unbelievable amounts of money. The paparazzi show (A9) ... great determination
when they decide to take photos which they know will make them rich. Some will go as for as searching through rubbish
bins at a celebrity's home. There is general disapproval (AiO) ... this practice among (A ll)... general public and many
want to ban (A12) ... it. However, the paparazzi argue that celebrities have no right to any privacy because their jobs
involve being (A13)... the public eye The argument is still going (A14)... but it has proved difficult to take (A45) ...action
against them.
1) for 2) at 3) with 4) in
A9. "
l)a 2) an 3) the 4 )-
1) to 2) for 3)of 4) with
l)a 2) an 3) the 4>-
1) in 2) from 3) against 4 )-
1) in 2) with 3)at 4) on
1) away 2) on 3) up 4) out
l)a 2 )an 3) the 4 )-
Прочитайте предложения. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Л16. I wouldn’t mind... in a place like that.
1) to live 2) live 3) living 4) lived
417. Trees were planted along the street... to reduce traffic noise.
1) in case . 2) so as 3) because 4) so that
Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
418. The vast majority of experts (1) claims (2) that a balanced diet (3) and exercise are the key to (4) a long life.
A19. When the woman got closer to (1) Alice, she realised it was a friend of her (2) who (3) she hadn’t seen for years (4).
A20. Compared to (1) other human activities (2), architecture is a young art that (3) had its beginning only ten
thousands years ago (4).
421. There’s (1) usually hot in the day-time (2) but the temperature drops sharply (3) at night (4).
Л22. Cotton, what (1) has been used in clothing (2) for over 5000 years (3). comes from (4) the Gossypium plant.
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Up until recently the British were not exactly (A23) ... on cycling. In fact, only a quarter of the twenty two
million bicycles in the country were thought to be in (A24) ... use. Over the last year, though, the number of cyclists
in urban areas, particularly in London, has (425) ... py 83 per cent. This has turned the capital into a cleaner, less
noisy city (A26) ... to many others in Europe. How was this possible? It is all thanks to the National Cycle Network
project which, in the (A27)... few years has managed to encourage many people to use their bicycles either to travel
to (428) ... or for fun. Part of the project involved the improvement of the existing (428) .... whereas by the end of
2006 the Network had (430) ... to 11,300 miles. Moreover, the provision of bicycle parking in the streets, at railway
and underground stations, in schools and workplace has contributed significantly to the rise in the number of cyclists.
It is (431)... that nearly 75 per cent of the population live within two miles of a route and more cycling trips are
(432) ... than ever before.
l)fond 2) keen 3) enthusiastic 4) eager
1) right 2) usual 3) regular 4) proper
1) grown 2) raised 3) developed 4) lifted
1) distinguished 2) combined 3) compared 4) associated
1) final 2) latest 3) last 4) late
l)job 2) profession 3) office 4) work
1) pathways 2) footways 3) sideways 4) motorways
1) reached 2) lengthened 3 )expanded 4) broadened
1) figured 2) regarded 3) estimated 4) measured
l)done 2) made 3 )gone 4) carried
433. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложентх вариантов от­
Anna: My friend Alice spent her whole weekend helping me prepare for my history exam.
Phil: There aren’t many people who would put themselves out like that.
What does Phil mean ?
1) Not many people took the exam with Alice.
2) Alice should have spent the weekend with another friend.
3) Alice should have got help with the history exam.
4) It was good of Alice to go to that much trouble.
434. Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике.
Agreed I
1) Do you agree with me? 3) What if we meet at 6?
2) Don’t you like to go out sometimes? 4) Why is 6 o’clock not convenient for you?
435. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и ответными репликами А—Е. Выберите один из пред­
ложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Е) является лишней.
1) ■I’d like to exchange this camera. A) Could I see your receipt, please?
2) Would you like to try another pair? B) The fitting rooms are on the left.
3) Do you need any help? C) I’m looking for a pair of sunglasses.
4) Where can I try these on? D) Thanks, these fit me really well.
E) I’m a size 10.
1) IB 2E ЗА 4D 2) 1A 2D ЗС 4B 3) 1A 2D ЗВ 4E 4) IB 2D 3A4E
Азв. Расположите ретемки так, чтобы получится связный диалог, выберите един из предложенных вариантов ответа.
A. I can call Debbie and see if she's available. She usually doesn’t like to sit during the week, but she might make
an exception.
B. Well, 1 thought we could go out for dinner and then go to a movie afterward.
C. Wdl, do that, and then caDme at the office if you have any luck. ■
D. Can you get a baby-sitter for tonight?
E. Okay, but don’t get your hopes too high. It's hard to find a good baby-sitter these days.
F. 1don’t know. Why?
Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы. Укажите номер выбранного ваим варианта в бланке ответов.
§ 1. The sea has been the most important thing in EJlen MacArthur’s life since she spent a summer on her Aunt
Thea's boat on the English coast when she was eight years old. Her bedtime reading at that time was a biography of a
famous yachtsman who had sailed round the world three times and her dream was to do the same thing. Her parents,
who are both teachers, understood that cross-country running and hockey were not going to provide enough adventure
for their daughter, and that they could do nothing to alter her decision. Ellen had already started to save up her pocket
money to buy a boat.
§ 2. But as Ellen knew, it is easy to dream of doing a round-the-world voyage, but finding the money and learning
how to go about it is more difficult. At the age of eighteen she was only 163 cm tall and weighed a little over 50 kilos,
but she made her first solo trip around the coast of Great Britain. Earner this was a testto see if she could cope with
the hardships of a lone voyage. In 1994 she started talking about entering the Vendee Globe, the famous French single-
handed, non-stop, round-the-world race. By 1996, she knew she had to do it.
§ 3. Then the real struggle began. Ellen lived in a caravan to save money for the race and even slept under her boat
for a few nights during a Northern English winter while she got it ready for the heavy seas. She wrote two thousand
letters asking for sponsorship from companies and got two replies. One of these was from the Kingfisher brewery, and
an alliance was born. She named her boat after them, and they are still her sponsors today. 'My strongest quality is
(hat I just don’t give up,’she says.
§ 4. By the time the boats lined up for the start of the 2000 Vendee Globe race, Ellen MacArthur had sailed
120,000 kilometres in eight months in her beloved Kingfisher, more than anyone else in the race had sailed in the
previous two years. By now she was also a very experienced racer and was considered to be one of the favourites.
Nevertheless, the sight of this tiny figure at the helm of the enormous ocean racing yacht made almost everyone in
France feel protective towards her.
§ S. Ellen believes that everyone who finishes the Vendee Globe is a winner, but she still must have been
disappointed to come second. She had overtaken Michel Desjoyeaux, who eventually won, days before the finish but
ultimately he snatched back the lead. In the spirit of the race, Ellen went back to the finish line to greet most of the
other sailors on their return, including the 60-year-old Frenchman who finished last after nearly five months at sea.
'For me, it’s part of the tradition of the event,’says Ellen. 'You’re there at the start, you should be there at the finish.’
Л37. How did Ellen MacArthur’s parents feel about her ambition?
1) They wanted her to take up other sports. 3) They realised it was inevitable.
2) They thought it would cost too much money.
A38. What made Ellen decide to enter the Vendee Globe race?
1) She wanted to learn more about sailing. 3) She was tired of sailing around Britain.
2) She had proved to herself she could do it.
ASS. Once Ellen had deckled to enter the Vendee Globe race, the most difficult tiling for her was
1) finding somewhere to live. 3) adapting to the cold weather.
2) getting financial support. -
A4& How does Ellen fed about yacht racing?
1) She thinks some of the traditions are pointless.
2) She thinks winning is the mast important thing.
3) She t h i n k s competing is the real achievement
Определите 3i именно указанного слова в тексте.
А41. protective (§4)
1) caring 2) safe 3) strong
A42. eventually (§ 5) .
1) gradually 2) unexpectedly 3) in the end
Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуош од)ЫМиз предложешых текстовых фрагментов. В бланке ответов поставь­
те метку ( х ) д клеточке, номер которой соответствует номеру выбранного варианта ответа.
I have been climbing for as long as I can remember, really. When I was twelve years old, my father and I travelled
together to Alaska to dimb Mount Denali, which at 6,194 metres is the highest peak in North America.
The following y e a r , ] joined a youth expedition to Africa to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. (A 43) I went on to
climb peaks in Australia, Argentina and Russia, each time with a different team. Sometimes the difficulty was in getting
a visa to miter a particular country, most times it was in finding sponsors willing to help fund my trip.
When I turned 19,1 headed out to Mount Vinson in the Antarctic. This turned out to be the most challenging
expedition I had done so far. First there was the long journey down to the ‘frozen continent’. We took a flight to
Southern Chile and then caught a cargo plane on to the Antarctic, with no heating, real seats or windows. (A44)___
Stijl, it was an indescribable experience. The colours of the ice, air and sky there are so pure without the pollution we
have got so used to everywhere else.
By this time, I had gained a lot of experience and felt I was ready for ‘the big one’, Mount Everest. Everest stands
at 8,848 metres high and is not only the highest mountain on Earth but possibly the most unforgiving, too. (/445)___
We set about making our own preparations, moving our gear up the mountain in stages and burying supplies at regular
intervals for later use.
Throughout most of the climb itself, visibility was down to literally a few metres. (/446) We then had a
heart-stopping wait to see if any large chunks (глыбы) of ice were going to fall and crash us or if a crevasse (расселина
в леднике) was going to open up and swallow us.
The cold is different to what you might expect. Because of the lack of moisture (влажность) at such high altitude,.
you can touch the snow without your hands getting wet. Altitude is a major consideration when you’re climbing.
(A47)___ However, despite the extra calories you’re burning, you lose your appetite considerably. But this is just as
well, as most of the food is boil-in-the-bag!
Mountaineering isn’t for the faint-hearted. {/448) _ Obviously it’s also important to maintain a High level of
physical fitness. I run and cycle to build up endurance and stamina and as each new mountain challenge approaches I
increase my training to include long walks carrying a heavy bag.
Since returning from Everest I’ve been giving a series of talks and presentations on my expeditions. I hope that
they will inspire other young people to follow their dreams whatever the cost.
Заполните пропуски 443—445 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1 -4 ). один фрагмент является
1) Then during the actual climb 1got frozen'hands and was in a lot of pain.
2) When we arrived at the base camp, which itself stands at around 5,600 metres, around one hundred other
climbers were there preparing for their shot at the mountain, too.
3) From there, things began to get more tricky.
4) During the Everest expedition, I worked out that I had taken 68 flights along my journey to reach the seven
Заполните пропуски 446—448 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1—4). Один фрагмент является
1) You have to discipline yourself mentally to keep going in very harsh conditions.
2) The fact that there’s a lot less oxygen means that you need a lot more energy than you would normally.
3) There’s no doubt that mountaineering is extremely challenging, but that’s one of the reasons why I like it somuch.
4) One of the scariest moments was when we suddenly heard some loud cracking noises and felt the side of the
mountain shake under us.

Часть В
Прочитайте текст (81—84). Выберите Подходящее по смыслу слово из предложенных. В бланке ответов запишите
его в той форме, в которой оно должно степь в предложении. Помните, что каждое слово может быть использо
вано только один раз и что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
The protection of animals is one of the main concerns of the World Zoo Organisation, an international society
that helps zoos maintain high standards for their animals. Made up of (Д1) ... such as zoologists, the WZO helps zoos
around the world exchange (B2) ... information about their animals’health, breeding habits, etc. Animal rights (B3) ...
keep a close eye on zoos to make certain that the treatment the animals receive is safe and not cruel. The WZO has
helped in the management of a number of truly wonderful zoos around the world, where nothing (Л4) the lives of
animals and where they can live happily.
Прочитайте текст (B5—B8). Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово
должно содержать не более 15 символов.
Why do people travel first class? For the majority it is because they want more space, complimentary food and
drink and above all to be treated (Я 5 )... royalty. If we pay more (B6) ... twice as much as standard class passengers
we expect to receive perfect service. It makes sense. We are (B7) ... going to reach our destination any quicker so the
difference can only be in the comfort and service we receive, which will (Я8) ... our journey pleasanter.
Прочитайте текст (89-810). Выпишите по два лишних слова 8 бланк ответов в строки под номерами 89 и 810 в по­
рядке их предъявления в тексте. Каждую букву лишите в отдельной клеточке, не оставляя пробелов между сло­
В9. Our kids it seem to think we’re made of money. They always want money for this and money for that; computer
games, designer clothes, videos and CDs. I’m not saying we didn’t want things when we were as kids, but at least we
had some idea of the value of things.
810. We’d never have dreamed of what asking our parents for the sort of amounts our two kids, and many others such
like them, do. I’m sure kids these days think money grows on trees.
Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.
811.1 saw both the plays, but 1 didn’t like (ни одну) of them.
812. Nobody came to the meeting, (не так ли)?
Часть 4
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Dear Mr Wright,
I understand from an article on your website that you are looking for volunteers to help out at the animal rescue
shelter in Newham. I am writing to enquire whether you have any vacancies for the months of June and July, as 1
(A l) ... with friends in the area during that period. I (A2) ... Journalism at Cardiff University and I (A3) ... for an
opportunity to work in the voluntary sector with a view to publishing an article about my experience. Although 1
(A4)... at an animal shelter before, I am an animal lover. I have had experience of looking after a variety of pets and
farmyard animals. I am familiar with your organisation and greatly (A5) ... the work you do. I would really like to help
in whatever way I can. If I could be of use in your Press Department, this would be a welcome bonus. 1 (A6) ...a copy
of my CV. I (A7)... to contact you within the week to arrange an interview. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Goodsworth
I) will be stayed 2) will be staying 3) was staying 4) have stayed
1) was currently studying 3) have currently studied
2) am currently studied 4) am currently studying
1) am looking 2) was looking 3) have been looked 4) had looked
1) wasn’t working 2) don’t work 3) hadn’t worked 4) haven't worked
t) admire 2) am admired 3) have been admired 4) had admired
1) was including 2) was included 3) have included 4) have been included
1) have tried 2) tried 3) am trying 4) will try
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
In the 1950s and 60s, the tower block seemed to offer a solution (A8) ... two problems. Firstly, houses built much
earlier in the century, were no longer suitable (Л 9)... people to live in. Secondly, an increasing population needed
more space, New, vertical tower bfocks, able to house more people in a relatively small фасе than a horizontal street,
started to appear. Initially, these blocks were more popular than (A10) ... old housing they replaced. However, these
buildings soon became less attractive (A il) ... residents as crime rose. It also became clear that a tower block was
nothing like as friendly a place to live in as a traditional street. Residents in a tower block didn’t interact (A12) ... each
other (Ai3) ... a regular basis. Although modern tower blocks are making something of (A14) ... comeback amongst
young professionals, they still have (A 15) ... poor reputation in the minds of many people.
l)o f 2) to 3) at 4) in
l)of 2) with 3)by 4) for
l) a 2) an 3) the 4 )-
1) with 2) by 3) of 4) to
1) to 2) for 3)by 4) with
t)a t 2) on 3)in 4) by
l) a 2) an 3)the 4 )-
l) a 2) an 3) the 4 )-
прочттайте предложения. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
А16. Melanie regretted... such an expensive jacket.
1) to choose 2) choose 3) choosing 4) chose

А17. The visit should be longer... to give people the chance to see the whole city.
1) so that 2) in case 3) as for 4) so as
Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, а котором допущена ошибка. *
Д18. You Can still go into the National Museum (1) for free (2). although (3) a number of museums in the capital charges
people (4) for entry.
A19. My elderly grandparents (1) live with us (21 because they are too old (3) to look after theirselves (4).
A20. In 2004 (!) overseas residents made a record 121 of twenty seven millions visits (3) to the UK (4).
Д21. There’s (1) a general knowledge quiz so (2) you can’t do any revision (3) for it (4).
A22. The parade was cancelled because of (11 the nasty weather (21 what (31 was much worse (41 than expected.
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Traditionally, the British have always been very fond of their eccentrics. Even today, British eccentrics are
considered to be the strangest, (A23) ... to American psychologist David Weeks. (A2A) ... the Leopard Man, for
example. He lives alone in a cave on the Isle of Skye. He is tattooed from (A25) ... to toe with leopard spots, and
(A26) ... a living selling seafood. But is this odd behaviour a type of mental illness? It has long been believed that
creativity and insanity are (A27).... In the last 30 уем* or so, psychologists have tried to find evidence to (/428) ...
this belief. One study found that creative people have a lot in (A29) ...with eccentrics. During David Weeks’detailed
(A30)... into the personalities of eccentrics, he found that they are among the happiest and healthiest of people,, They
visit their doctors much less often than the rest of us, they are also usually (A31) ... in several things at one time, so
they always have a (A32) ... in life.
1) concerning 2) considering 3) according 4) responding
l)Take 2) See 3)Have 4) Look
1) hair 2) head 3)face 4) top
1) takes 2) gets 3) makes 4) has
1) joined 2) connected 3) contacted 4) attached
A 28.
1)support 2) hohl 3)give 4) bear
1) general 2) common 3) average 4) similar
1) search 2) experience 3 )check 4) research
1) attracted 2) fond 3)keen 4) interested
A 32. -
l)goal 2) reason 3) want 4) fan
ДЗЗ. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов от
Jack: 1 thought the doctor said you should walk slowly until the swelling goes down.
George: She did. It just makes me uncomfortable to ask my friends to wait for me all the time.
What does George mean?
1) He is tired of waiting for assistance. 3) His foot hurts too much to walk.
2) He doesn't have to ask his friends for help. 4) He doesn’t like to bother people.
Д34. Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую no смыслу к предложенной ответной ротике.
Forget it
1) Remember to switch off the oven. 3) 1regret what I said yesterday.
2) I don’t remember the name of our primary 4) I couldn’t forget Linda’s birthday party,
Д35. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и отаепаит репликами А—Е. выберите один из пред­
ложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (А—Е> является лишней.
1) Do you think you could send me a copy? A) Sure, what’s up?
2) Oh dear, I'm having trouble opening this file, B) What if we sell it and buy a new one?
3) We’ve got another problem with the car. C) Certainly, I’ll do that right away.
4) Can I have a quick word? D) Well, let me help you.
E) I know, but it wasn’t at the time.
1) 1A 2B 3D 4C 2) 1C 2A3E4D 3)1A2E3C4B 4)1C2D3B4A
Л36. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
A. But that’s where you’re wrong. It’s the cars that make traffic jams. Anyway, I don’t know why you don’t come
to work on your bike.
B. I’m not late, am I? -
C. But you wouldn’t if you allowed enough time to come across the park. It’s really quite pleasant riding that way.
D. Well, it’s the traffic, isn’t it? There were queues of buses stopping anything from moving up the London Road.
E. Only a few minutes today. But you’re never exactly early, are you?
E I just don’t accept that. I’d get Wet in the Tain. And I’d arrive at work all hot and sticky.
Гфочигайге текст. Ответьте на вопросы. Укажите номер выбранного вами варианта в бланке ответов.
5 1. Hie prospect of living or working abroad isn't nearly as worrying as it would have seemed 10 or 20 years ago.
Today, increasing numbers of British people are buying homes in the south of France, Spain, Italy and Portugal. The
attractions are obvious: an escape from depressing British winters, glorious beaches and the kind of relaxed lifestyle
for which Latin countries are famous. But people don’t move abroad just for those reasonsithey might be retiring and
looking forward to a well-earned rest in the sun. Then there are many Brits who have set up a business overseas. And
then there are those brave souls who take up the challenge when their companies offer them the chance to live and
work abroad.
5,2. Helena Middleton found herself in the latter position. The petroleum company which employed her as a
sales support executive in London offered her the chance to take part in what was effectively a job swap, (обмен) with
European colleagues. ‘My company was running a special programme for its employees throughout Europe. It wanted
to promote movement between EC countries among employees at a tower level in the company hierarchy. In the past,
only senior management had been given the opportunity to move around.’
§ 3. Those who were asked had to be graduates with two or three years’ experience. I was suitable in that sense.
I was offered a job in Holland, where almost everyone speaks English,’ Helena is the first to admit that she was initially
apprehensive about takingup the offer. ‘I’d never even driven abroad before, so the idea of living and working in a new
country was worrying, but I did it because I thought it would be a challenge. I’m paid an incentive (дополнительная
заработная плата) for working abroad which is not taxable. That’s on top of my normal salary, and the company helps
with maintenance costs on my house at home while I’m away. At the outset, they also sent me lots of information on
getting my car over to Holland, taxing it, sorting out health insurance and so on. At first, the bureaucracy does seem
a lot tacope with. I had to register with the police and at the town hall, for example, and I had to fill in lots of forms
to bring my car out. Probably the only thing I really didn’t like at all was my first few weeks when I stayed in a hotel
here in Breda. It took four weeks to find a flat. The company sent me estate agents’details, but they expect you to get
out there and find something yourself. I finished up in the centre of Breda, which was Lucky and convenient.’
Л37. Why do many British people move to another country?
1) Because the winters are cooler and the beaches are better.
2) Because their company makes them.
3) Because they want a different lifestyle or environment.
Д38. What does the writer think about people who decide to work abroad?
1) It’s an easy decision to make.
2) It takes courage.
3) They shouldn’t hesitate.
Л39. What qualifications did Helena need to work abroad? *
1) A university degree and a foreign language. v* <
2) A foreign language and at least two years’ experience.
3) No less than two years’ experience and a university degree.
Д40. What benefits does working abroad offer Helena?
1) She gets more money,
2) The company sent her a car from England.
3) She pays less tax.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А41. promote (§ 2)
1) announce 2)encourage 3)stop
ЛЛ2. apprehensive (§3)
1) fearful 2) excited 3) informed
Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски одним ю предложенных текстовых фрагментов, в бланке ответов поставь­
те метку (х) в клеточке, номер которой соответствует номеру выбранного варианта ответа.
Not many people realise how much strain modem life can put on their eyesight. Working on a computer, watching
television and driving at night are just some of the things that can affect your eyes.
It was traditionally believed that being long-sighted or short-sighted was a condition that was inherited. But
recent studies have shown that this is not always the case. One study in Spain has shown that there has been an increase
in eye problems among schoolchildren. (Л43) It appears that years of focusing on books causes most children to
become slightly short-sighted by the age of ten.
New problems, such as the increase in the number of people using computers at work, has added to the rising
incidence of eye strain. Using a computer means that the eye works in a different way, and it has to work harder.
( Л И ) ___ Experts have estimated that as many as 30 per cent of people have eye problems as a resuk of working oo
' Office workers suffer from additional problems because of central heating and air conditioning. (/445) One
recommended way of combating this problem is to close the eves for one minute every hour, to rest them and keep
them moist. There are also many eye exercises that can help reduce the symptoms of eye strain.
Apart from making sure you rest your eyes regularly throughout the day it is also a good idea to increase your
fluid intake. (/446) Most doctors recommend at least a litre and a half a day, depending on the climate you live in,
to prevent dehydration. Your fluid intake can he in the form of plain water or other beverages.
Another factor that can affect how well the eye works is diet. In World War II, for instance, it was rumoured that
British fighter pilots were eating a lot of carrots to improve their ability to see well at night. (/447) There is some
evidence to suggest that the different functions of the eye require the right kinds of nutrients to keep them in good order.
Some studies recently conducted in France have also found that people over the age of sixty who live in cities
are more likely to be short-sighted than people of the same age who live in the country. (/448) People living in the
countryside tend to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables than those who live in the city The more balanced your diet
is, the less likely you are to have eye problems in later life.
There is no doubt that many people will have some problems that affect their eye-sight whatever they do. But
there are many things that you can do either to minimise the problems, or avoid them altogether!
Заполните пропусти A43-^445 одним ю гфедложентк текстовых фрагментов (1-4 ). Один фрагмент является
1) Just remember the three simple roles.
2) And the problems become worse the longer you spend in front of a screen.
3) Another in America suggests that up to 80 per cent of children may be shoit-sighted.
4) The trouble here is that the eye becomes dry, which can make you feel tired.
Заполните пропуски 446—Д48 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1—4). один фрагмент является
1) It is well known that they contain vitamin A, a nutrient beneficial to vision.
2) Many eye problems can be improved by drinking lots of water.
3) These can help your eyes to function better.
4) The reason is said to be that people in rural areas eat healthier food.

Часть В
Прочитайте текст (81—04). Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предложенных, в бланке ответов запишите
его в той форме, в которой оно должно стоять в предложении. Помните, что каждое слово может быть использо­
вано только один раз и что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
The decision of many stores to cut costs by reducing the number of employees has not been a success. Many stores
now ( E l ) ... that if their staff suffer from exhaustion they are far more likely to become (82) ... with their customers,
which is not a good idea in terms of sales figures. The U. S. department store Nordstrom knows that customers find
poor service annoying. The company believes that the (8 3 )... of its staff contributes (84) ... to customer satisfaction
and a desire to return to shop there. Therefore, it goes to a great deal of trouble to ensure a positive shopping experience
for its customers.
Прочитайте текст (B5—68). Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово
должно содержать не более 15 символов.
(85)... is sometimes said that animals use language. Certainly some animal species have developed amazingly
sophisticated ways of communicating with (86) ... another. But (87) ... are huge differences between the ways animals
communicate and the ways human beings do. When animals make a sound, such as a bark or a call, it is in reaction to
(8 8 )... is happening around them.
Прочитайте текст (89—610). Выпишите по два лишних слова в бланк ответов в строки под номерами 89 и 610 в по­
рядке их предъявления в тексте, каждую букву пишите в отдельной клеточке, не оставляя пробелов между сло­
89. Anita says she stammered (заикалась) all through her childhood and her son seemed it to have inherited her
speech problem. In fact in order to avoid stammering which he spoke so amazingly fast that it was impossible to
understand him. .
810. Anita was such desperate —so she took him to the speech unit at the local hospital and they agreed to take him on
a two-week intensive course on condition that both parents who must attend every day.
Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в схобках.
811. She wasn’t pretty and she didn’t have a nice personality (тоже).
812. Nobody wants to work at weekends, (не тик ли)?

Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
I was six when I first (Al) ... what a great thing a rollercoaster {круговые американские горки) was. By the time
I was a teenager, riding the rollercoasters (A2) ... my main aim in life. In my mid-twenties I went round the world
looking for great rides. I am now the Chairman of Britain's Rollercoaster Club. I (A3) ... ninety percent of rollercoasters
in the world. When I'm not on a rollercoaster, I (A4) ... American movies about them. I (A5) ... about 1,000 rides in
an average year. My passion (A6) ... by many people. 1setup the Club ten years ago and I have 1,500 members from
seventeen countries. About once a month we meet at some theme park in the UK to ride the rollercoaster. Last month
we met at Beechdale, which has the best wooden rollercoaster in the world. These days, most rollercoasters are made
of steel, but to us, nothing beats one made of wood. What’s the attraction for me? It’s really the atmosphere —it’s
old-fashioned in many ways and takes me back to the time of my childhood. I don’t think I (A7) ... out of it somehow.
A l.
1) have realised 2) was realised 3) realised 4) was realising
A 2.
1) has become 2) would become 3) was becoming 4) had become
1) am already ridden 3) have already been ridden
2) have already ridden 4) was already riding
1) am watching 2) have watched 3) am watched 4) watched
1) take 2) am taking 3) am taken 4) will take
1) shares 2) is sharing 3) has shared 4) is shared
1) am ever grown 2) will ever grow ' 3) was ever growing 4) am ever growing
Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов отпета.
if you are interested in the arts, Edinburgh in August is the place to be. Apart (A8) ... the main International
Festival, there is what is called ’The Fringe’, offering 2,700 different shows in over 270 venues throughout (A9) ... city,
many of which are free. Visitors are often surprised by the range of shows (A10) ... offer. This includes comedy, cutting-
edge theatre, dance, children’s shows and music. As there is no selection committee, any kind of event is possible and
the quality varies. While many high-profile performers take (A ll) ... part, the vast majority are a mixture of unknown
professionals, actors and students, who use the festival as a way of bringing their talents (A12) ... an audience (A13)...
the first time. In recent years many new audiences have been drawn almost exclusively to stand-up comics and some
regular visitors axe disappointed (A14)... this trend. However, as comedy is very much in (A15) ... fashion, they will
have to get used to it
1) from 2) with 3)of 4) in
l)a 2) an 3) the 4 )-
1) at 2) on 3) for 4) in
Л1 Т
l) a 2) an 3)the 4>_
l)out 2) off 3)with 4) to
l)by 2) in 3) for 4) to
l)for 2) of 3) with 4) to
l)a 2) an 3) the 4 )~
Прочитайте предложетыя. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
А16.1wish I hadn’t bought that suit I regret... all that money.
1) spending 2) spent 3) to spend 4) spend

A t7. Did you give up your job... you could take care of your mother?
1) so that 2) so as 3) as for 4) in order
Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
Л18. The majority of check-in desks fl) at Blackpool Airport 42) is located (3) on the first floor {4) of the terminal
building. • ; -^'
Л19. You needn’t worry about ( f ) Lucy for she is old enough (21 to look after her (3) when she is left on her own (4).
Д20. Every year (1), thousands tourists (2) flock to the Mediterranean 13) in search of (4) sandy beaches.
Д21. It's no doubt f l) the events of the last few days (2) are going to be written about f3) by future historians (4).
A22. The family which house f l) burnt in the fire (2) was immediately given (3) a complimentary suite in a hotel (4).
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Some people like to go shopping when they’re feeling a bit under the (A23) ..., as they claim that it (Л24) ...
them up. Unfortunately, while buying yourself treats may give a temporary ‘buzz’, in the long (A25) ... it is not to be
recommended, as it can be the first (A26) ... towards shopping addiction and a debt problem. However, some recent
research proves that shopping also has its advantages. Walking is (A27) ...as being a good way of reducing the risk of
coronary heart disease and on (A28) ..., British women cover 214 km a year by going to the shops. This works out at
about 4.45 km and 193 calories burnt for every two-hour trip. Going with a friend was found to be even better than
shopping on your (A29) ... because people ( A30) ... to stay out longer and cover more distance. So while retail therapy
may not be the (A31) ... of all happiness, it can offer some health benefits, (A32) of course, that we don’t do it online!
1) clouds 2) mood 3) weather 4) moon
1) comforts 2) cheers 3) grows 4) raises
l)time 2) period 3) moment 4) run
1) step 2) position 3) point 4) direction
1) believed 2) said 3) declared 4) regarded
1) general 2) ordinary 3) average 4) regular
A29. м
1) personal 2) own 3)self 4) individual
1) tend 2 ) turn 3) take 4) hold
1) branch 2) heart " 3) plant 4) root
A 32.
1) however 2) provided 3) nevertheless 4) although
ЛЗЗ. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов от­
Student: Professor Parker, you’ll be giving your lecture on the causes of the Civil War next week, right?
Professor Parker: The week after, actually.
What does Professor Parker say about the lecture?
1) She gave it two weeks ago. 3) She plans to give it next week.
2) She’s going to give it right now. 4) She will give it in two weeks.
Л54. Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую no смыслу к предложенной ответной реплюсе.
No, go ahead.
1) Are you going away this year? 3) Do you mind if I open the window?
2) Can I help you with the cooking? 4) Do you think I should call him?
Д35. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1—4 и ответными реплюсами А—Е. Выберите один из пред­
ложенных вариантов ответа Одна ответная реплика fA—Е) шляется лишней.
l j What aspect of your job do you most enjoy? A) Yes, I got my licence five years ago.
2) Could I ask you about that? B) Yes, actually. I have one query.
3) There are a couple of things I’d like to ask about. C) For me, the most important thing is for team members to
First, can you drive? ' be honest with each other,
4) What do you think about working in a team? D) 1suppose I’d have to say I like the travelling best.
E) Yes, of course. Go ahead.
1) 1C 2B ЗА 4D 2) ID 2E ЗА 4C 3) ID 2B ЗЕ 4C 4) 1C 2E 3B 4D

А36. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
A. No, silly. She works there. That CD you had in your hand when I came in... are you going to buy it?
B. I was thinking of getting it too. It's the new one by that band 521 Visn’t it?
C. This is a good music shop, isn't it? Before it opened, I had to ask my mum to buy me what I wanted in
D. Don't get the same one. You can borrow mine. If you got a different one by the same bend, then you could lend that
to me,
E. I already have it. Why do you ask?
F Your mum went all the way to Birmingham to buy what you wanted? It’s about twenty kilometres from here!
Прочитайте текст, ответьте на вопросы. Укажите номер выбранного вами варианта в бланке ответов.
§ 1. If you met Les and Jo in England, you would not be surprised to learn that Les was a mechanic, Jo worked
for social services. That is what they did several years ago before they moved to Spain to work the land.
6 2. Six years ago, Les and Jo moved to the Alpujarras, a mountainous region between Granada and the Costa
del Sol. Reduction of rural population had enabled Les and Jo to buy land fairly cheaply. Les and Jo’s farm is in a green
and fertile (плодородный) valley for below the village. Les and Jo come from Yorkshire and until recently were the
only foreigners living permanently in the valley.
§ 3 .T heir life is hard. ForJo, takingher cheese to market means rising before dawn to saddle the mule to carry
the produce. Sitting outside a bar on market day, Les, who is forty, explains nis belief in a natural cycle of agriculture.
He breaks off to talk in the local dialect to a man to whom he soldfa calf. But even among organic farmers, there can be
few who rely so totally on man and animal power. Les’s method of threshing (молоть) grain, using a mule on a stone
platform, is centuries old. The irrigation system, built hundreds of years ago, which made this one of the most productive
areas of Southern Spain, is virtually unaltered and the mule remains dominant on the small fields. The ancient olive
trees must still be picked by hand, using canes {трость) to knock the fruit onto nets. This is the way that Les, who
used to work as a mechanic on forms in North Yorkshire, prefers to form.
Les and Jo moved from their first smallholding (небольшая ферма) two years ago to get more land and a
house. They say they don’t need a large income. They say they grow most of their own food. They sell their cheese,
made from the milk of one cow. They grow almonds, whicn go into their own confectionary bars. The bars are sold as
a typical local product in the tourist villages. Jo and Les accept their low income because they love the life, but they
understand why local young people will not follow the way of life of their parents.
§ 5. ‘Being seen to work hard is very important if you want to become part of a country community anywhere.
When we came, we hardly noticed, we were so busy, but after a couple ofyears we found we were being introduced as
Hthe foreigners who work hard”.’They spend long hours listening to the ofa people. ‘I think they are glad they can pass
on their knowledge to us,’ said Les. ‘We owe everything we know about forming here to the Spanish people. I don’t
look at it as two communities,’ he admits.
A37. Les and Jo bought their land in an area where
1) many local people had left.
2) other foreigners had already settled.
3) they can see the sea.
ASS. Les’s method of working
1) is the same as most local formers’.
2) is one he strongly believes in.
3) was learned on forms in England.
A39. What do Les and Jo think of tourists?
1) They are a market for their products.
2) They are a source of great profit
3) They are responsive to new products.
A40. Local people think Les and Jo are
1) taking advantage of local knowledge.
2) making a great effort
3) old-fashioned.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А41. unaltered (§ 3) •
1) unchanged 2) unknown 3) unused
A42. accept (§ 4)
1) don’t admit 2) don’t need 3) don’t mind
прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов, в бланке ответов поставь­
те метку (х) в клеточке, номер которой соответствует номеру выбранного варианта ответа,
■Even though I’m a writer for Outdoor Adventures Magazine, everyone at my office knows in actual fact I’m a
bit wary of anything remotely resembling an ‘outdoor adventure’. That’s why my boss likes to give me these projects.
He thinks I’m the perfect candidate because, like most people, I’m often afraid to try something new. However, upon
my return from an assignment I have usually not only conquered any fears I originally had, but also become quite an
enthusiast of the activity as welll
This month's hair-raising adventure —white-water rafting —was no exception. The minute my boss told me
about it, I felt very nervous. (A43) But now that I’ve completed the assignment, I’m happy to report that I found
it extremely enjoyable.
In order to get some information about white-water rafting, I called Nigel Dossett, who runs Scotland’s foremost
white-water rafting centre in Perth. The first thing he told me was that not all rafting trips'are the same. (4 4 4 )___
It’s important for the public to be aware of this before booking a trip, in order to determine how hard or easy a rafting
course should be. The goal is to spend more time m the raft than in the water, so it’s best to take it easy the first time out.
Upon my arrival at Nigel's Extreme Raft World Centre, I saw that there were several dozen people there for the
day's rafting activities. (A45)___ We were then given a safety briefing about some of the dangers to watch out for, such
as boulders, fallen trees, sharp underwater rocks, waves and anything else that could block a raft’s forward movement.
We were put into groups of six, plus a guide, based on skill and level of experience. (4 4 6 ) I put on my
wetsuit, lifejacket and crash helmet and climbed aboard, hoping he was right. With the first few strokes of the paddle,
I could feel excitement begin to replace my fear. The river caught us in a gentle flowing motion, rocking and pulling
us smoothly towards the first rapid.
Suddenly our guide shouted ‘Forward paddle!’ and everyone started paddling excitedly. We steerod around
boulders as huge waves crashed over us, soaking the entire boat. (447)___ It was remarkable how much team spirit
had sprung lip immediately between the members of my boat
We eventually stopped for lunch at a lovely spot on the river under a huge oak tree. (448);___ It was satisfying
to see that such an exciting and fun sport could be enjoyed by such a wide variety of people.
My trip was much better than I had expected, and the rushing river and the thrill of the ride were all amazing.
Заполните пропуски 443—445 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1—4). Один фрагмент является
1) Не said that rapids are broken down into different classifications — anything from very calm to very
2) Without a doubt, white-water rafting is one of the most exciting outdoor adventures.
3) Nigel began by explaining the differences in the difficulty levels and asked us to be honest about our paddling
4) The thought of battling raging river rapids in a flimsy rubber boat was almost enough to make me call in sick.
Заполните пропуски 446—448 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1—4). Один фрагмент является
1) Chatting as we relaxed, I found that everyone’s background was different, including a stockbroker and a
2) Although we were drenched, everyone was laughing and yelling as we worked together to drive the raft forward.
3) It all depends on what each individual feels like doing on that particular day.
4) I was in a medium difficulty group, and our guide assured us that the ride would be lots of fun without being
too dangerous.

Часть В
Прочитайте текст (81—84). Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предложенных, в бланке ответов запишите
его в той форме, в которой оно должно стоять в предложении. Помните, что каждое слово может быть использо­
вано только один раз и что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
-Year by year, our little planet is becoming overcrowded. As the human population continues to grow, (B l) ... are
looking for planets which humans could (£2) ... .One popular prediction is that Mars will be our new home. However,
itis(£3) ...cold and has very little carbon dioxide. At present, humans would be (£4) ... to survive there. But the big
difference in the atmospheric chemistry of Earth and Mars hasn’t stopped people from dreaming!
Прочитайте текст (85—88). Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово
долито содержать не более 15 символов.
Have you ever wanted to become a painter? It doesn’t (£5) ... whether you’re just a beginner (£6) ... has just
taken up painting or a professional artist, (£7) ... is always room for improvement in art. However, for newcomers to
painting a (£8)... of hard work is required. Plenty of practice is also needed to develop your talents. Visiting galleries
and museums will help you to get an eye for the colours and styles that you like.
Прочитайте текст (89-810). Выпишите no два лишних слова в бланк ответов в строки под номерам* 89 и 010 в по­
рядке их предъявления в тексте. Каждую букву лишите в отдельной клеточке, не оставляя пробелов между сло­
8 9 .1mostly use my mobile phone for sendingtext messages — I probably send it about 20 a dayl It’s much more cheaper
than talking, so my parents don’t moan about the bill.
BIO. I take my phone to school with me, but we have to switch them off both during lessons. They threatened to ban
them completely a couple of months ago when they caught a pupil who using his phone to cheat during an exam.
Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.
811.1 have seen two James Bond films, but I don’t like (ни один) of them.
B IZ No one.seems to enjoy the party, (не так ли)?

Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
It all began one Sunday afternoon when Karen’s mother, Diane, was preparing the evening meal in the kitchen,
and her husband, Bob, (X I)... in the back garden. Diane thought that Karen was with Bob and Bob thought that
hboim and friends began to search for the girl, and her
•’s dog through the dog-flap in the front
i watch the children^ cartoons. Back at
Karen’s house, her desperate parents searched outside for an hour and a half, and (X4) ... by the police and concerned
neighbours. Police dogs and a helicopter (X5) ... to be used. When the owners of the house eventually wandered into
the living room they were astonished to see the girl there. What a relief it was for Diane and Bob to And Karen safe
and well after all their worry. Diane said, 'Karen (X6)... that dog and obviously wanted to play with it. We (A7) ...
an eye on her in future.’What a dayl
1) has worked 2) would work 3) was working 4) had been working
1) was disappearing 2) had disappeared 3) disappears 4) had been disappeared
1) was switching 2) was switched 3) has switched 4) switched
1) were helping 2) were helped 3) have helped 4) helped
1) were waiting 2) would wait 3) have waited 4) were waited
1) was loving 2) loves 3) Mil love 4) has been loved
1) are keeping 2) are kept 3) will keep 4) will be kept
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
What will the office of 2020 be like? By then, it’s highly likely that most of the western world will have been
connected (X8) ... a WiFi network. As soon as that happens, the physical restriction of phone lines will disappear.
Some people will still have to commute (X 9)... the office each day, but for many others their office will be wherever
they are. More and more people will be working from home severed days (XiO) ... week. It’s no exaggeration to say
that many businessmen and women will be sending e-mails and doing (X ll) ... business (X12) ... clients while they
are lying on a beach or flying (X13)... (X14) ... Atlantic. (X1S) ... terms of technology, mobile phones and laptops
will have become even more lightweight and portable than they are now.
l)for 2) at 3)to 4) in
1) to 2) for 3)in 4) at
l) a 2) an 3) the 4 )-
2) an 3)the 4 )-
1) to 2) with 3)in 4) on
11 мпапд 2) through 3) across 4) in
!)a 2) an 3)the 4>-
l)In 2) On 3) With 4) At.
Прочитайте предложения. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Л16. I’m sure you don’t regret... the house.
l)fauy 2) buying 3) to buy 4) bought
A 17. The UN will hold a conference on environmental problems... to persuade every country to do more about pollution.
1) so that 2) in case 3)soas 4) because
Прочитайте предложения. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка. -
Л18. Even though (1) a large number of people has (2) no real need for them (3). more and more people (4) are buying
mobile phones. _ -
A19. We have been asked to give our talks ( 1) at the conference f2) next month (3), but some of the colleagues haven’t
prepared their yet (4).
A20. This index lists each one (1) of the five millions bodes (2) m the library (3>. in alphabetical order by title (4).
Л2&. For most of the residents of Amsterdam f 1V it’s no better wav (2) to get around the city 13) than by bicycle (4).
A22. Christian Dior was a French fashion designer 11) which (2 ) company is known for {31 making expensive clothes (4)
and perfumes.
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Parkour (from the French parcours, meaning ‘course’) is an activity which takes (/423)... in towns. The aim is to
get over, under or through (A24) ... obstacles like hedges, or man-made objects like buildings, in the fastest, most direct
manner possible. The sport demands great agility (ловкость) and (-425) ... athletics, dance and acrobatics. Participants
are expected to improvise their movements rather than rehearse them. However, in order nOt to (/426) ... themselves
injury as they (ATI) ... to run up walls or jump from rooftop to roofoop, they have to (A28) ... good jumping and
landing techniques. In the UK, the sport really took off after it was featured on television but it actually (.429)... in
the suburbs of Paris in 1988. In its (A30) ... days there were no tricks for their own sake but (-431) ..., when the sport
became really popular, some participants started doing interesting things for show, like mid-air flips (cojwho). Of course,
anyone wishing to (/432) ... up the sport has to be young and athletic. ■ ■ ,
1) place 2) part 3)seat 4) room
A 24.
1) native 2) natural 3) initial 4) accustomed
1) relates 2) refers 3) combines 4) consists
1) suffer 2) cause 3) result 4)treat
1) practise 2) keep 3) enjoy 4) attempt
A 28. -
1) learn 2) teach 3) make . 4) do
1) originated 2) produced 3) created 4) resulted
A30. «
1) beforehand 2) previous 3) early 4) preceding
1) following 2 )later 3) nearer 4) last
A 32.
l)give 2) do 3) make 4) take
АЗЗ. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов от­
Chris: We’ll need more computer paper soon. Could you take care of that right away? ■
Vicky: I put the order through last week. It should be in any day now.
What does Vicky mean?
1) She should have ordered the paper last week. 3) She ran out of paper last week.
2) The paper supply was used up very quickly. 4) The paper will probably arrive soon.
A34. выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую no смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике.
Me too,
1) I End the message very important. 3) It’s a shame to waste so much time.
2) There’s hardly anyone to talk to. 4) It’s a pity you couldn’t come.
ASS. Установите соответствие между релликэеме-стимулами 1 4 и пветниаи реплиеяви А "С. выверите один из пред-
ложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная реплика (Аг-Ё) является лишней.
1) Is it OK if I make myself at home? A) If 1were you, I’d dress up.
2) Did I do something wrong? " B) Can you come back in half an hour?
3) What should I wear if they invite C) No, you’d better not Wait until they invite you to
me to dinner? take a seat.
4) My apologies. I didn’t realise you were D) No, don’t worry about it
in a meeting. E) It’s OK. Come in and join us.
1)1C2D3A4E 2) 1C 2E3D4B 3)1E2D3C4A 4)1E2A3B4D

А 36. Расположите реплики так, чтобы получился связный аналог. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
A. Vou shouldn’t worry about that; what you should do is во to sight school for a couple of months and do a
special training course. It’s quite difficult but not impossible.
B. Good, I’m glad you think so. If there’s anything else I can do to help, just ask me!
C. What do you think of the job, Nicki? Are you enjoying it?
D. Yes, that’s an excellent ideal Apart from that, I think it’s a very satisfyingjob.
E. Yes, I’m finding jt enjoyable. The only problem I have is with the computers —I’m not very confident about
using them.
F. Thames very much.
Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы. Укажите номер выбранного вами варианта в бланке ответов.
§ 1. Hezy Shoshani remembers Christmas 2001 in Eritrea with extraordinary clarity The day dawned warm, dry
and windless. Before long the temperature had increased to 33 °C in the shade. From the hill where he had taken up
position there was an almost perfect view —of the dried-out, sandy bed of the Gash River, of the palm trees dotting
the flood plains on either side and finally, hidden by palm leaves, of the top half of an elephant eating plants. 'For a
few minutes, we all just stood there, staring,’ he recalls. ‘Then I remember thinking, this is for real, it isn t a dream.’
They realised there were two elephants eating among the palms and more, it seemed, deeper in the forest Local
guides had told them that they usually emerged in the afternoon, around 4pm, to drink from a waterhole. Hezy and
his students waited and, more or less on time, the herd appeared, about 500 metres away.
§ 2. As the researchers rushed to document the nerd before it retreated back among the palm trees, chaos
threatened. Hezy, his feet sinking into the sand of the river-bed as he tried to keep up with his students, had to shout
at them to stop. ‘We wanted to get as close as possible to the elephants without disturbing them,’ he said, ‘yet to be
able to count and photograph them.’ He counted them twice, then started taking pictures as fast as he could. The joy
everyone felt after it was over cannot be put into words.
§3. What Hezy and his students documented on 25th December 2001 was a remarkable story of contemporary
African conservation —the survival of one of the continent’s most northerly herds of elephants. Close to 30 were
sighted that day, all in apparently goodhealth. Expeditionscarried out since then to confirm those observations suggest
a national population of 100. In a region noted for drought, famine and climatic extremes and torn by a 30-year civil
war, the findings were almost unbelievable.
§ 4. In January this year another expedition observed some fascinating behavior of elephants. At one watering-
hole, the elephants of all ages formed up in orderly queues to drink, each queue kept in line by an adult, usually mate,
‘perfect’. Ana olive baboons (павианы (обезьяны)), a troop of which had been observed on Christmas Day 2001, figured
repeatedly in sightings. The two species, Hezy suggests, nave formed a close relationship: the baboons drink from the
water wells dugby the elephants and the elephants use the baboons as a tree-top early-warning system.
For Henzy, whose 25-year career as a researcher has been spent mainly in museums and laboratories,' following
elephants in the wild is a ‘dream come true’.
A37. What had the local guides told Hezy about the elephants?
11 There were a lot more in the forest
2j They would not come close to people.
3) They had regular habits. a
A38. Why did Hezy want his students to stop?
1) so they didn’t frighten the elephants
2) because he couldn't go as quickly as them .
3) to help pull him out of the sinking sands
A39. What does the writer suggest is interesting about.the elephants’ drinking habits?
1) Some of the elephants seem to have a role-keeping order.
2) The other elephants seem to be afraid of the stronger males.
3) They let the very young and very old drink first.
A40. How do the baboons help the elephants?
1) They help them dig their watering-holes.
2) They let them know if danger is approaching.
3) Their noise frightens other animals away.
Определите значение указанного слона в тексте.
А41. emerged (§1)
1) appeared 2)stopped 3) escaped
A42. observed (§4)
1) followed 2)obeyed 3) noticed
Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов. В бланке ответов поставь­
те метку (xj в клеточке, номер которой соответствует номеру выбранного варианта ответа.
‘I was a dreamer as a child and I've always been drawn to stories of adventurers. I was never much of a team
player, which probably accounts for the feet that I’m now a solo explorer.’So says Hannah McKeand, the current World
record holder for a solo, unsupported trek to the South Pole.
Hannah’s urge to explore began in 2001, when she joined an expedition into the Western Desert. (A43) _
The trip was supposed to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but no sooner had she returned to the UK than she found
herself yearning (стремление) for more.
Still wanting to travel, Hannah quit herjob as a marketing director and committed herself to full-time exploration.
In the first twelve months, she headed back to the Western Desert and then on to the Wakhan Corridor in Afghanistan.
(Л44) She accomplished this trip with the support of a five-member team in 56 clays. Next on her list was a world
yacht race that took her sailing halfway around the globe.
Hannah returned to the South Pole in one of her most ambitious projects ever. (A45) ^ She received no
outside assistance or re-supply throughout her time on the ice, meaning that she had to carry all of her food, fuel and
equipment by herself for the entire time she was there.
Hannah ended up pulling a sledge weighing up to lOfrkg for dose to twelve hours a day. (446)___ She survived
■on a diet of chocolate, fudge, halva, dried fruit and nuts, energy bars and dried meats and still managed to lose 19 kilos.
‘I didn't miss normal food, because I had lost my appetite,’joked Hannah, when asked about the physical stress.
She had also decided to complete the journey solo, meaning that in times of hardship, she had no team-mates to
provide either emotional or physical support. (Л47) __ Hannah reflects, ‘1 thought it was going to be really hard,
because I’m naturally a social person, but it turned outtEe loneliness wasn’t an issue. I was so busy taking care of my
energy levels and body temperature that the days just flew by.'
To prevent loneliness and to keep in contact with the outside world, Hannah carried a variety of technological
devices. (A48) These allowed her to speak to family, friends and the media whilst on the ice. She was also able to
connect them to her computer, allowing her to send and receive regular emails and update her website.
As with m'any an adventurer, Hannah always has one eye on the future. She confides, ‘The biggest lesson I have
learnt so for is that with a little patience, you can get anywhere.’
. Заполните пропуски A43—A45 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1-4 ). Один фрагмент является
1) She completed а 1,110-kilometre marathon across the Antarctic ice, beating the previous world record by
nearly two days.
2) It is a long enough period that sometimes you can’t see the end but you just have to be resilient and keep
pushing on.
3) They explored the valleys and sandy landscape of this vast part of Egypt, looking for ‘rock art’.
4) After fully exploring these two incredible places, Hannah ended the year with her first expedition to the
South Pole.
Заполните пропуски A46-A48 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1—4). Один фрагмент является
1) As well as a beacon, which constantly transmitted her location via satellite, she also carried two satellite
2) The potential psychological impact of such isolation is difficult to imagine.
3) In preparing for this latest endeavour, Hannah is quick to draw on her past experience.
4) Dragging this load over endless miles of snow and ice caused her to burn between 6,000 and 8,000 calories a day.

Часть В
Прочитайте текст (01—в4). Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предложенных. В бланке ответов запишите
его в той форме, в которой оно должно стоять в предложении. Помните, что каждое слово может быть использо­
вано только один раз и что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
The Sabre-toothed cat, often (Bi ) ... called the Sabre-toothed tiger, was commonly found in the (B2) ... plains of
North and South America. It became extinct about 10,000 years ago. It shared many (B3) ... with the modern-day lion.
With front legs powerful enough to (B4) ... them to spring up on prey, they had no difficulty finding food. They lived
and hunted in groups. But their life was not always peaceful. They often fought over food or mates as lions do today.
Прочитайте текст (85—88). Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу, слово
должно содержать не более 15 символов.
Eveiy year, eight million children across the United States spend some time at a summer camp. For more (R5) •••
a century, children have enjoyed learning new skills and taking part in a variety of activities in a friendly environment
as (B 6)... . The camps, lasting from one to eight weeks, are often situated in a beautiful area and (B7) ... is a wide
range of prices to suit every pocket. The children typically do outdoor activities, including some challenging sports
(B8) ... cycling, or indoor activities such as drama, music or poetry.
Прочитайте текст (89—810). Выпишите по два лишних слова в бланк ответов в строки под номерами 09 и 810 в по­
рядке их предъявления в тексте. Каждую букву пишите в отдельной клеточке, не оставляя пробелов между сло­
89. It was a really short interview, but I think what I did OK. She started off by asking why I had applied for the job.
I explained to her that if I was thinking of going to catering college next year and that T wanted to have some
experience of hotel or restaurant work first
810. Then she asked me if I had any previous experience and I told her about a summer holiday I’d spent working behind
the bar at a hotel. I mentioned something about how so useful it had been and how it had helped me to understand
what working in a large hotel was like. She seemed it quite impressed with that!
Переведите ка английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.
811.1 have read both of those books, but 1didn’t enjoy (какую-либо) of them.
813. Nobody saw you coming in, (не так ли)?
Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предмш ич т вариантов ответа.
It’s Saturday afternoon, and Maria Ndiaye (41) ... in the shade of a tree, reading. Maria reads a tot, bettfcere
isn’t any ink in her books. Instead, she passes her fingers over a series of raised dots. Maria (42) ... blind since bath,
and she (A3) ... braille for nearly ten years now.Bradle is the system that blind and visually-impaired people use to
read and write. It (A4) ... after its inventor, the Frenchman Louis Braille. Braille became blind as a child when he
was playing with a tool in his father’s workshop and it (AS) ... him in the eye. Despite his disability, he attended the
local school, but it was while he (A6) ... in Paris that he developed his new system. He (A7) ... of a system called
‘night writing1devised by Captain Charles Barbier of the French army. It allowed soldiers to read in the dark. Braille
simplified Barbier’s system into columns containing six dots. Nearly two centuries later, the braille system remains an
invaluable tool for people who have lost their sight, like Maria Ndiaye.
1) is sitting 2) sits 3) has sat 4) had sat
1) Is 2) was 3) had been 4) has been
1) is reading 2) is read 3) has been reading 4 )reads
1) is named 2) names 3) has named 4) is naming
1) has hit 2) was hit 3)hit 4) was hitting
1) had studied 2)was studying 3) was studied 4) has studied
1) was heard 2) has heard 3) was hearing 4) had heard
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
The highlight of our stay in Australia was the Healesville Sanctuary (заповедник) in Melbourne. I didn’t particularly
care (A8) ... the long drive to the sanctuary but once there, I was left speechless. This was the closest"we could get
to Australian wildlife. We also got some experience (A9) ... animal keeping. I became (AID) я. assistant to a keeper
(A ll)... a couple of hours while he went on his rounds. This close encounter (A12)... the animals was (A13)... fen and
we gained a rich understanding of the Australian bush, its wildlife and what we can do to conserve it. I was so moved
by (A14) ... whole experience that I decided to adopt a red kangaroo. I hope this donation will support programmes to
prevent (A15) ... the extinction of rare animals.
l)with 2) to 3) for 4) of
l)for 2)on - . 3)at 4) in
A ia
1) 3 2) an 3) the 4 )-
1) for 2) with 3) at 4) of
1) to 2) with 3) for 4) of
l)a 2) an 3)the 4 )-
1)3 2) an 3) the 4 )-
I) for 2) of 3) with 4) —
Прочитайте предложения, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
А16.1 don't regret... her what I thought, even if it upset her.
1) telling 2) tell 3) to tell 4) told
Л17. Tracy complains all the time... to get the attention of her husband. .
1) so that 2) for 3) since 4) so as

Прочитайте предложения Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А18. The vast majority of people (1) still wants (2) the security of permanent employment, rather than (3) working on
one workplace after another (4).
A19. Although (1) Jane lives in a big city (2) where there are lots of people (3), she often finds hers (4) feeling lonely.
Д20. The lessons cost me ( i) over five hundreds dollars (2), but I consider them (3) a good investment (4).
A21. It was (1) such an amusing film (2\ on TV 43) last night that I stayed up until 2 am (4).
Д22. Abraham Lincoln, which (1) was President of the US (2) from 1861 to 1865. was'shot while 13) he was attending
a play (4).
■Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Online degrees are designed for individuals who already have a job and would like to (423) ... their careers, or
for those who are simply not able to physically (A2A) ... university. The whole idea behind this is to deliver quality
education to people who are not in a position to (A25) ... on full-time studiesT Distance learning degrees are (A26) ...
to on-campus degrees in terms of content, and online students often (A27) ... the same syllabus (учебная программа)
as university students. There are several advantages to distance lemming. Firstly, students (428) ... money on rent
or on travel to and from the university, as well as on food. Studying online means that you can (429) ... your lessons
from anywhere in the world as long as you have an Internet connection, which means that (430) ... a lesson is not a
problem anymore. This also helps people who have a difficult schedule or who travel a lot. There are, of course, some
drawbacks. Some students may feel (431) ... and feel need for direct contact with their lecturers or other students.
Distance learning also (432) ... a lot of discipline and self-motivation to cover the material.
A 23.
1) progress 2) raise 3) improve 4) grow
1) participate 2) attend 3) involve 4) apply
1) make 2) put 3)take 4) do
l)same 2) like 3) alike 4) similar
A 27. ■s-

1) follow 2) go 3) accompany 4) give

1) lend 2) raise 3) borrow 4) save
A 29.
l)give 2) take 3 )teach 4) pass
A 30.
1) missing 2) leaving 3) losing 4) failing
1) separate 2) isolated 3) single 4) alone
1)seeks 2) asks 3) requires 4) wants
ДЗЗ. Прочитайте диалог. Ответьте на вопрос, следующий после диалога, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов от
Megan: I hate missing breakfast!
Sophie: Me too, but if we’d stopped for breakfast, we would have missed the appointment.
What did Megan and Sophie do this morning?
1) Ate breakfast quickly. 3) Skipped breakfast.
2) Came late to an appointment. . 4 ) Waited in line.
Л34. Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике.
None at all.
1} Сап you give me a lift? 3) May I have your telephone number?
2) Have you got any ideas? 4) Do you mind staying a little longer?
Д35. Установите соответствие между репликами-стимулами 1-^4 и ответными репликами А—Е. выберите один из пред­
ложенных вариантов ответа. Одна ответная pen/мка (А—Е) является лишней.
1) Do we have to watch this? A) Sure, here you are.
2) There’s a documentary about whales B) Yes, isn’t it awful?
on Channel 2 at 5. С)I don’t like the sound of that.
3) Did you hear about the earthquake? D) It’s nearly finished.
4) Can you pass me the TV guide? E) OK, but then we’re switching over to Channel 3.
1) IE 2B 3D 4C 2) ID 2B ЗА 4E 3) ID 2E ЗВ 4A 4) IE 2A ЗС 4B
ASB. Расположите решаю* так, чтобы получился связный диалог. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
A. Well, can I start by asking you which channel you watch most?
B. What would you like to know?
C. We’re doing a survey about the sort of programmes people watch and the sort of things they do in their spare
time. I wonder if 1could ask you some questions.
D. And what sort of programmes do you watch?
E. Well, I like soap operas, hut my husband enjoys watching sport best. We also watch the seven o’clock news on
Channel Four.
F. Ob, ITVI should think. And some Channel Four. And a bit of BBC 1. Not much though. We like the adverts.
Прочитаете текст. Ответьте на вопросы. Укажите номер выбранного вами варианта в бланке отвел».
§ i . When we are young, sometimes the hardest thing about feelings is actually sharing them with others, though,
I realise now, it is certainty worth making the effort to do so. Sharing with others helps us to share the load, as it were.
§ 2. It was not until much later, looking hack over my childhood, that I realised that, the first, step in sharing was
to identify what feelings I actually had! Making a list of them seemed to help. My problem was that I had not revised
that some fears are quite acceptable and even nelpful at times, while others can actually get in the way of enjoying ■
everyday things such as learning, playing with a friend or experiencing for the first time the change from primary to
secondary school. This is when Гrealty should have had a chat with my parents instead of holding it all inside, as they
would have been able to lessen fttv anxiety about moving up a level. There were times when confronting a new situation
would also be accompanied by aneadacne, a stomach ache or dizziness.
§ 3 .1 recall a small group of us feeling uncomfortable at the idea of meeting new teachers or moving up to the
‘big* school. That kind of discomfort at such an age is natural when faced with something new. Better late than never,
1 realised that being shv is not such a bad thing. Nobody actually intends to be like that, it just happens naturally.
I understood quite quickly that the key to getting over shyness is just to be yourself. No matter the age, it’s healthy
to get things off your chest! In fact, I quickly found that some of my friends had the same feelings and became quite
happy to share their secrets. Sometimes, just inviting a shy child to join in a game a couple of times helped them to
get over their feelings of shyness,
§ 4, There were other times when I felt sad about leaving primary school, but then again, it was one of the many
normal emotions or moods we have all experienced during that period of change. Unhappiness was the emotion I felt
when I had to say goodbye to certain dear friends. It made me feel like crying, though even crying made me feel better
as tears slowly washed away the negative emotions. When the sadness started to disappear, it felt as if a heavy weight
had been lifted from my shoulders. - - , ■
§ 5 .1now realise at the tender age of twenty-eight that, even though there might sometimes seem to be no reason
to look on the bright side of life, for every bad there is a good. Also, having friends who think optimistically can help
you get on your feet again and move forward onto a more positive path.
437. What do youngsters find most difficult to do?
14 make an effort
2) accept help from others
3) tell others how they feel
438. What the writer finally realised about fears is that
1) they can happen every day.
2) some are more helpful than others.
3) it’s better to hold them inside.
A39. According to the writer, what is the best way to handle shyness?
14 to be your usual self
24 to remise that age matters
3) to realise that it is uncomfortable
440. When the writer’s sadness began to disappear she felt
14 she had lost weight
2) more emotional about life. N
3) more positive about life.
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
441. acceptable (§2)
1) normal 2) exclusive 3) extraordinary
442. bright (§5)
t)loud 2) good 3)hard
Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов, в бланке ответов поставь­
те метку (х) в клеточке, номер которой соответствует номеру выбранного варианта ответа.
Each day in Los Angeles, from posh hotels to trendy nightclubs, from the back gates of television studios to
peaceful restaurants, celebrities are being harassed for their signatures. A bold breed of entrepreneur has emerged in
Hollywood: the professional autograph hunter. Tn the old days, autograph seekers were very nice and friendly, and true
collectors,’ said Pat Kingsley, whose public relations firm represents some of the biggest stars in Hollywood.
In Hollywood today, autograph seeking has turned into a serious business. The fact is that autographs of famous
stars can command hundreds of dollars on the open market. (A43) Because they view it as a business and part of
their livelihood, these autograph hunters can become very hostile if celebrities refuse to accommodate them.
Autograph hunters defend themselves by arguing that the only reason some celebrities don’t want to sign
autographs is because they don't make any money from the sale of their own signatures. (A44) Many autograph
hunters like Kraus agree that they shouldn't be criticised for their methods of making money, even if it is at the expense
of the stars.
The value of celebrity autographs varies depending on whose they are and how often the celebrity has provided
their signature. (445) ^ Another difficult person to get autographs from is Harrison Ford. It is said that even people
working on a movie with him cannot get his autograph.
While the demand for celebrity signatures is high, real collectors disapprove of autograph hunters and their
methods. (446)___ These hunters will stake out stars at hotels, restaurants and nightclubs and then, if the stars refuse
to sign, chase their car until they pull over or escape in traffic.
There are many tales about some autograph hunters and the tricks they get up to. (447)___He cruises Hollywood
in a big black Cadillac, his trunk filled with hundreds of celebrity photos, arranged alphabetically so he can have the
right one on hand at a moment’s notice. Alfie claims that a large number of very famous stars are courteous and very
nice with him and fans in general.
Like most autographhunters, Pettit has his own system for finding stars and getting his hands on their autographs.
(448) Pettit is also a master of disguise. He can look like a college student or dress up as a woman if he has to.
Once, after getting Julia Roberts to sign a photo during the filming of one of her movies, Pettit changed his disguise,
went back and got three more signatures from her.
Actors and singers are not the only celebrities that are approached by autograph hunters —the list has grown
to include politicians.
Заполните пропуски A43—A45 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1—4). Один фрагмент шляется
1) Joe Kraus, owner of Celebrity Galleries in Stockton, California, says ‘the artist has made money off the public,
so the public, in some ways, is making money off the artist'
2) Autograph seekers have books that contain six or eight pictures to be signed by just one actor.
3) During his presidency, President Clinton was chased for miles by a 16-year-old boy from New York to get his
autograph bn a photo of the White House.
4) Kraus said one of the hardest autographs to obtain is Elizabeth Taylor’s, because most of ‘her’ signatures are
actually done by secretaries and so aren't genuine.
Заполните пропуски A46—Д48 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1-4). Один фрагмент является
1) Perhaps the most extreme of these high drama stories are about Alfie Pettit, who runs “Alfie’s Autographs of
2) As celebrity has become one of the dominant aspects of American culture, the public’s passion for owning
anything connected to celebrities has exploded.
3) The Hollywood trade magazines tell him which stars are cast in movies and TV shows, as well as providing
him with a list of which streets will be closed for filming.
4) Collectors feel that getting an autograph has become a dangerous game where some of the most successful
autograph hunters literally cnase celebrities for their autographs.

Часть S
Прочитайте текст (Si—84). Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предложенных. В бланке ответов запишите
его в той форме, в которой оно должно стоять в предложении, помните, что каждое слово может быть использо­
вано только один раз и что заданную форму слова необходимо изменить.
For decades (B l) ... have warned us that global warming is a major threat to our planet. There is a fear that our
planet will overheat mid that the resulting natural disasters may (B2) ... life on earth. The materials designers and
technologists use to manufacture products must be chosen (B3) .... Most metals are easy to recycle, so these are fine
to use. The plastic used in some kinds of plastic (BA) ... can be reused as well.
Прочитайте текст (85—68) Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово
должно содержать не более 15 символов.
' <«5)... days, most people are aware of the environmental impact of motor vehicles, and they realise that cars
are responsible for many of the problems facing their cities. Not (B6) ... people, however, ever stop to think about
(B 7)... much money they would save by switching from driving to cycling. Cars cost a lot to buy, and unlike other
major investments such as houses, they quickly lose their value. Bicycles, by contrast, are far (Л8) ... expensive to
purchase and maintain, do not require petrol and are easy to park.
Прочитайте текст (89-810). Выпишите по два лишних слова в бланк ответов в строки под номерами 89 и 810 в по­
рядка их предъявления в тексте. Каждую букву пишите в отдельной клеточке, не оставляя пробелов между сло­
89. It’s common knowledge that practising yoga it improves your strength and flexibility, but did you know that yoga
can change your mood by how making you feel more positive and relaxed?
810. At the Ybga Centre we cater for all abilities. And it is such our pleasure to announce that next month, we will be
starting classes for elderly people who with back problems. Your first lesson at the Yoga Centre is free.
Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.
811.1 haven’t seen the movie and my brother hasn’t (тоже).
812. No one likes going to the dentist, (не так ли)?

О т в е т ы
В ариан т
1 2 3 4 5
А1 3 4 1 3 1
А2 4 2 3 4 2
AS 2 2 4 2 4
АЛ 4 1 2 I 3
AS 2 3 4 1 3
AS 4 1 3 1
А7 3 3 1 4 2
AS 3 1 1 3 1
AS 2 3 2 4 3
АЛО 3 4 4 2 3
АЛЛ 4 4 4 4
АЛ2 1 4 3 1
АЛЗ 4 2 2 3 2
АЛА 3 1 4 2 2
АЛ5 3 3 1 4
АЛ6 3 3 1 3 3
АЛ7 3 1 2 4 1
АЛВ 4 2 2 1 3
АЛ 9 4 3 4 4 4
А20 3 2 2 3 4
А2Л 1 I 3 1
А22 2 2 1 1 1
А 23 2 3 2 4 3
А24 1 4 1 2
А25 3 2 1 3 3
А26 1 2 2 I
А27 2 3 3 2 4
А28 4 2 4 4 2
А 29 2 1 1 4 3
АЗО 1 4 2 2 2
А31 2 2 3 1 4
А32 4 4 4 4 1
АЗЗ 2 4 3 3 1
АЗА 2 2 4 1 3
А35 3 3 3 1 2
А36 4 4 3 1 3
А37 3 2 3 2 2
А38 2 2 1 3 1
А39 2 1 1 1 3
А40 1 3 2 1 2
А41 1 1 3 2 I
А42 3 3 2 3 3
А43 3 2 4 2 3
А44 1 4 3 4 1
А45 4 1 1 3 4
А46 2 2 4 4 2
А47 4 1 1 1 4
А48 3 3 2 3 1

В ариан т
6 7 8 9 10
Д1 2 2 3 3 I
А2 1 4 4 2 4
АЗ 1 2 4 3
АА 3 4 I 2 • l
AS 4 1 1 3
А6 4 3 4 2 2
А7 2 4 2 3 4
АВ 1 2 1 3 3
А9 4 4 3 1 4
АЛ О 3 3 2 1 2
АЛЛ 3 4 4 4 I
АЛ2 4 4 4 2 2
АЛЗ 1 2 3 3 4
АЛА 2 3 3 3
АЛ5 4 4 1 4
А16 3 3 1 2 I
А17 2 4 1 3 4
АЛВ 2 4 3 2 2
А19 2 4 3 4 4
А 20 4 3 2 2 2
А 21 1 I 2 I
А22 1 3 I 2 I
А23 2 3 3 1 3
А24 3 2 2 2
А25 1 2 4 3 3
А26 3 3 I 2 4
А27 3 2 4 4 l
А28 4 3 1 4
А29 1 2 2 1 2
АЗО 3 4 I 3 l
А31 3 4 4 2 2
А32 2 2 4 3
АЗЗ 4 4 4 4 3
А34 3 3 3 1 2
А35 2 4 2 1 3
А36 2 4 2 4 2
А37 3 3 I 3 3
А38 2 2 2 1 2
А39 2 3 1 1 l
А40 3 2 2 3
А41 1 2 I 1 I
А42 3 3 3 2
А43 3 3 4 3 2
А44 1 2 I 4 l
А45 2 4 3 1 4
А46 4 2 4 4 4
А47 2 2 2 I
А48 1 4 1 1 3


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