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Updated 4/1/2020

Power BI DIAD and Power BI HANA Data Source Training Steps

Power BI Dashboard in a Day Training Instruction

 Ensure you have Power BI Desktop installed:

 From Power BI Central you can access Power BI License and Roles Q&A , and find a link to
Install Power BI Desktop
 Be sure to verify after the install you can access Power BI Desktop (via your start menu). If
you have issues, contact “The Desk” to assist you with the desktop install from the Software
 Verify you have the latest version installed.
 Open Power BI Desktop > Click Help from the menu ribbon > Click About.
 The currently Version should be within a month of the current month.

 Note: If you installed Power BI Desktop directly from the Microsoft Site (and not through KC
Software Center), you may be on the wrong version.
 If you do not have this version installed, you should uninstall and reinstall via the KC
Software Center. When you install via the Software Center you will continue to get
automatic updates when the software is updated.

 Ensure you can access the Power BI Cloud Service (log in using your KC Email) via your browser:
 If you have issues accessing, try another browser (i.e. Chrome vs Internet Explorer)

 Create a folder on your local computer Titled “PBI DIAD Training Assignment” (this is where you will
download the training documents used for report build).

 Download the Training Documents which are available on the Power BI Central Site, How-To
Documents folder, in the Dashboard in a Day folder. 

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Updated 4/1/2020

 Click the 3 dots to the right of DIAD > Select Download > Download the zip
file to your computer into the new PBI DIAD Training Assignment folder you created in Step
3 above.

 Once the download completes, go to the new PBI DIAD Training Assignment folder (created
in Step 3 above) and unzip the files. Right Click on the DIAD > select “Extract
All” > click “Extract” in the pop up.

 This will create a sub folder called DIAD Assignment which we will use during the training.

 Open and/or Print the PDF and workbook so that you can follow along to build the dashboard. 
 In the DIAD Assignment folder, you will find Power BI DIAD.pdf, and in the Exercise folder,
the Power BI Assignment.docx
 Other documents in the folders will be accessed directly from Power BI as we build out our

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Updated 4/1/2020

OPTIONAL Training: Power BI Dashboard in a Day Take Home Exercise on Connecting to SAP HANA

For those who are taking the 2 hour “Take Home Exercise” on connecting to SAP HANA, you will also
need to complete the following steps.

 HANA Datasource Exercise:

 In step 3 and 4 above you should have created a new folder on your hard drive, and
unzipped a sub folder called DIAD Assignment.
 Here you will find “Power BI Training DIAD.pdf” which contains instructions we will
follow in this HANA data source Connection course.
i. Either print or have the file open as you follow-along with the recording.
 In that folder you will see another folder called “DIAD Training Data” (which contains
the data we will access during the course).

 For the optional Power BI with HANA Assignment, you will access the “DIAD Hands on HANA
Exercise” folder, which contains Power BI HANA Assignment.pdf. For the exercise, you will require
security access to the below identified SAP HANA Training VDM which is located in the Development
(EGN) environment.
 To request access, send an email to +GLOBAL, DV CoE with the SUBJECT: HANA Training
Access Request. In the body of the email note that you are requesting they add your K-C
ID (provide your ID) into AD Group “ KC_DATAVIZCOE_TRAINING” to complete the
HANA training exercise.
 This will provide you access to the HANA VDM used for the exercise.
 Alternately, there is an Excel file located in the Exercise folder that could be used as a
backup source file for this exercise (however the value is in understanding the
connection in HANA and capabilities when using the HANA data source). 

Note: If you’ve never used HANA as a data source in another tool you may need to follow these steps
install the drivers.

From Power BI Central, if you click Power BI for Developers you will see a document under:
Connecting to Data Sources:
 Data sources used in Power BI
 Connecting to SAP HANA

Clicking on the yellow Highlight brings you to “Connect to SAP HANA database in Power BI Desktop ”
page where you can select:

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Updated 4/1/2020

How-to documents:
How-to connect to SAP HANA database in Power BI Desktop

When you click the yellow highlighted above it finally brings you to a document where you can click the
link to stall the drivers.

 To connect to the training SAP HANA VDM in Power BI Desktop, please select Get Data >
SAP HANA Database, fill in Server with Custom port 30115 using
DirectQuery to access: KCC.KC_TRAIN.DATAVIZ

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