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8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Página Principal Mis cursos 564I1/51280/21V04/B1/IDIOV/INGVI Unit 3 Quiz Unit 3

Comenzado el miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2021, 18:09
 Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2021, 18:38

Tiempo 29 minutos 3 segundos
 Puntos 8.00/15.00
Calificación 2.67 de 5.00 (53%)

Pregunta 1 Listen to the audio and choose the correct demonstrative. 
 Finalizado

Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

 Seleccione una:
a. These

b. Those 1/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2 Listen to the audio that describes a classroom and choose the
Finalizado picture that fits the description.

Puntúa 1.00

sobre 1.00

 Seleccione una: 2/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 3 Listen to the audio and choose the correct demonstrative. 


Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

Seleccione una:

a. These

 b. Those 3/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 4
Read the description of the image and choose the correct one


Puntúa 1.00
Inside the library there is a desk with a computer on it. There is
sobre 1.00 also a sign over the desk.

 Seleccione una:

b. 4/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 5 Read the description of a room and say if the sentences are true
Finalizado or false. 
Puntúa 1.00

sobre 1.00
 My room isn’t too big. There is a bed with two pillows. Next to the
bed there is a window. In my room there aren't nightstands.
Opposite the bed there is a desk and a lamp. Over the desk

there is a shelf but there aren’t books on it. Inside the closet
there is a small drawer for my socks. There are also a lot of shirts
 and jeans. That is my room.

There is one window in the room

Seleccione una:
 Verdadero

Falso 5/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 6
Read the description of the image and choose the correct one


Puntúa 1.00
There is one person inside the laboratory for the experiment
sobre 1.00

Seleccione una:


b. 6/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 7 Watch the next picture and complete with the correct
Finalizado preposition of place for each sentence.

Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

The boy is Above the horse rider

Pregunta 8
Complete with there is or there are as it corresponds.

 Finalizado

Puntúa 0.00 there   a lot of people in this room.

sobre 1.00 7/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 9
Complete with there is or there are as it corresponds.


Puntúa 0.00 there   a book inside my bag.

sobre 1.00 8/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 10 Complete with the correct demonstrative pronoun for each

Finalizado image. Use uppercase letters at the beginning of each word.

Puntúa 0.50
sobre 1.00


The bay is full of ships Those  ships over there are for traveling.

 That  is the new

Iphone X. 9/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento


 numbers are correct.


This   is a cat far from the tree. 10/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 11 Complete with the correct demonstrative pronoun for each

Finalizado image. Use uppercase letters at the beginning of each word.
Puntúa 0.50
sobre 1.00

 The bay is full of ships. Those ships over there are for


 That  is the new Iphone X. 11/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

These numbers are correct.

 This is a cat far from the tree. 12/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 12 Look at the picture and complete with the correct preposition of
Finalizado place for each case

Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

 The window is _______ the other window.

 Seleccione una:

 opposite
inside 13/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 13 Look at the picture and complete with the correct preposition of
Finalizado place for each case

Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

 There are some books _____ the small table.

 Seleccione una:

 inside
on 14/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 14 Watch the next picture and complete with the correct
Finalizado preposition of place for each sentence.

Puntúa 0.00
sobre 1.00

The little girl is Above the sand box 15/17
8/9/2021 Quiz Unit 3: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 15 Look at the picture and complete with the correct preposition of
Finalizado place for each case

Puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

The lamp is ____ the sofa.

Seleccione una:

next to

 behind

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 Mantente en contacto  16/17
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móviles 17/17

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