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Lesson Plan

Name: Rose Mooney Date: 10/5/20

Grade: 6th grade Class Type: General Music (Dalcroze method)

1.Measurable Objective(s): (Measurable learning objectives use action verbs to describe what you want the
students to be able to do by the end of the class.)
Students will learn a given body rhythm and apply that to a given song
Students will be able to create their own body rhythm composition and perform it for the class
Students will be able to feel the music in their bodies
2.Assessment: (What evidence will show that the students understand? Describe the assessment used – formal
and informal assessments based on learning objectives.)
INFORMAL assessment
Students will individually make up one measure of body rhythm with solfege (melody) added to it.
Students will notate the rhythm with melody
A few students will volunteer to perform their body rhythm/melody
3. National Standards: (Creating, Performing, Responding – Write out the standards that you will be
addressing in their entirety.)

MU:Cr2.1.6b Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or audio/ video recording to document personal simple
rhythmic phrases, melodic phrases, and two- chord harmonic musical ideas.

MU:Cr3.2.6a Present the final version of their documented personal composition or arrangement, using
craftsmanship and originality to demonstrate an effective beginning, middle, and ending, and convey expressive

MU:Pr4.3.6a Perform a selected piece of music demonstrating how their interpretations of the elements of music
and the expressive qualities (such as dynamics, tempo, timbre, articulation/style, and phrasing) convey intent.

MU:Re8.1.6a Describe a personal interpretation of how creators’ and performers’ application of the elements of
music and expressive qualities, within genres and cultural and historical context, convey expressive intent.

MU:Cn10.0.6a Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and intent when
creating, performing, and responding to music.

MU:Cn11.0.6a Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines,
varied contexts, and daily life.
4. State Standards: (Creating, Performing, Responding, Connecting - Write out the standards that you will be
addressing in their entirety.)
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Document original simple melodic ideas with standard notation. (5-6.M.Cr.02.a)
Refine and complete artistic work. Improvise and compare different versions of a single
musical idea (e.g., adding flourishes, altering rhythms). (5-6.M.Cr.03)

Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. Sing and play in groups
responding to cues from a conductor exhibiting stylistic elements. (5-6.M.P.06)

Updated 12/1/19
5. Required Prior Knowledge and Skills: (What must students know to be successful.)
- can hear and notate quarter and eighth notes
- solfege
- finding the beat in a song
6. Material, Repertoire, Equipment needed: (Be sure to include music titles, composer/arranger, text etc.)
- “It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons:
- powerpoint presentation:
- staff paper and pencil for students
7. Review Needed: (What needs to be reviewed to reinforce prior learning related to this lesson.)
Actively listen to song and find the beat
8. Accommodations: (Special Needs, ELL, etc.)
- students who are physically handicap can use any part of their body for the body rhythm exercises
- no need for all students to stand up (they can sit or stand depending on their needs)
- ELL students will still be able to participate with solfege and rhythm
9. Agenda: (List items to be taught and post.)
- cum cha
- “It’s Time”
- body rhythm
- notation
- now you do it!

10. Lesson Sequence (Be sure to list time in the Pacing Section) Pacing
A. Brief Opening: (A teacher posted group or brief individual assignment. Brief reading A
writing, editing, or problem-solving activity to ready them for learning – may be a question
about the rehearsal music or at the younger levels it may be a learning activity to set up for
today's lesson such as a "Do Now.")
Cum cha activity
Body rhythm - pat clap and chant “cum cha” 2 minutes
When it’s a student’s turn they chant “bunny bunny bunny bunny tokie tokie tokie
tokie” (body rhythm is finger bite finger bite dance around in a circle with disco
hands) and then go back to cum cha
B. Learning Activities: (What learning experiences and instruction will enable students B
to achieve the desired results – have more learning activities than you need.)
1. Actively listen to the beginning of the song, “It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons 1. 2 minutes
- find the beat by stomping and counting out loud (1 2 3 4)
- clap out the eighth notes and count out loud (1+2+3+4+)
2. Students learn 3 different body rhythm patterns at different levels 2. 5 minutes
Teaching three levels (down below)

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +

Stomp stomp stomp stomp (level 1)

Slap slap slap snap snap (level 2)

Stomp slap clap stomp slap clap (level 3)

After learning all three levels, students will then decide which level they would like
to do
-everyone tries their parts together as a whole group
3. notate each part 3. 5 minutes

Updated 12/1/19
4. Do it with music!! Students will listen to the teacher’s directions during the song 4. 5 minutes
to see what body rhythm they should be doing
5. Students will individually make up one measure of body rhythm with solfege 5. 8 minutes
(melody) added to it. Students will notate the rhythm with melody
6. Have a few students volunteer to perform their body rhythm/melody 6. 3 minutes
7. improv circle with body rhythm (there’s a pulse and when it’s a student’s turn, 7. 5 minutes
they will perform an improvised two measure body rhythm without hesitation and
then go back to playing the pulse)
8. improv circle with singing (each student adds on to the previous student with a 8. 5 minutes
melody line to go along with the others) sounds like an acapella piece in the end
C. Closing/Wrap-up: (This is a recap of the key learning of the day to check for C.
understanding. Could be a ticket to leave as individuals or group answers.)
What did we learn? 30 secoonds
D. Assignment: D.
Make up another measure of body rhythm for homework 30 seconds

11.Reflection Prompt: What do you think went particularly well? How did this strength impact your students’

12.Reflection Prompt: If you could teach this lesson again, is there anything you would do differently? How
would this have impacted your students’ learning?

Updated 12/1/19

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