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Methods of Conducting a Needs Assessment

Assessment Advantages Disadvantages

Focus Possible to elicit detailed answers. Scheduling issues: arranging suitable
Group Discussions can provide additional time and date for all participants.
useful information. Potential dominance of discussion.
Can be an opportunity to Costs involved: venue, refreshments,
establish/improve community and etc.
stakeholder relations. Reliance on skills of the facilitator.
Possible to include relatively large Need to limit numbers participating.
numbers of participants in one Difficult for learners with lower levels of
session. spoken English to participate.
Less time-consuming than interviews. May not have all key stakeholders at the
Electronic Cost-effective way to contact Designing an effective survey can be
or Written stakeholders. time-consuming and difficult.
Survey Can be completed electronically. May receive limited numbers of replies.
No scheduling necessary. May have to follow up with phone calls
No limit on number of stakeholders to encourage responses.
included. Answers may not be sufficiently detailed.
No reliance on a third party: May not be a good way of contacting
comments are received “word for learners.
word” from stakeholders. Requires knowledge of technology.
Interview: Possible to elicit detailed answers. Scheduling issues for interviewer and
Face-to- Possible to follow up on and clarify interviewees.
Face responses. Time consuming: may mean limiting
Often the most thorough way to numbers of stakeholders contacted.
collect information. Reliance on the skills of the interviewer.
Possible to use realia and visual aides. Potential costs: e.g. venue, participant
Possible to use an interpreter if travel expenses, use of interpreter, etc.
Interview: Cost-effective way to contact Scheduling issues.
Telephone stakeholders. Time consuming: may mean limiting
Possible to elicit detailed answers. numbers of stakeholders contacted.
Possible to follow up on and clarify Reliance on interviewer skills.
responses. Cannot use visual aides or realia; difficult
to use an interpreter.
Can be a challenge for language

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