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Unfortunately, much like dieting, training can seem overwhelmingly complex (blood flow

restriction, periodization, this vs that rep range, this vs that routine/exercise, etc.). However,
fortunately, much like dieting, only a couple principles really matter at the end of the day for
results (other techniques/concepts being more advanced/bells & whistles). For our purposes,
the goal will be to maximize muscle growth/retention (physique).

Progressive Overload
Along with actually going to the gym consistently, if there’s one concept that you should
always remember and will account for most of your results, it’s this: get stronger over time. The
most sure-fire way to not make any gains is to not be challenging yourself during your workouts.
I’m sure you’ve all seen it: that one guy looking the same, month after month, year after year,
who never breaks a sweat and looks at his phone while lifting the same weight day in day out.
Don’t let this be you! Now, this isn’t an excuse to ego-lift (i.e. severely compromise technique),
but progressive overload should always serve as a north star for lifting goals (since muscle
growth ⇔ strength).

● 2x/week per major muscle group is ideal for the most part
● 1–2 compounds & 1–3 isolations per major muscle group
● Double Progression
○ Add 5lb if hit top rep range for all sets
○ Otherwise focus on adding reps
● Rest Periods Between Sets
○ 4–8 reps/3–5 min rest
○ 8​–​12 reps/90​–​120 seconds rest
○ 12​–​15 reps/60​–​90 seconds rest
○ 15+ reps/45​–​60 seconds rest

● Bench 4x4–6
● Row 3x6–8
● Incline DB Press, Chins, Tri’s, Bi’s, Lateral Raises, all 3x8–12
● Squat, RDL 4x4–6
● Leg Extensions, Leg Curls, 3x8–12
● Seated Hip Abduction 3x12–15
● Calf Raises 4x6–8
● Flat DB Press, Lat Pulldown, OHP, Row, all 3x8–12
● Chest Flys, Tri’s, Bi’s, 3x12–15
● Leg Press, Weighted Back Extension, 3x8–12
● Leg Extensions, Leg Curls, 3x12–15
● Seated Calf Raise 4x8–12

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