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Industrial Psychology Quiz 3

1. It is best to devote 70% of learning hours in ____________________. Immersion on the

2. It is the primary responsibility of the ________________ to ensure development.
Organization Employee
3. On the job training provides greater retention and learning. True
4. Which of the statements below is an example of one's fulfillment of his need to
belong? An employee who found good friend in the company
5. Training is concerned about creating organizational culture for better performance
outcomes. False
6. During evaluation, one may evaluate any but one of the following ___________________.
Employee perception of the program Return of investment of the training
7. The _________________ stage allows the practitioner to identify activities that would
engage employees in the training. None of the choices Develop
8. Employees will stay long in an organization even if they have bad relationships
because they need the compensation that comes with their work. False
9. It is important to combine different training methods because
It helps achieve the 70-20-10 principle
10. A blended approach allows a learner to obtain new information from different
sources True

1. An employee who was internally transferred because of his large range of

competencies will need to go through ________________. onboarding
2. Motivated employees can __________________. Affect others by spreading their
3. Employees get motivated when __________.Companies lookout for their overall well-
4. In development, one may look at his __________________ to know which areas he
should develop. Performance gaps Learned competencies
5. How does motivation affect performance? One will not go to work if he has conflict
with his superior
6. One must look at performance issues to be able to create training objectives that
matter True
7. Training allows an employee to grow in his developmental areas. True
8. Organizations can minimize opportunity costs by allowing their employees to
undergo training. True
9. What best describes training? None of the choices Assessing performance gaps
10. When one learns from someone else's experience and is motivated to not do the
same, he is applying __________________. Vicarious learning

1. Motivation is ________________. Dependent on how much the heart and brain push for
something None of the choices
2. Organizations should create programs that motivate employees True
3. Technology has influenced training by making use of ____________________. Use of a
learning management system Skype that allows for coaching to happen
4. Organizations can minimize dissatisfaction by ensuring growth, innovation in their
companies. True
5. If a person with intrinsic motivation is going to a gym, he is most likely to go because
___________ He feels happy after exercising
6. According to the X-Y Theory, Theory X managers believe that employees are able to
contribute without prodding. False
7. The carrot method may motivate employees in what way? A 20% increase in sales
will be given 20% commission
8. Why is it important to evaluate a training program? All of the choices
9. The carrot-stick theory says that rewards are enough to keep an employee
motivated. False
10. Which of the statements below is an example showing the behavioral theory of
motivation? An employee performing because of an incentive


1. The esteem stage in the hierarchy of needs will show _____________.

None of the choices
2. Training is always the answer to performance issues. False
3. A blended approach would be __________________. A facilitated classroom training with
an OJT
4. Which below is a good example of a training objective? Understand the principles of
good work ethic
5. Training is always obtained from a professor or a teacher. False
6. Work relationships are an important factor in keeping an employee engaged. True
7. Training employees can __________________. Increase organization bottom line
8. Job satisfaction is an important factor of employee motivation. True
9. Motivation is not correlated with an employee's ability to perform. False
10. Motivation is important in organizations because ____________________. All of the

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