Reading Part 3 Aa

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Part 2
Refer to the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark the
correct letter A, B, C or D.
It is an important fact to remember that food carry some (0) __form__ of bacteria. In the worst-case
scenario, this (9) ________________ lead to food poisoning or something more serious. This risk can
be reduced or eliminated by good food (10) _______________and proper cooking.
Here are some tips to (11) _____________ when you are in the kitchen. Always keep your
hands, cooking utensils and food preparation surfaces (12) _____________. most importantly, never
allow pets to climb onto any work surfaces because they may leave germs or bacteria that you may
not be aware of.
Dish cloths and dish towels must be washed and changed (13) ______________. If possible,
use the disposable types which should be replaced on a (14) ____________basis. Do not buy food
that have passed their expiration date. Avoid bulk buying fresh produce because fresh foods lose their
nutritional value and freshness fast. That means buying (15)_______________ small amounts is a
better choice.
Before food is prepared, make sure all work surfaces and utensils are clean and dry. Separate
chopping boards should be used for raw and cooked meat, fish and vegetables. All poultry must be
(16)___________________thawed before cooking. Once defrosted, meat should be (17)
___________________as soon as possible.
Meat, poultry, fish, seafood and dairy products must be refrigerated. Food in the fridge or
freezer should be covered. This is to (18) _________________ drips and cross-contamination from
0 A way B form C mode D variety

9 A could B must C would D should

10 A choices B hygiene C knowledge D ingredients

11 A keep B adhere C follow D reflect

12 A clean B tidy C useful D organised

13 A commonly B tirelessly C regularly D repeatedly

14 A daily B weekly C monthly D yearly

16 A partly B quickly C slowly D thoroughly

17 A eaten B cooked C prepared D cleaned

18 A stop B allow C avoid D decrease

Part 2 Questions 9 to 18
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark the
correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
The Leatherback Sea Turtle
Eight ( 0 )__species__ of sea turtles live in the world
today, four of which ( 9 )_______ in Malaysian waters - the
Leatherback, the Green Turtle, the Olive Ridley and the
Hawksbill. The Leatherback may be one of the ( 10 )
__________reptiles alive today, weighing up to 910 kilograms. (
11 ) ______all the marine turtles, the Leatherback is most at home
in the sea, where it dives to depths of over 1000 metres.

These creatures are usually found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world
but occasionally ( 12 )_________ in very cold seas. They can migrate many thousands of miles
between their feeding and nesting grounds. Leatherbacks have inhabited the seas for thousands
of years and are considered to be one of nature’s most successful creatures, remaining virtually
unchanged in that time.
The East Coast is one of the only two places in the world where giant Leatherbacks
choose to ( 13 ) _______their eggs. It is most ( 14 )_________ that many people have always
enjoyed eating the eggs of sea turtles and the increase in human population has dramatically
reduced the number of eggs as most eggs laid ( 15 ) _________. At one time, turtle eggs
commanded such a high price that almost every egg ( 16 ) ________ removed and sold.
The Giant Leatherbacks which roam the seas often return instinctively here between
the months of May and September to lay eggs. Rantau Abang, a 19 km stretch of beach near
Dungun, is a major nesting area of these turtles. It is also the unofficial ( 17 ) __________of
the sea turtles. The Turtle Information Centre set up in 1983 and financed by the Terengganu
State Government is open to the public. Visitors can acquire information such as the egg laying
and hatching process of the these turtles. Much effort has been made to ( 18 )__________these

(0 ) A. variant B. different C. species D. type

(9 ) A. were nesting B. nests C. nest D. nested
(10 ) A. larger B. largest C. large D. largely
(11 ) A. In B. To C. Of D. For
(12 ) A. forage B. hunts C. swimming D. eats
(13 ) A. laying B. lays C. laid D. lay
(14 ) A. fortunately B. unfortunate C. misfortune D. unfortunately
(15 ) A. is eaten B. are eaten C. have eaten D. being eaten
(16 ) A. was B. were C. is D. are
(17 ) A. place B. sanctuary C. abode D. heaven
(18 ) A. guard B. safeguard C. revive D. guide
Answering Tips
(0 ) set as an example
(9 ) Focus on the tenses to be used
(10 ) Focus on the Adjective - comparison
(11 ) Focus on the correct preposition to be used
(12 ) Focus on the tenses and meaning in context, then pick the right word
(13 ) Focus on the tenses to be used
(14 ) Focus on the prefix / suffix of the words and meaning in context then pick the right
(15 ) Focus on the tenses as used in passive voice
(16 ) Focus on the tenses as used in Verb Agreement
(17 ) Focus on the meaning in context and pick the right word / Vocabulary
(18 ) Focus on the meaning in context and pick the right word / Vocabulary
Reading: Part 2
Read the text below and choose the best word each space. For each question, mark the
correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
Snacks Can Be Healthy
People snack for different reasons. Some snack on food out of habit. Others need a
snack to keep them focused. (0) so that they can concentrate on what they are doing.
Whatever the reason may be, opt (1) __________ healthy snacks as they keep you feeling full
(2) __________ boosting your nutrient intake. What you eat as snack and how much you eat
each time makes a (3) __________ to your health. It is (4) __________ vital to make healthy
snack choices.

Choose snacks that are wholesome and packed with nutrients. Choosing healthy snacks
can be a challenge (5) __________ fried food that are greasy and salty are sold at every corner
of the street. So, what can you do when you feel the (6) __________ to snack? Stock your
refrigerator with a variety of fruits. Fresh fruits provide an abundance (7) __________
nutrients. Stock your pantry with a wide selection of nuts as they are highly nutritious.
However, nuts should not be taken with added sugar or salt. (8) __________ nuts are said to
be low in carbs, it does not mean that they can (9) __________ in large quantities. Choosing
healthy snacks that are high in protein and fibre helps reduce hunger (10) __________ and
keeps you full for several hours between your meals.

To snack or not to snack is really a personal choice. But if you decide to snack between
your meals, make sure that you choose healthy food that keep you full and satisfied.

0. A so that B as C while D whilst

1. A to B for C in D at

2. A besides B aside C beside D abide

3. A different B difference C differential D differ

4. A in the same way B in spite of C as well as D therefore

5. A since B consequently C effect D due to

6. A fancy B force C urge D hunger

7. A in B on C of D at

8. A Apart from B Though C Furthermore D As a result

9. A be consumed B be fuelled C be fed D be nourished

10. A pain B relieve C longing D pangs

Part 2 Questions 9 to 18
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark the
correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
Washing Machine
Before the invention of the washing machine,
people used to wash their clothes by (0) rubbing them in water,
and pounding the clothes using wooden sticks or rocks. Later,
people (9) ________ scrub boards to help in washing clothes.
Some discovered that (10) ________ could clean their clothes
into a barrel filled (11) ________ detergent like alkaline and
stir them using a wooden stick. At sea, the sailors would drag
their clothes at the stern (the back most part of a ship or boat)
to clean them using sea water. After some time, manually
operated washing machines were invented; it came in a
wooden box with a handle. In order to wash your clothes, you
were needed to put your clothes into the wooden box filled with water, and by rotating the
handle; you would be able to stir the clothes inside to clean them.
Another early invention of the washing machine was to (12) ________ clothes into a
bag. One end of the bag was fixed while the other end was attached to a wheel and a cylinder.
By rotating the cylinder, we would be able to clean the clothes. After the invention of the steam
engine, manually operated washing machines were replaced by (13) ________ washing
machines. In 1884, commercials advertising for washing machines sounded like this, “even a
kid can wash 6 mattresses in 15 minutes”.
The first electric-powered washing machine (14) ________ in 1901 by an American by
the name of Alva J. Fisher. In the mid 1930’s, an American company manufactured the first
washing machine (15) ________ could wash, rinse and spin with a timer control ability. Due
to its convenience, it was widely (16) ________ and used by people around the world.
In the 1960’s, the first drum type washing machine was introduced. Eventually, with
the (17) ________ of more powerful detergents, it helped improve the development of the
household washing machine. Currently, there is a variety of washing machines, but their
(18) ________ methods are basically the same as a hand wash – with rubbing, pounding,
physical stirring actions and chemical reactions.
Adapted from : Discoveries and Inventions,

(0 ) A. rub B. rubbed C. rubbing D. has rubbed

(9 ) A. invent B. invented C. inventing D. has invented
(10 ) A. they B. she C. he D. I
(11 ) A. over B. with C. under D. between
(12 ) A. have put B. putting C. puts D. put
(13 ) A. automated B. automatically C. automobile D. automatic
(14 ) A. invented B. is invented C. was invented D. was inventing
(15 ) A. which B. whose C. where D. when
(16 ) A. accepted B. has accepted C. accepts D. accept
(17 ) A. inversion B. creator C. invention D. origination
(18 ) A. or B. if C. but D. and
PART 2: Cloze Text [10 marks]

Questions 9-18
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, choose the
correct letter A ,B, C or D in your answer sheet.

A Hobby into a Business

It was with a brave heart that Wan Idarna Lara Aminuddi her
job and took that leap of faith to start selling cupcakes (0)
__with___ YouTube as her teacher. She had fallen in love with
cupcakes while (9) ____________ film studies at Emerson
College in Boston, United States.
Ispired by the different types of cupcakes available, Wan
Idarna vowed to make (10) ___________ tasting ones. Thousands
of cupcakes trials and 10 years later, she (11) __________ to
follow the call of her heart. (12) ____________, she started home-based Pinkie’s Cupcakes
with her elder sister, Wan Irnada Tiara. “we started last October after I quit my eight-year
job in the film industry and decided to turn my hobby into a business,” said Wan Idarna, or
Darna as she is known.
She was initially apprehensive about transition as (13) _________ never had any
culinary or baking lessons. “YouTube was my best teacher. I viewed video repeatedly
(14) ___________

the tryouts to make sure I was getting it right.” Her decision to make cupcakes was also
spurred by her disenchantment with work, (15) __________ the hours were long and
stressful. A few months later, Wan Irnada also quit her job as a lawyer to help her sister
(16) _________ the business. “When we are not (17) ___________, we experiment new
flavours to increase our range, “said Wan Irnada, adding that they get four orders a week on
average. They hope to (18) __________ their already flourishing business and supply
cupcakes to cafes, restaurants and events.

0 A for B with C about D from

9 A pursue B pursues C pursued D pursuing
10 A same B similar C comparable D complicated
11 A decide B decides C decided D deciding
12 A However B Ultimately C Thoroughly D Consequently
13 A he B we C she D they
14 A after B before C during D beyond
15 A where B which C when D beyond
16 A in B on C at D for
17 A cater B caters C catered D catering
18 A open B create C expand D increase

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