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Name: …………………………….

NIM: ……………………………….
Class: ……………………………..

Referential meaning 
Associative/emotive meaning 
Referential Associative/Emotive
dark cloud
cold hands
open doors

A semantic feature is a component of the concept associated with a lexical item. It uses the
symbol (+) to indicate that the word has the feature, and (-) to indicate that the word does
not have the feature. For example,
Semantic Features/Properties
Female Male Child Adult Animate Human
Mother + - - + + +
Father - + - + + +
boy - + + - + +
Tigress + - - + + -
Chair - - - - - -

The following sentence is grammatically correct, but semantically odd:

The cat is reading newspaper  cat is –human.
The table ran very fast  table is –animate.
My uncle is pregnant  uncle is –female.

Semantic Roles is the underlying relationship that a participant has with the main
verb in a clause.
Agent  the entity that perform the action
Theme  the entity that is involved in or affected by the action
Experiencer  the entity (person) has a feeling, perception or state
Instrument  the entity used by the agent to perform the action
Location  the place where the entity is
Source  the place where the entity moves from
Goals  the place where the entity moves to
(see Yule’s for the examples)

Write down the semantic roles for the following sentences:

1. The teacher put the book on the table.
the teacher 
the book 
On the table 
2. Rangga ran towards me.
Rangga 
towards me 
3. Every day I drove my car to school.
my car 
to school 
4. Bob opened the door with a key.
Bob 
the door 
a key 
Lexical Relation describes how meanings relate to each other.
Synonym 
e.g. . . . . . . . .
Antonym 
e.g. . . . . . . . .

Hyponymy 
e.g. . . . . . . . .
Prototypes 
e.g. . . . . . . . .
Homophones 
e.g. . . . . . . . .
Homonyms 
e.g. . . . . . . . .
Polysemy 
e.g. . . . . . . . .

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