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Worksheet 01

Fill in the blanks.

1. A computer virus ________ the normal operation of a computer.
2. Computer virus results in loss of _________ and ____________ of data.
3._________________ are design to identify, prevent and remove virus from a computer.
4.__________ is a software program.
5.___________ is intrusive software that is designed to _________ and destroy computers and
computer system.

State true or false.

1. A computer virus is similar to biological virus. ( )
2. All virus programs cause harm to data or programs. ( )
3. We should not equip our computer with antivirus programs ( )
4. Viruses can erase data or corrupt programs on the computer ( )
5. Antivirus can run in the background at all times ( )

Fill in the following gaps

software LAN Wi-Fi

attachments virus
worm resolves ANTI

Computer viruses are pieces of ___________. They replicate and attach on to email _________
I there are certain types of virus. One is the __________ virus. This virus is replicates and scan
the local ________ and/or ______. This creates a constant link of viruses that steal all your
private and confidential information. You can get rid of a ______ by using a _____-virus
software. This scans the device and ________ the problem. Then it deletes the virus so your will
be safe from it.

Application based Question

1. Sara’s computer has got infected with a virus which lead to the frequent hanging of the
system. Which software will you suggest her to install in order to solve this problem?
2. Imran’s computer is not working properly. The executable files and programs with
extensions, like, com, exe, ovl,.sys, on his PC have got infected. What type of virus has entered
into his computer?
3. Identify the types of viruses that infects the following types of files:
II. An excel document
III. Boot records of a hard disk

Match the question to the answers.

What is a virus? Malicious code that replicates by copying

itself to another program.

what is malware? A program designed to cause damage to

your PC.

What is program virus? Program or set of programs

What is antivirus? A contraction for “malicious software.”

Worksheet 02

Choose the correct answer

1. The broad term that encompasses different harmful software is:

*virus *malware *adware *spyware
2. Through which virus spreads?
*email attachment *internet downloads
*flash disks and cd’s *all of them
3. Software are mostly protected under:
*patents *copyrights *trademarks *logos
4. Free antivirus software often
*expire after sometimes *offer only limited service
*cannot be updated *cannot be purchased
5. Program viruses infect files that have the extension
*.COM *.EXE *.SYS *all of these
6. Which of the following is a boot virus?
*Michelangelo *Sunday *Acid Rain * none of these
7.__________ refers to computer program that secretly gather information about the user and
relay it to other interested parties.
*worm *spyware *virus *none of these
8. Since it does not harm or steal data, the least harmful malware is:
*virus *adware *spyware *trojan
9. Which of the following are the signs of a virus attack?
*the computer runs slower than normal
*there is a change in file size
*the computer restarts on its own
*all of the above
10. “Click this link and win a $5 voucher at McDonald’s”. This is an example of
*scam *phishing *clickjacking *hacking

Short Q/A
1. What is a computer virus?
2. Name the types of virus?
3. Write any three possible symptoms of virus in a computer.
4. Write any three steps required to protect your computer virus attack.

Complete the following

Worksheet 03
Types of virus
Find the following word in the puzzle

DNS antivirus worm torjan horse download

Boot sector virus file virus logic bomb time bomb upload
Trigger event spyware adware virus

Types of
Worksheet 04
Difference between malware and virus

Malware Virus

What does a computer virus do? Draw a cartoon diagram of virus.


Write short note on program virus.


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