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02 Theme: Consumerism and Financial Awareness

SOW: Lesson 7 Speaking Textbook: page 62 When would I do this in real life? Real Life Adaption
Respond to specific question and express opinion.

Practice A (L.S. 2.3.1) PT3 Oriented Part 1: Interview PL

Interlocutor selects one/two of the following questions for each candidate. Allow candidates roughly 30 seconds maximum
per question. Use candidates’ names throughout. You may use the word in the box or your own idea to answer.
always almost usually responsibility

Teacher: May I know what your name is?

Unit 2 (Textbook-Based Unit 6)

Teacher: How are you feeling today?

Teacher: Do you help in any house chores at home? {Back-up prompts (if required)} Do you help your

parents at home?
Teacher: What kind of house chores you do? {Back-up prompts (if required)} Can you tell me what kind of
work you help your parents at home?
Teacher: When do you usually do the house chores? {Back-up prompts (if required)} When do you help
your parents?
Teacher: Do your siblings help you with the house chores? If yes, how? {Back-up prompts (if required)} Do
your siblings help you with the work? Why?
Teacher: Do you get any reward for doing house chores? If yes, what is the reward?

Teacher: Do you think everyone should help their parents doing house chores? Why? {Back-up prompts (if

required)} Do you agree that teenagers should help their parents at home? Why?

L.S. 2.3.1 Keep interaction going in longer exchanges by checking understanding of what a speaker is saying
Core Civic Value: Responsibility

Common Pronunciation Mistake

• Word: ‘the’
• Say
»» short sound ‘thuh (ðə)’ before a consonant sound
»» long sound ‘thee (ði)’ before a vowel sound
• Explanation
»» Normally, we pronounce ‘the’ with a short sound (like ‘thuh’). But when ‘the’ comes before a vowel sound, we pronounce it
as a long ‘thee’. When we wish to place emphasis on a particular word, we can use ‘emphatic the’ [thee], whether or not the
word begins with a consonant or vowel sound.
»» The word ‘the’ is often pronounced ‘thee’ before a vowel sound and ‘thuh’ before a consonant sound. This is not a ruling. It’s
just a tendency to assist with the flow of speech. In speech, the word ‘the’ can be pronounced ‘thee’ for emphasis.

OMG 5 English Form 2 - Unit 2.indd 8 4/12/2020 3:33:39 PM

SOW: Lesson 8 & 9 Reading Textbook: page 63 When would I do this in real life? Real Life Adaption
Read news report from website or social media.

Practice A (L.S. 3.1.1, 3.1.2) PT3 Oriented Part 4: Short Answer PL

Read the text and look at the words in bold, then answer questions 1 to 8.

Doing Chores for Charity

by Wahida Hamid – 27th May 2020
KULIM - A group of sixty SMK Tun Telawi pupils organised a charity campaign to help poor people during the
COVID-19 outbreak. They donated daily necessities instead of giving them cash.
On 13th May, campaign flyers were distributed to the community in housing areas near the school and
commercial office. The campaign would start on 20th May. To support the campaign, the public would pay
a fixed amount of money in exchange for services requested. For those who were interested in the services
provided, they had to book at least two days before the campaign started, not after the deadline stated.
The chore services offered during the campaign were mowing the lawn for RM 30, washing vehicles like cars
and motorcycles for RM 10 per vehicle, and planting flowers and tree saplings for RM 50. Each service would

Unit 2 (Textbook-Based Unit 6)

last about two hours, especially for grass cutting and planting flowers, except car wash service, which would
take less than an hour to finish the job for each vehicle. Mr Kumar would like to extend his gratitude to the

community for supporting the fund-raising campaign.
Answer the questions below. Choose no more than four words and/ or a number from the text for each answer.

1 The objective of the campaign is to to poor people.
2 The date of the fund-raising campaign was on rS .
3 The campaign flyers were given to the community in .
4 Booking the services must not be made .
5 One would need to pay only for the lawn mowing service.
6 Car wash service would take to complete the job for each vehicle.
Complete the table below with a word from the text.
Meaning Word
7 A small printed advertisement

8 Doing work for someone


Practice B (L.S. 2.1.1) PL

Complete the conversation about fund-raising campaign.

Student A: Hi, . (joined fund-raising campaign) .

Student B: (ask for info) Really? What ? Core Civic Value: Responsibility

Student A: (respond to question: car wash) .

Student A: (ask for info: earn) ?
Student B: (respond to question) .
Student A: Well done, my friend! I’m so proud of you.

L.S. 3.1.1 Understand the main points in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
L.S. 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
L.S. 2.1.1 Ask about and explain key information from simple texts

OMG 5 English Form 2 - Unit 2.indd 9 4/12/2020 3:33:40 PM

SOW: Lesson 10 Language Awareness Textbook: page 64

Contrast will and going to 4 I’m not hungry yet. I let you know
when I’m ready for dinner.
Type Explanation Example
5 Please wait here, Sir. The doctor call
‘Be + going to’ is • My mother is going you once he is ready.
used to talk about to cook dinner for us
be +
future plans and tonight. 6 Johari told me that he fly to
intentions at • I am not going to Seoul for a holiday.
the moment of Sam’s birthday party
speaking. next week. 7 We practise our dance on the
basketball court this evening.
‘Will’ is used to
• I will text you once
talk about future
I’m home. Practice C PT3 Oriented Part 2: Error Correction
predictions or
will • You won’t like the Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.
decision made at
movie. It’s so boring For each question, write the correct word in the space
the moment of
Unit 2 (Textbook-Based Unit 6)

to watch. provided.

Satish: It’s been raining cats and dogs since this
Practice A PL
morning. I think it (0) will to continue to

Underline the correct form of going to or will to complete rain until night.
the sentences below. Ibrahim: Maybe you’re right. But who knows the
1 I (will / am going to) attend the wedding ceremony rain (1) won’t stop in a few hours.
next Saturday with my friends. Satish: Oh, I have forgotten to tell you something.
2 She (will / is going to) be a professional e-sports Our classmate, Hani, (2) am going to plan
gamer when she turns eighteen. a surprise birthday party for our class
3 Aunt May, I (will / am going to) help you with the teacher, Ms Latifah. (3) Is you going to join
heavy cart. us?
4 “It’s official. My father (will / is going to) accept the Ibrahim: Really? Who (4) am going to come to the
job offer.” Rahman told me. party?
5 The sellers at the night market (will / are going to) Satish: Well, it looks like that most of our classmates
close their stalls soon as the sky darkens. definitely (5) is going to the party.

6 I (will / am going to) have a carbonara spaghetti and Ibrahim: That’s great! I (6) are going to help you
a glass of blackberry juice. with the decorations.

7 Run! The blue monster (will / is going to) get us! Satish: Why not? Ramli and Alan (7) will help out
8 Imani (won’t / am not going to) join our session. She with the food for the party.
is not feeling well.
Ibrahim: Oh, I can’t wait for the party. I’m sure it (8)
is going to be a blast!
Practice B PL

Fill in the correct form of going to or will to complete the

sentences below. Example
0 will
1 Hurry up, Wee! We miss the bus if
we’re late. 1 5

2 Finish up your homework first. Mom be 2 6

happy if you don’t.
3 7
3 Kamala transfer to another
4 8
school next month.


OMG 5 English Form 2 - Unit 2.indd 10 4/12/2020 3:33:40 PM

Reminder: This is not a printing mistake, the tapescript is purposely laid out upside down.
Real Life Adaption Audio
SOW: Lesson 11 Listening Textbook: page 65 When would I do this in real life?
Listen to storytelling on radio or podcast.

Practice A Track 2.1

You will hear to a story about Halim’s shopping experience.
Practice B (L.S. 1.1.2) PT3 Oriented Part 3: 3-option MCQ PL

Now listen to the audio again. Turn round your book to read the tapescript and pay attention to the word in bold.
For questions 1 to 5, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
1 Where did Halim go to after helping his mother? 4 What did Halim buy in the men’s clothes shop?
A He went to his room. A A pair of sunglasses.
B He went to the kitchen. B Two collared shirts.
C He went to the dining table. C A pair of short pants.
2 Where did Halim keep the money after he had 5 What did Halim buy for his sister?
counted it? A A beef burger.
A Under the bed. B A cheeseburger.

Unit 2 (Textbook-Based Unit 6)

B In the money box. C Two sets of fried chicken.
C In his leather wallet.

3 How much did Halim get from his uncle?
A Fifty Ringgit.

B Thirty Ringgit.

and his family.

C One Hundred Ringgit.

Both of them went home before seven in the evening. Halim was glad that he had spent his savings for himself
burger for his younger sister.
food restaurant. He bought a cheeseburger for Hassan, two sets of fried chicken for his parents, and a beef
Hub and bought a pair of running shoes which cost him RM150. Before they went home, Halim went to a fast
collared shirts as the other items were quite pricey. After that, he went into a popular sports shop, Sports
pants, sunglasses and two collared shirts. However, as advised by his brother, Halim spent RM50 for two

house. The first shop he walked into was an apparel store for men. At first, he thought of buying a pair of short
The next morning, Halim together with his elder brother, Hassan, went to a shopping complex near their
RM50 from his uncle. His grandmother gave him another RM30.
for shopping. He had been doing chores for the entire month. He received a total of RM100 from his parents and
counted the money and put it into his leather wallet. Halim was over the moon because finally, he had money

There was a big smile on his oval face as he opened up his money box which he kept under his bed. He
was done, Halim hurriedly ran to his bedroom as if something was waiting for him there.
Halim helped his mother to clean up the dining table and wash the dishes in the kitchen. Once everything

Practice C (L.S. 1.2.1) PL

Listen to the audio again and underline the correct word for each question below.

1 After helping his mother, Halim (quickly / slowly) ran to his room.
2 Halim was feeling very (excited / happy) that he had enough money for shopping.
3 Halim went to a (clothing / souvenir) shop and bought two collared shirts.
4 Halim didn’t buy other items because they were (bad quality / expensive).
5 Halim bought his running shoes from a (popular / unpopular) sports shop.

L.S. 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
L.S. 1.2.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by context on a range of familiar topics


OMG 5 English Form 2 - Unit 2.indd 11 4/12/2020 3:33:40 PM

SOW: Lesson 12 Enrichment Activity Textbook: page 66 When would I do this in real life? Real Life Adaption
Sharing shopping experience with others
PAK-21: Think-Pair Share

Introduction Set Induction

A teacher begins the lesson by asking pupils to watch a short video of the Night Market in Chiang
Mai which is taken from Youtube. Before the pupils watch the video, the teacher poses questions
to the pupils to think about while watching the video (What do you see from the video? / Can
you guess where the place is in the video?) Once the pupils have watched the video, teacher
collects responses from the pupils and discusses the answers with the whole class.
The teacher asks the pupils how different the Chiang Mai night market is when compared to the
local night markets. The teacher asks pupils to write down their responses on a mini whiteboard
first before sharing their responses with the whole class.
Method: Start with a video
Learning By end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Objective 1 understand specific details and information from the story about shopping at a night market.
Unit 2 (Textbook-Based Unit 6)

2 understand the main points of the story about shopping at a night market.

Procedure 1 Teacher asks pupils to watch a YouTube video as a pre lesson activity.
(Teacher) 2 While watching the video, pupils need to think about the questions posed.

3 During the lesson stage, pupils work in pairs and are given worksheets.
4 In pairs, pupils are to complete the first task to achieve the 1st learning objective.
5 Pupils work with the same partner to complete the second task to achieve the 2nd learning
6 For post lesson, in groups of four, pupils are required to list at least 6 items they would like to
buy at a night market.
Procedure 1 Pupils watch a Youtube video and answer teacher’s questions.
(Pupils) 2 For the first task, work in pairs and complete the table.
3 For the second task, work with the same partner and fill in the blanks.
4 For the final task, work in groups of four and list down at least 6 items to buy at a night market.
Success Pupils can:
Criteria: 1 complete the table with 5 correct informative knowledge from the story.

2 complete at least 3 blanks with correct details about the story.

Suggested Example:
Solution 1 Teacher should simplify the article given to the pupils.

2 The tasks given should focus more on achieving the learning objectives.
1 Teacher simplifies the article by choosing short and easy to understand extracts.
2 The difficulty of the tasks should be set based on pupils’ level.

Practice A (L.S. 3.1.2) PT3 Oriented Part 3: Information Transfer PL

Read the text below and answer questions 1 to 8.

Shopping at Malaysia’s Night Market

Last month, my former university friend, Sally from Australia visited me and my family. It’s been a decade
since we last met each other.
One of the many places that I brought my friend to visit was a night market “Pasar Malam”. Bentong Walk


OMG 5 English Form 2 - Unit 2.indd 12 4/12/2020 3:33:40 PM

is one of the famous night markets in Bentong, but I decided to take her to the nearest night market in my
neighbourhood in Taman Bentong Jaya. The night market starts in the afternoon, usually at 3 p.m. and ends
at 12 midnight. As some night markets, close at 2a.m. Some night markets in Bentong operate on Saturdays but
the night market that we went to operates on Sundays.
When we arrived at the night market at around 5 p.m., we went to the fruit section. There’re many types of
fresh local and imported fruits, such as apples, oranges, pineapples, watermelons and many more. Sally almost
bought a local durian and ginger but changed her mind as the price were quite expensive. Sally tried some of
the local fruits, but the one that she liked the most was pineapple. She bought five pineapples and a packet
of green apples as well.
Then we went to the clothes stalls. Both of us spent a lot of time there! Sally was excited to know that most
of the clothes sold there were inexpensive and affordable. After an hour, finally, Sally bought three T-shirts,
and two night gowns. She wanted to buy pants but there there was none of her size. The last section we went
was the food area. The place was full of people. Sally is not a fan of spicy food like Laksa, so she bought her
favourite local food, chicken rice and banana fritters.
We left the night market precisely at 9 p.m. and reached my home at 9:30 p.m. Sally was glad that finally, she
able to visit a night market again after a decade.

Unit 2 (Textbook-Based Unit 6)

Complete the table below. Choose no more than three words and/ or a number from the text for each answer. For

each question, write your answer in the space provided.

Shopping at Night Market

Place 1

Business closing time

Open for business on

rS 2

Fruits purchased 4

Apparels bought 6

Time they arrived home 8

Practice B (L.S. 3.1.1) PT3 Oriented Part 4: Short Answer PL


Read the story again and answer the questions below. Choose no more than four words and/ or a number from
the text for each answer. For each question, write your answer in the space provided.

1 The writer and Sally were .

2 The last time both of the writer and her friend met was a ago.
Core Civic Value: Happiness

3 Most of the night markets operate at .

4 Among the local food, Sally doesn’t like .
5 Sally was that she could go shopping at the local night market again.

L.S. 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
L.S. 3.1.1 Understand the main points in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics


OMG 5 English Form 2 - Unit 2.indd 13 4/12/2020 3:33:40 PM

SOW: Lesson 13 Language Awareness Textbook: page 67

Learn and review a set of future time expressions

Type Explanation Example

Time Usually, when making predictions about the
expressions future with ‘will’, we use time expressions like • I’ll visit my uncle in New Zealand next week.
+ will, when ‘tomorrow’, ‘next week’, and ‘soon’. We also • When I’m already at home, I will call you.
+ will use when to describe the future with ‘will’.
We use would like to mean ‘want’ and use the
• She would like to buy a new handbag.
infinitive to after it.
Would like
Affirmative and negative: • I’d like to have fried chicken for dinner tonight.
+ infinitive:
• Would you like to play badminton with me?
Questions and short answers
Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn’t.
Unit 2 (Textbook-Based Unit 6)

Practice A PL Practice C PT3 Oriented Part 2: Error Correction

Underline the correct answer in the brackets. Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.

For each question, write the correct word in the space
1 I (will / would like) let you know when I’m ready to provided.

2 (Will / When) you finished your homework, I’ll let Scrabble Competition
you go out to play with your friends. Tomorrow (0) was a big day for me. I will be

too busy.
3 Maria (would / wouldn’t) like to join the trip. She is taking part in a Scrabble competition together with
my team-mate, Sulaiman. We (1) would to win the
4 I (will / would like) to have a cup of black coffee, competition for our school. My teacher, Miss Irda
please. says that she (2) will not to see us to be disqualified
5 (Would / Wouldn’t) she like to have new running but to reach the finals. It’s a big pressure for us, but
shoes? we (3) would try our best tomorrow. To go to the
venue tomorrow, Miss Irda (4) wouldn’t take me and
Practice B PL Sulaiman there. She wants us to wait for her in school
at around 7 in the morning. (5) Will I’m there, I’ll
Fill in the blanks. You may use the words in the box below send my parents some photos of the happening at the

more than once. venue. I’m not lying that I’m already feeling nervous
thinking about tomorrow’s competition, but I
Would when will
(6) am be fine as this is not the first time I represent

wouldn’t like would like my school. I (7) will to win in the competition because
this year might be the final year I can represent my
1 We let you know of our decision next school as I (8) would sit for PT3 examination next
week. year.
2 you like to have scrambled egg?
3 I have enough money, I’ll bring my Example
parents to Osaka one day. 0 will be
4 Chris to miss his favourite TV 1 5
2 6
5 My grandpa to stay in the village
rather than in the city. 3 7
4 8


OMG 5 English Form 2 - Unit 2.indd 14 4/12/2020 3:33:40 PM

SOW: Lesson 14 & 15 Action Oriented Task When would I do this in real life? Real Life Adaption
Talking about how to get extra pocket money
Textbook: page 68 - 69

Introduction Set Induction PAK-21: Think-Pair-Share

A teacher starts the lesson by asking pupils how they get their pocket money. The pupils are told
to work with a partner and respond to the question by writing down their responses on a mini
The teacher then instructs the pupils to show their mini-whiteboards and discusses the topic
with the whole class. The teacher chooses some interesting responses and writes them down on
the whiteboard in front of the classroom.
After that, the teacher briefly explains to the pupils about possible ways to get extra pocket money.
Method: Start with a question
Example: How do you get pocket money from your parents?
Do you do some work to get extra pocket money?
Learning By end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

Unit 2 (Textbook-Based Unit 6)

Objective 1 understand specific details and information about the survey.
2 understand specific information and details from the conversation between a son and his father.

3 make and respond to simple request and suggestion by completing a dialogue.
4 practise speaking by asking and responding to simple suggestion by using the dialogue given.

Action- What’s the purpose? What will be accomplished?
oriented You would like to earn some extra pocket money to buy anything that you like. That could be

Practice A (L.S. 3.1.2)

done by doing house chores or any other work.

PT3 Oriented Part 4: Short Answer PL

Read the text below and answer questions 1 to 6.

How Do Pupils of Form 2 Beta Get Extra Pocket Money?
By Ong Kah Liang

Help parent’s business

Part time work

Sell recyclables
0 2 4 6 8 10

Number of pupils

Money is important, and there is no doubt about it. Most parents usually give their children a fixed amount of
pocket money on a weekly or a monthly basis. However, for some teenagers, the amount of money given by their
parents is not enough. The chart above shows how pupils of Form 2 Beta earn extra pocket money.
The survey is for twenty pupils of Form 2 Beta; however, four are absent on the day it is conducted. According
to the chart above, out of sixteen pupils of Form 2 Beta, three pupils are doing part-time work to earn extra
pocket money. When I ask them the main reason why they have to take part-time work, one of them says that
his parents couldn’t afford to give him a fixed amount of money on a weekly basis while the other two say that
they’ve to support their parents.
Five pupils gain extra pocket money by selling recyclables like old newspapers, cardboard boxes and plastic
bottles. Two of them are doing this chore only once in a month, and the other 3 are doing it almost every
weekend. Eight of Form 2 Beta pupils get their extra pocket money by helping in their parents’ businesses. Three
of them are helping their parents in their convenience stores, two are helping their parents in small restaurants,
and another three are helping their parents, selling breakfast meals by the roadside on weekends.


OMG 5 English Form 2 - Unit 2.indd 15 4/12/2020 3:33:40 PM

Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer.

1 Majority teenagers are given pocket money by their parents on basis.

2 The number of pupils who should participate in the survey is .
3 The number of Form 2 Beta pupils who are doing part-time work is .
4 Two pupils explain that they have to work to .
5 Only pupils sell recyclables once a month to get extra pocket money.
6 Out of eight, only two pupils are helping their parents in their .

Practice B (L.S. 1.1.2) PL

You will listen to a son talking to his mother about getting money to buy his new gadget. Circle the correct answer A, B or C.
1 What chores is Jayden going to do? Track 2.2
Unit 2 (Textbook-Based Unit 6)


Practice C (L.S. 4.1.2) PL

You and your brother are planning to buy a present for your mother’s birthday. You may use words given or your own
ideas to complete the conversation.

A: Brother, I think I want to buy something for Mum’s birthday next month, but I can’t afford it right now.

B: (Making suggestion: house chores - Dad - money - reward)


A: (Respond to suggestion: great suggestion - what - can do)


B: (Make suggestion: wash the cars) ?

A: (Respond to suggestion: agree) .

B: (Make suggestion: help - approach dad) .

Core Civic Value: Responsibility

A: (Thanks) .

Practice D (L.S. 2.1.2) PAK-21: Role-Play PL

Work with a partner. Read the dialogue that you have completed in Practice C and take turns to practise the dialogue.
L.S. 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple L.S. 4.1.2 Make and respond to simple requests and
longer texts on a range of familiar topics suggestions
L.S. 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and L.S. 2.1.2 Ask for and respond appropriately to simple
details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics suggestions


OMG 5 English Form 2 - Unit 2.indd 16 4/12/2020 3:33:41 PM

SOW: Lesson 16 Writing | Informal Letter When would I do this in real life? Real Life Adaption
Write thank you letter or email to friend or family.

Practice A (L.S. 4.2.3) PT3 Oriented Part 1: Short Communicative Message Textbook: page 70 PL

Read the letter sent by your elder brother who is studying in New Zealand.

University of Auckland,
Auckland 1010,
New Zealand.

15 July 2021
Dear Little Sister,

How’s everyone over there? It’s been a month since I last wrote to you.

Congratulations on the excellent results in the mid-year examination. I’m pretty sure that you’ve already

Unit 2 (Textbook-Based Unit 6)

received a surprise gift from me. I hope you like it.

Your Big Brother

In about 80 words, write a reply thanking your brother for the gift.


Dear Brother,


(Why are you writing this letter?) (What

is the gift)

. (How did you feel?)


(Closing) . (What is your

hope?) . Core Civic Value: Love

( words)

L.S. 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify this appropriately either in response to feedback or


OMG 5 English Form 2 - Unit 2.indd 17 4/12/2020 3:33:41 PM

SOW: Lesson 17 Literature in Action

Practice A (L.S. 5.1.1) PL

What is Red?

Based on the poem ‘What is Red?’, write your own poem about your favourite colour.

What is Red?
Red is a sunset Red is hotness Red is a lipstick
Blazing and bright. You get inside Red is a shout
Red is feeling brave When you’re embarrassed Red is a signal
With all your might. And want to hide. That says: ‘Watch out!’
Red is a sunburn Fire-cracker, fire-engine Red is a great big
Spot on your nose. Fire-flicker red – Rubber ball.
Sometimes red And when you’re angry Red is the giantest
Is a red red rose. Red runs through your head. Colour of all.
Unit 2 (Textbook-Based Unit 6)

Red squiggles out Red is an Indian, Red is a show-off,

When you cut your hand. A Valentine heart. No doubt about it –

Red is a brick The trimmings on But can you imagine
And the sound of a band. A circus cart. Living without it?

What is is a ,
rS ,
is a The on
Blazing and bright. A cake.
is feeling is a
. is a
Blue is a moon is
. That says, “ !”
Sometimes , is a . is a great big

. Balloon.
is the is the

And . Colour of all.

is calmness is ,
You get inside No doubt about it –
When you’re But can you imagine
And want to . Living without it?
Cookie Monster, Blueberry Muffin

And when you’re
get in your .

L.S. 5.1.1 Explain in simple language connections between characters, places or events in texts and their own lives


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