The Teachers and Employees Association

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Constitution and Bylaws

Amended January 1, 2019


The name of the Association shall be the Teachers and Employees Association of the University
of Kansas.


The object of the association shall be to advance the best interests of the teachers and employees
of the University of Kansas; to contribute in every reasonable and legitimate way to the success
of its members; to establish means of assisting members in case of death, sickness, or accident.


All faculty and staff of the University of Kansas located at the Lawrence Campus and at the
University of Kansas Medical Center and its affiliated corporations, and employed on a yearly
basis are eligible for membership. Those eligible for membership in the association may become
members upon making regular application, paying dues required, and being approved by the
Board of Directors, provided that new employees may be admitted without such approval within
thirty-one days after taking up active employment with the University of Kansas.

Anyone eligible for membership who does not join within the prescribed time may be required to
furnish at his own expense a doctor’s certificate satisfactory to the Board of Directors showing
that he is in good health.

Officers and Directors

The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary-
Treasurer who shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors from the membership of the
Board at the first meeting following the election.

The Chancellor of the University of Kansas may serve as an ex officio director of this
Association. There shall be a total of six directors. Two Directors shall be elected each
December for terms of three years by vote of the general membership of the Association.

Vacancies occurring shall be filled by the Board of Directors and the person chosen shall serve
the unexpired term.

Duties of Officers

The President of the Association shall preside at all meetings of the Association and perform
such duties as those belonging by custom to the office. In the President’s absence, the Vice
President shall exercise all the functions of the President. The Secretary-Treasurer shall perform
or contract out with Board approval such services as are incident to the office or are required by
the Association such as mailings, minutes, administration of financial investments and tax and
liability insurance requirements.


The regular meeting of the Association shall be held annually in April on such day and at such
time as may be designated by the Board of Directors. Written notice of the time and place of the
meeting shall be sent to the members at least two weeks before the time of the meeting.

Special meetings may be called by the President of the Board at any time upon written notice to
members at least two weeks before the meeting.

Four members present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum at any annual or special

Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority and shall govern all proceedings of
the Association.

Fees and Dues

There shall be a membership fee payable at the time of making application for membership.
Each member shall pay such dues from year to year as may be declared by the Board of

Changes in Benefits and Coverage

All members of the Association must be polled by written ballot before major changes can be
made in the benefits and coverage of the existing insurance plan. An affirmative vote must be
obtained from sixty percent of the members returning marked ballots before any change can
become effective.

Termination of Membership

Membership automatically terminates when a member’s connection with the University of

Kansas is severed. Leave of absence, with or without pay, or reduction of salary to any lower
figure, or retirement shall not affect membership.

Amendment of Constitution and Bylaws

This constitution and bylaws may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by two-
thirds vote of the members present at any annual or special meeting provided notice of such
proposed change, alteration, or amendment shall have been sent to each member at the last
known address, at least two weeks before such action is taken.

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