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Meeting 1

SEMINARS future school studies

We have a share interested in understanding what is at stake there

The project wants to understand emancipation in relation to school and school learning

The project makes a distinction from other forms of learning: initiation or socialization… what
the project sees is the potential of the school.

1) To emancipate involves freedom

2) It also about equality, not just equal opportunities,

3) involves in way or another a kind of grammatization and literacy . The focus is on

this last: grammatization and literacy.

What do we mean by grammatization:

A kind of flow or movement is needed in order to give a king of shape to oneself

The school: it is about is taking distance towards the world but at the same time trying to re-
attach to the world.

Most of people learn mother tongue at home

Typical of school is grammatization of language, so you are able to take distance from your
mother tongue and re-relate to that language

So we want to re-introduce the notion of literacy

To see in relation to the natural world, in relation to our own body, gramatisation from

The end of the project is try to study in situ, in specific place, but also in actual what is

Becoming literate could mean…

In the project 3 forms of gramatisation

 1 related to the mother tongue

 1 related to digital
 1 related to ? sustainability

In the project they want to include a comparative analysis, not to find out the differences
between countries but, to reverse the dominant logic of comparison, so, first focus on

If school has a potential to suspend influence from culture, from society in one way o another,
perhaps we can see a lot of similarities, despite national social and political differences.

So we can see similar things, these are assumptions.

About school studies:

The ambition is not to create a new discipline, there are some issues we can think about

We want to put school in the center, to turn it into an object of study

For us it is not just theoretical or philosophical word but empirical word

What kind of methods could be helpful to study school?

They want to include a Pedagogical approach

To develop and internal approach, the time of space, the experience that are shaped in those
places we refer to school

To look at school not from the economic, human talent angle, etc., look at school from witin.

Final issue: related to the notion of future school studies is that we have an interest in a kind of

How to create school practice, school related practice?


We have an assignment to make a new school , what could be important to us? What
elements do we consider if we were about to design a school?

In one way or another, the school was able to resist some privatization.

There seems to be something in the school that seems to resist to the form of economy

What in the world has the power to present an alternative to commercial relations?

Presentation of Rembert


He wants to articulate some thoughts on the concept of grammatization: how does he position

 Towards a scholastic turn?

 Auroux and Stiegler

French linguist

The process of equipping a language with technological tools. The tech…. changes human
beings engage with language.

All human behaviour is temporal



Objectifying: they are given a certain place. It has a particular meaning…?

Presentation of José Miguel
Individuation is a situation that happens to every human life. You become an individual when
you become liberated from initial bonds.

Plan for future seminars

To study school in these seminars:

We want to build an inventory of issues, questions, concerns, concepts that are part of school
studies. That we think are relevant or are defining a school.

To have a large series of seminars.

We take from no, the summer brak, and after that until December.

What can be a point of departure for the inventory: the design question as a point of
departure, it helps us focus.

What is of importance when making / designing school, what is important (is languge,
economy, equality, ….) what issues are important in making schools?

Que nosotros presentemos por 10 minutos, que por cada seminario seamos 3 cada uno 10

Entonces terminamos cada seminario escribiendo algo

Que cada uno escriba algo después del seminario.

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