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Signs of Death

 Sleeping more - In the 2 or 3 months before a person dies, they may spend less time awake.This
lack of wakefulness is because their body’s metabolism is becoming weaker. Without metabolic
energy, a person will sleep a lot more.
 Becoming less social - As a dying person’s energy levels are reduced, they may not want to
spend as much time with other people as they once did.If a dying person is becoming less social,
their loved ones should try not to be offended.
 Changing vital signs - As a person approaches death, their vital signs may change in the following
ways : blood pressure drops,breathing changes,heartbeat becomes irregular,heartbeat may be
hard to detect,urine may be brown, tan, or rust-colored
 Changing toilet habits - Because a dying person is eating and drinking less, their bowel
movements may reduce. They may pass less solid waste less often. They may also urinate less
frequently.When they stop eating and drinking completely, they may no longer need to use the
 Weakening muscles - In the days leading up to a person’s death, their muscles may become
weak.Weak muscles mean the individual may not be able to carry out the small tasks that they
were able to previously. Drinking from a cup or turning over in bed may no longer be tasks they
can do.
 Dropping body temperature - In the days before a person dies, their circulation reduces so that
blood is focused on their internal organs. This means very little blood is still flowing to their
hands, feet, or legs.
 Experiencing confusion - When a person is dying, their brain is still very active. However, they
may become confused or incoherent at times. This may happen if they lose track of what is
happening around them.
 Changing breathing - A person who is dying may seem like they are having trouble breathing.
Their breathing may suddenly change speed, they might gasp for air, or they may pause
between breaths.
 Increasing pain - It may be difficult to come to terms with the unavoidable fact that a person’s
pain levels may increase as they near death.
 Hallucinations - It is not unusual for a person who is dying to experience some hallucinations or
distorted visions.


Ive been observe that they've many instances to determine if the body does not
function, and also i see how very hard or sensitive this kind of signs because each one of us wasnt lose
our life.

I conclude that in the first place we need to know or how it apply for our selves this kind
of process/signs to be eligible and you need to knew it for your self, the important is to find
something that can predect if it still breathing, functioning or had signs that the body was not already

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